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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End:
What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid
My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End (Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)
I started out wanting to make or update my previous wish list to realizing that I'm not really that hung up on Mariah accomplishing more than she already has. That's not to say that I will not celebrate in her future commercial endeavors, obviously. Just that it's not as important as being truly spiritually fulfilled.
I wish that for myself and I pray that for other people that I love and even people I don't know or have a natural liking for. I understand that not everybody is going to get why I feel the need to post this but I would reference Mariah's own expressed Faith and core beliefs and desires since the world first heard 'Vision of Love'. This is who she has always been striving to become. I recently reread Her autobiography: 'The Meaning of Mariah Carey' and these are some of the thoughts I came away with:
"Hopes, Dreams, Wishes, and Prayers for Mariah Carey:
1. Spiritual Fulfillment - That she continues to nurture her relationship with God, leaning on Him for guidance, peace, and joy in all aspects of her life.
2. A Godly Marriage - That she finds a partner who shares her faith, values, and desire to honor God in their union.
3. Healing and Restoration - That the scars from her past—whether from childhood or past relationships—are fully healed, allowing her to live with peace and joy unshaken by old wounds.
4. Authentic Love and Support - That she surrounds herself with people who truly love, respect, and support her for who she is, beyond her celebrity persona.
5. Grace to Be Human - That she is shown grace and understanding by others, allowing her to make mistakes, grow, and evolve without judgment or undue criticism.
6. Freedom from Worldly Pressures - That she finds liberation from the entertainment industry’s materialistic and superficial values, allowing her to fully embrace her God-given identity.
7. Purposeful Legacy - That she continues to use her platform and music to inspire others and share the presence of God, as she has done through her Christmas albums and other works.
8. A Loving and Faith-Centered Family - That her family relationships, including with her children, remain strong, loving, and centered on mutual faith and respect.
9. Unwavering Faith - That she remains steadfast in her faith, even when faced with life’s challenges, and continues to be a beacon of hope for others.
10. Divine Guidance - That she discerns God’s will in her decisions, whether in her personal life or professional endeavors, and trusts His plan for her. "
In Jesus Almighty name, Amen.
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,215)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Lee, it is hypocrisy out of context if common sense and fairness were the template but unfortunately not in context. There are certain heights within all industries (music, film, tv etc) where "paying your dues" goes beyond payola. Mariah is never gonna do either of those things. She's by no means a saint, self-appointed or otherwise, but she's not gonna be celebrated to the extreme extent that some of her and though it may not seem so, outta actually a blessing.
I don't know another superstar as denigrated, maligned, sabotaged and back-bitten by her collaborators as Mariah. They take her choice of not fighting dirty as blood in the water. The ones who get the industry accolades for sneezing in spring are also the ones who are seen as sharks. Mariah is a dolphin at most in these circles, she doesn't inspire fear, nor should she. I pray she never joins the ranks of most awarded by industry insiders. Leave that to the coalition of the willing who need not be named to be understood as the apex predators who we all know and some of you love. We love the AMA's and all the international fan-based awards though. My 2025¢.
(Friday 14 February 2025; 14:56)
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Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (108,213)
by Lee from USA
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To me, it sounds like more hypocrisy from these critics.
(Friday 14 February 2025; 03:23)
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Mariah living out the Butterfly lyrics in reverse? (108,214)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Well, that was a rhetorical question because I actually believe that she is living out the Butterfly lyrics in real time, but in reverse (maybe even the whole album, at this point). I remember in my Jr High days (might have been 7th grade), we buried stuff, letters mostly, for my class. It was for a "time capsule" or whatever and it feels like even though Mariah wrote that album pretty much in real time back then in '96-'97- that "time capsule" got unearthed and now the whole album feels like something she could release today and not miss a beat. I've had this feeling for a while. Anyway, sending my to all. May love conquer all, always.
(Friday 14 February 2025; 14:22)
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GTFO (108,095)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Let's play a guessing game: Who in the Mariahsphere of people she no longer associates with professionally or personally is most likely to at some point have posted at some point in their life? In no particular order, I nominate 1. Ben Margulies 2. Tommy Mottola, Corey Rooney, Benny Medina 3. Former assorted friends who backtalked her BTS 4. Ex-family members 5. Walter Afanasieff
Of course they would end up on Mariah centered websites - as the golden butter on their bread is churned by her vocals, writing and production talent.
