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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Re: So boring (70,408) (70,426) by Edouard from France
I'm happy to see that I'm not alone out there.
(Thursday 29 December 2016; 21:09)
So boring (70,408) by Edouard from France
You all are so boring with this ongoing negativity. Get a life.
(Thursday 29 December 2016; 8:57)
Re: Beacon Lambover - Mariah no-show (70,078) (70,080) by Edouard from France
O c'mon. Maybe she didn't know, maybe she's got a life. You have all the reasons to be disappointed, but do you really have to be so judgmental? Everybody's got a life and Mariah too.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 12:57)
Re: Buzzfeed article (69,954) (69,971) by Edouard from France
I totally agree. Probably the best article ever written about Mariah, the human being. Love the insight. Love how they analysed her without inventing stuff and how they "explain" her choices and where they are rooted. It's clearly written by someone who cares about her as an artist and as a person.
(Thursday 15 December 2016; 16:11)
The last time Mariah toured this much (69,940) by Edouard from France
She created The Emancipation of Mimi.
(Wednesday 14 December 2016; 11:01)
Wow (69,893) by Edouard from France
Mariah's been giving us a lot lately. And I like that.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 18:14)
Re: Selling like hotcakes (68,997) (68,999) by Edouard from France
That would be amazing. Who does that? Mariah Carey. Haha.
(Friday 2 December 2016; 17:26)
Re: Cruise Control (68,991) (68,996) by Edouard from France
Might needa go slow.
(Friday 2 December 2016; 16:35)
Re: Cruise Control (68,978) (68,984) by Edouard from France
You're right Daren (thank you for focusing on the good things, btw). This album may not be my favourite, but all the songs are very radio friendly. Cruise Control might be too close to Shake It Off in terms of style but I don't know. Love the song. should've been a single along with Migrate and Love Story.
(Friday 2 December 2016; 12:08)
Re: Lettuce pray (68,905) (68,921) by Edouard from France
Well, then I don't understand, if it's a Mariah Carey website, why do we feel the need to put her down? Where's the adoration? I wonder? She deserves better from us.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 16:02)
Re: Lettuce pray (68,881) (68,905) by Edouard from France
And yet noone says anything bad about Nick having a baby with his ex-girlfriend whom he probably barely knows. You guys are so judgmental. [Webmaster: Maybe because this is a Mariah Carey website and not a Nick Cannon website?]
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 11:03)
Re: Can somebody explain to me (68,764) (68,776) by Edouard from France
Wow people, I'm not saying I like Stella. I don't know her. That's all. Can't we grant her the benefit of the doubt? Because to me, saying she's bad means Mariah is bad at judging who should be managing her. And I can't, can't, can't believe that. Mariah is one of the smartest person in the game. Everybody knows that. Let's see and hope for the best. Basically, let's trust them.
(Tuesday 29 November 2016; 11:26)
Re: Can somebody explain to me (68,742) (68,743) by Edouard from France
Well, don't we all want Mariah's manager to be "all in" and root for her? She clearly is a lamb too.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 15:35)
Can somebody explain to me (68,740) by Edouard from France
What's your problem with Stella? I mean, we've never even heard her talk about Mariah, we don't even know what kind of person she is. We just assume this and that based on her looks. I mean, WTF?
(Monday 28 November 2016; 14:24)
Re: Mariah was pretty open (68,637) (68,651) by Edouard from France
Well I thought she was pretty "deep" for an Ellen interview. She was herself, she answered the most important question in my opinion: "I think I'm doing well." She also answered the question wether there is a real "Mariah that we're missing". It was pretty explicit. She even completed the question. To me, it sounded like she is aware of some of the criticism from people, even her lambs. She knows she's been everywhere and overexposed yet maybe has taken some distance from her fanbase. She pretty much said she is not always who she really is, because it's hard to be and no one can really be who they are on every occasion. Especially when you live in the spotlight. As a lamb I understand that Mariah is focusing on her many jobs (mum, lover, artist). And I want all the best for her. I'm ready to sacrifice a little of my selfishness and craving for new music. She needs to live. All of us need to. Do you get what I mean?
(Thursday 24 November 2016; 15:43)
Mariah was pretty open (68,636) by Edouard from France
On Ellen, Mariah was pretty open, considering recents events and the fact that she probably can't say too much for legal reasons, and won't say too much because she knows how to create buzz. I thought she looked good on Ellen, down to earth and pretty. Sexy, yes but she's wearing black from head to toe. Pretty conservative plus she knew the camera wouldn't show her cleavage. She knows what she's doing and for those who don't understand her there's a pretty clear message for you in this interview if you really pay attention.
