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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Reality show will be a disaster? (62,292) (62,386) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's Chicken Little all over again QueenLambassador. These people's default position is negative -7. Watch them all flip-flop when Mariah's World is a cult hit. It never gets old. Mariah is a one-woman comedic genius about to be unleashed on the GP and these people aren't ready. [censored] you rarely are. [censored] enough to get her will become lambs for life. She has always been the same person. Anyone who claims she has changed, ironically, doesn't know her and will never have the privilege. [censored] aren't known for being nuanced in their perceptions, they are usually [censored]. I honestly can't wait for all the quotation and gif-sets to be born out of this. It's gonna be epic on seven ascending levels. Years from now we will all talk about where we were and what we were doing during the TV-event of the millennium known as Mariah's World. So, move over Game Of Thrones and forget about The Walking Dead. MiMi's got phrases to coin and leaders to shade. I don't know her could use a couple new siblings, don't you think?
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 15:16)
Re: #Beautiful (62,050) (62,104) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
#Beautiful suffered not only because of M's physical injuries but also because her personal life really wasn't a happy one and she was a first time mother to two babies. Context is everything. But #Beautiful is interesting to me because it created a buzz around Mariah in the Swedish entertainment press that has lasted until today. It made several year end lists in 2013 with music journalists salivating at the mere thought of what would eventually be MIAMTEC and gets mentioned in almost every single (Swedish) SSFT concert review. That's a platinum song, yes, but it dropped 3 years ago and blasé music critics are still thirsty for it. I'm telling you all, Mariah needs to cater to the European market as much as she does the US. She could be dominating here again very easily. A lot more easily than in America IMHO. I'm gonna DM Stella and everyone on Team Mariah a list. This forum is too public or I would have already posted the list last year when I got it in my head. Nobody on MC's level has ever attempted to do what I am proposing. She's really the only superstar (alive) my plan suits. Anybody random couldn't do it even if the ideas are pretty simple and low intensity. And now it's the perfect time with how efficient and go-getter her team is. I don't know, but I could be right. These things make me squee. Anyway, Memoirs was a good effort IMO but the subject matters didn't mesh with what we thought we knew was her personal life at all (at the time). There was a disconnect. The only one since Glitter as far as I'm concerned and that was a soundtrack, so what can you do? We have historical context now, but back then it didn't really make creative sense that she's was writing about long lost love and breakups because of infidelities (?) when she was a newlywed. Not that everything a songwriter writes is literal but it was weird that Memoirs was at once her most nostalgic and prosaic to the point of cynical where her lyrics about love were concerned up til then. On E=MC2 it was the very different, she had a light and hopeful take on romantic love. I wouldn't have known she was married, happy and in love with her soulmate trying for a baby, listening to the Memoirs album. Obviously she wasn't, but neither she nor the public knew that then. Memoirs only makes sense after MIAMTEC as a prelude IMHO. And that's sad to think about too long.
(Friday 13 May 2016; 20:21)
Re: I've missed you (61,735) (61,740) (62,103) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
First off: Hey Boo, it's been like a century but it's great to see a familiar face on MCA. I purposely avoided posting here and even lurking because the Mariah bashing can be so toxic on here and I knew I wanted my Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour experience to be unsullied. It was the best choice I could have made because I now have memories for life I have shared with real lambs. It was refreshing to not have to defend her to anyone I met because we were all actual fans of her voice, music, lyrics and personality. Not once did someone lie and say she didn't sing live. Or that she didn't look the best she ever has and her entire entourage is all-star. Thanks for the shout out B.