I imagine they take great pleasure in planting ridiculously negative and untrue stories about Mariah's appearance, vocals or her impact as an artist. Walter A has been the saltiest cracker claiming he's the king of Christmas and everything else is a lie. Crack me up. Funny how he's never the one in court fighting false plagiarism-suits every December. But I digress.
If everybody knows Mariah doesn't fool with you anymore (and why) but you're ego won't let you face the music, the only way you could get away with openly listening and talking about her music is to claim you're just a random online fan with no personal animosity or hate towards MC fueling all manner of weird speculation about surgeries she's never had nor will ever have. Telling her to stop singing, performing or make new music. What kind of psychedelics are these "fans" on that causes them to hallucinate away the longevity Mariah has achieved vocally? You're not influencing anyone intelligent. Mariah has maintained a 5 octave range for over 3 decades and a prolific songwriting and album release streak.
It's not harsh when you consider the source. I mean what would you expect? Mariah has countless enemies. Of course they would congregate online as they have long ago lost their audience with her.
So wave bye-bye to the nice-nasty peanut gallery ghosts of Mariah's past, kids. We with them well, ultimately. Much love.
(Monday 3 February 2025; 19:00)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,082)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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And you're right, Bobby. Charmbracelet was almost Mariah stepping into a favorite pair of old shoes she'd forgotten about as far as the live instrumentation being such a presence on so many songs. Maybe that's why the tour was so successful even in terms of her vocals. She kinda recorded those more jazzy songs "live" with a full band, IIRC. Had it been done more intentionally (not that the album didn't come about organically) I believe TEOM wave would have eventually lifted Charmie up as well.
What's good about it is that nobody'd be able to call her acting brand new. This is actually firmly in her wheelhouse since her debut.
It's nothing new-new since Vanishing and The Wind, but definitely underutilized. She did Lullaby of Birdland on the ECT and more recently Nevertheless in Abu Dhabi, she even had that kinda ragtimey intermezzo of Sweetheart with the dancers and the band. I that. More please. But I digress.
I really wanted to talk about how much I regret You Got Me not getting a video or single release. It's not that it's her greatest song but it's the album's #1 earworm. It's a feel-good moment. I'd sometimes rather she'd kept it for a different time than it becoming "filler". It would've been a hit even if another lesser singer released it. I don't understand why Lyor Cohen bypassed it over TTR and MC never references it. Stream of consciousness over.
(Sunday 2 February 2025; 02:32)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,075)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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For me Charmbracelet is another outlier album. What do you think if 7 Aurelius and Dre and Vidal were the only producers on Charmbracelet? They could have really made Charmbracelet sell more copies and not been such a disjointed album in my opinion. I feel that Lyor Cohen gave MC some bad advice by telling her to choose Through the Rain as the first single. Charmbracelet was an great album, but it could have been better.
(Thursday 30 January 2025; 15:05)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,074)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Caution is an outlier for sure. The production and the way Mariah wrote is something I've never seen her do before. That speaks to her finding a new way to express yourself like the lyrics are very conversational and like she's trying to send a message to someone or explain herself in ways that are very "real world". I'd love if she continued to do that on future albums. So I say yes to Dev Hynes. He made a really great contribution to the Sugababes "Lay Down in Swimming Pools" but it never got released because of sample clearing. It's from 2013 but you'd never know listening to it now.
(Thursday 30 January 2025; 11:29)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,070)
by BFF from United States
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I agree. I'm not religious, and I found the post to be totally benign. I understand that people may have felt harmed in the name of religion in their past(s). I definitely have felt harmed in the name of religion in my past, but that doesn't mean that we get to label all religious people or religious references are bad or suspect. I would think that anyone who describes themselves as progressive would welcome diversity of thought and freedom of expression, especially when that thought/expression is completely benign and positive.
(Tuesday 28 January 2025; 17:00)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,068)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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RL, I am moved and humbled by your generosity. I can only hope that I am nominated in the same category because I aspire to be, every day. Thank you for seeing my "Wishing Well" post as just that and not something I wrote to be divisive for drama. Cheers.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 22:09)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,061)
by RL from USA
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This is a really great post about "Wishing Well" for her. I appreciate the diversity of thought you brought to this page, especially from a fanbase that should be tolerant and inclusive of all people even if some of us aren't as progressive.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 17:07)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,066)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Bobby (can I call you that?), don't cut down your post on my account. That would be mournful. There's room for everybody. We all bring something to the table. I'm on my live and let live tip, so let's play.
