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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: The legit year our queen born (58,649) (58,651) by Marissa from USA
I remember on an episode of Oprah back in '99 Mariah's mom said that she was born in 1970. You could see that Mariah was uncomfortable and her age complex was starting to develop back then. I feel like as straightforward as her mom seemed in the interview, if she was actually born in '69 she would have said it off the cuff regardless of how uncomfortable Mariah felt. I wish those people who said in People mag that they had proof of her being born a year earlier would have shown us the actual evidence.
(Tuesday 22 December 2015; 21:44)
More praise for A Christmas Melody (58,613) by Marissa from USA
I think MC kept it cute by making her role significant enough to be memorable but also letting the more seasoned actors take center stage. If every character in the movie would have been as tongue in cheek as Melissa Atkinson then I would agree that the movie wouldn't have been good, but the contrast between the serious characters and her petty, shadiness made it interesting rather than cringeworthy to me.
(Monday 21 December 2015; 20:17)
A Christmas Melody (58,591) by Marissa from USA
Currently watching the movie. I think Lacey Chabert was a great casting choice for one of the lead roles. When I first saw the clip of MC's first scene a couple of weeks ago I was not feeling the acting, but now seeing Mariah's performance in context I'm actually enjoying it. So far, so cute.
(Monday 21 December 2015; 1:04)
Survey question for the lambs (58,469) by Marissa from USA
(Inspired by Giselle's post.) What is one song that Mariah performs frequently that you would like to replace with a lesser performed song? I would trade Hero for Fly Like A Bird. Hero's a beautiful song but I think it's boring compared to the other gems MC has in her catalog.
(Tuesday 15 December 2015; 20:58)
Re: This article (58,403) (58,405) by Marissa from USA
There is so much that I love about this article. 90s Mariah was outstanding, but like the author of this article I would rather see her being the best version of her current self than chasing the shadow of her former self. The latter is something that I'm sure leads her to be dismayed and also fuels the media's "what happened to Mariah" narrative. The former opens gives her opportunities to shine for who she is now. What I loved about the clips I've seen of her December 12th show (that's the last show I've seen so far) is that she was killing it while simultaneously accepting and adjusting how she performed to how her voice has changed. That's what so many of us have been calling for for so long. It paid off. I haven't seen such a solid show from her in years. (Not to mention that "Jimmy Pack's" appearance may have influenced matters lol.)
(Monday 14 December 2015; 10:20)
Re: Acting brand new (58,357) (58,371) by Marissa from USA
You truly are a pathetic and miserable shit-starter to wait months to respond to this post to once again attempt to continue this bullying witch hunt against me when I'm minding my own business. I do not apologize for anything I've said on this board so you might as well stop coming for me. Unlike you, I have a range of emotions. I am not 100% positive or 100% negative. You are the only one dumb enough to believe that if someone experiences more than one emotion that they are fake or acting brand new. Last year it looked like Mariah was throwing everything she worked hard for 24 years away and not giving a damn about her legacy, so no, I was not going to be polite at that point. My emotions reflected the state of her career. There was extremely little to be happy about then. I am way more positive now because there are way more positive things going on in her career. Her voice is improving, her body looks amazing, she's taking on new projects, etc. There is pretty much nothing to complain about, therefore I'm not complaining. But let you tell it, that's fake. With your bullying, shade throwing, shit-starting and desperate need to create cliques you are truly one of the most negative and divisive people on this board. I've done none of those things. I have just stated my opinions and minded my own business.
(Saturday 12 December 2015; 18:36)
Re: Beacon performance of AIWFC (58,327) (58,331) by Marissa from USA
Wow, that was the best performance I've seen her do since 2013. She completely slayed. But of course the gp will harp on the Rockefeller performance from last year. Oh well, at least the lambily knows how good it was.
(Thursday 10 December 2015; 18:56)
Re: Let's focus on the present (58,319) (58,330) by Marissa from USA
Oh okay. No worries.
