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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: It must be said (57,191) (57,204) by Marissa from USA
Nice, fresh perspective Nikki. Great post. I Iove the new direction of MC taking the reins and branching out into new projects. It has successfully distracted me from begging for a new album lol.
(Sunday 11 October 2015; 1:45)
Re: Wow, just wow (57,031) (57,039) by Marissa from USA
So you just trying to start mess to hopefully make people forget about the uprising towards you a few days ago huh? Who uses all of that effort to try to "expose" someone who hasn't even addressed them in months? Unlike you, I don't have autopilot emotions regarding everything in Mariah's career. Sometimes I'm disappointed, sometimes I'm happy. That's not something I need to elaborate on or justify. If you expect me to have the same upbeat attitude I have now that I had back when Mariah's career was looking scattered and directionless then you're being unrealistic. I don't apologize for or take back anything I've said at different points in her career because that's how I was feeling at the time. So who are you directing your witch hunt towards next? It's also comedy to me how so many of you have dedicated endless posts urging and even bullying people into positivity, but when I'm positive even that's an issue. FOH.
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 23:14)
Re: Mariahisms (57,018) (57,026) by Marissa from USA
I was thinking the same thing when I heard him say that. That felt like a mini victory for the lambily in that moment.
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 18:23)
DJ Quik (56,930) by Marissa from USA
I need Mariah to work with DJ Quik as soon as possible. The man is a musical genius and I have never heard one bad beat from him. If Mariah ever wanted to do another mainly R&B album a la TEOM he is the man she needs to work with. He is very underrated but his musical genius plus Mariah's genius and superstar fame could be a great collaboration. Check his beats out.
(Monday 28 September 2015; 5:13)
Re: If you could interview MC and only ask 5 questions (56,686) (56,691) by Marissa from USA
Great topic Ardis. I would ask:
1. When was the last time you were out of your comfort zone?
2. What would you do if you weren't afraid?
3. If your life was a book, what would be the name of the chapter you are in now?
4. What's one good habit that you wish you had but don't have?
5. If you could only remember 5 moments of your career forever and the rest of your career moments were erased from your memory, which 5 would you pick?
(Wednesday 16 September 2015; 18:59)
Game of War (56,629) by Marissa from USA
Love this project for MC. She looks great and it's nice to see her do something outside of her comfort zone. She even runs in the commercial which we all know is miraculous for her to do. I'm happy.
(Monday 14 September 2015; 18:49)
Re: Change (56,468) (56,483) by Marissa from USA
I am team edgy for Mariah's look. We've been getting glam forever and it's time to change up the formula every now and then. Shock us MC.
(Saturday 5 September 2015; 8:32)
Re: Manager / Stella (56,341) (56,343) by Marissa from USA
I just think that's how MC rolls. She is an extrovert through and through. She loves having people around and seems to never need alone time. I think it's nice of MC to let Stella bring her kids everywhere because I personally would be sick of any other kids being around besides my own. Kids don't always need to be in grown folk's business. But maybe I'm just old school.
(Thursday 27 August 2015; 22:16)
Re: What (56,037) (56,051) by Marissa from USA
Mariah + disco = dream come true. She did give us some disco realness with Meteorite and YDKWTD though, which I thoroughly enjoyed.
(Saturday 15 August 2015; 2:50)
A mess, but I'm not surprised (55,827) by Marissa from USA
The song sounded junky. Period. Team too much. Mariah has been chasing a Fantasy ODB-level remix since 95 and she seems to be getting further and further away from it. Leave all of these "here today, gone tomorrow" artists alone and choose one (caps) artist who has the potential to be a legend to be on the track.
(Saturday 8 August 2015; 19:11)
Re: High school reunion (55,782) (55,787) by Marissa from USA
Exactly. I hate when Mariah makes arrogant comments. That type of attitude is disgusting. I don't care how successful her career has been. There's no such thing as earning the right to be arrogant or rude. I'm sure many people don't want to go to their high school reunions (me included), but there's a nicer way to say "I'm not interested in going."
