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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Not gonna read more reviews (47,330) by May from Denmark
K-zee I want to say before I go on that your comment, I quote "older couples, probably trying to beat the crowd to the crowd to the subway" made me laugh so much. Imagining an old person with a cane poking the young ones saying "out of my way" in a cartoony way. It's nice you tell us this because I also read some bad reviews, thus not even know if they should be trusted. Most come from this site that supposedly translates stuff and such. Other sites that are doing reviews on the latest show are taking the negatives from there. I'm done with bothering at reading any reviews. It's clear Mariah is having a hard time, no one needs dog ears to realize this. I do think that her performance despite this has improved but it is understandable that people want to just listen to her. I will keep enjoying the videos people upload and keep being supportive with the idea that she will get better from the whole ordeal. It will be interesting to see what's going to happen after the tour.
(Friday 10 October 2014; 11:10)
Got it (47,328) by May from Denmark
Ok baby, didn't know that part. Might explain why she never really mentions exactly the issue. Next time I would much rather tho have you telling me that I'm wrong and should verify again than saying I make up things. Thanks for the info.
(Friday 10 October 2014; 10:58)
Nikki / talk shows, etc. (47,320) by May from Denmark
It's like you can read me telepathically lol. I thought exactly that before. I wondered how she might end up after this tour, in which condition overall, it seems that the breaks are little. She is either stuffed with humidifiers or she will take an incredible well deserved rest after this. I can't help but think that she might be taking this tour as a "therapy" moment, to just shake off all the drama that she was going in the US previously touring. If there is indeed a tour in the UK and those are truly the possible dates, it would explain why it's months apart. Might give her enough of a break to rest good. I also completely agree that now at days there are too many trash talks. Perez Hilton was possibly his number one "basher" years ago, when he started talking good about her I thought that he either got paid for that or that he truly changed from being a bully.
(Thursday 9 October 2014; 17:46)
Just to clarify Baby (47,318) by May from Denmark
The source is Julia Andrews herself in an interview from 2010 she had with Oprah and another guest where she said that she did a surgery to correct tissues problems, she said she did not have nodules (along with a list of other things that in the 90s was rumored). It has never been truly clear what she actually had, as she doesn't really talk about that specific thing, only about the surgery and how it didn't turn as she was promised. In fact, in that same Barbara Walter's interview you mentioned, she said that she didn't want people to know about the whole deal, it only went public because her husband at the time made it so. In all honesty, I don't think she likes to talk about it at all, despite answering politely the exact same thing every time she gets asked that, you can see her sadness and frustration. I think there was a bit of miscommunication but I definitely don't make up any facts, I don't have the need to lie, if I'm mistaken or I put the foot in my mouth I admit it and come forward with an apology. I most often check anything if I'm in doubt before saying it out loud, though other times I go with my memory which might fail me some days haha. Edward, yes, I posted in that same comment previously that she might lose a whole range or some notes and could be the reason why she chose not to. I do enjoy very much her whistle register, "Bliss" got to be the sexiest song in her repertoire. Moving on.
(Thursday 9 October 2014; 17:33)
Nice movementsss (47,302) by May from Denmark

The sound recording is not the best as its obviously one of those phones that tones down the surrounding sounds to make close sounds be better but that's not what I actually care. I share this full recording of Mariah performing "All I want for Christmas" because she is so vivid. Look how much fun she is having, she is really uplifted, it truly makes me enjoy a lot seeing her perform this way. Watching the whole thing was really nice and it left me with a joyous feeling. I'm just waiting for someone to upload "Petals" and hopefully with good sounds.
