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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Re: Mariah's legacy (73,600) (73,611) by Edouard from France
Good to see you protect your webside, this community, Mariah.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 15:47)
Wow it just keeps getting better (73,528) by Edouard from France
[censored] I get it now. [censored] At first I thought you were just making fun, but now I get that you're just mean. I'm done with that. [censored] BTW ain't no way google translate can translate that last sentence accurately. [censored] From now on I'll just connect to the good on this website and I'll leave the negativity to where it belongs. Thanks to those whom I feel are Mariah fans and who still choose to see the beauty in the hero that is Mariah.
(Saturday 11 March 2017; 11:20)
Re: Can I say something? (73,493) (73,495) by Edouard from France
Are you stupid or what? Je suis français [censored].
(Friday 10 March 2017; 11:25)
Can I say something? (73,484) by Edouard from France
Yeah I understand what some of you say about Stella's daughter. It was rude (if that's what truly happened). But I remember doing stupid thing when I was 13 too. Also, I'm kinda glad she only gave 4 dollars, not because the dancer didn't deserve more, but because it would have been even more weird had she given a 100 dollar bill. Plus, I have to say that this dancer is probably seeking publicity. And when you think about it it's not what a grown person should do (telling a magazine) about the behaviour of a child. She should have complained to her mother. Period. It's actually a form of bullying (so too speak) to accuse a child in a newspaper. It's not right when you think about it.
(Friday 10 March 2017; 09:39)
Re: Andrew continues hateful, rude and disrespectful (73,461) (73,462) by Edouard from France
Well said Sheila. Thank you. It's refreshing to hear people speaking out against those whose sole purpose in life seems to be to hate an artist they claim to love. Peace out.
(Thursday 9 March 2017; 16:25)
Re: I Don't radio airplay (73,431) (73,439) by Edouard from France
I love the song. I love the fact that it's pure Mariah and no EDMish.
(Wednesday 8 March 2017; 11:43)
Re: "One Sweet Day (Chucky's Remix)" (73,435) (73,438) by Edouard from France
Where have you been? It's an amazing remix and yes it is official. I believe they incorporated even more of the BIIM song they had written for their manager. They sort of mixed the 2 songs even more on this version. I love it. It sounds more timeless IMO. I love the original version still although it is heavier so to speak.
(Wednesday 8 March 2017; 11:42)
Re: If you could (73,392) (73,395) by Edouard from France
This doesn't make any sense, I'm sorry. Mariah had to be where she was in her life when she wrote Butterfly, FLAB, etc.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 15:23)
Re: This eye popping selfie (73,380) (73,389) by Edouard from France
Haha hilarious. Someone's been put at his place.
(Monday 6 March 2017; 14:18)
Re: Her new Instagram pic (73,344) (73,346) by Edouard from France
So agree with you.
(Saturday 4 March 2017; 18:47)
Re: Stella's secret Twitter account (73,320) (73,321) by Edouard from France
Ha, ha. Wish I could express how stupid I think your remark is, but right now I'm just laughing. For real. I just love what Nikki, Terna and Danni (and others I'm sure) have been saying over the past few days. Please don't discredit my words, or others. Good weekend to Edouard.
(Friday 3 March 2017; 17:05)
Thank you Nikki, thank you Terna, thank you Danni (73,319) by Edouard from France
It seems to me that we are fans of the same artist/woman/human being, the one and only Mariah Carey. Have a great weekend guys.
(Friday 3 March 2017; 15:21)
Re: What I think (73,287) (73,318) by Edouard from France
I totally agree with you Danny. It's important to try to understand our Mariah. Otherwise how can we consider ourselves her lambs?
(Friday 3 March 2017; 15:20)
Pure racism (73,197) by Edouard from France
I don't underdstand how Andrew's little rant is allowed to be posted on this site. This is not freedom of speech, this is pure hatered. Freedom ends where the freedom of others start. His comment is racist and stupid. I don't understand how this is allowed to be given a voice. This is insulting to Mariah, to her fans, to this website.
(Monday 27 February 2017; 13:45)
Wow she looks great (73,196) by Edouard from France
Mariah looked amazing in the silvery dress as well as the green dress she wore at the Vanity Fair Oscars's bash. Incredibly beautiful.
(Monday 27 February 2017; 13:43)
Re: Cut Mimi some slack (73,011) (73,025) by Edouard from France
So with you Alex. It's like some people here spend too much time scrutinizing others lives and jumping to conclusions. Some here are just bad spirited and to me, I don't even know who they are referring to anymore. Is it still Mariah or the impression of her they get through their dark glasses? I mean you have to be pretty dark to believe that Mariah is a bad person when all she's been giving us for all those years is positivity, rainbows and butterflies. Maybe she has a right to stop being so nice to everybody within the industry when this very same industry clearly takes advantage of her and don't respect who she is and what she's done. What if in the end all Mariah's doing is trying to protect herself and her legacy for herself, her children, her lambs? I love you Mariah Carey.
(Wednesday 22 February 2017; 14:13)
Judgmental little [censored] (72,994) by Edouard from France
Please, can we all let Mariah breathe for a minute? Thank you.
(Tuesday 21 February 2017; 14:18)
Re: Current era (72,856) (72,865) by Edouard from France
Mariah is a grown woman, she deserves to be heard when she says we won't tolerate ish%*$ to happen, and she deserves to have us behind her.
(Saturday 18 February 2017; 19:41)
Re: The Grammys foiled me (72,830) (72,843) by Edouard from France
Why do I feel like you're talking about yourself ?
(Saturday 18 February 2017; 9:38)
We have to keep trusting Mariah's intelligence (72,826) by Edouard from France
She knows what she's doing. Always has. Talented and smart.
More and more I believe that something really bad happened with her old team. They were just ready to let her career disappear and didn't put real efforts behind her work. She has so much yet to say, sing, tell the world.
(Saturday 18 February 2017; 2:05)
Re: "I Don't" Jimmy Kimmel (72,731) (72,732) by Edouard from France
So jazzy, I love love it.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 10:22)
I hear jazz (72,456) by Edouard from France
In I Don't I can hear a lot of jazz inflections in her adlibs. I love it.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 1:28)
Almost 10 million views (72,447) by Edouard from France
Yeahhhh. Is it me or the number of views is growing exponentially?
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 22:48)
I don't see nothin' wrong (72,429) by Edouard from France
Funny how when Mariah, a grown-up woman, poses in her video like she does in I Don't, it is seen as overtly sexual, yet when it's a 21 year old girl it's perfectly fine. People are mistaking. I think what Mariah does is sensual and she plays with her image without being taken advantage of. To me a 21 year old girl shaking her thing is barely legal. P.S: I love the video.
(Thursday 9 February 2017; 15:35)
Re: Tommy Mottola (71,801) (71,813) by Edouard from France
Are you for real? Seriously?
(Monday 30 January 2017; 19:21)


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