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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Sampling RnB (71,807) by Edouard from France
I believe it's a great idea to sample rnb songs. "Where I wanna be" is such a gem for rnb music lovers and from what I've heard she cleverly re-used it (as always). Can't wait to hear the full song.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 17:39)
7th episode (71,660) by Edouard from France
Of Mariah's World is actually good IMO.
(Friday 27 January 2017; 1:10)
Re: Everyone asking: why open for Lionel? (71,648) (71,649) by Edouard from France
I like it. I think it makes Mariah look like an upcoming artist and it's fresh.
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 17:03)
I believe Mariah's World is a great idea (71,569) by Edouard from France
The only problem is timing to me. Maybe, in the end, it will all make sense. But it's weird seeing what happened 9 months ago, it's like we think we know what happened since the tour and yet we don't really. It's like the show is bending time in a way, it's strange and yet I want to believe it's all part of a bigger plan and MC's is the mastermind behind it. I wouldn't be surprised.
(Tuesday 24 January 2017; 15:58)
Re: Charmbracelet on replay - The one? (71,483) (71,485) by Edouard from France
Charmbracelet is a great album. I get some of the things said about her way of singing. I think she tried a diffrent sound and approach. Remember that at the time people were not into big vocals, they were more into rock and hiphop with light vocals. the same hiphop era that MC helped pave the way for. I think her voice works very well for Subtle Invitation and Lullaby (hence the title). My fav in order are:
- Subtle Invitation
- TTR (always, such an important message)
- The One
- Yours
- Lullaby
- My Saving Grace
- Clown
- You had your chance
I love, love, love the fact that on Lullaby there is only 1 note towards the end were she actually "raises" her voice. On the last "no-body holds a candle to you and I". It makes it even more powerful/impactful.
(Friday 20 January 2017; 15:51)
Re: The One, Shining Through the Rain (71,222) (71,224) by Edouard from France
The thing we tend to forget is that Mariah comes from the studio world. She's a perfectionnist. in this clip noone can say she can't sing. She pays attention to what she sounds like. She's very much in her head, thinking what it must sound like for a listener. She's like arranging her vocals while singin[g] live. does that make any sense, you knwo what I mean? I think she is so smart and understands music not only as a singer but as a musician as well.
(Friday 13 January 2017; 14:54)
Re: I'm so happy with what Stella said (70,953) (70,959) by Edouard from France
You're right about the class act thing but in this day in age, you have to be tough. Maybe it's all part of the plan so that Mariah never appears to be rude and Stella takes the s----.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 1:23)
Re: Basically (70,911) (70,949) by Edouard from France
I don't know that. Let's see what happens with the new music. I believe MC knows what she's doing.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 23:41)
I'm so happy with what Stella said (70,948) by Edouard from France
Okay she's rude but so damn refreshing. Don't forget that that we never really (I mean really) know what happened with Tommy other than what Mariah dared to say (remember she once said they had a legal agreement). Something terrible must have happened. I'm glad Stella put him in his place since Mariah can't for many reasons (legal, and she probably has better to do anyway). They are a team. They would be man [sic], everybody would applaud her. So what if she's rude, if she's right? And let's be honest here. She's not that rude. Just a bunch of f---- here and there. That's all.
(Saturday 7 January 2017; 23:38)
Re: Billy (70,901) (70,905) by Edouard from France
12 minutes before midnight? Wouldn't she have been blamed even more?
(Friday 6 January 2017; 14:10)
Basically (70,903) by Edouard from France
Saying Tommy Mottola has a valid point, allowing ourselves to believe he has a right to say anything about Mariah, means that we absolutely have no idea what Mariah went through with that guy. I believe some of us do know, some of us actually care for Mariah, the person. I do.
(Friday 6 January 2017; 13:29)
Re: Article: Tommy Mottola says ex-wife Mariah Carey needs help (70,859) (70,870) by Edouard from France
Totally agree with you Betty .
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 21:26)
Relic (70,825) by Edouard from France
Well yes, Stella is brutal. But she allows MC to say things without having to actually say them. Don't you think they are a team and Mariah greenlights everything she says to the press? Tommy Mottola is full of himself and it was another way to take advantage of MC (sell his book none cared about). He is no Clive Davis, not a class act. The only thing he should have said is that Mariah is amazing. Period. Attacking Mariah's World is exactly that: attacking Mariah one more time. Trying to destroy her promotion and discredit her while pretending to care. Mariah is no fool. I'm glad Stella put him at his place. I'm glad Mariah's not having it anymore.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 12:08)
Terna speaks the truth (70,808) by Edouard from France
Appreciate your positive attitude and your intelligence Terna. Thanks.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 2:53)
Re: My thoughts on NYE (70,641) (70,643) by Edouard from France
Well thank you for digging deep and finding a way to express your frustration in a nice, respectful and touching manner Andrew. I understand your point. The fact that she talked over the high notes showed 2 things: those notes were not live and also, it really goes to show how little she could here [sic] the music. When you think about it, had she heard the notes she probably would've faked it (anybody would have). Does it mean Mariah never sing those notes live anymore? I don't think so. She can, she has throughout the entire year/carrer [sic]. I thing [sic] she usually sings on top of those notes just to help her out. What do you think ?
