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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Re: Adele (57,492) (57,503) by May from Denmark
I think Adele and Mariah promo cases are different though. Adele had a truly successful album with 21, her song "Rolling in the deep" was still being played a lot last year, it almost felt like Adele hasn't been absent these 4 years. Mariah's "Memoirs", while it did fine in the charts, wasn't a big hit, it didn't sell big, it wasn't really a hype and though I love some of the songs in it, I feel there was no truly strong song for everlasting (maybe BGK had some chance with a video). Mariah's choice (or team choice) of singles to promote for MIAM were the wrong order in my opinion, from YAM and YDKWTD (a really great tune fit for a summer jam). But after #Beautiful, the choice should have been "Faded". Mariah had the potential with her last album, without heavy promo, without the hype, it debuted third on Billboard. It's keeping it up which makes the difference but hers fell apart sadly, people didn't have the chance to hear gems like "Faded" or "Make it look good". For the Billboard 2015 live, and obviously this is just my opinion, instead of a medley of VOL/Infinity she should have chosen LTT from her first album, do a medley with Faded and finish it with a little part of Infinity. It would have sounded like the ultimate failed relationship song lol. While I understand the medley of VOL/Infinity, a bit of a surprise act in the day all eyes were in would have been amazing.
(Saturday 24 October 2015; 18:51)
Re: Ariana (not a reply) (57,467) (57,475) by May from Denmark
Well, Ariana lacks all the incredible low notes that Mariah does. I recognize Ariana as a good singer but my problem is her tone, after a point her voice becomes unpleasant and more like a screech. I've tried to like her a couple of times but every time it's the same, it's like listening to a screecher and I end up turning it off.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 2:36)
Re: Concerning Ariana (57,468) (57,473) by May from Denmark
The thing is Jono, they were trying to compare Mariah to Whitney as in a powerhouse voice, but their styles were completely different, the way they used their voices was different as well and even their music wasn't alike, they both were aiming for different things. Ariana did little to no effort to sound different from Mariah at the start. Probably she didn't find herself yet and is taking her some time. But Mariah already was Mariah since that Vision Of Love. It predicted the great future, by her own hand. Btw Jono, with the mention of Whitney and Mariah (amazing duo), I went back to look for the video where both artists talk about each other and is wonderful to see so much respect and class. Here it is for some nostalgia.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 2:21)
Re: License to kill (57,466) (57,472) by May from Denmark
Haha, I would say is true, but in that period of time so many songs started that exact same way, it was really cheesy.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 2:18)
Re: Ariana Grande (57,461) (57,463) (57,471) by May from Denmark
Well, her manager pushed the whole "the new voice, the new Mariah" thing when her career launched, her team probably thought it was a good idea to do the comparison. The problem is that the comparison went beyond, it wasn't just the whistle here and there and her girlie high pitch, it became everything M mentioned in the previous post, from the hair and hair color to the clothing, the movements, the odd position of the head when getting pictures taken that is so Mariah-esque. I guess somewhere along her career it backfired, because people would start putting her down mentioning all the things that she couldn't do like Mariah and as you well said Edward, Mariah didn't even feel the Ariana breeze from her side. I read once in an article that when Ariana has to do interviews (and like most artists there is a list of what to ask and what not) one of the questions the journalists were not allowed to ask was anything related to Mariah Carey. I honestly think that the whole "the next Mariah" charade fell flat after Ariana's AIWFC performance (she didn't even bother to change a single note or input her own style in the song, she was simply imitating Mariah at her best) and her attempt at making herself the new Christmas girl with her Santa song, doesn't anyone find the lyrics of the song like a rip off? It's the same message Mariah sends in hers but with different wording. Granted, at Christmas, everybody releases Christmas stuff and all fail at delivering haha. If she is changing her way, it is about time. She sings well but she has created her career on the back of somebody's else. I also think that crediting her as a songwriter, when every song she "wrote" is accompanied by other 10 songwriters is dubious, then again that's last line is just my personal guessing haha.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 2:16)
Re: My Mimi L. moment (57,429) (57,432) by May from Denmark