I really do enjoy Muni Long's tone and you're right, she has adopted the way MC projects her head voice and that's probably why their vocals blend so well. I've caught her on a few interviews giving very much The MC Academy of Media Training. I hope the twinning continues in future projects.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 21:55)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,058)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I have given Baby from Dreamville my special guest star status this year. I am cutting back on my posts in 2025. We need to have more fun this year because it is going to be different year on so many levels than 2024. By the way, Teddy Swims' new song, Black and White with Muni Long, is just another example of how MC's vocal stylings have had a huge influence on Muni Long. She sounds just like MC on the song.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 13:37)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,062)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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TJ, I remember you from the inception of MCA and we rarely agree on anything. So I wasn't exactly expecting you to rejoice at my post (when hell freezes over, perhaps?). But it's specifically for Mariah or anyone else who happens to need it and for what it's worth I find your ubiquitous presence here very comforting. True story.
I know you must care for Mariah the human beyond idolization because we were both here in the trenches trying to figure out what happened when M was leaving voice messages on her website about not knowing what was going on and how she needed a break. I still remember the songs on The Mariah Radio widget back in the day. We all need to be truly seen, heard, loved and comforted (flaws and all) especially in times of distress and I don't know about you but this is how I regenerate - through faith.
We talk about MC's gospel songs regularly (well, I do IRL). We talk about how many songs Mariah's written referencing Derek Jeter and there are many. But Jesus is by far her biggest muse. It's what sets her apart from most other popular singer song-writers and probably hasn't helped her any awards. Jesus didn't get any awards either. He's the most famous person ever.
Accolades are nice but one shouldn't place those things above the legacy real one leaves behind with how you impact other people's lives.
(Monday 27 January 2025; 02:07)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,057)
by TJ from Norway
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Did Jesus turn your water into wine, yesterday? Am I the only non religious person on this board?
I wish that Mariah get more reflected about the world around her and make good decisions, helping others and maybe write some meaningful music instead of so-called RnB she has made lately.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 09:43)
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My 2025 - hopes, dreams, wishes, and prayers for Mariah Carey (108,056)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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(There is a preface in my profile,, just a click away, as this will already be a long post. Thanks.)
1. Spiritual fulfillment - That she continues to nurture her relationship with God, leaning on Him for guidance, peace, and joy in all aspects of her life.
2. A Godly marriage - That she finds a partner who shares her faith, values, and desire to honor God in their union.
3. Healing and restoration - That the scars from her past - whether from childhood or past relationships - are fully healed, allowing her to live with peace and joy unshaken by old wounds.
4. Authentic love and support - That she surrounds herself with people who truly love, respect, and support her for who she is, beyond her celebrity persona.
5. Grace to be human - That she is shown grace and understanding by others, allowing her to make mistakes, grow, and evolve without judgment or undue criticism.
6. Freedom from worldly pressures - That she finds liberation from the entertainment industry's materialistic and superficial values, allowing her to fully embrace her God-given identity.
7. Purposeful legacy - That she continues to use her platform and music to inspire others and share the presence of God, as she has done through her Christmas albums and other works.
8. A loving and faith-centered family - That her family relationships, including with her children, remain strong, loving, and centered on mutual faith and respect.
9. Unwavering faith - That she remains steadfast in her faith, even when faced with life's challenges, and continues to be a beacon of hope for others.
10. Divine guidance - That she discerns God's will in her decisions, whether in her personal life or professional endeavors, and trusts His plan for her.
In Jesus Almighty name, Amen.
(Sunday 26 January 2025; 03:32)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,051)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Haha. I am in fact a Butterfly aficionado. But I think the only ringtone I ever bought of MC's was Whenever You Call. IKR? Other than that I use her rare releases because I get asked, Who was that? To which I could then gush over Mariah in all manner of ways without having to sound like I'm trying to.
Her live tributes to Patti, Stevie and Diva's Live always used to get the best responses. I don't know how other people can't distinguish her tone and inflections from hearing just one note but that's the world we live in.
Let's hope there are some live performances gearing up for this year that will become future classics. I think of With You at the 2018 AMAs is the closest thus far (ugh, the visuals) but, YMMV. I hate that the original upload that had more than 5 million views on YouTube got taken down with no explanation. *cries*
(Saturday 25 January 2025; 02:10)
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108,015 |
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,015)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Baby from Dreamville, thank you. I enjoy reading your posts. You don't post most, but I can tell you are a Butterfly baby who was one of the new Lambs who had Honey as a ring tone in 1997. Am I right?
