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About B from USA: Slowly but surely®™ The Vindication of B ®™

"There are people called haters and we give them positivity" MC

Ariana (48,375) by B from USA
She's now coping Mariah's style. Remember the Vera Wang bandeau top and skirt that Mariah wore to the MTV Video Music Awards in 1997? Ariana wears the same ensemble in her Love Me Harder video.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 16:23)
Marilyn Monroe's 1950's glamour (48,371) by B from USA
For the next era Mariah should duplicate Marilyn Monroe's 1950's glamour. Chanel, Fendi, Givenchy, Burberry, and Alexander McQueen and stylist Rachel Zoe could transform her into a style icon. Mariah needs to visit Dr. Scott Kessler on a weekly basis, she needs to work with her personal trainer Bernardo Coppola daily, and she needs to take lessons from her mother Patricia, who we all know was an occasional opera singer and is a vocal coach. She also needs new producers and collaborators. She's Mariah Carey. If she went on Oprah, Fallon, or Ellen appearing humble, articulate, and charming and talked about the effect emotional turmoil can have on the human voice and talk candidly about the divorce she can regain the publics sympathy.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 15:30)
Debbie Gibson (48,366) by B from USA
She was an 80's pop star that wrote and produced her music.
(Sunday 7 December 2014; 13:40)
Foolish (48,356) by B from USA
Compare Mariah's vocals from Tokyo to the Christmas performance and it's clear she's taking care of her voice. Her voice has improved greatly since that show.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 21:53)
Shocked (48,355) by B from USA
I'm in shock that MIAMTEC didn't receive a nomination for Best R&B album. Did Beyoncé score a nomination for her self titled album that is inferior to Mariah's musical masterpiece? If so that's blasphemous. Just saying. Why isn't the media attacking her? Her new music is awful. Drunk In Love is horrible and every song that I've heard from that album sounds like they were written by someone desperate to be risqué a la Rhianna. At least Rhianna's songs are catchy. Bey may be making money but her rep as a hit maker is in worst shape than Mariah's.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 21:36)
Baby (48,290) by B from USA
Thanks for the advice. Mariah is still the best and that leak only made it clear her voice is improving. Compare the live leaked vocals to her vocals during the opening night of her tour in Tokyo and it's obvious. I'm going to continue to support Mariah and enjoy her for what she does and who she is. She's a single mother of twins who was cheated on by a douche that used her. She deserves sympathy not ridicule, especially from her [...] fans. Maybe I watched a different version of the leaked vocals because a few missed and flat notes does not make a performance bad.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 21:15)
I'm done (48,251) by B from USA
This is a fan site. A messageboard dedicated to all things Mariah. Her latest performance wasn't terrible, she sang beautifully. Yes, she failed to hit the high notes and got a little pitchy but she recovered and finished it on a high note. Until the hate dies down I'm taking a break from visiting this site. It's always negative. Some of you are never, ever happy.
(Friday 5 December 2014; 1:21)
Best R&B Albums of 2014 (48,234) by B from USA
16. Mariah Carey - Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 21:36)
Rockefeller Center Christmas (48,226) by B from USA
Her voice was on point. She didn't hit some notes but she seemed to be having problems with her earpiece. I'm not delusional. I thought other than not being able to hit the high notes she did just fine. It was live and she proved she can still sing and I'm one happy lamb. A few flat notes and pitch problems does not make the performance a bad performance.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 21:32)
Mariah hate (48,209) by B from USA
Mariah has always been criticized by the media for her tours and live performances. This isn't something new. Even during the Daydream world tour she was accused of lip-syncing and they also talk about her antics and lack of stage presences. She sang beautifully at Christmas in Rockefeller. She failed to hit a few high notes but the rest was one of her best.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 14:46)
Baby (48,208) by B from USA
That Mariah refuses to walk on carpet. That was a good one, lol. She's the floating elusive diva.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 14:26)
Christmas in Rockefeller Center (48,207) by B from USA
Some of the high notes were a little pitchy or flat but the rest was great. I loved it. She slayed it. Those moments are forgivable and she proved she still she has her voice.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 14:10)
Marcus (48,162) by B from USA
I questioned you because of your post. When I read a lot of the posts on this board I find myself wondering if some of you are fans. I'm not saying that to bash any of you, honestly. I'm here because I love Mariah. Always have, always will. I hated Memoirs and Triumphant but I didn't log on and talk about it daily.
(Wednesday 3 December 2014; 17:05)
Christmas in Rockefeller Center (48,141) by B from USA
I think Mariah is going to slay this performance. After the Tokyo debacle and the media attention that night, she's going to sing live and slay. Her voice is in fine form, it improved with each night of the tour. Mariah will always top the chats every year this time of the year.
(Tuesday 2 December 2014; 15:54)
VH1 and radio (48,139) by B from USA
Both are playing Mariah's Christmas music and introducing a new generation to Mariah. I think Mariah's vocal peak or prime was 1994. Glad that these kids are getting to hear a real singer, who has written some of the greatest songs of all time.
