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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Mariah's red carpet Vegas welcome live stream (52,421) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Who is all tuning in to the #1 To Infinity extravaganza? It's supposed to start 6pm PT (3am CET) The video portion begins at 8pm (5am CET). I downloaded the Periscope app but I'll be sleeping. Hopefully it'll be uploaded on YouTube by mid day tomorrow here in Europe. Fingers crossed that Mariah performs Infinity live. Slay oh queen o'shade.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 22:40)
Infinity #11 on Swedish iTunes (52,412) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Apart from AIWFCIY Infinity is the only Mariah song since #Beautiful was #1 to make such an immediate an impact like this in Sweden. This is a very good sign, it means the song is really strong. I hear it's already #1 in the Philippines so how is it doing in you alls respective countries so far? Also, those complaining about the lyrical content: What else is an authentic artist like Mariah supposed to write about if not what is actually going on in her life? If you want generic pop songs with no bite, no depth, signature sounds or playfulness then Mariah Carey is obviously not your fave. Close the door, loose the key.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 21:58)
Infinity is coming for that Billboard Hot100 #1 spot you all (52,404) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's brilliant in the way it sounds like a MIAMTEC track since that stellar album is caught between adjacent record company eras much like the Glitter soundtrack was. If we can't have Thirsty then Infinity is the best second choice I can imagine. I love how straightforward her vocals are, it leaves a lot of room for Mariah to add whatever flavours she wants to live when she's in good voice without straining her at all if she just sings it as is. The lyrics video was 100% necessary considering the compact lyrics before we get the short film version, plus it's just great promo and hype. Team Mariah is on fiyah. Also, the Thirsty shade is legendary. When will your lesser fave?
(Monday 27 April 2015; 20:59)
Infinity lyrics video uploaded (52,298) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm speechless. Why you mad?
(Monday 27 April 2015; 6:12)
My Vegas guess list (52,171) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So who do we want to see perform with Mariah for her #1 shows? Mine are, in no particular sequence:
1. Miguel
2. Michael Bolton
2. Elton John
3. John Legend
4. Joe
5. JD
6. Brat
8. Missy
9. Bone Thugs
10. Fifth Harmony
I would die, happily, but I would die a thousand times if some of my obscure mentions make it on stage. *writes subliminal message in other language* Maraja, snälla, söta, rara, gör bara exact precis som jag säger, va? Bra, då är det bestämt och därmed basta.
(Friday 24 April 2015; 10:47)
Re: "Love Story" awkwardness (52,155) by Alejandro Cole (52,162) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I would agree with you 100% if Love Story was ever written about Mariah and The Thirsty One to begin with. It wasn't. I think Mariah likely suffered from a giant bout of transference of affection. I know that sounds overtly dramatic but It's the only explanation that makes any sense to me. "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." It happens all the time. Not to say that Mariah didn't give her all to make her marriage work, especially considering the children, it's pretty obvious she's not a quitter. But we have yet to see the conclusion of Love Story IMHO. Obviously I'm also very much a hopeless romantic. I'll tell you though, the Love Story video is where I noticed Mariah seemed more genuinely enamoured with Thirsty while he looks entirely too much like the cat that ate the canary. That always rubbed me the wrong way, what with him being so persistent a suitor to have married her just six weeks into dating. But I could be totally wrong and Infinity will be the end of Love Story. Mariah has been known to reference her own songs in lyrics. Maybe Love Story etc. will get a shout out come April 27th? Then we'll know if that was truly one of their songs.
(Friday 24 April 2015; 2:05)
Shelly love, turtle dove? (52,086) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
In Swedish there is an expression: "Kärt barn har många namn", which directly translates to: "Beloved child has many names" in English. That's my way of saying, I can't remember you ever being truly unfair to me or Mariah or anyone else for that matter. You are such a congenial person and yet I always see you apologising for the smallest of imagined hurts you believe you may have inflicted on one of us more abrasive posters. I'm not sure if that's a flaw or just humility in its purest form? Well, actually I know it's humility and for that you get a gold star. But none the less stop apologising, at least to me. You have only ever amassed good will with me. We don't have to agree on every single thing for there to be a sense of harmony between us. Anyway, you get my drift. BTW, what is this business of Shelly vs Dove? Can one call you by both names or what?