(Friday 13 May 2016; 20:03)
I'm not a hater: I just hate a lot (61,956) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The last people to admit to being racist/ sexist/ ageist/ misogynistic/ bigots etc. are usually the ones who display the characteristics the most out of anybody. We all know it. One could argue that most racists don't know any better and that they are ignorant to their own behaviours. So why then are haters exempt from being called out? Haters are just as likely to go on the defensive when fans/ stans/ lambs point out obvious hater characteristics. Doesn't mean they aren't a hater. In any other fandom, haters are acknowledged if even just nominally. There isn't a concerted effort to downplay their presence when Stans vs haters is and has been what separates the die-hards from the general public. I don't know if lambs are the egg or haters were the chicken. It's different matter either way. The two are inextricably linked as they are in any given fandom. But for some weird reason the lambily has been semi-hijacked by haters using the transparent: some of my best friends are lambs. Ergo: I can't be a hater. You people are always going on ad nauseum about Adele, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Madonna and whomever else you can use to misinform on the current or historical state of Mariah's brand, popularity and marketability. Never mind that all of the aforementioned have stanbases who are largely responsible for hyping up their faves and giving them positive press not to mention buying their music and actually liking it. The og lambs continue to do this just as they always did. Personally, I love the haters and find great use and amusement though them. It's the ridiculous denial of their existence on fanboards that I find more than suspicious. Why the subterfuge? I wouldn't go post on a JLo fanforum and expect her stans to not look at me sideways considering how I don't like her actions and continuous lies towards Mariah. If I ever did, I'd be called a hater within two seconds and they woukd be well withing their rights. Like, who does that? Again. Why the subterfuge and propaganda that the lamiky is the only standom with any real haters? Why are the diehards considered some kind of fringe element? There is an obvious agenda in that question and it doesn't benefit Mariah. So, miss me with the outrage over her wardrobe choises, celebratory habits and who is or isn't part if her social circle. The only thing worse than bad press is no press at all. Just look at Justin Bieber's rise-fall-rise or hell, Mariah's own career rollercoaster. I remember a has-been singer-songwriter who used to be popular when I was in 7th or 8th grade, who once said something about not discounting talent, I wonder whatever happened to her.
(Monday 9 May 2016; 20:11)
(61,735) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah Carey's entire existence is political. Her family and national history before she was ever born saw to that. The very idea of Mariah is a defiant statement at its core. She's a light skinned black American woman and living musical legend. When she opens her eyes in the morning, millions breathe a collective sigh of relief because she is that intrinsic to their own breathing. When she speaks, she is quoted in every media outlet out there and when she sings the whole world listens. Tell me one politician who wouldn't kill to have the influence she has had on numerous people since day 1. All the choices that were made for her, from the disownment of her mother, her father's absence after her parent's divorce (caused in large part by the mere fact of their interracial union) to her own choices of abstaining from drugs and promiscuity through marriages, both corporate and otherwise. These have all been political expressions because (like any of us) Mariah is a child of her time. Mariah's actions speak for themselves even without her song-writing IMO. She named a whole album Rainbow. More than that, she actually lives her philosophies and has always surrounded herself with the most diverse cohorts whether race, gender, sexuality etc. Being "apolitical" was never a choice Mariah could have made even if she wanted to. That privilege is reserved for rich white males. So anyone negating her impact, cultural, political, interpersonal or musical is nothing but a contrarian. Besides, MC is a monarch anyway so this discussion was redundant before it even began.
(Friday 29 April 2016; 15:18)
Re: Mariah's World: everything (61,505) (61,534) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Haha you made a funny. You should take your meds more often." And you should up your Vitamin D intake.
(Saturday 23 April 2016; 18:19)
Re: Mariah's World: everything (61,452) (61,483) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Well smack my arse and call me Cindi. We actually agree on something." Good for you Andrew. There's hope yet. Who knew?
(Thursday 21 April 2016; 20:45)
Prince has passed away (61,481) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Another one of the greats will no longer walk this earth or bless us with their talents. But at least we'll always have his music to comfort us and bring us joy. Even today Prince's songs are what will get us through. We are all here on borrowed time. It's a reminder of how lucky we are to still have MC. RIP Prince. We will remember you.