(Tuesday 2 December 2014; 14:27)
Marcus (48,138) by B from USA
What are you talking about? I still enjoy Mariah's voice and I expect I always will. Baby wasn't saying her voice still sounds like it used to. Are you even a fan? Just wondering.
(Tuesday 2 December 2014; 14:22)
Mariah (48,133) by B from USA
Mariah's voice is in better shape than Whitney's was. I'm not dissing Whitney, she's my second favorite singer of all time. If Mariah was an alcoholic like Whitney was, of course Whitney did cocaine and crack which is what ruined her voice. Mariah may drink but she's not an alcoholic. She's not stupid, she knows it would ruin her voice. She most likely drinks in moderation, taking her voice into consideration.
(Tuesday 2 December 2014; 0:13)
Black Widow (48,121) by B from USA
I'm watching MTV this morning and if Mariah had released Thirsty as a single, with a great video directed by Brett or Paul, it could have been as big as Black Widow. The similarities between those songs are obvious. I can't believe Katy Perry wrote part of that song. She must of have been listening to Mariah for inspiration, lol.
(Monday 1 December 2014; 14:30)
Era (48,114) by B from USA
This era is similar to the Charmbracelet era because both were difficult times for Mariah. I can understand why some people didn't like Charmbracelet. The most common complaint being that she barely raises her voice above a raspy whisper. I don't understand why people, especially fans, don't like this era or album. It's a return to form for Mariah. #Beautiful was a hit and the album was well received by critics. Of course the single choices and promo left something to be desired and that can't be denied. I understand why Mariah didn't promote this album. I don't blame her. I think she can easily overcome this minor setback. This era hasn't tarnished her legacy, she's still Mariah Carey.
(Sunday 30 November 2014; 17:36)
Mariah (48,108) by B from USA
I'm so tired of the "Mariah's voice isn't what it used to be" comments. I still love Mariah and she's still making music and that's all I want for Christmas.
(Sunday 30 November 2014; 2:21)
Mariah's next move (48,095) by B from USA
I think Mariah should record a gospel or jazz album next. Forget about the charts and the critics and just go for it. She has nothing left to prove except to those who constantly dismiss her and her talent. Mariah needs to make people miss her. Nick and his mouth have caused Mariah to become over exposed to the public. He's been an unrelenting presence in public since their marriage in 2008. He took full advantage of being Mr. Mariah. He's never shut up about it and is still talking.
(Friday 28 November 2014; 17:19)
Non album tracks (48,072) by B from USA
When I think of non album tracks, Do You Think Of Me and Slipping Away immediately come to mind. Both are great songs and why they were relegated to being b-sides is beyond me. I'd also include numerous remixes like Always Be My Baby featuring Da Brat and XScape. Mariah was a workhorse during the 90's. She is and was a prolific writer and that's why I'm not worried that she'll retire. She writes because she has to, it's her driving passion. I do wish Mariah would work with Roson and Mars. She needs new producers with fresh ideas and beats. I think working with Calvin Harris would be amazing. I feel he'd bring out some of her best vocals like David Cole and Robert Clivilies of C+C Music Factory. I would love to hear any unreleased demos or her vocals from that era. I wish she'd stop being afraid of her voice. I think she's afraid people will think she's showing off if she just let's it rip, no pun intended.
(Tuesday 25 November 2014; 23:29)
Marcus (48,046) by B from USA
Mariah has written about Derek Jeter on every album since Butterfly. The majority of Butterfly was inspired by her divorce from Tommy and Derek. The songs that are about the demise of a relationship (Butterfly) are about Tommy and the songs about a new relationship and longing (My All and Babydoll) are about Derek. I'm not trying to be rude but you can't deny the obvious. Mariah was involved with Jeter during 1996 and that's a fact. Tommy and Mariah's relationship ended when Daydream didn't win any awards at the 1995-1996 Grammy's.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 18:41)
Mara and Marcus (48,045) by B from USA
Mara, I knew that and thought I included it in my post but accidentally deleted it when editing. Marcus, Butterfly was what Mariah had wished Tommy had said to her. I think it's easy to tell what she's referring to if you followed her career and personal life over the last two decades. I think the only song that was inspired by a movie was Obsessed. She said that she is inspired by stories and movies because she didn't want to admit that she was already having problems with Nick and the miscarriage. Mariah told the world Nick cheated when she sang "I know you cheated motherf*cker". Mariah didn't cheat on Tommy, they were separated when she began seeing Derek in 1996. They kept it private until her divorce was official. Well, they tried to anyways. Google Mariah Carey and Derek Jeter and educate yourself, Marcus, before talking about us like we don't know anything.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 18:33)
Derek Jeter (48,039) by B from USA
Mariah began having an affair with Derek in 1995-1996. They made it official in 1998 after her divorce from Tommy was finalized. I read in an interview that when Derek would hear her songs he would pretend she was singing to him. The Roof, Lullaby, Subtle Invatation, and For The Record are all about Derek. Songs like Side Effects and I Wish You Well are about Tommy. It's easy to tell which songs are written from her own experiences. Thank God I Found You was about Luis.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 14:23)


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