(Thursday 10 December 2015; 18:42)
Re: Let's focus on the present (58,308) (58,312) by Marissa from USA
I don't know if this was directed at me since I left a comment saying that I noticed a bit of lipsyncing or members of the GP that are commenting on videos but I'll speak anyway. From what I've seen from the videos I would say her show was about 95% live. There were distinct lines in WCC and other songs that sounded too much like the studio versions to be convincing given how her voice has changed, but my point is not to pick apart her performances. We can agree to disagree. I still think she did a great job regardless. I don't think that anytime anyone mentions lipsyncing and Mariah in the same sentence that it's always a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with a singer lipsyncing if they are using it as a tool to preserve their voice for the numerous songs that they have to do in one show rather than a crutch. For a change, they were so well-blended into the songs that they were barely noticeable.
(Thursday 10 December 2015; 0:39)
Mariah at the Beacon (58,301) by Marissa from USA
From the videos that I have seen, MC did a great job at the Beacon. This is the time of year where her voice shines the most because she knows most of the audience is filled with lambs, therefore she can relax and give a better performance. I did hear a little lipsyncing here and there but it doesn't bother me at all because she kept it to a minimum and it was incorporated in a way where it complimented her live voice rather than completely replacing it. Overall I think she did a wonderful, festive job and I hope this Beacon tradition doesn't end anytime soon.
(Wednesday 9 December 2015; 18:57)
Re: I Know What You Want performance (58,242) (58,250) by Marissa from USA
Yeah, it was just okay in my opinion. I think Mariah sounds her best when she lets it be effortless. Nowadays it seems like she does a lot of excessive belting and runs and although they don't sound atrocious, they do emphasize the strain in her voice. It's okay to play it simple, because simple with her is usually when she sounds the most stunning.
(Monday 7 December 2015; 10:15)
Pow (58,223) by Marissa from USA
Mariah looks stellar in this photo. Shoutout to the "she's slowly but surely losing weight" quote because it's accurate. Body on fleek.
(Sunday 6 December 2015; 3:08)
Re: Rockefeller (58,191) (58,193) by Marissa from USA
I wouldn't give Rockefeller the time of day after last year's scandal. If Mariah's not performing there ever again I totally support her decision. I understand being mad that someone is late but releasing that mic feed was just evil. I would not want to bless the same people that humiliated me with improved vocals. I vote no.
(Thursday 3 December 2015; 22:50)
Re: Roc "these people" (58,184) (58,192) by Marissa from USA
I hope Mariah shuts that down because apparently Nick won't. Who would be proud of their kids saying that?
(Thursday 3 December 2015; 22:44)
So umm... the A Christmas Melody clip (58,137) by Marissa from USA
Based on the clip I saw where Mariah and Lacey reconnect for the first time in the movie, I'm not feeling MC's performance. It didn't feel natural at all to me. I'm trying to take a breath since this is supposed to be a feel-good Hallmark movie rather than something being released in theaters, but because she's Mariah Carey, if this performance isn't good she is going to be read for filth by the general public.
(Tuesday 1 December 2015; 18:12)
Steve Harvey (58,060) by Marissa from USA
Has anyone had any luck finding the full Steve Harvey interview online yet?
(Saturday 28 November 2015; 0:45)
Article: Mariah Carey on the best things (57,957) by Marissa from USA
I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. I like the fact that MC can admit her weaknesses (like when she was talking about how she doesn't look good in red lipstick) unlike other celebrities who have egos the size of Russia and pretend that everything they do and wear is a hit. I also was surprised that she carried on a conversation about being a star in the '90s. Usually that spirit of "eternally 12" gets such a stronghold on her that she doesn't even acknowledge that she was alive back then. That was a big step in the right direction. In terms of her alluding to not getting credit for a lot of the trends that she started, I don't want her to get bitter about it which I sense she is already becoming. What's happening to MC has happened to every legend. After a certain point people forget the impact that you have made on the industry. Despite the 12 year old trolls in YouTube comments shouting that Ariana Grande is better than Mariah, I'd be willing to bet that there are way more people who consider Mariah a legend than there are people who are trying to tear her down. It's a matter of which side she focuses on more and she's giving people who don't give her credit too much attention.