(Monday 20 January 2025; 14:27)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #6 to #10 (108,012)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville... Where There's No Beginning & There is No End (Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)
"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter. 7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template. 8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten ones a new chance. 9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters. 10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years."
I believe in positive reinforcement. You catch a lot more butterflies with honey. I don't think it's a coincidence that I've gotten to see the things from my 2015 MC Wishlist that I wrote in 2014 come to be or are already in the pipeline.
Mariah visits this site. Maybe she doesn't post but she's well aware of it for all the same reasons many of us come on here for. MCA has been around since the times she used to leave voicemails on her website to the lambs in the Rainbow/Glitter era. There used to be so much more synergy back then with all the Lamb sites. I miss that. Choose your battles. You can fight Mariah with the rest of the World or you can fight for her. There are plenty of professional critics who make a living and entire careers out of picking at every little thing she does "wrong". They don't connect with her humanity and that's unfortunate. They don't know any better.
Mariah's not perfect, just like the rest of us aren't. But God has gifted her with vocals and writing talents to uplift others through her music and that is something nobody can take away. So, why try? My 2925¢.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 23:38)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,007)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville. Where There's No Beginning & There is No End (Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)
"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a little list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.
1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary. 2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo. 3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC. 4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one. 5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unreleased tracks or remixes."
Thinking outside the box is one my God given strengths. If I could deliver some of my ideas directly to Mariah, with no middle man (no offense, Eric) I wouldn't bother cryptic-posting anywhere because of the risk that someone might snatch it away from her.
I know not everybody who visits MCA thinks they're any good but it doesn't bother me at all because It's really only MC who has to see the vision and remix it to her liking. That's why I'm very deliberate with my wording and a lot of times have to edit what I really wanna say because this is such a well-known forum.
But Mariah's smart and a creative genius. She just needs encouragement to go after things, as we all do. A lot of the things I wanted and still want for her have been goals she's hinted at herself throughout the years or has had to let go of. My 2025¢.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 00:27)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,011)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Get you some Merino wool socks, scarf, and undergear. You can wear it year round, really no matter the weather but especially when it's cold or windy. It's super light, breathes, easy to hand-wash and dries in a jiff. Great investment and a must have if you ever travel. Great and more affordable alternative to cashmere.
That's cool that you have a physical Mariahbook. I bet it's filled with some great stuff. You probably have your own method of deciding what goes in it too.
In this instance (My 2015 MC Wishlist) it was always a plan to come back and revisit it, so I pinned it to my profile to make it easier to access when the time came. If I hadn't thought to do that it still wouldn't have taken more than 5 minutes to scroll my own posts and get to it that way. Before I started posting again after my very long hiatus, I did just that to refresh my memory of what I'd already posted before. No point in wasting time rewriting things unnecessarily.
I've always had my ways of hunting down information. Mariah's always dropping crumbs since forever and I'm a curious person by nature so I sometimes go hunting just for fun. You kinda have to learn if you wanna get to the bottom of things. I take time with posts to link to sources so I can go back and find stuff even if a site goes belly up. Eric has been very generous with how he's kept all of our profiles intact and alive for a long time. I am one who especially appreciates that. Much luv.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 22:53)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,008)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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How did you retrieve a MCA post from 2014? Do you keep an online Mariah book? Lol. I have been compiling my paper Mariah book since 2004. Edward said I need a boyfriend. Lol. Just having fun on this boring Saturday night waiting on the snow apocalypse to pass through Texas on Monday night.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 03:03)
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A look back at: My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) #1 to #5 (108,007)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville. Where There's No Beginning & There is No End (Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)
"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a little list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.
1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary. 2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo. 3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC. 4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one. 5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unreleased tracks or remixes."
Thinking outside the box is one my God given strengths. If I could deliver some of my ideas directly to Mariah, with no middle man (no offense, Eric) I wouldn't bother cryptic-posting anywhere because of the risk that someone might snatch it away from her.
I know not everybody who visits MCA thinks they're any good but it doesn't bother me at all because It's really only MC who has to see the vision and remix it to her liking. That's why I'm very deliberate with my wording and a lot of times have to edit what I really wanna say because this is such a well-known forum.