Haha Luke, I know I would at least. If I were Mariah I would also burn all jeans on sight. Casual, what's that? She can wear whatever she wants, granted, she goes up and down from her car. Does she ever walk 10 blocks? Haha. If only one could have such life, aaah. This is how you get down from the car in the mornings, couldn't be any more glam. So beautiful.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 21:47)
Re: Is it the right time? (57,385) (57,406) by May from Denmark
I also think Patti is wonderful and totally agree with the voice comment, I love Patti's tone. Never really knew Aretha feared her but who could blame her, Patti has an amazing attitude and stage presence. Guess all have an opposite. I still was talking in general but thanks for the info.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 1:15)
Re: VH1 Divas Live 1998 (57,384) (57,404) by May from Denmark
Hi Bino. To start I want to clarify in case of anything that I didn't bash Mariah or had a negative comment regarding her act. The video you linked is not talking about the song I mentioned btw, I simply described the very final act, how Mariah was invited to sing, she did fine, she moved back and then Aretha kept on calling to sing. If it was or not Celine's turn I cannot know, it looked more like whoever steps first. If I had to say something negative regarding some of the songs that wouldn't be against MC or Celine or any of the amazing singers of that VH1 except for Aretha herself. While a great artist (though I don't find her voice appealing to my ears) I highly dislike that she gets in the middle of others when they are singing or directly sings their part. Which is exactly something Carol mentioned on the video you linked, which I thank you because I haven't seen it before.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 1:04)
Re: Mariah is bad influence (57,374) (57,381) by May from Denmark
Tell me about it. Once I was doing shuffle through Mariah's videos with my little girl who is 4 years old, she loves Mariah (also Selena Gomez and Britney Spears so oh oh poor me haha) but in the shuffling it appeared "Touch my body", generally I avoid it but we watched the video because it is fun all in all, I don't mind that Mariah is in underwear, I like to think she is being comfortable at her home haha (here in Denmark we don't find bare nipples to be scandalous, they are never censored, so you can imagine a girl in underwear is no big deal, we take it as a natural thing). My daughter loved the costumes, the games Mariah played with the guy, for her it was all innocent tag games, loved the unicorn and her dolly dress, all was fine. Until much later in the day I heard my girl singing "touch me body, lalala give me what I deserve" and I thought "No (a very long lasting no) what have I done?" It took some while before she shook off the tune from her head, sometimes she would even ask me to play it again but I couldn't. At home it's ok, I know my girl doesn't mean what she sings but outside you never know, surely isn't as bad as what I've heard some other little kids sing before.
(Monday 19 October 2015; 11:31)
Re: May, Mariah was sure almost home (57,375) (57,380) by May from Denmark
Yes, I also felt there was a 90s vibe somewhere along the song, I found her tears in the video while belting some notes very emotional and probably the only thing I liked about that clip. Lee, the second verse is exactly the one you are referring to, I disagree with you in that it's repetitive, I think it's a really good word play. I like that the verse is the intense part of the song. Sometimes I interpret this song as somewhere along the way losing sight of one true self, forgetting your roots but then remembering and trying to find yourself back. Perhaps that's why I like it, beyond Mariah's great singing, the only odd thing I find is her voice in the beginning verse, she sounds very girlie girl, I don't know if they modified the tune, somehow I don't think the original was in that key.
(Monday 19 October 2015; 11:16)
Re: Is it the right time? (57,377) (57,379) by May from Denmark
I watched the video you linked with MCs commentary and then had to go back to the Divas 1998 to check the ending to see what was the deal. I also don't think at all that Celine was trying to outdo Aretha in any way. Aretha invited Mariah to sing Jesus with her which she did, Mariah toned it down and went back, Aretha kept on singing "lift it higher" so she look at all the singers and said "come on, lift it", "will you help me lift it?", "help me lift it" insisting to the other singers and the only one who stood up was Celine and they both started to have fun powering some notes. Aretha said while Celine kept throwing notes "I'm loving it", so I don't see why Celine wouldn't keep on, she is a singer and she was enjoying singing, that's all I got. I have a lot of respect for Celine, she is very professional, from punctuality to doing her own make up. Maybe Mariah felt it was a lack of respect from her point of view, but if Aretha is asking for it and then dances and enjoys when another singer throws tunes clearly she didn't feel offended by it, perhaps Aretha is in another league due to the very long career span and experience and doesn't feel threatened by others, she seems to always be on a comfort zone where nothing touches her.
