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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Eye bags (60,090) by Marissa from USA
I don't think there's a realistic solution to the eye bags scenario in the near future. It's not that she's old. The woman lives a fast-paced, whirlwind lifestyle. She never gets enough sleep and probably won't get a consistent 8 hours until she retires. As long as they are covered up as well as possible, I'm cool.
(Monday 29 February 2016; 18:04)
Re: Reality show confirmed (60,017) (60,020) by Marissa from USA
I don't know how to feel about a reality show. Naturally, the depraved part of me wants to see Mariah at all costs, even if it is via a reality show. But would this cheapen her image? Or would it connect her more to the younger generation because practically all of them watch reality TV? One thing I can be sure of is that it will not be some ratchet Love & Hip-Hope mess, even if Stella is behind it. MC will not be on camera throwing drinks and cursing people out because that's not who she is, so at least I can breathe about that. Knowing her it will basically be some behind the scenes stuff about music or performances. But if that wasn't the case, as someone on this board mentioned before, Mariah, Stella and the rest of the team are a certified traveling circus, so it would be entertaining regardless.
(Thursday 25 February 2016; 22:50)
Re: It is possible Ri could tie or break MC's record (59,962) (59,971) by Marissa from USA
I'm with you Deedre. I do not have the will to care about something more than Mariah does. Of course, I don't want anyone to surpass her but we shouldn't be the ones obsessing, she should. It's her career. All of this "I don't know what you're talking about because I've been so absorbed in my music" bullshit she does needs to stop unless she wants someone to dethrone her. She can't afford to be unaware anymore. The lambily is constantly on red alert about #1s, but our fear is insignificant if she doesn't hit the studio quick. If she gives a damn about this 18 #1's marketing ploy as much as she acts like she does she better depart Planet Mariah, land on Earth and recognize that records are getting easier and easier to break.
(Tuesday 23 February 2016; 22:35)
Mariah's 1OAK look (59,937) by Marissa from USA
I thought she looked great. I'm knocking off a few points because of those tacky tights, but she looked so happy and youthful that that was pretty much all I payed attention to.
(Monday 22 February 2016; 21:09)
Slaying is the new normal (59,881) by Marissa from USA
I'm so glad that MC's vocals have made such a tremendous comeback. Now it's to the point where I can take for granted that she will sound great in any recent clip that I click on. No more constant anxiety about the state of her voice. I'm feeling grateful.
(Saturday 20 February 2016; 3:37)
Re: Marissa (59,698) (59,710) by Marissa from USA
Hey Billy. I found this picture after searching the hashtag #1toinfinity on Instagram and I got it from an account that I forgot the name of. I wish I could tell you specifically where I got it from. Sorry.
(Tuesday 9 February 2016; 18:24)
Re: Superbowl halftime (59,679) (59,693) by Marissa from USA
I'm one of those people who doesn't think that Mariah's body of work suits halftime. Also, I think you have to be extremely comfortable performing and dancing (not just singing) to pull it off. I think she's stepping up her performances in Vegas, but we all know that televised performances can fall a little flat for her. But if she ever did, I love Mimi L. 's suggestion of the Honey and Heartbreaker remix.
(Monday 8 February 2016; 22:08)
Re: New look (59,650) (59,653) by Marissa from USA
The main image revamp that I want from MC is for her to start wearing color on the red carpet. Everything is black unless she's performing or on the beach. It's boring and unnecessary since she's lost the weight. Isn't this the same woman who always complained about being forced to wear black during her entire early career? I'm indifferent to nearly everything she wears because the outfits are forgettable. I'm rooting for her wearing something like the new gold dress she's wearing in Vegas on the red carpet.
(Sunday 7 February 2016; 2:36)
First night (59,549) by Marissa from USA
Loving (caps) all of the new gowns. Last year's outfits aged her and were pretty (except the pink one as Stella alluded to in "Mariah's" hashtag lol), but basic. From the clips I've seen her voice is sounding good and she's actually dancing and dipping it low. She better work.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 22:18)
Re: Mariah being seen and not heard (59,495) (59,519) by Marissa from USA
I don't think Mariah would have time to breathe if she clapped back at every rumor about her. She would be in a constant state of stress. No matter how many times you try to set the record straight there will always be people talking shit about you. My only issue with how she handles it is that she always plays into the rumors instead of distancing herself from them. The predictable "oh dahlings" and other diva-isms are played out and boring. Her team is the only one that finds it amusing, and they're just laughing for a check. The GP also never understands or finds it funny when she's joking about her diva antics, so for her image the best thing to do is hang it up and be candid. If they see a headline saying, "Mariah thinks her ring is too small" even if she is joking in the video and eventually is candid, people won't even tune in because the headline sounds like another stereotypical Mariah antic. As long as she leads with the diva persona the general opinion about her will never change. I wish more people knew "The Lost Interview" from '99 Mariah.
(Tuesday 2 February 2016; 20:56)
The wedding (59,383) by Marissa from USA
So do you all think the wedding is going to be public a la 1993 or private a la 2008? Everyone's expecting a stereotypical over the top Mariah moment but I'm getting a feeling that this wedding will be more laidback.
(Thursday 28 January 2016; 1:54)
Re: Stella (59,368) (59,375) by Marissa from USA
No one really wants Stella fired. We recognize the positive things she's done for MC's career. She and her kids are just ever-present which is unusual for someone who is staff and people are taking notice.