(Monday 2 January 2017; 15:25)
Re: Stella / ed (70,640) (70,642) by Edouard from France
Wow, just wow. Are you doing it on purpose? End of the conversation.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 15:21)
Re: I'm glad to see (70,632) (70,637) by Edouard from France
Thank you Terna. Like Mariah says "And we give them positivity."
(Monday 2 January 2017; 14:47)
Capital letters (70,636) by Edouard from France
A part of my earlier post is missing. I forgot that one should never write in capital letter. I was saying that I'm glad Mariah didn't pretend that WBT was live. I believe she showed respect to us and to herself by not doing so. She basically refused to play along. Since they couldn't fix the problem they played the album version instead and she clearly wasn't ready to pretend it was live. I respect that.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 14:46)
I just don't understand (70,633) by Edouard from France
How some of you here (not everybody though) don't show any compassion to Mariah anymore. She looked gorgeous, she was ready. She went to a soundcheck (I did my homework you see, after reading your comments). Can't we just, as a collective force, embrace Mariah and feel sad for her. She works so hard, always has. When something like this happens, they just should have cut to commercials and fix the problem (it is their responsability). You just don't throw an artist (any artist for that matter) in the arena like a gladiator. I believe she handled it quiet gracefully considering her frustration and anger. Shouldn't we all feel let down by the production team. They basically ripped us off a Mariah performance. Can you please try to understand, I'm not asking you to agree but just make a step towards Mariah (my hero, and I believe your hero as wall). P.S I'm not Stella , I just choose to believe (even though she's tough and rude) that she has Mariah's best interest at heart. I think there is a reason why Mariah hired her that we probably don't fully understand because Mariah's been quiet about it. Her ex-team wasn't doing their job anymore and I believe Stella, because she's strong, motivates Mariah to keep going. And I'm thankful for that.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 14:43)
Do you really think Mariah needs to attend a sound (70,621) by Edouard from France
Do you even know what a soundcheck is? She doesn't need to do that after 25 years of career. She sang Emotions and We Belong Together about 200 times last year. Someone can do the soundcheck for her, check there actually is a mic feed, check the balanced according to how Mariah likes it. That's it.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 13:15)
I'm glad to see (70,620) by Edouard from France
Stella is speaking out. Mariah has always been quiet (both out of respect and also because maybe she knew she couldn't win against labels, companies and so on). She never said anything when people stole her concepts, try to put her down, etc. She is a legend and I'm glad to see that she has surrounded herself with people who are willing to protect her and make it clear that she can't be toyed with and deserves respect from the ones who feed of off her career (like DCP compagny).
(Monday 2 January 2017; 13:13)
Mariah's a pro (70,619) by Edouard from France
Okay I get it everybody's upset. I've watched what happened many times and right from the start I could see that Mariah couldn't hear a thing. I believe she was very pro. Let me explain:
1. She stayed on stage. Some other artist would've cursed, stormed out, etc.
2. She tried to sing but clearly gave up singing when she realized she couldn't hear herself at all and that her attempt would've sounded horrible and not in sync with the track. She chose not to sing because she's such a great singer (and c'mon her perfomances in 2016 show this clearly). Emotions is not a hard song to sing for her and she does sing the high notes live on top of the recorded track.
3. Then when they started to play WBT she made it clear that it was the album track (she even says it). And she tries to sing along (you can hear it if you pay attention).
4. [...] She didn't fake it. She refused to sing WBT in playback. She didn't even try to convince us. And I think that was very smart and honest. I applaud her for that. And she did it look amazing (Butterfly era style) and with attitude and a smile.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 13:09)
Re: Professional? (70,563) (70,592) by Edouard from France
Are you for real? And you would have wanted her to do all that, 12 minutes before midnight, in front of a crowd and cameras and stuff? Like, do you really think this could have been an option? That's a rethorical question btw.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 2:58)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,463) (70,472) by Edouard from France
Hi, let's not make it more complicated than it really is. The real lambs are the ones who trust her and who don't judge her, basically who are not prejudice, who don't represent the same type of people Mariah's been escaping and trying to emancipate herself from her whole life. Real lambs are friends and, even though we can have different opinions, even thought we don't necessarily agree with her all the time, there is no way - and I mean no way - we have a right to be condescending/harsh/insulting towards our friends, towards her, towards our Mariah. Peace and love, basically.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 11:40)
Yeah positive fans (70,445) by Edouard from France
Let's all wake up and regain full control of this board. Edward from the US, come back.
(Friday 30 December 2016; 9:08)


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