(Monday 19 October 2015; 10:59)
Re: Soundtrack (57,348) (57,368) by May from Denmark
You know Mimi, talking about big budget movies I still wonder why it was Demi Lovato who sang "Let it go" rather than Mariah. I don't have anything against Lovato, she seems to be a darling girl but her voice sounded weak and limited in that song, Mariah voice is perfect for such music, she would have blown that song away. Eyelashes would have fallen and tears would have been dried with Mariah's powerful vocals. I still ask why, why, why haha.
(Sunday 18 October 2015; 17:23)
Re: Soundtrack (57,360) (57,365) by May from Denmark
The only reason I can find for her song "Almost home" not being more successful is because the movie did bad from the beginning. I watched it and couldn't finish it, it was a snoozefest, no loveable characters, poor CGI and the performance by some of the actors was awful but who can blame them, the dialogues were uninteresting. The first time I heard the song I wasn't too hooked but by the second time I loved it, loved the lyrics and the way Mariah built the song to end in such powerful notes. It was a strong song that soon went forgotten thanks to the bad reviews of the movie and its quick demise. Disney has really been failing with all the remakes, none of its current remade characters have any charisma, Maleficent was sligtly saved by Angelina Jolie and Cinderella for the beautiful set and effects. If they truly make The Little Mermaid I would love it if they didn't fail the casting this time. I would love Mariah music for it but since she already contributed for one of the movies I don't think she would be called again. "Almost home" is a great tune, one of my favorites, most people who heard the song loved it, poor promo doesn't take away how good the song truly is in my opinion. I wasn't sure about the video and still not convinced.
(Sunday 18 October 2015; 16:58)
Re: Collaboration (57,338) (57,343) by May from Denmark
I would love a collab with someone very much "in" too, but Enrique Iglesias is an awful singer, that's why his music in English is overproduced and his voice has like a dozen layers of auto-tune and other things. He truly jumped to international fame thanks to all the features he has done, his music is catchy, I recall my cousin dying for him when we were teens and she would play his first album over and over nonstop. She didn't really care about his singing, she just thought he was too hot haha. It's a shame Luis Miguel is MCs ex-boy because he is pretty decent, he has a beautiful tone. I got hooked on this soap called "Triunfo de Amor" not too long ago and the opening theme was "Tres palabras" sang by Luis Miguel and it sounded great. Then again wasn't there a rumor MC and LM tried to do something together and their voices didn't match or they couldn't agree how to do it? I never knew if it was true, somewhere I even read people saying a duet was recorded but never to be released. I truly like Ricky Martin's voice and his attitude is always so positive, it is hard not to like him, I can see him doing a collab with MC, maybe give a bit of a latino flavor to one of her songs would be awesome. Robi Draco Rossa also creates beautiful music and has a very unique style.
(Saturday 17 October 2015; 0:24)
Re: Mommy Mariah (57,291) (57,300) by May from Denmark
What I love about it is that it shows that Mariah can be very grounded, she dresses her kids as kids, if you know what I mean. She doesn't parade her kids like some fashion accessory as Kim Kardashian.
(Thursday 15 October 2015; 16:28)
Re: My wishlist for additional singles from each album (57,286) (57,299) by May from Denmark
"Betcha gon know (still waiting on a video lol)." Yes to this, I always imagined it and could have been so amazing to recreate that storyline in a video, Mariah driving a sport roofless car far away in some mountain road next to the sea, then stopping in the road and looking at her make up while the black tears are rolling down haha. Such a chance for a great video plot missed.
(Thursday 15 October 2015; 16:26)
My wishlist for additional singles from each album (57,298) by May from Denmark
Glad to see someone else loving Prisoner that much as to think it could have been a hit. It was the very first song that hooked me to Mariah's music. To me the list would be:
1) Mariah Carey - Sent From Up
2) Emotions - And You Don't Remember
3) Music Box - I've Been Thinking About You
4) Daydream - Long Ago / Looking in
5) Butterfly - Outside
6) Rainbow - Bliss (such sexy song)
7) Glitter - All My Life
8) Charmbracelet - Lullaby (I love this so much up to this day)
9) The Emancipation Of Mimi - Circles
10) E=MC2 - Migrate / Cruise Control (couldn't decide which of the two)
11) Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel - Betcha Gon' Know
12) Me. I Am Mariah... - Meteorite
Then again for me all of them would have been a hit.
(Thursday 15 October 2015; 16:16)
Article: Nick is "begging" Mariah not to marry James Packer (57,297) by May from Denmark
I think maybe Nick feels threaten that James Packer would end up being more present in the life of the kids than himself with all his busy schedule. Sorry Nick, you can't decide in the lives of others for your own comfort.