(Tuesday 21 April 2015; 0:35)
Infinity: Did I Do That? part 2 (52,066) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
And the video would have the guy that played Steve Urkel/Stephan Urquelle be Mariah's ex-douchebag while Wentworth Miller reprises his role as the "DJ" that saves Mariah from a broken heart. Location: the Dominican Republic and concluding on Mariah's private Island. Naturally, Brat is in the studio with JD working on the remix as we type. The remix shooting location: "the rooftop" and The Hamptons/Long Island. All jokes aside, Mariah really has an uncanny knack for predicting her own life through her lyrics. DIDT sounds like Thirsty in a bottle vintage 1999. It was before it's time really. Quite literally too. Just like Prisoner, ode to Sing Sing, where she ironically rapped for half the song, only for the inane media to subscribe her to "bandwagon jumping" Hip-Hop not five years later? Yeah, that's my wild prediction, Infinity is DIDT2. I guess we'll all know soon enough. #19
(Monday 20 April 2015; 14:28)
Will the real MC please stand up? (52,065) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Dennis, that's the funniest thing I've heard in a while. Sorry to dissapoint but unfortunately I am not The Elusive One. But yeah, Mariah visits this board. She'd be foolish not to because even with the discord and dissonance that is sometimes rife here, MCA is the premiere hotspot for the Lambily. Mainly it's because Eric moderates every post which makes it move at a good peace and one can follow the discussions without having to try very hard or spend too much time catching up. I'm sure Mariah stops by and reads our messages. I bet she even posts once in a blue moon. It is known from court documents that even MJ, a.k.a. "KingTut777", was on several different fan forums back in the day. So I'm not surprised Janet's dabbled in a bit of incognito message boarding. How else are these mega stars gonna keep their fingers on the pulse, in today's InstaWorld where the Zeitgeist's so quick, fickle and ultra sensitive to trends? That's the reason I make it a point to write as if she might possibly see one of my posts. Not for approval but to reflect back some of the light and love she's given me through her music since I was a little girl in some small way.
1. Agent M
2. Code name: Honey
3. Mirage
4. Echo
5. The Elusive One
6. Bianca Nunez
7. Mary P.
8. Mrs Claws
9. Automatic Princess
10. Honey B. Fly...
I think we can all agree that Mariah has quite a few "aliases" that could go completely unnoticed in the Lambily. That's the beauty of the internet. We are all truly equal here.
(Monday 20 April 2015; 13:10)
Almost Home (52,038) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The lyrics always, without fail, get me in my feelings. I really hope Mariah performs it in Vegas as an encore for at least one night. It's one of the best songs she has ever written. I really hope the video link works this time. Enjoy you all and be hopeful in your dreams.
(Monday 20 April 2015; 0:13)
Bobbi Kristina is awake (52,036) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I waited to post this song for this miracle of moments. Bobby Brown just told a whole crowd on stage and I am so grateful. This doesn't mean we stop praying you guys. I firmly believe it was all of us sending our love and well wishes that brought her back. One day Bobbi is gonna sing The Greatest Love Of All for all of us to hear and mean it. Amen. When you let your heart be the compass, you won't get lost not if you trust it. [...]
(Sunday 19 April 2015; 22:45)
Mariah's iconic impact on pop culture is the stuff of legends (51,877) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
All the things I associate with MC that make it so easy to spot when someone's straight swagger-jacking her. In no particular order.
1. Poses. Mariah's poses are a visual trademark. She has her own silhouettes that are instantly recognisable. Didn't she patent some of them back in the day, during I wanna say Music Box?
2. Voice and tone. She's the only singer I know of who can't be imitated even for comedic effect. It's a testament to how much she's forged her own lane. I've heard good or at least passable Whitney, Barbra and Celine impersonators but never Mariah.
3. The hair styles. The "I dream of Genie" high pony tail, the curls, the sleek straight Rapunzel tresses etc.
4. Her smile. See Joseph Kahn for reference.
5. Hand singing. She's a dancer in her own way with how her whole body choreographs naturally whenever she's passionately performing a song.
6. The rarity.
7. Her skin. The other rarity.
8. Her speaking voice. If she'd never sung a song in her life she would still be known for her voice.
9. Mariahisms. It's like her own language with the Lambily. I don't know any other person who could publish a book full of just inside jokes and lingo. In fact, I want it. Can we have it Mimi?
10. Her songwriting, music and production. There's a very district Mariah sound. She builds a wall of sound that makes remakes either redundant or lacking. Emotions come to mind. Even songs as sparse as EFA become intimidating in their perfection. Long live infinity.
(Wednesday 15 April 2015; 17:49)
Let me get this straight (51,873) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So Mariah Carey, the record holder of solo #1 Billboard Hot 100 songs, was never supposed to update her original #1's from 1998 even after adding 5 new #1s ever? Lest we forget, Mariah was the first artist to put out a compilation album centred around her #1's, only it was to commemorate being the female record holder at the time. Why wouldn't she want to celebrate being the #1 solo artist in the game, period? I think it's a great effort to launch #1 To Infinity at this moment in time, 25th anniversary and all the new chapters she's started with Sony, Vegas etc. It's a brilliant move, don't believe me, just watch. And I pre-ordered the album the same day it was pre-released and lamb or not that's something I've never done before. That tells me the whole Reveal Mariah thing worked really well because I didn't even know there would be a surprise included for the initial pre-orders or whatever. I didn't need anymore incentives than knowing Infinity was gonna be #19 on the tracklist. It's going to do wonders for Infinity and beyond. I just also like having the physical thing quite a lot, I'm old school like that.
