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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Special K (54,631) by Marissa from USA
I disagree that these younger artists are "blowing Mariah's spot up" on any level. First of all, it's an unfair comparison. The only people Mariah should be compared to are the people in her age bracket. I don't know why when it comes to MC everyone thinks it's justified to compare her to people who are half her age. Also if these kids really were blowing up her spot, it's not that impressive that they could "outdo" her in a performance because when you're young everything is easier to accomplish compared to someone older. Will those same people at age 45 still be killing it on stage or even have the stamina to perform in spite of having bronchitis? These 20 year olds may have better bodies and may not have any vocal struggles but will they have the talent and stamina to be in this industry after 25 years? Mariah doesn't need to take notes from people whose careers are unlikely to make any impact in the long term, she just needs to be the best version of herself, which has always been enough for her to succeed.
(Sunday 14 June 2015; 8:00)
I can see clearer now (54,587) by Marissa from USA
You all have refreshed my morning with these insightful posts. Now I finally understand the reason I haven't listened to the MIAM since the month it came out. It was a good album, but I felt like I'd heard it all before. The only song that impressed me with it's deviation from the formula was Meteorite. Everything else felt like a part 2 to all of her other past hits. Mariah needs to trust that she can succeed outside of her comfort zone. Look what a gem of an album Butterfly was which was very different from her 90-95 formula. Even songs like #Beautiful and Meteorite were successful attempts at stepping outside of the box musically. Also, I hope that this Game Of War deal is true. I like it for the simple fact that it's unexpected for Mariah to do. This is also a very unique and effective way to expose her to the younger generation. I'm very excited.
(Friday 12 June 2015; 17:56)
Please no more breaks (54,509) by Marissa from USA
I think these calls for Mariah to take a break and reemerge sound good in theory, but we have to keep in mind that Mariah's 45 years old. Age-wise, she can't afford to keep disappearing and expect people to have the same enthusiasm for her like when she was in her twenties. In the real world, she's relatively young, but in the industry people see that as an age to put you out to pasture. As we could see at the BBMAs when only 40% of the audience even stood up for her out of respect (even after they showed the video of all her accomplishments), the reception to her has gotten a lot more lukewarm and I don't think her releasing her next album at age 47+ is going to help matters. I also think that the more time passes since her last #1 the less people are going to give a damn about her record. Today's generation has a "what have you done for me lately" attitude and is quick to write someone's accomplishments off as irrelevant, so another #1 should be snagged very soon or she should stop making that her main talking point. I believe that Mariah needs to put out stellar music consistently until she retires. Realistically, there's not much more room for error or breaks.
(Thursday 11 June 2015; 3:49)
The excuses must stop (54,381) by Marissa from USA
I agree Ben and Marcus. I'm tired of every time something doesn't go perfectly in Mariah's career it's reduced to a conspiracy theory. MIAM was a great and deep album, but it flopped because it was poorly promoted. Not because everyone's against her. Infinity didn't go to #1 because it wasn't worthy of being a #1. It sounded like a disorganized rough cut. I will admit that at times it seems like there are forces working against Mariah, but the cream always rises to the top. When Mariah was busting her ass and extremely driven, it didn't matter who was trying to pull her down. Her music was still slaying the charts. You know why? Because she was out of her own way. She was doing everything in her power to succeed. She was making the hottest music. She was making iconic videos. She was promoting the hell out of her material. Therefore, no one could keep her down no matter how hard they tried. We can't start blaming outside forces until Mariah is 100% out of her own way.
(Monday 8 June 2015; 22:15)
Rumors (54,288) by Marissa from USA
I do not believe that Mariah's bipolar, a drug addict, alcoholic or any of the other latest accusations. Like some of you have said, these things would have been almost impossible to hide from the world. There's no way that someone who's on the verge of "dying like Whitney Houston" could have gone this long without being put on blast by the media, especially since the media doesn't seem to be particularly fond of MC to begin with.
(Saturday 6 June 2015; 21:47)
Give your 2 cents (54,248) by Marissa from USA
What do you guys think of the new bipolar tidbit of information? Believable or bullsh**?