But Mariah's smart and a creative genius. She just needs encouragement to go after things, as we all do. A lot of the things I wanted and still want for her have been goals she's hinted at herself throughout the years or has had to let go of. My 2025¢.
(Sunday 19 January 2025; 00:27)
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A little paranoid? Maybe (108,002)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Basically you take no issue with whomever leaked, shares or gossips anything someone they came up with and wants to keep for themselves because someone like Mariah "took too long" to use it herself? How would you know in what stage MC was in to justify being robbed like that? That's a weird argument because any project worthwhile is gonna take some time to plan and execute - especially a collaborative effort like a concept album.
Well, as long as you're open about it with the people you hang around - so they know not to divulge any of their intellectual property when you're within listening range, it's all good. I guess a lot of people consider any information they come across to be communal property. I don't, on principle but also because I've been personally affected, under different circumstances and in a completely different industry. It feels shitty just the same.
You sign NDAs to protect yourself and trust people you don't know have ulterior motives and in the end you sometimes have to just swallow the betrayal both personally and professionally. I make sure to record both audio and video now as well as a paper trail. It hasn't failed me yet. Highly recommend.
Taylor Swift grew up on her grandparents Christmas tree farm and has to endure Mariah Carey being everywhere for her entire birthday month (and then some) breaking records and racking up #1's, year after year with AIWFCIY. Even when MC "loses", she wins bigger. Don't you just love that?
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 20:21)
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A little paranoid? Maybe (108,000)
by Edward from USA
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Mariah didn't really make it seem like someone deliberately stole her idea or pulled a "J.Lo" on her. She kind of shrugged it off, implying that her idea probably got leaked by people she had shared it with. Then, not long after, someone else came out with something similar. What I think happened was that Mariah took too long working on her album and, in the meantime, someone else probably came with a similar idea. The only major standout from that era was Beyoncé's Visual Album, which dropped as a surprise overnight. We'll never know for sure, but maybe wasn't the visual album part, but definitely the surprise-release angle.
Let's be real, Mariah's been kind of paranoid ever since the whole J.Lo stolen sample drama. What's interesting, though, is that after Mariah was vindicated, they talked about and squashed it. Mariah hinted that Jennifer was just a pawn in the whole situation, and honestly, I believe her. Back then, Jennifer probably didn't know much about sampling or how shady the industry could be. But when Mariah went on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen and said she didn't know J.Lo, that totally caught me off guard and let me know Mariah never let it go.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 17:52)
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Missing studio pics solved (107,994)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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But. Taylor Swift's late October 2014 roll out of "1989" fits even better as to where Mariah's album concept, title and visuals actually went. She even has song title identical to MC from TEOM i.e. "Shake It Off".
So we deduce that Mariah Carey - who wrote her SIO almost a decade prior - when Swift was an unknown - would have come up as topic during production by her team or Taylor herself, because songs don't write, record or produce themselves ( well, now AI kinda does) and their chosen titles hold significance.
There would also follow a natural comparison to both songs and artists as it got single-treatment by the general population - which was no coincidence and probably part of the PR strategy from get. If MC had made a bigger deal about the whole thing, Taylor Swift's team would have made Mariah look like the one coming for her because she "felt threatened" by a younger female non-vocalist. It remembers me to someone MC infamously "doesn't know", who has subsequently been invited to perform with Taylor on tour to pay homage to her as the biggest singing inspiration from her childhood. As Aretha Franklin said: "Gowns, gowns, beautiful gowns'". This was all designed to bait Mariah.
Mariah was teasing us for a hot minute about her orginal late 1980's demos shortly after she exposed the creative thievery in 2015. It was very old school the buzz that was created and started building from short clips and not knowing if it was her or someone who just happened to still have one of the debut demos. I guess we'll never know.
So, plenty of people in the industry have since been able to put two and two together as well as some of us lambs. Like Mariah told LA Times, it would be to big a scandal to have revealed all that when it happened a decade ago. MC is a consummate professional sweetheart and her pokerface is immaculate. You won't catch her slipping. She learned from "Glitter" that the industry doesn't care if you steal from other artists - if anything, you get rewarded. Taylor got 10 Grammy nominations off of the stolen "1989" pilfering of Mariah Carey's IP. She won 3, including AOTY. Yeah.