(Wednesday 15 April 2015; 14:30)
Just pre-ordered #1 To Infinity (51,720) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The only thing that really annoyed me was the shipping cost. Does Live Nation not have the ability to print CDs over here in Europe? I don't have the original #1's anymore because a friend of a friend "borrowed it" without permission and never gave it back. I wish it had been a double disc effort with her debut demos though. Maybe that's coming too if this release is successful enough?
(Monday 13 April 2015; 17:22)
Mimi L. Abraham and the long play of: We Love Everybody (51,702) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I wanna say it's from April 29th 2014. The interviewer is Brazilian. I love how Mariah goes out of her way to not mention the the ones that shall remain nameless and ironically sans any #1's to their names.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 16:19)
Mariah says "We love everybody" (51,688) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
And everybody loves you Mariah. The is epic. Kids, don't try this at home, you might hurt somebody. We everybody.
(Monday 13 April 2015; 13:34)
Mariah's #1's cover was blown (51,617) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Long before the countdown ended. So I really hope Team Mariah gives us new music. Let Mimi's voice be the bells and whistles for once and just release Infinity already. We are desperate here, have mercy.
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 16:19)
Wave bye-bye to the nice lady kids (51,602) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I told you all Mariah would be stepping her game up the more in charge of managing her own career and life overall she became. We like this, we like it a lot. The poor souls who see her divesting of PMK-BNC and parting ways with Cindi Berger as any sign of weakness have zero discernment skills. Why would she divorce a dead beat husband and not feel inspired to scrutinise any of her other dysfunctional commitments? Mariah's career is arguably her first "baby". In that analogy the publicist becomes one of the nannies. What then is a mother to do when her baby is stuck in arrested development if not release said nannies from her employ? Welcome back Bossriah, you have been sorely missed. Now, where is Tabitha Soren?
(Sunday 12 April 2015; 14:19)
The dress is everything (51,578) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's Versace and Mariah has never looked better, rarity and all. Also, do you guys see she's sporting a tiny little bedazzled clutch? Very well put together and grown sexy. We like this a lot
(Saturday 11 April 2015; 11:34)
El amor que soñe live at Madison Square Guarden, Daydream tour (51,565) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Wow. I've never seen this anywhere before, though I've heard of it. Amazing. I hope Mariah will upload the HD version on YT soon. Enjoy.
(Saturday 11 April 2015; 3:32)
Countdown to Infinity? (51,556) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
There is a giant countdown widget on
and Mariah just tweeted "Reveal Mariah". This is how you create buzz people. I'm so happy, I'm giddy. I want it now whatever it is. Ugh, my instant gratification seeking is unbearable tbh.
(Friday 10 April 2015; 19:46)
Non, je ne regrette rien (51,543) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm not taking back a single word I've written about Thirsty. Why should I? He took a damned week to even address the so called rumours of his tell-all. By which time many more people have been exposed to the malicious falsehoods that were quoted in regards to Mariah's character as a professional entertainer and furthermore as a mother. And when he did comment on it, all he really did was cover his own ass. He conveniently left out that the very premise of his would be book is based on compete and utter lies about Mariah. I predicted as much. Not to mention how flippantly he implied Mariah would take him back after all this drama on that same red carpet to another interviewer. Un-be-lie-va-ble. What is he like?
(Friday 10 April 2015; 4:22)
Infinity: WBT part 2 and the Chamber Group is now on team Mariah (51,510) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's official, Mariah just tweeted: "Work hard, play hard. We belong together. Infinity. LA Reid." Yay. Infinity is the new single slated for an April 27th release and it's an uptempo bop. Obviously it's a love song. Throw in JD and Brett and it's the same recipe that made WBT song of the decade. Are you guys so excited? I'm excited. I wonder if it's literally the musical sequel? Wouldn't it be awesome if Wentworth Miller was playing her love interest in the video again? Also, Welcome aboard Chris Chambers, your resume in music speaks to me. Now, hustle.
(Thursday 9 April 2015; 10:17)
Her. She is Cindi...The Elusive Publicist (51,478) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'll just leave it at that.
(Wednesday 8 April 2015; 13:28)
Jesus, Mariah and Judas (51,472) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Well, I for one am glad so many are willing to play Devil's advocate for Thirsty because I could never. Holding his feet to the fire is easy considering his heat seeking behaviour. Hateful people come for Mariah all day every day. At least when we side eye Thirsty we aren't claiming to be fans of his on a message board dedicated to him. Tell you what though, as soon as Mariah Carey comes out in defence of his actions I'll continue to read him for filth anytime I like. It's not like he would ever admit to being a douchebag, that's like DB 101, here's looking at you Tommy. On a funny note, I saw a comment last week some lamb made about how instead of the Jesus cover-up of "Mariah", Thirsty should have tattooed Judas on his back. See that's funny because it's the truth. We go ridiculously easy on him here, believe me. In other forums, not so much.
(Wednesday 8 April 2015; 9:50)


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