(Friday 7 August 2015; 21:09)
Yay (55,725) by Marissa from USA
Mariah looks stunning. I'm loving the old Hollywood glam hair. She should do this look more often. It's so elegant. I'm proud of MC and she deserves this moment.
(Wednesday 5 August 2015; 22:25)
Mimi L / new era (55,654) by Marissa from USA
I loved your post. You are so right. For the next era, not only the music and songwriting, but the promotion needs to well planned also. That's always the part that falls flat, but ultimately that determines how successful the material will be. I personally have let go of my desire for Mariah to get another #1. I don't care anymore. I have been through enough eras getting hyped for songs that had mediocre chart success at best. I'm over that. Now all I want is for her to have good press, stay humble and continue to make stellar music (hopefully she's get it together with the lackluster videos too). As far as her weight, I want her to be whatever weight she is because she chose to and would prefer to look that way, not because she just gave up or got lazy. That's all I will say on that. She doesn't look bad though.
(Tuesday 4 August 2015; 1:35)
Seriously, where's RaeRae? (55,590) by Marissa from USA
Rachel going from being with MC all day every day to disappearing is disturbing me. It seems like Stella has replaced her as her right hand woman. If anyone has the scoop on what happened or any theories please share.
(Saturday 1 August 2015; 19:30)
Congrats MC (55,573) by Marissa from USA
I'm happy for MC's directorial debut and I hope the movie is #pow. It's so good to see Mariah active in her career again. This is how it's supposed to be.
(Friday 31 July 2015; 19:57)
Sorry to disturb the peace but... (55,464) by Marissa from USA
I can't hold it in anymore. This relationship feels so damn phony to me. In the beginning I thought it was genuine. Then when the "candid" photos like the kissing photo started getting released I felt an irrepressible urge to call bullshit. Since when have candid photos of Mariah ever been "leaked" unless she was posting them to her own Instagram? My issue is the attention-seeking vibe that I am getting from this. If she's in love, great. I'm not saying that they should break up. But Mariah is too talented for this Kardashian "look at me" bullshit surrounding the relationship. Like I've said before, it feels like she is trying too hard to prove that she has moved on. And miss me with that "she looks happy so no one should have anything to say" mess because she looked happy with Nick Cannon as well and a lot of lambs hated the relationship from the very beginning before he even started pulling his stunts and shows. Surprisingly, as random as their relationship seemed, it felt 10x more believable to me than this.
(Monday 27 July 2015; 3:21)
Dancing (55,305) by Marissa from USA
If only MC would dance again. She slayed this performance.
(Thursday 16 July 2015; 20:18)
Non-likes (55,228) by Marissa from USA
Infinity, Do You Know Where You're Going To, You're Mine, TAOLG. There is no Mariah song I've ever heard that I feel is completely atrocious, but the songs that I listed are songs that I feel are underwhelming.
(Sunday 12 July 2015; 21:50)
Say it ain't so (55,179) by Marissa from USA
I hope to God that these marriage rumors are false. I cannot stand to watch her make another rushed decision like she did with Nick. I don't care how in love Packer and Mariah are, you need extensive time to learn who a person truly is. Charisma hooks you, but a person's character is what you have to live with. Character only reveals itself after time and when a person is put in challenging situations. Ain't nothing challenging or character-revealing about cruising the Mediterranean when times are good. Pump your brakes Packeriah. There's still much more you both need to learn about each other.
(Friday 10 July 2015; 3:18)
AI (55,073) by Marissa from USA
The problem is that Mariah took her anger about being lied to out on Nicki and decided to throw shade, as if Nicki was the one who betrayed her. It was the people behind the scenes' fault, not Nicki's. Nicki wasn't going to put up with the digs and shade so she snapped. Granted, it was tacky the way she went off, but not everyone is going to bow down to Mariah and accept a petty attitude. This was also another confirmation that Mariah can't stand dealing with other females unless they're older than her, a subordinate or a mere feature on a song. It seems strange that Mariah was cool with Nicki when she could leverage her being a hot up-and-coming rapper for a feature on UOMF, but when they got on a level playing field both being on the judge's panel, suddenly she couldn't stand her.