(Thursday 21 April 2016; 20:28)
Mariah's World: everything (61,442) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I Stella Bulochnikov's managerial skills. Everything Mariah seems to want she turns into a reality and she does it with no time wasted. I haven't seen this type of efficiency or efficast around Mariah ever, tbh. So, good riddance to Connie Fillipoello. She was worse than Cindi Berger if you can believe that. She did absolutely nothing (positive) for Mariah's image and branding in Europe. And if George is still with her then no wonder his profile is so non-present these days. To all these people with questionable agendas who wanna paint Stella as the manager from hell: close the door, lose the key. You had no problems with all these men who managed Mariah's career almost into oblivion, most of the time to her detriment. Now that M finally has what looks like a real friend as well as savvy business partner who happens to be a female cohort to help her weed out the dead weight and streamline Team Mariah and secure the furthering of her legacy as an all-round entertainer, now you have venom to spare? Foh. If it weren't for Stella, there probably wouldn't have been a European Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour (this year or anytime soon) and I never would have seen Mariah sing (100% live for the first time in my life) just a few weeks ago. All those fantasy lists I've made (since 2014) of all these random things I wanted for Mariah, read almost like receipts now and Stella is a big part of why that is. Thank God for her get-shit-done attitude. It's like Mariah only has to think it and Stella makes it happen. MC finally partnered with someone who works as hard and seems as invested in her success as she is. Mariah's new outlook bodes well for WoolPac as well. If James can hang with Stella as well as it looks and vice versa, Mariah will be nothing shirt of unstoppable. I'm just so happy that she won't be marrying any kinda punk this time around. Mariah's World is looking very harmonious these days. These things make me happy.
(Wednesday 20 April 2016; 12:26)
Happy Valentine's Day (59,772) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Love is in the air and all around today and I'm so glad M found a gentleman in James. We should all be so lucky when too many jokers lurk in our proverbial deck of cards. I hope MC's previously hinted surprise has something to do with a release of the #1 To Infinity Vegas DVD but who knows? In any case, long live WoolPac and happy V-Day you all. Wear it out.
(Sunday 14 February 2016; 22:43)
The art of letting go of former collaborators (59,664) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Why is it so difficult for some people to let go of the idea that Mariah will ever work with those who failed her as a friend, collaborator or both? Why would she have to when she has proven it doesn't matter who she's paired with to make it to #1? It's probably harder on Mariah when things go sour because it's personal. The rest of us, lambs andwWolves alike, have no skin in the game at all. There is a reason most of the ex-collaborators (they who shall remain nameless) are always positive to work with her again, while Mariah herself stays mum. That should tell you all you need to know and remove any motivations for wanting future joint musical ventures. But, it seems some of you will push for her to work with people who have betrayed her as you could care less about her well-being. Maybe some even want her in toxic situations for one reason or another? It's very, interesting?
(Sunday 7 February 2016; 17:41)
Article: Mariah Carey planning three weddings to James Packer (59,662) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
The only thing more unbelievable than this wedding story was the ridiculous travelling museum article. Like, who even? Who?
(Sunday 7 February 2016; 17:14)
Re: Ian Drews cover of Never Forget You (59,531) (59,561) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Hey UK Ian, did you have a chance to check out the rest of I.D.s channel yet? There isn't one bad performance on there. Ian Drews is the real deal and his covers of Mariah's songs are consistently the best I've ever heard: IDWC, Infinity, Hero etc. His transitions from head voice to falsetto are masterful. His range is so surprising in agility. So fluid, it reminds me of Mariah's Daydream era voice. It's all so effortlessly executed too. The runs are heavenly, so clean. He's also got a definite coolness to him that I like. I honestly can't believe this kid is still an unknown, unsigned talent. But then, so was Mariah for a long time while Brenda K Starr had the record deal. In that way, it's only a matter of time before he is. I don't know but I really really hope I'm right.