(Tuesday 24 November 2015; 18:07)
Re: Speak up more (57,903) (57,910) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree with your point about Mariah not trusting the public to overshare anymore. In her recent interviews post-divorce I sense that she is much more inhibited and guarded than I've ever seen her in the past. It's something I see in her eyes now even when she looks happy it seems like she is anticipating shade, someone to twist her words, or just general bullshit and has prepared herself to shut it down, to the point where it seems like she's not fully relaxed or enjoying the moment. I feel that she has a wall up and it's unfortunate. Besides Travon, has anyone else gotten this vibe?
(Sunday 22 November 2015; 0:00)
Re: Comfort zone (57,881) (57,883) by Marissa from USA
I don't think the issue is Mariah incorporating hip-hop into her music, I think the problem is that lately she's been choosing the wrong people to collaborate with. Her collaborations are lackluster because she works with too many "artists of the moment" rather than rappers that are worth her sharing her talent with. Rich Homie Quan, French Montana, Rick (98% of my music is features) Ross, really? If she's gonna do hip-hop, she needs to do it right by working with legends (for example, DJ Quik). I agree on the meaningful videos as well. Infinity and You're Mine were flatter than a 3 month old, half-opened, unrefrigerated bottle of Sprite. Half of the respect that Adele gets is because emotional depth is her personal brand (although if you see her interviews she is quite the jokester). Mariah's depth is not mainstream. She's written powerful lyrics, but who knows that besides us? I want to see her depth reemerge in an obvious way so she can gain more respect back. Some steps in the right direction would be releasing singles that have meaningful lyrics and having videos that reflect that. It seems like MC wants all of her singles nowadays to be fun and games but it wouldn't kill her to throw '90-'95 lambs a bone in the form of a well-produced ballad.
(Friday 20 November 2015; 2:51)
But for what though? (57,744) by Marissa from USA
Some lambs may want MC to have an image overhaul, but I don't think we can assess whether or not she actually needs it until she puts out music and we can see how that translates into sales. Back in the MIAM days I was 130% in favor of an image overhaul because the music wasn't selling well and it seemed like the media was ragging on her left and right. Now that she has made great strides in the right direction with more positive regard in the media, better fashion choices and new, exciting projects, I don't know where this feeling of an image overhaul being needed is coming from. Compared to last year, I definitely don't think her image is a state of emergency, although improvements are always welcomed.
(Tuesday 10 November 2015; 22:30)
Is she divorced or not? (57,733) by Marissa from USA
I have heard so many conflicting stories regarding Mariah's divorce. I thought I heard that the divorce was finalized in April. Now every time I look up an article is saying that she has yet to finalize the divorce. Which is it? If she isn't yet, this is one hell of a hold up.
(Tuesday 10 November 2015; 4:42)
MC in Macau (57,545) by Marissa from USA
Mariah's performance in Macau snatched me bald. Period. Her voice sounded robust, well-rested and I heard no straining. Whatever she's doing now, it's working. I'm so proud.
(Wednesday 28 October 2015; 22:51)
Mariah on Empire (57,526) by Marissa from USA
I wish Mariah would have guest starred on Empire during the first season when it felt more authentic. This season's celebrity guest appearances have been corny as hell. I hope MC is cast as a recurring character rather than playing herself. I want this to be another opportunity to show off her acting chops on a mainstream level.
(Monday 26 October 2015; 21:24)
Re: So fetch (57,257) (57,269) by Marissa from USA
I just peeped that yesterday. Once I put two and two together I knew that Mariah, her love of Mean Girls and Lacey Chabert was no coincidence. I'm so excited for this movie. MC looks like she's taking this directing role very seriously.
(Wednesday 14 October 2015; 2:33)
90s MC compared to 2015 (57,240) by Marissa from USA
Am I the only one feeling like these "how would 90s Mariah feel about 2015 Mariah" posts are shady as hell? Lol. Both versions of MC are good in their own way.
(Monday 12 October 2015; 17:17)


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