(Friday 5 June 2015; 23:58)
Morgan's BS (54,129) by Marissa from USA
Morgan's story would have been semi-believable during the MIAM era where Mariah seemed all over the place, but this is a new day. She looks happy and is cleaning her image up. She's given great interviews lately. Her vocals have been improving greatly. These people that are coming out with these Mariah horror stories are a day late and a dollar short. It seems strange that when Mariah did seem like she was in a dark place last year no one spoke out but now that she's getting to a better place in her career everyone wants to pop up with these expired stories. Bye Felicia.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 21:43)
Thoughts on Infinity video (54,072) by Marissa from USA
Mariah looked stunning, but the video was lackluster to me. Considering that Brett Ratner worked on this product, I expected a lot more creativity. I agree with those of you that would have preferred a storyline to make the video more captivating. I also agree that they probably wanted to do more with this video but ended up biting off more than they could chew. It was a big improvement from the You're Mine video but it still didn't wow me. Oh well.
(Tuesday 2 June 2015; 20:40)
MC and Britney collabo (54,012) by Marissa from USA
I know I could have worded my post in a way that was less blunt, but I don't want Mariah to collaborate with someone for the sake of being courteous and not hurting someone's feelings. I want her to do it because it's a beneficial career move. Yes, it would have stung me if someone didn't want to work with MC when her career was struggling, but it's understandable for an artist to prefer to work with someone who's in a good place in their career. At the end of the day, it's about business. Mariah has barely cleaned up her career and gotten on the media's good side and I don't think she can afford to work with someone who's image/voice is also struggling just yet. I'm not saying never, just not now.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 19:11)
Mariah and Britney (53,987) by Marissa from USA
I don't see it happening, nor do I want it to. Britney's voice is shot. Her image is also in question because she seems like a very anxious shell of the woman she used to be and many people have picked up on it. Look at the comments of any video that she's been within the past couple years. There will always be a special place in my heart for Britney because she's a symbol of my younger years, but Mariah needs to stay on the winning team. Britney has her own career kinks to work out. If Mariah ever collaborated with another female singer I vote for Beyonce.
(Monday 1 June 2015; 3:25)
Another Christmas album? (53,937) by Marissa from USA
A re-release? This is a mistake. I know she said it was for the fans but Mariah, Merry Christmas II You already served that purpose. It's time for new, properly promoted, material.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 6:16)
Daydream327 / Mariah's respect (53,930) by Marissa from USA
I think the main reason Mariah doesn't get the respect of most living legends is because people don't see Mariah's substance. When people hear Mariah's name nowadays they think of ridiculous demands, obsessions with lighting, never acknowledging her age, having a grudge against another female artist, etc. Mariah's depth isn't mainstream. The masses don't know her struggle. People think MC is so pampered and spoiled that there's no way she could have ever been through anything. As long as the diva antics are in the forefront of the masses' minds she will never get the respect we'd all prefer.
(Sunday 31 May 2015; 4:25)
JD's comments (53,877) by Marissa from USA
I agree with Mimi L., that knowing JD he told Mariah all of this stuff to her face but it probably went it one ear and out the other. Unlike the other people who have spoken out against MC, his comments didn't seem mean-spirited and weren't ridiculous lies. As for MC's drive, we all have to remember that a lot of Mariah's drive to focus and succeed was based on fear. She always said that she worked so hard because she was afraid the rug would be pulled from under her and she would be broke again. Now sitting on hundreds of millions of dollars with jaw-dropping accolades behind her name, the fear of losing it all, and thus a huge chunk of her drive, is gone. I don't think that's an excuse, but nonetheless it's a valid reason behind why she may be more inclined to rest on her laurels than in the past. Granted JD was not a great manager to Mariah, but his comments were still valid.
(Saturday 30 May 2015; 0:33)
Disdain for early videos (53,825) by Marissa from USA
I don't think Mariah has an obligation to be in love with every video she's done, but if you're gonna hate something at least let it be for a significant reason. Hating her early videos because you could see eyelash glue for a couple seconds, the "hair snap" in VOL, and the 3 second running man isn't a reason to be so hard on yourself. She takes herself way too seriously on the smallest things. Even her critics don't give a damn about the nearly microscopic flaws in her early videos.
(Friday 29 May 2015; 0:06)
Damizza (53,764) by Marissa from USA
I'm extremely late to the party about this Damizza story, but I still want to chime in. In a way I wish he went the nasty route because it would have been easier to write him off as a hater. It's these idiots that try to pretend to be the good guy calling out for MC to get help that I can't stand. He's a "gentleman" but revealed that they were intimate (which I do not at all believe)? You don't have to state what sex positions you were in to kiss and tell. Saying that you were intimate is bad enough, especially when you know MC prides herself on being prudish in that way. Has he not been watching her career lately? She's making a turnaround. This isn't the MIAM era anymore. She doesn't need an intervention. Chill. Also, although everyone gives Mariah flack about it, every celebrity is sheltered and removed from reality. Some are just better at projecting a "real" image to the world, but they are still surrounded by bodyguards, assistants, suck-ups, etc. All I can say is Heartbreaker should have been written about (caps) Mariah rather than from her perspective. She has these dudes sprung and they can never move on.