(Thursday 24 November 2016; 12:30)
Re: Thank [...] Nadia from USA (68,500) (68,532) by Edouard from France
Let's keep this post alive. Yeah.
(Monday 21 November 2016; 15:59)
I gotta say the new trailer (68,444) by Edouard from France
Looks very good to me. It looks well made/edited/produced and sounds interesting. It's very Mimi but at the same time it's not all about her. She looks cool I think. It really does sound interesting guys.
(Friday 18 November 2016; 12:57)
So what would you recommend? (68,332) by Edouard from France
I mean I get it, some of us are bored, fed up with the "stay in the spotlight strategy" Mariah and her team have been deploying lately. Hope I'm clear. I get it and I'm not necessarily thrilled with everything but I also understand the advertising landscape we are in in today's world. I think I do at least. Some of us make very valid points, IMO, when it comes to publicity and stuff so what would you all recommend Mariah should do? Before you answer, please realize that Mariah wants/needs to stay relevant. And no she can't do it like Adele, because Adele is still a new artist in people's mind and Mariah [...] it like Adele would be more like Mariah [...] it like Barbra, who is an icon yes but who is not even remotely in the spotlight. I believe Mariah is sometimes borderline with her image (has been since 1997 by the way, considering some of her ensembles at the time, within the fashion world at the time). But I also know Mariah will never cross the line. Let's not forget that Mariah's always been good with promotion. She knows how to present herself to be relevant. I believe she's always been a watcher growing up, she learnt from others, from her mum's musical world, from the Sonny environment at well. And sometimes you learn from the best and from the worst.
- Mariah first came out a the young singer, shy and soulful
- Pop princess
- Flirting with hip-hop
- Pop, turn of the century in order to rival with the pop acts from that time (you all remember?) and she turned it as a joke
- The comeback era
- The mum era
- The "I'm divorced, got money, so what deal with it I've earned it" era. In terms of her image she is very in "the now. But unlike some other acts she has owned the right to do so IMO.
Side-note: Let's not become the old folks who critized her when she first wore her pink top in the Heartbreaker video. We all loved it because we were the demographics and it worked for me and still does.
(Tuesday 15 November 2016; 13:52)
Re: New promo for France (68,311) (68,316) by Edouard from France
I meant "she's no cookie-cutter type of girl nor is she the opposite as some of us tend to want her to be". Let her be Mariah. That's how we fell in love with her after all.
(Monday 14 November 2016; 14:24)
Re: New promo for France (68,300) (68,311) by Edouard from France
I think it's quite okay. 8.55 p.m on a Friday night is good. It's [...] be a global event and I'm quite excited. I believe the trailer is super misleading on purpose just to create a buzz. At the end of the day Mariah is Mariah. She ain't [..] change who she is: she ain't no cookie-cutter type of girl, nor is she the opposite as some of us tend to say.
(Monday 14 November 2016; 10:30)
You guys live for this footage (68,259) by Edouard from France
Like MC said, I believe most of what's been going on lately isn't true. I think they're playing with the media, giving them hints and letting them draw stupid conclusions. In a weird way it makes MC relevant in today's buzz/tweet - dare I say Trump - society?
(Saturday 12 November 2016; 14:26)
Can we focus on the voice please? (68,199) by Edouard from France
I mean Mariah sang pretty damn good in Mexico. Okay the pink thing was a real fashion faux-pas, but the rest is pretty okay and classy, considering 2016's general fashion landscape. Almost ol'school, 70's retro outfits. Did you hear her voice? I never was a big fan of Without You (too shmalty for me), but I've gained a whole new respect for that song in 2016 thanks to all her great, very well executed performances. Very technical and pro.
(Thursday 10 November 2016; 15:33)
Honey (68,134) by Edouard from France
Honey's just the best Mariah uptempo. Love everything about it. It's still so cool and relevant, from the song, to the video. I can't describe.
(Tuesday 8 November 2016; 22:52)
I so don't agree (68,008) by Edouard from France
True it's not her best performance ever but think about it: no backup singers, no tralala, no décor, only her. She's singing all the difficult parts full voice with no warming up. She's singing outside in the cold. She's lipsyncing the breathy parts because this type of vocals require a more intimate approach vocally and this type of show don't provide this environnement. She's actually singing and clearly having fun. All the difficult parts are sung and she even harmonizes with the long note at the end of AIWFCIY. She did a good job considering how last minute, and clearly unrehearsed this performance was. Also I should ad that she's going for the belted notes with no warming up, no vocal builtup since she's lipsyncing the breathy parts.
(Saturday 5 November 2016; 15:32)


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