(Wednesday 27 January 2016; 19:22)
Re: Mariah and Stella (59,326) (59,330) by Marissa from USA
I feel like they are too old for that to be the case. I would guess that the oldest one is probably 12 or 13 and the youngest one is 9 or 10. Both too old to be considered 4 year olds' companions. I know Stella and her kids constantly being around isn't hurting anyone but my goodness. I would be so sick of them honestly lol. If I were James and every time I want some alone time with my fiance I have to be surrounded by prepubescent kids and uninvited staff, that would push me to the edge. What happened to a concept called "grown folks' business" where the adults get a breather and can have adult conversation? Or the concept of business and personal being separate so you don't have your manager thinking she's your best friend? Even though RaeRae was practically in the same position, I found her a lot less annoying. Maybe because she wasn't posing for pictures every 3 seconds about riding the coattails of Mariah's life.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 21:08)
Re: Mimi L. / Stella (59,317) (59,322) by Marissa from USA
This cracked me up so much.
(Monday 25 January 2016; 17:36)
Engagement (59,252) by Marissa from USA
Wow, I knew it was coming soon. The ring is beautiful. I can't wait until she speaks out about her engagement publicly. I want to know all the details. Also, I wonder what kind of music we'll be getting next now that she's madly in love.
(Friday 22 January 2016; 17:53)
Flawless again (59,194) by Marissa from USA
Look at this woman's skin. It's not fair.
(Tuesday 19 January 2016; 22:08)
Re: Sending love and strength to Celine (59,136) (59,137) by Marissa from USA
Wow, another tragedy just in a matter of 3 days. Horrible. I'm praying that she will make it through this rough time. This is probably the ultimate trial of her faith.
(Sunday 17 January 2016; 0:02)
Devastated for Celine (59,129) by Marissa from USA
I am so sad for Celine's loss. You could always tell that she was deeply in love with Rene and truly was a family woman. May God always heal her and her children's hearts. I think Mariah's message was very kind and it's obvious that Stella didn't have her hand in this one.
(Saturday 16 January 2016; 2:19)
Re: Another thought (59,056) (59,061) by Marissa from USA
The issue is that how people measure merit in the music business has completely changed. Once upon a time people cared about solid, tangible accomplishments. Nowadays the merit of your artistry is determined by how often you're at red carpet events, how many Instagram followers you have, how many YT views you have and who has the best outfits. It's a popularity contest now. People don't care whether it's your song or a feature as long as you're being talked about. No one cares if it's a #1 or a #15 if your name is in people's mouths. Sometimes I feel like presenting people with the receipts of Mariah's accomplishments to haters is useless. They're measuring with a whole other criterium now. It's like trying to pay for something with Francs when the currency is now Euro. It's sad that her accomplishments don't seem to impress people anymore the way they do the lambily.
(Wednesday 13 January 2016; 2:35)
Re: Wendy Williams (59,007) (59,009) by Marissa from USA
It always irritates me when Wendy talks shit about Mariah, but she has a habit of bringing Mariah up in stories that have absolutely nothing to do with her just to trash her. It wasn't a Mariah story that she happened to have a negative opinion about. It was 100% about Janet. What she said wasn't even a little side comment. She had a picture up and ready on the screen as if she had rehearsed trashing Mariah's character before she came out on stage. It was premeditated. That's why it pisses me off.
(Sunday 10 January 2016; 1:56)
Now I'm pissed (Wendy Williams foolishness) (58,994) by Marissa from USA
So on today's episode of Wendy she addressed the rumors that Janet postponed some of her tour dates because she had throat cancer. She said that if the case was that Janet concocted a story or let the rumors go unchecked on purpose, that it wasn't a good look for her. She said that behavior like that from Mariah would be unsurprising. This b**** was practically insinuating that Mariah would string the public along and make them believe that she had cancer because she "loves drama". She believed that MC would do something like that, but she said Janet was "way better than that". And what is Mariah, chopped liver? I dare anyone on this board to provide an example of Mariah taking a rumor and running with it for the sole purpose of drama and attention seeking. Newsflash: you're not going to find anything. Wendy is just pathetic and mean-spirited. I would hang my head in shame if I was her mother.
(Saturday 9 January 2016; 6:49)
Re: Stella. Stop. Please. (58,989) (58,991) by Marissa from USA
I agree. I think Stella's a great manager, but this social media takeover needs to stop. And we definitely don't need some random Throwback Thursday or Flashback Friday every single week. We know what Mariah looked like in her past. Next. I miss the connection you could feel when Mariah was posting her own stuff.
(Saturday 9 January 2016; 4:35)
Re: New photo (58,955) (58,959) by Marissa from USA
Great observation Lee. I just knew the photo was recent and I couldn't put my finger on why I believed that so strongly. It turns out that I had seen the picture that you linked and subconsciously I must have noticed that the hair looked the same.
(Thursday 7 January 2016; 21:26)
Re: What Mariah song brings you to tears? (58,836) (58,842) by Marissa from USA
The Wind. Such a hauntingly beautiful and emotional song.
(Saturday 2 January 2016; 20:44)
2015: A year in review (58,802) by Marissa from USA
2014 left me feeling frustrated, hopeless and dismayed for MC's career and legacy. 2015 has turned all 3 of those emotions around for me. Her body looks wonderful, she is happier, her outfits are on point, the media is no longer making her the butt of every joke and I can be confident that when I click on a recent performance that she will sound good. I'm happy that she now has a team that is legitimately working rather than riding her coattails and contributing nothing significant. My favorite part of her silver anniversary was this holiday season. The Christmas movie was cute, the Beacon shows were stellar, Mariah's Christmas Sketchtacular was hilarious and the clips that I've seen of her Australian New Years performance were excellent. Overall this year of excellence was just what the doctor ordered for her to reclaim her throne. What was your favorite Mariah moment of 2015?
(Thursday 31 December 2015; 21:33)


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