(Monday 25 May 2015; 20:45)
MC and Michael (53,731) by Marissa from USA
Does anyone else find it interesting that it was so easy for the media to believe that MC and Brett were dating but no one but the lambily is catching the Michael Strahan tea? I definitely feel the chemistry between the two.
(Sunday 24 May 2015; 4:58)
LA's comments (53,560) by Marissa from USA
I don't know how I feel about LA's comments. I don't know if he talked about not expecting Mariah to snag a number one as a cover up for the fact that Infinity didn't come out swinging on the charts or if he genuinely doesn't have faith in her. He may have said what many people were thinking but it's not a good look when someone who's supposed to be on your side is talking about you like you're a has been and has low expectations of you. It may be more difficult for her to snag a number one since she's no longer at her career peak, but I don't believe that it's impossible if she puts out the right material and promotes the hell out of it. I also think a collab with a younger artist would be great for her but only if she chooses the right person. In other words, not these younger artists that people only mildly care about like Miguel, Trey Songz or Rich Homie Quan. If you're gonna do it, do it right. Get Beyonce, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, etc. People who are truly relevant.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 23:16)
More slayage (53,554) by Marissa from USA
Thanks so much Lee for sharing the video uploaded by a fan. Those vocals gave me everything that I needed. I heard no strain or struggle. She sang The Roof flawlessly. I think the key to Mariah giving great vocals is confidence. When she starts doubting herself that's when the vocals are questionable.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 21:39)
VOL slayage (53,501) by Marissa from USA
Damn I wish she would have sang it like this at the BBMAs. I love when she does the bluesy/jazziness at the end of the song. Slay Mimi.
(Tuesday 19 May 2015; 1:58)
VOL instagram video (53,364) by Marissa from USA
The instagram video MC posted about VOL sounded like it was a clip from a documentary. Listen closely to her speaking voice. It clearly doesn't sound like she recorded that on her phone just to post on Instagram. Someone please correct if I'm wrong or if that was a soundbite from an interview.
(Saturday 16 May 2015; 1:41)
The queen of candor is back (53,331) by Marissa from USA
These honest interviews are what converted me from an admirer to a lamb to begin with. Back when I was an admirer I thought that she had an exquisite voice and was beautiful but didn't know much about her personality. After watching a few of her interviews I saw that despite her having the difficult diva persona, she was actually one of the realest celebrities that I had ever come across. I'm relishing in this realness right now. I'm glad MC isn't the type to hide everything from her fans indefinitely but is usually itching to be honest with us, sometimes the timing just isn't right to tell us immediately. Last time MC gave us live updates with her life and business hardships (the infamous voicemails) she was branded as a lunatic, so apparently now she prefers to let the dust settle before speaking.
(Friday 15 May 2015; 3:14)
Daily Mail interview (53,145) by Marissa from USA
I enjoyed the Daily Mail interview. I always prefer when she does print interviews rather than television because she lets her guard down and gets much more candid. I'm glad to see her opening up after a lengthy period of being tight-lipped. Hopefully she considers the upcoming interviews cathartic.
(Saturday 9 May 2015; 5:54)
Putting in the effort (53,111) by Marissa from USA
I have never seen the lambily this outraged by criticism as long as I have been posting on this board, and I think it all comes down to the fact that it is obvious that Mariah really tried for this #1 to Infinity show. She put on a great show and seemed like she was happy to be there from what I have seen. The vocals may not have been 100% perfect during the entire show, but she put in the most effort that I have seen in years. That's all you can ask of a person is to try their best.
(Friday 8 May 2015; 19:47)
Slayosity (53,032) by Marissa from USA
Thanks Adena for the recording. MC slayed (caps) the Love Takes Time and I Don't Wanna Cry performances especially.
(Thursday 7 May 2015; 22:36)
Visually appealing (52,955) by Marissa from USA
Thank goodness it looks like the sets and production are on fleek for the Vegas shows. I can relax my "she's just gonna have one chaise lounge thrown on stage" fears. These will undoubtedly be the most aesthetically pleasing shows she's ever done. I can't wait to see more.
(Wednesday 6 May 2015; 22:29)


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