If I had to pick between Beyoncé or "1989" the latter
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 08:16)
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Missing studio pics solved (107,991)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Yeah, Carlos. I remember Mariah first talking about a contemporary artist stealing her album concept down to the visuals in this L.A. Times article from 2015.
That puts the time where the actual interview was conducted several weeks or even a couple of months before being published on May 4th 2015 (around March). Mariah also dated the Thieving event in question, 2 months prior to the sit-down just like you said, Carlos. That tracks perfectly with Beyoncé album released on December 13th 2014.
Mariah was still signed to Island Def Jam in 2015 and a certain Mr Carter was the president of the label until just 2009. He would have still maintained professional as well as personal relationship with many of the people with access to Mariah (and Mariah herself) in the company much like Tommy had connections to Columbia Pictures through his Sony presidency, during the production of "Glitter".
There were also so many incessant red herrings in every media, blogs and forums about Mariah releasing a surprise album a lá Beyoncé, all through out 2015 - before she even mentioned her album sabotage. Damage control and preemptive deflection from the other artist's camp most probably. A certain subsection with online presence were hating on Mariah, hard, all up in the comment sections, calling her jealous of Beyoncé and all manner of attributes more fitting their own queen. These real world scenarios only make sense in this context.
This is why we we are sometimes robbed of nice things. It's why I don't mind when Mariah clams up, plays up her diva act or is vague. Her creativity always gets taken advantage of by collaborators, industry rivals and even friends. I guess it's a compliment that so many see her as the one to beat even now when they try and relegate her to being nothing but a Christmas legacy act. My 2025¢.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 00:08)
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Missing studio pics solved (107,991)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Yeah, Carlos. I remember Mariah first talking about a contemporary artist stealing her album concept down to the visuals in this L.A. Times article from 2015.
That puts the time where the actual interview was conducted several weeks or even a couple of months before being published on May 4th 2015 (around March). Mariah also dated the Thieving event in question, 2 months prior to the sit-down just like you said, Carlos. That tracks perfectly with Beyoncé album released on December 13th 2014.
Mariah was still signed to Island Def Jam in 2015 and a certain Mr Carter was the president of the label until just 2009. He would have still maintained professional as well as personal relationship with many of the people with access to Mariah (and Mariah herself) in the company much like Tommy had connections to Columbia Pictures through his Sony presidency, during the production of "Glitter".
There were also so many incessant red herrings in every media, blogs and forums about Mariah releasing a surprise album a lá Beyoncé, all through out 2015 - before she even mentioned her album sabotage. Damage control and preemptive deflection from the other artist's camp most probably. A certain subsection with online presence were hating on Mariah, hard, all up in the comment sections, calling her jealous of Beyoncé and all manner of attributes more fitting their own queen. These real world scenarios only make sense in this context.
This is why we we are sometimes robbed of nice things. It's why I don't mind when Mariah clams up, plays up her diva act or is vague. Her creativity always gets taken advantage of by collaborators, industry rivals and even friends. I guess it's a compliment that so many see her as the one to beat even now when they try and relegate her to being nothing but a Christmas legacy act. My 2025¢.
(Saturday 18 January 2025; 00:08)
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Missing studio pics solved (107,972)
by Carlos from Brazil
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Although it is almost impossible for Mariah to ever be shady to Beyoncé, according to this interview where Mariah said her concept was stolen, Beyoncé's album was dropped two months before that.
(Monday 13 January 2025; 13:42)
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Anderson .Paak (107,944)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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No. There is no romance. So what if their hands accidentally touched? I'm sure there is plenty of musical chemistry that makes up for all the lack of physical heat. If it creates buzz for MC Sweet Sixteen then great. Mariah can't hide her feelings very well, If she's in love, Anderson Pak ain't it.
(Thursday 9 January 2025; 10:58)
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107,900 |
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Anderson .Paak (107,900)
by Brandon from USA
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Do [you] guys really think that MC is dating Anderson .Paak? If so, good for her but I feel as though they are just working on music and have become good friends. Both are eccentric and musically inclined and I'm sure have other things in common. I'm curious to know how the rest of the lambily thinks and feels about it.