(Thursday 15 October 2015; 15:45)
Re: I've always wondered (57,228) (57,245) by May from Denmark
She would probably say something silly like "How she has that hair? I must get her stylist darling." Haha. I thought of this because every time someone shows her a picture of herself from the past she says something about the hair, she wouldn't be Mariah if it wasn't about the hair.
(Monday 12 October 2015; 22:08)
Christmas and Mariah directing (57,211) by May from Denmark
I know it's a long shot but I would really love to see a special about Mariah as a director with takes of her backstage doing her job. We have seen specials of her in the studio, cutting and making, with the engineering machines and such being all serious. I would love to see her behind the cameras getting serious as well in the world of movies.
(Sunday 11 October 2015; 13:13)
Re: Rihanna (57,198) (57,210) by May from Denmark
I agree that sometimes it feels unfair when you think about the fact that Rihanna is not a good singer. Anyone who has seen her live shows knows that very well, once she spent the length of a song just trying to moonwalk, I think there was more chance of life on Mars than any life on Riri that night because she seemed really high, she hardly could sing a line and it sounded like a karaoke, like a girls-night-out, not like a professional singer on stage delivering the best to the audience. I always thought of her a studio singer, lots of takes and edits, her voice is not unpleasant but very limited. Rihanna has great songwriters backing her up, and she found a way to sell her image very well. Lately I think she is falling in the same wagon as Lady Gaga, people are getting somewhat tired. I guess that's how it is these days with the music industry, nobody seems to come to stay anymore. Someone new is popping up all the time. If Mariah works on a new album she needs to work with strong songwriters as well and work with featured artists that are in, that last pretty much is doing the trick for everyone haha. I really liked where some of her latest tunes were going.
(Sunday 11 October 2015; 13:08)
Re: It must be said (57,204) (57,209) by May from Denmark
Haha Marissa, I'm actually expecting some new cheerful music with these upcoming movies. The hope never dies.
(Sunday 11 October 2015; 12:50)
Re: Success of other artists (57,189) (57,208) by May from Denmark
Thanks Deedre for the comment. I wanted to clarify in that last post that I'm not against Janet or anything alike, she is a whole artist in her own right. My post and general comparison between Mariah and Janet was only referring to the recent article "Rock Hall nominations" and the question about Janet going before Mariah.
(Sunday 11 October 2015; 12:45)
Re: Success of other artists (57,182) (57,187) by May from Denmark
I think Janet's success with her latest album could be because her long absence. She is an amazing dancer and she has a very unique baby voice, I honestly don't listen much of her music because I feel that most music sounds alike, so I've never been devoted to her career but I enjoyed some of her stuff in the late 90s. I agree that the way the public received her album and Mariah's was completely different and we speculated much in the past the reason why Mariah's album didn't do well, I mean, debuting in the third place while having such strong songs, #Beautiful itself was such a big success and a fair amount of the songs in the album were catchy and had wonderful lyrics and suddenly the fall. The reviews by critics were almost as equal as Janet's. To me it was the lack of videos and promo. Janet's album is like an anticipated comeback while Mariah released hers under stress and pressure, not only her personal life being on a turmoil but also the management area, it feels like she decided to just "let it go". I won't put down Janet in any way because I think she had a steady career but I do think Mariah is bigger in terms of singer and songwriter.
(Friday 9 October 2015; 22:58)
Janet Jackson and the likes (57,176) by May from Denmark
Why should it matter if Janet Jackson wasn't nominated before Mariah? Mariah has been much more influential in music, her voice can't even compare to Janet, who as sweet as she can be, her voice pales in comparison. Even when it comes to music writing and changing pop/RnB music itself Mariah has done that. Mariah has always been mega international while Janet has been very well known in the US but outside the US she wasn't that huge until the 2000s when she started doing more MTV and tour appearances, before her fame and her sister's La Toya was more dependent on her brother's one. Nominees and inductees should be those who have been very well influential, those whose people just can't forget because they were too big (and some still are) and those who are supposed to be very talented in the music area and not just the business. It shouldn't really matter the "who was born first". That sounded like a rant haha but in all honesty Mariah was and still can be too big of a singer compared to most, overall these days.
(Friday 9 October 2015; 14:20)


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