(Thursday 4 February 2016; 7:01)
M on Breakfast Xpress, South-African interview (59,541) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
So M called into a radio station in South Africa (thought it was New Zeeland going by the accent). She was introduced as the biggest selling female act of all time. And she was very protective of her 18 #1 hit record. Of course the ring and James' proposal was brought up. They talked about her previous visits to SA. Says she's too busy working on her own music to listen to Adele, even though she's fantastic. We love everybody. Rihanna's and Mariah's mutual love for each other is brought up. MC's love of hip-hop, R&B and Gospel. She doesn't want to talk about other people though, not even her neighbours. She loves binge-watching Scandal. They bring up her concert rider and apparently "it's what the last guy wanted to eat" as she would rather be brought a traditional South-African dish. No Cristal champagne, it's been banned from her diet. But Ace of Spades is a go. South Africa is excited to see Mariah and vice versa. She thanks them for a fun interview. Mariah says she doesn't put pressure on James to do things, like show up at her shows, it's up to him. Good night, good morning.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 18:48)
Ian Drews cover of Never Forget You (59,530) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This kid is a star in the making. Mark my words. The tone, the confidence and musicality it takes to successfully cover Mariah at her best is a revelation. He's fucking brilliant the way he took on NFY, even though he was very loyal to Mariah's arrangements, but still managed to sound interesting from start to finish. I actually closed my eyes to savour it. Vibrato, so soothing and mature. He doesn't sound like anyone on the radio right now and I love it. He looks really young but that voice is gonna make grown women's panties drop. I.D. I'm like obsessed with his YouTube channel now. He's a a lamb and I wanna marry him so he can sing to me all day everyday, all night. Dibs. Excuse me while I eye wedding dresses and pick out china patterns, and don't worry MiMi, you and James are of course invited to Ian and I's celebratory union.
(Wednesday 3 February 2016; 12:02)
Re: (59,472) (59,487) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Just watched Rene Angelil's funeral. Unbelievably moved. Love of your life. Christ. How moving. Good luck to Mariah and the billionaire love of her life." You're a real piece of work the way you use something as poignant as the passing of Celine's René to make a dig at Mariah. Sad, yet predictable. You probably won't know how compassion feels until it's too late.
(Monday 1 February 2016; 19:00)
Sweet Sweet Fantasy tour hitlist Stockholm Globen (59,456) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Excluding AIWFCIY(#4), these are MC's charting singles on the Swedish charts, in descending order. It doesn't necessarily always reflect which songs are still being played on the radio or downloaded on iTunes. I'll save that for another post. Keep in mind that our list isn't like the Billboard Hot 100 (which has included airplay for decades). It's only since 2010 that streams have been counted on. Anyway, I thought It'd make an interesting list in anticipation of the tour.
1. Without You #1
2. When You Believe #2
3. Against All Odds #3
(All I Want For Christmas Is You #4)
4. Through The Rain #7
5. One Sweet Day #7
6. Honey #8
7. Endless Love #10
8. We Belong Together #11
9. I Know What You Want #11
10. Fantasy #13
11. Touch My Body #14
12. My All #14
13. Vision Of Love #17
14. Heartbreaker #18
15. I Want To Know What Love Is #20
16. Butterfly #24
17. I'll Be There #26
18. Hero #27
19. Emotions #30
20. Dreamlover #31
21. Always Be My Baby #38
22. Thank God I found You #43
23. Loverboy #44
24. Sweetheart #44
25. It's Like That #47
26. Get Your Number #49
27. Open Arms #54
28. Never Too Far #56
(Sunday 31 January 2016; 11:31)
Deolinda Kinzima's Hero on Portugal's The Voice (59,432) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I thought this was quite lovely. She really made it her own. Mariah should be very proud that this little "schmaltzy" song, she originally wrote for Gloria Estefan, is such an anthem going on 20 years now. At my school it was covered a lot in the mid 90's during our talent shows (ironically, never by me). It's still probably the case. Good luck Deolinda, you have a very nice voice.