(Thursday 2 January 2025; 07:27)
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by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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I haven't posted in ages, literally. But I feel compelled because I don't see anyone anywhere saying this out loud: Both of Mariah's ex-husbands are narcissists. The last one is still very much up to his old tricks and is the main reason Mariah has difficulty commiting to a full relationship with any man no natter how compatible they are. This has been my observation since 2014. Is love to be wrong but I'm not. Imagine trying to build a relationship, dating to marry and have children as a public person, meanwhile the father of your two children is on a mission to keep your name in their mouth whenever he creates another sibling to your kids like he's collecting Pokemon cards. It's a very deliberate strategy designed to disrupt whatever progress Mariah makes in her romantic relationships. Just have a gander at the timeline of when he started his little "family expansion" in 2016-17. That's when Mariah was engaged to James Packer and Bryan Tanaka entered the picture again. In the 7 subsequent years, he had 12 more pregnancies that we know of with God only knows how many women.
Anybody can see how that would impact Mariah's desire to add to that kind of biological terrorism of her two children when we now all know how damaged her own siblings left her. Any potential chance at being open to marrying and having another child (however that would come to be) with a good man, God-fearing and equally yoked, has been made almost impossible because of her ex-husband. He knows he doesn't have a chance to get back in her pants either but he doesn't want her to be truly happy with anyone else. He's not gonna stop because plenty of women are willing to be career baby-mamas. The fact that their children are automatically connected to Mariah Carey might even be a greater motivator than who the father is. You can draw your own conclusions from why that is. My 2025¢.
(Thursday 9 January 2025; 10:47)
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Reality show will be a disaster? (62,292) (62,386)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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It's Chicken Little all over again QueenLambassador. These people's default position is negative -7. Watch them all flip-flop when Mariah's World is a cult hit. It never gets old. Mariah is a one-woman comedic genius about to be unleashed on the GP and these people aren't ready. [censored] you rarely are. [censored] enough to get her will become lambs for life. She has always been the same person. Anyone who claims she has changed, ironically, doesn't know her and will never have the privilege. [censored] aren't known for being nuanced in their perceptions, they are usually [censored]. I honestly can't wait for all the quotation and gif-sets to be born out of this. It's gonna be epic on seven ascending levels. Years from now we will all talk about where we were and what we were doing during the TV-event of the millennium known as Mariah's World. So, move over Game Of Thrones and forget about The Walking Dead. MiMi's got phrases to coin and leaders to shade. I don't know her could use a couple new siblings, don't you think? 
(Thursday 19 May 2016; 15:16)
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Re: #Beautiful (62,050) (62,104)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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#Beautiful suffered not only because of M's physical injuries but also because her personal life really wasn't a happy one and she was a first time mother to two babies. Context is everything. But #Beautiful is interesting to me because it created a buzz around Mariah in the Swedish entertainment press that has lasted until today. It made several year end lists in 2013 with music journalists salivating at the mere thought of what would eventually be MIAMTEC and gets mentioned in almost every single (Swedish) SSFT concert review. That's a platinum song, yes, but it dropped 3 years ago and blasé music critics are still thirsty for it. I'm telling you all, Mariah needs to cater to the European market as much as she does the US. She could be dominating here again very easily. A lot more easily than in America IMHO. I'm gonna DM Stella and everyone on Team Mariah a list. This forum is too public or I would have already posted the list last year when I got it in my head. Nobody on MC's level has ever attempted to do what I am proposing. She's really the only superstar (alive) my plan suits. Anybody random couldn't do it even if the ideas are pretty simple and low intensity. And now it's the perfect time with how efficient and go-getter her team is. I don't know, but I could be right. These things make me squee. Anyway, Memoirs was a good effort IMO but the subject matters didn't mesh with what we thought we knew was her personal life at all (at the time). There was a disconnect. The only one since Glitter as far as I'm concerned and that was a soundtrack, so what can you do? We have historical context now, but back then it didn't really make creative sense that she's was writing about long lost love and breakups because of infidelities (?) when she was a newlywed. Not that everything a songwriter writes is literal but it was weird that Memoirs was at once her most nostalgic and prosaic to the point of cynical where her lyrics about love were concerned up til then. On E=MC2 it was the very different, she had a light and hopeful take on romantic love. I wouldn't have known she was married, happy and in love with her soulmate trying for a baby, listening to the Memoirs album. Obviously she wasn't, but neither she nor the public knew that then. Memoirs only makes sense after MIAMTEC as a prelude IMHO. And that's sad to think about too long.