(Friday 3 July 2015; 21:03)
Being "black enough" for more recognition (55,009) by Marissa from USA
Despite Mariah being part black, in the early years she wasn't marketed to black people. Her team tried to solidify her image as the racially ambiguous girl that appeals to everyone. Generally speaking, that doesn't fly with black people. If you are not marketed as an R&B or hip hop artist, you will not be a fan favorite. Her music had plenty of R&B influences but she was marketed as a pop star for years. I don't think you have to be a particular shade of brown for black people to support you. With the black community, it's about loyalty to "black" sounds (R&B, soul, hip-hip). I also agree that the fact that Mariah doesn't dance or have the Whitney-level stage presence put even more odds against her in terms of being a black fan favorite. Whether it's in church with the pastor stomping and shouting or a concert where the artist is kicking off their shoes, we like theatrics and that's not Mariah's speciality. I still love her despite it all though.
(Wednesday 1 July 2015; 20:22)
B / BET Awards (54,974) by Marissa from USA
As a black woman, I'm offended that the BET Awards in particular is seen as "not important". This is a particularly hot button issue for me because the "ethnic" awards are always the first to be written off as irrelevant. Those awards are sometimes the only validation that black artists can get for their work. If they are lucky enough to get to the Grammy's they'll most likely be nominated for an award category that isn't even televised. The BET Awards, Soul Train Awards, etc. are the only places where we can get recognition without having to wonder if it's just because we're a token black person. Nor would you have people like Rihanna mindlessly being nominated for "soul" categories in other mainstream award shows just because she's black. It just bothers me that people seem to have the mentality that if millions of white people aren't tuning in, it doesn't matter. B, this isn't an attack on you, it just prompted me to vent on something that's been bothering me for a while. Nothing personal. If your main point was that after all that Mariah's done we don't need awards to validate Mariah's artistry anymore, then I agree. (Forgive the tangent.)
(Tuesday 30 June 2015; 5:59)
I'm getting disillusioned (54,867) by Marissa from USA
I agree with some of you. Now this "romance" is starting to look hella suspect. This doesn't feel very "Mariah" at all. It feels like she's trying too hard to prove that she's moved on. I have no issue with the paparazzi pics of them holding hands because they weren't the ones releasing them, but that awkward kissing photo and them posing for a pic every five minutes? I'm used to MC being discreet about her love life. This is feeling publicity stunt-ish. Also, is anyone else confused about how Mariah is comfortable dating a smoker? That can't be good for her voice (or health) to be around that.
(Wednesday 24 June 2015; 21:35)
What do you all think? (54,781) by Marissa from USA
So some people in Mariah's Instagram comments were saying that it is too soon to have a love interest around her kids. I wasn't thinking about that when I first saw them together but I agree. I'm one of those people who believes that you don't introduce a man to your kids unless you are sure that this is the person you want to spend your life with. Going by what sources say that they have been dating a few weeks, I doubt that this point has been reached. I think that exposing your young kids to casual dating is dangerous because they could get attached to someone who could be out of your life in a short while. Please no one blow this out of proportion and think that I'm saying that MC is a bad mother, because I'm not. It's just not something I would do. Also I'm not saying that she can't date, I just think it should be kept under wraps for a while. What are the lambily's thoughts?
(Monday 22 June 2015; 5:04)
Licia / the pros of Packer (54,767) by Marissa from USA
I think the reason people are emphasizing his riches is because the general consensus of Nick's problem was that he was a gold digger using MC for a financial and career come-up. Since Packer's a billionaire, he doesn't need a dime of MC's money. I never thought I would utter these words, but there's not much that he could gain from Mariah that he doesn't already have. What Mariah provided for Nick wasn't just money, but plenty more career opportunities because people started taking him more seriously. They figured if a superstar like MC would marry and have kids with this man, maybe there's more to him than the "clownish" persona that he has. Packer is already respected and established so he doesn't need to use MC for career or financial boosts. Ultimately only God knows how this is gonna turn out, but it seems to be off to a more balanced start than her past partners.
(Sunday 21 June 2015; 9:23)


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