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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Re: You can't have it both ways (66,115) (66,116) by Edouard from France
Hi, I understand what you mean. But, when you think about it, why couldn't she have it both ways? She's talented and incredibly beautiful. Why should nudity mean no respect? Nudity isn't dirty in itself and Mariah surely would never go too far. I think she can eat the cake too. As for Adele, remember that she is experiencing a very strong sales period in her career. Mariah's has experienced that from 1993 to 1999 with 6 albums (studio and other projects). That's incredible. I don't know if Adele comes back in 3 years with a new album that it will sell as good as her last 2 albums. We'll see. We'll see what kind of marketing ploy she'll have to imagine then. I too wish that Mariah could solely focus on the music, but we all know that it's not enough to create interest outside of the fan base. And when you think about it, Mariah has always had a personnal thing attached to the release of an album in order to create some kind of buzz: first album, first live show, first mariage, first hip-hop collab, divorce, freedom, emancipation, weight loss/good shape, new wedding, children. One could say that it's all marketing. I'm sure it is. But I also believe that Mariah shares her moments/transformations with the public because these elements of her life always shape the body of work she's releasing. It goes hand in hand for many artists. More especially for her, I believe. It actually means something to her.
(Sunday 11 September 2016; 0:35)
Re: MIAMTEC the deluxe edition I finally got it (66,091) (66,097) by Edouard from France
I agree with you with the BGK remix with R.Kelly and Angels Cry with Neyo. I like the version with MaryJ and with Try Songz.
I think, in terms of "the explanation behind this move", it's a little bit of both. She was able to say things with these songs and if a journalist had speculated she only would have had to say "it's for the fans". We all know Mariah's always a bit "tongue in cheek". Well, elusive.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 18:54)
Re: MIAMTEC the deluxe edition I finally got it (66,087) (66,090) by Edouard from France
I meant "I finally get it", meaning "I understand".
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 18:08)
MIAMTEC the deluxe edition I finally got it (66,087) by Edouard from France
It was always a weird decision to me. But I finally got it. While working in a Starbucks today, I was listening to the album and paid more attention than before. Mariah introduced her duets with MJB and R.Kelly by saying "now for the deluxe". I always thought it was a business move from the label in order to grab people's attention and ensure better first weeks sales. It was actually Mariah's idea, I get it now. She had to be elusive throughout that whole period. We all know why now. She couldn't say certain things. She did by adding those 2 songs: "It's a wrap" and "Betcha gon' know". I don't if I'm clear. Am I?
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 17:34)
Nobody seems to have noticed (66,083) by Edouard from France
And frankly the sexiest thing in these pics is the fact that the water jet is cascading right in the direction of her "most itimate part". You can sense how playful she is and it makes me smile to see how comfortable she is. She hasn't always been and when you think about it she is quite covered up. It's our imagination that is at play. And she knows it.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 15:37)
Frankly (66,082) by Edouard from France
Mariah's pics in the hot tub made me smile. I mean it's a bit much but I find it funny because I can sense that it's all a joke. C'mon people. Mariah's done that kind of pics for ages. She was younger and less curvier and she was not married (or about to be) and she didn't have children yet. And maybe that's the core of the problem for you. And frankly that's not hers, nor should it be. Peace.
(Saturday 10 September 2016; 15:01)
Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (65,933) (65,934) by Edouard from France
I meant starting in 2005. She's hadn't had a hit album. Her last 5 albums went unnoticed. I mean she's sold 1.5 millions albums in the US since 2005 when Mariah has sold close to 9 millions with TEOM (6,2M since 2005), E=MC2 (1,3M since 2008), MOAIA (600k since 2009), MCIIY (600k since 2010), MIAMTEC (150k since 2014)
Since 2001 Mariah's had 10 real hits (11 if you count "All I want For Christmas Is You" which has really become an international hit and a part of the Christmas Season's culture starting in 2004)
Jennifer lopez has had 10 and I counted "Ain't it funny" twice (the original and the remix). Anyway, no need to compare really. Because only one of them actually penned those songs. And we all know who that one is.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 11:12)
Re: Duet With Ja Rule prevented a sophomore slump (65,924) (65,932) by Edouard from France
This article is a little shy at describing exactly what went on, admitting what went on. Out of curiosity I went on Wikipedia and noticed that Jennifer Lopez hasn't had a succesfull album in 15 years (her third album being her last). Her last 5 albums basically flopped. Also everytime she's had a hit record, her second single has always flopped in terms of sales. I also noticed one thing (never really noticed that before). Her song "Get right" (well basically Usher's song "Ride" for those who know what I'm talking about) came out 2 months before "It's like that" and The Emancipation Of Mimi" completely overshadowed her project. Mariah pretty much rewrote musical history then after what had happened when Sony sunk Mariah's Glitter and stole so many concepts from this project to sort of reboot Jennifer Lopez 2001 album. Only this time there was no conspiracy involved. Mariah won, solely with her talent.