(Friday 13 May 2016; 20:21)
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Re: I've missed you (61,735) (61,740) (62,103)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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First off: Hey Boo, it's been like a century but it's great to see a familiar face on MCA. I purposely avoided posting here and even lurking because the Mariah bashing can be so toxic on here and I knew I wanted my Sweet Sweet Fantasy Tour experience to be unsullied. It was the best choice I could have made because I now have memories for life I have shared with real lambs. It was refreshing to not have to defend her to anyone I met because we were all actual fans of her voice, music, lyrics and personality. Not once did someone lie and say she didn't sing live. Or that she didn't look the best she ever has and her entire entourage is all-star. Thanks for the shout out B.
(Friday 13 May 2016; 20:03)
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I'm not a hater: I just hate a lot (61,956)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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The last people to admit to being racist/ sexist/ ageist/ misogynistic/ bigots etc. are usually the ones who display the characteristics the most out of anybody. We all know it. One could argue that most racists don't know any better and that they are ignorant to their own behaviours. So why then are haters exempt from being called out? Haters are just as likely to go on the defensive when fans/ stans/ lambs point out obvious hater characteristics. Doesn't mean they aren't a hater. In any other fandom, haters are acknowledged if even just nominally. There isn't a concerted effort to downplay their presence when Stans vs haters is and has been what separates the die-hards from the general public. I don't know if lambs are the egg or haters were the chicken. It's different matter either way. The two are inextricably linked as they are in any given fandom. But for some weird reason the lambily has been semi-hijacked by haters using the transparent: some of my best friends are lambs. Ergo: I can't be a hater. You people are always going on ad nauseum about Adele, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Madonna and whomever else you can use to misinform on the current or historical state of Mariah's brand, popularity and marketability. Never mind that all of the aforementioned have stanbases who are largely responsible for hyping up their faves and giving them positive press not to mention buying their music and actually liking it. The og lambs continue to do this just as they always did. Personally, I love the haters and find great use and amusement though them. It's the ridiculous denial of their existence on fanboards that I find more than suspicious. Why the subterfuge? I wouldn't go post on a JLo fanforum and expect her stans to not look at me sideways considering how I don't like her actions and continuous lies towards Mariah. If I ever did, I'd be called a hater within two seconds and they woukd be well withing their rights. Like, who does that? Again. Why the subterfuge and propaganda that the lamiky is the only standom with any real haters? Why are the diehards considered some kind of fringe element? There is an obvious agenda in that question and it doesn't benefit Mariah. So, miss me with the outrage over her wardrobe choises, celebratory habits and who is or isn't part if her social circle. The only thing worse than bad press is no press at all. Just look at Justin Bieber's rise-fall-rise or hell, Mariah's own career rollercoaster. I remember a has-been singer-songwriter who used to be popular when I was in 7th or 8th grade, who once said something about not discounting talent, I wonder whatever happened to her.
(Monday 9 May 2016; 20:11)
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by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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Mariah Carey's entire existence is political. Her family and national history before she was ever born saw to that. The very idea of Mariah is a defiant statement at its core. She's a light skinned black American woman and living musical legend. When she opens her eyes in the morning, millions breathe a collective sigh of relief because she is that intrinsic to their own breathing. When she speaks, she is quoted in every media outlet out there and when she sings the whole world listens. Tell me one politician who wouldn't kill to have the influence she has had on numerous people since day 1. All the choices that were made for her, from the disownment of her mother, her father's absence after her parent's divorce (caused in large part by the mere fact of their interracial union) to her own choices of abstaining from drugs and promiscuity through marriages, both corporate and otherwise. These have all been political expressions because (like any of us) Mariah is a child of her time. Mariah's actions speak for themselves even without her song-writing IMO. She named a whole album Rainbow. More than that, she actually lives her philosophies and has always surrounded herself with the most diverse cohorts whether race, gender, sexuality etc. Being "apolitical" was never a choice Mariah could have made even if she wanted to. That privilege is reserved for rich white males. So anyone negating her impact, cultural, political, interpersonal or musical is nothing but a contrarian. Besides, MC is a monarch anyway so this discussion was redundant before it even began.
(Friday 29 April 2016; 15:18)
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Re: Mariah's World: everything (61,505) (61,534)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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"Haha you made a funny. You should take your meds more often." And you should up your Vitamin D intake.
(Saturday 23 April 2016; 18:19)
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Re: Mariah's World: everything (61,452) (61,483)
by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
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"Well smack my arse and call me Cindi. We actually agree on something." Good for you Andrew. There's hope yet. Who knew? 
(Thursday 21 April 2016; 20:45)
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