(Saturday 30 January 2016; 1:41)
AIWFCIY at #4 on Swedish singles chart (58,745) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Basically matching it's highest position from 2013 with zero direct promotion. These things make a lamb happy. AIWFCIY is so big now that established artists, random celebrities and regular people promote it all on their own. It's everybody's song now. Mariah can go ahead and push Oh Santa now instead. And it's not a big deal that she didn't crack the top 10 on BB's Hot 100, yet. It's not like Christmas isn't an annual occurance (much like her Beacon shows) or anything. I predict All I Want For Christmas (Is You) will end up at #1 on many international singles charts whenever her Christmas themed feature film hits theatres. Actually, I think it might be Oh Santa's time to shine. Knowing Mariah, she's writing a festive new song to make it a triptych. I don't know, but I could be right. My 2¢.
(Tuesday 29 December 2015; 15:40)
Joy To The World Celebration Remix (58,698) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I this song and video so much. Shout out to David Morales. I especially love how much it looks like a Snapchat story. I hope her Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour will be just as fun for her as her frolic in Europe during the Music Box-Merry Christmas era. I want a free spirited video like this was for her next venture, much like Emotions and the My All/Stay Awhile. Well, a rockumentary/biography would be kinda nice too MiMi. Anyway, Merry Christmas Lambily. It's been a very good vintage for Mariah lovers. Enjoy.
(Friday 25 December 2015; 18:25)
AWFCIY goes top 10 AGAIN on Swedish iTunes at #5 (58,638) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay. All I Want For Christmas is climbing the charts everywhere. On the Swedish singles chart it's currently at #15 (peak is #4 in 2013). Not surprising as it already outperformed it's 2014 run in November. It's looking like a really nice cap on 2015. Hollah haters. No shady pines for Mariah just yet. Sorry, not sorry. Maybe next lifetime.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 15:50)
A Christmas Melody and MC's Merriest Christmas DVD? (58,589) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
It's been strongly hinted at that ACM is coming out on DVD last night on Twitter and #AChristmasMelody was still trending when I fell asleep at 7am CET today. The responses have been overwhelmingly positive for Mariah's 1-2 puch of a Hallmark Holiday Extravaganza. I didn't see a single negative comment and the Lambily was in rare form showing out and beaming with pride so it was probably wise to keep any grinchiness private while we celebrated MC's triumph as a director as well as her sleighing Christmas Special. Here's Joy To The World. Now go out there and kill it for MiMi.
(Sunday 20 December 2015; 23:52)
Article: Mariah Carey's opening a $20million museum (58,539) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"This seems fake to me. One thing that really stands out is 'a recreation of her childhood home'. Mariah has said many times that they moved all around, so what home would this be? The whole article feels a bit drerogatory as well." I quoted for emphasis Steve's entire post. This story is bogus from start to finish and seems to have only been written to make fun of Mariah's heard earned longevity. If she's not a has-been, she's being dethroned even while AIWFCIY is still making international chart history more than 20 years after its debut. I just hate when these people try to turn Mariah's accomplishments into jokes and lame puchlines. It's even worse when it's being spread and talked about by fans of MC's as true. Discernment people, that's Apollo I ask. I mean, a travelling (circus) museum? Really? What is she, an Antique's Roadshow?
(Friday 18 December 2015; 11:29)
Full Sweet Sweet Fantasy tour announcement (58,504) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay. In this backstage mini-interview where MiMi revealed the European tour, she also implied that the Lambily around the world will be able to see her TV projects with Hallmark, "hopefully". This is the full clip.
(Wednesday 16 December 2015; 22:46)
Lacey Chabert gushes on working with Mariah Carey (58,501) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Awww, Lacey is a total sweetheart and she's got the art of effortless plugging down to a science on The Real. The amount of information she packed in to a 0:57 second clip is astounding: Mariah (whom she's a big fan of) serenaded her on her birthday when she got the part on A Christmas Melody which premieres this Saturday December 19th on Hallmark directly followed by Mariah's merriest Christmas. And she looks fabulous doing it.
(Wednesday 16 December 2015; 22:36)


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