(Tuesday 6 September 2016; 9:24)
What if what's really happening was (65,884) by Edouard from France
That Mariah's siblings simply are blackmailing her. Alison Carey probably only put an ad to create controversy (with no intention to follow through), knowing it would get Mariah's (and her team) attention. Morgan prepared the media to be ready to ask questions with his constant rants at Mariah. They realized they would make more by threatening Mariah to reveal "obscure family secrets" than by selling stories to the media. They clearly aren't that interested. Good thing that Mariah is actually friends with so many people and the TV (generally speaking) loves her. I'm talking about TV hosts, TV producers. She's friends with everybody, or friends with everybody's friends. She's smart. That is a horrible situation. I think Mariah had/has no choice but to get away and avoid them. They seem to be sick people. She saved her own life by creating her own. Sometimes you do have to choose your family.
(Sunday 4 September 2016; 15:13)
Re: Mariah and Jazz: "If it's over" is gospel (65,823) (65,831) by Edouard from France
I agree with you. It's very 70's soul / gospel, but her vocal delivery in verses are very jazz to me.
(Friday 2 September 2016; 16:07)
Re: Mariah and Jazz (65,787) (65,791) by Edouard from France
"Do you think of me" is very rooted in jazz when you think about it. Okay, it is more RnB/Pop but the vocals are very jazzy as well as the horns in the bridge
(Thursday 1 September 2016; 22:25)
Re: Mariah and Jazz (65,779) (65,787) by Edouard from France
How about "There goes my heart"?
(Thursday 1 September 2016; 21:44)
Mariah and Jazz (65,779) by Edouard from France
Which of MC's songs are the most jazz influenced IYO?
(Thursday 1 September 2016; 17:43)
Re: Vegas can be tricky (65,734) (65,742) by Edouard from France
I totally agree with you. I think that's what she has in mind for the future. Remember that she started as a session singer, sang with jazz musicians at her home when she was a little girl. I wouldn't be surprised. Plus she has written and recorded at least a jazzy/funky/70's soul song for each album she has ever put out (plus the B-sides): Vanishing, The Wind, Do You Think Of Me (kinda of jazzy IMO, though not pure jazz), Underneath The Stars, Outside, All My Life, Subtle Invitation and There Goes My Heart, Mine Again, Fly Like A Bird, Sprung, I Wish You Well (although very much a gospel song), one could argue that her cover of George Michael is sung with a jazz technique/approach. Yours is another one with strong jazz influence although very much an RnB gem. Make It Look Good is very doo-wop, which has a strong connection with jazz. Don't forget the jazz classics she has sung in clubs and on stage. Anyway, to me Mariah has always been jazz. Oh and the songs I've listed are basically some of my favourites of hers.
(Wednesday 31 August 2016; 1:52)
Re: C'mon people (65,719) (65,732) by Edouard from France
No prob, feel free to share your thoughts. I believe you're not wrong, per say, nore am I wrong either. Just consider that, at the time, Mariah's image in 1997 was considered hyper trashy and wild. It's all a matter of perspective. In Honey, Mariah looks like she's naked when she comes out of the pool, totally done on purpose. No one did that at the time (in the pop world).
(Tuesday 30 August 2016; 15:33)
Re: C'mon people (65,725) (65,731) by Edouard from France
Well age aint nothing but a number. On the picture Beyoncé and Mariah did together, no one could tell which one is the "oldest". 46 is the new 36. Come on, she's young.
(Tuesday 30 August 2016; 15:29)
Vegas can be tricky (65,730) by Edouard from France
For those who have been complaining about Mariah's attitude in term of dress code lately, I thought about it and I think Mariah has always played with codes. right from the start: girl next door, old maid/married woman, sexy kitten, o' naturel, girly pop, barbie doll, Hollywood, "basic chic". I believe the only way to make the Vegas residency relevant in terms of image is to play the showgirl. If she played it "seriously" it would really age her and make her irrelevant. Celine Dion hasn't had a hit on radio since she started her residency. She has a lot of success as a show stopper. But Mariah is a radio fanatic, she makes record, from start to finish. Performing is not her main plateform although it has clearly grown on her. I think most artists (most people actually) need to find a way to make things bareable when they don't necessarly want to do something at first. We all know Mariah would rather be in the studio than in Vegas, just like before. But the industry has changed and she's smart. So she does it, clearly enjoys it. But on condition that she's playing with her image, not take herself too seriously. She does it because she wants to make other albums in the future, for herself (she's an artist) and for us. And I'm honored.
(Tuesday 30 August 2016; 15:28)
C'mon people (65,718) by Edouard from France
It's Vegas baby. She can have some fun. I don't think that will be her look and attitude when she releases her new album. What's the problem really? I mean, throughout the Butterfly era Mariah wore flesh colored tiny tops and it was in 1997. Things were diffrent then, way more conservative. She wore crochet tops for Rainbow, dressing like an adolescent when she was 29. She dressed both like a Hollywood star from and 20's and as cool hood girl with The Emancipation Of Mimi. She wore tight yet not very revealing dresses with E=MC2. We all know how protective of herself and her body she needed to feel then. We all know the sad reason why. She's wearing skimpy outfits now because it's Vegas. She's a show girl, isn't she? And always has been. No one has a problem with Beyoncé wearing that kind of things. It think Britney Spears outfits are way less tastefull. I always thought Mariah's way to dress was a statement to where she's at in her life at the moment. She's actually very coherent with herself. She wouldn't wear something she's not feeling, not comfortable in. She's been working hard, on the stage and on her diet. She's confident and wanna share it. Applause.
(Tuesday 30 August 2016; 0:08)
I guess I get why she divorced him (65,462) by Edouard from France
The man has absolutely no filter. I mean their lovemaking should be and stay private, intimate. Moreover, Mariah maybe have played that song once during sex, maybe because she, or he, needed it. It's super private. He's so senseless and stupid sometimes. He should also know how this song is important to Mariah's fans and that it is kind of a cheap thing to say in terms of Mariah's legacy as an artist. I think she got tired of his humorless humor. He is a puppet for the media. On the other side, she is a master at not letting the media make her say/do things she doesn't want to say or do. She uses them even when it doesn't look like that. She has learned to do that. That's their main difference. He clearly isn't emotionaly smart. She is.
(Saturday 20 August 2016; 16:21)
Probably the best documentary on MC (65,247) by Edouard from France
I think they did 2 versions of this documentary because I saw it a while back and I don't remember it going "so deep" into Mariah's psyche. It is very interesting. I totally relate to her on many levels (overcoming things and learning to just live your life, cause at the end of the day that's really all that you got). TV celebrity documentaries rarely focus on the mindset/emotional life of the people we admire. I feel this one is an honest portrayal of Mariah (to a certain degree of course). Although, when you think about it, only Mariah should present that side of herself. Check it out. Sidenote : Maybe that's the whole point of Mariah's World.
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 13:55)
Re: Don't know if you all noticed (65,240) (65,245) by Edouard from France
Could you elaborate on that thought?
(Sunday 14 August 2016; 13:46)
Don't know if you all noticed (65,227) by Edouard from France
The UN event actually wasn't a UN event per say. It was actually a Hollywood night. The RatPac is partnering with the UN to create a new TV show which will present UN stories in different countries, situations, times. This is actually a very interesting project. A great cause. Check this link for more info. Now, about Mariah's outfit (though I never had a problem with it), I get it more. It's not about being "grandiose" with a long evening dress. It was more about being casual. Showing a little skin (she made sure her hair was covering her breast when she took the stage), I believe to ensure the coverage of the event, cause. She knows how to "use" herself for a great cause. It may seems pure vanity. I actually think it's more that she defends what she believes in. Mariah is never trashy. She's always right on the limit. She plays with it. And people eat it up.
(Saturday 13 August 2016; 18:58)
Funny how lingerie's scary all of a sudden (64,710) by Edouard from France
I was watching MC's Adventures of Mimi tour yesterday and remembered that she actually wore black lingerie for the first quarter of the show. At the time I thought it was a bit much, but fun nonetheless, plus she looks so good. She's basically been wearing the same thing for the past few months (European tour). I don't mind, don't mind at all. She still looks good and she's still playing with it, unlike some other celebrities who don't seem to have any bit of mischievousness left in their soul. Mariah does. In my opinion that's what makes Mariah's sexiness (even her "trashiness") okay. Also, I realized that Bryan Tanaka was one of the dancers in The Adventures of Mimi tour. She's known him for more than 10 years. He probably studied in the meantime and now is a part of her tour management. I believe she is like a big sister to him. She clearly is someone who only has the best in mind/heart for those she cares about. She is a good soul. Everybody in the business says so. Has anyone ever said anything bad about her, other than her lateness? No. We've only heard words like "gracious", "kind", "ride or die", "so nice", "funny", "intelligent".
(Wednesday 27 July 2016; 2:21)
Re: Memories (64,575) (64,576) by Edouard from France
Totally agree with you RJJ12. So much negativity. I'm not even going to ackowledge it anymore. Peace out.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 23:37)
Re: Are you guys even lambs? (64,571) (64,572) by Edouard from France
Well, if you think I was refering to the petition thing, that's your problem. Did I even mention it? No. I wasn't even talking to you. Who are you? Re-read your comment and you will see who's insulting who. The word censored in my post (I don't understand why) was [censored]. If you're a lamb then that's fine, you shouldn't feel concerned. If you're a Lamb, be a lamb and understand. Thank you in advance.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 22:55)


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