(Thursday 9 October 2014; 0:36)
Tour to UK, dream come true (47,300) by May from Denmark
The more she is getting into these shows, the better her performance. Nikki, I also in a previous post wondered if it was physical vocal issues or if she was having a cold, to be honest can't tell the difference by now but the tour you mentioned also came to mind as soon as I heard her in the opening. I didn't know that in that one she was ill. Before this tour in her last tv live she sang pretty well so I didn't expect her voice in that state. The Yokohama presentation was good and her vibe too and judging by the beautiful and detailed comment from K-zee she is only getting better. It almost makes me think that she just wasn't fully ready to kick in the tour, a couple of things give me this impression. The rehearsals being almost on the time for the tour (as opposed to preparing with more time), the late new added songs to the lists, there was this "rusty" feeling in her opening, like a gear that needed to be oiled a bit, clearly because she hasn't toured in a long time. And that she sometimes was out of breath, she always exercises before tours but then again with the issue with the album, the divorce, the moving from home, etc. doing any gym might have been the least in her mind. I'm glad everything is going better, if she does tour the UK next year, surely she will be at her best as she is coming out of this one. If she does tour I would really like to take advantage and see her perform.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 23:32)
Mariah does have credit (47,298) by May from Denmark
Hi Baby. When you say "medical advice" clearly is about my post, I talked about it specifically because someone brought up the subject. While I don't give medical advice because I'm not a doctor I did leave the question open as to wondering why Mariah hasn't chose the option of a surgery and that she might have her reason, also added that while I would like her to find a more definite solution (as I would like her to keep singing 10 years more, if possible always as I enjoy her music) that whatever she thinks it's the proper thing to do she should do it. About Julie Andrews it's an ongoing myth that she had nodules, and is a myth that herself clarified in an interview, she never had nodules and never got an operation for such thing, she had other problems. By the time she got the surgery done her singing voice was already gone, reason why she didn't even have a job anymore, the surgery just didn't turn as she was expecting and if anything made things worst for the remaining of her voice, which would have fade anyway even without the surgery. Let's remember also that any procedure in the 90s is outdated, there has been a big advancement in medical science and technology. I do give credit to Mariah, her late effort has shown a lot, and I gave her the chance since the time of her last tour and she had improved, which is why I was surprised at the opening. But things seems to start getting better.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 23:15)
Mariah third concert soon (47,270) by May from Denmark
Now that Mariah is in Seoul and soon presenting her third show, amidst all the hurricane of criticism this week, I think she should take one song off the set list and incorporate in its place "Can't take that away", it will send a good message across. Her last performance seemed to have a promising future, while having toned down some of the songs, she did a great effort that payed off nicely in some of the songs, sounding really great, I also loved the vibe she put in this last time, she was on fire, walking from across the whole stage. Those are the positive things I could see as of late, if she keeps it like this she might end up with a nice well put tour. Bringing back the dvd talk, I would actually like one from this show, mostly because she is singing songs that she doesn't often perform live or had never performed before, also it is missing a long time before the tour ends so there might be other nice surprises.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 21:40)
Nodules, Manny (47,253) by May from Denmark
I always wondered that if it was true about her nodules, why she never got the surgery done. I do have nodules (a dentist found out many years ago) so I looked into the subject at that time. Truth is that the surgery is quite simple and poses risks but are minimal, just like any other operation, even breast implant poses the risk of death and that hasn't stop the Hollywood ladies to get bumpty bump haha. I used to attribute her vocal issues to the overwork after the Daydream tour and such, making her voice become more fragile or because she was singing more nasal. Sometimes I even just thought she had a cold or didn't take care that well her voice (ie. the times she has been in the snow with her jackets down and full bare chest). If she said she has nodules then she should take the surgery in consideration right now. She might probably lose a whole range or just a couple of notes (could that be the reason why she refused in the past) but at this stage in her career obviously the vocal rest and humidifiers (which are all temporal solutions) don't seem to be working anymore. Probably a more definite and permanent solution would be ideal.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 14:16)
Mariah deserves a chance (47,252) by May from Denmark
I think that your latest comments Andrew have been awful, not much because of the points you are making but the way they sound. While I understand this is the internet and reading things is very much different from actually hearing a person with their emotions saying things, I think that your writings are becoming rude. Most of us in this board had a negative comment, a critic, or something not so good to say but everything had been said with respect, there have been - back and forth -, there have been discussions but at the end of the day in a constructive manner, people giving their possible solutions, their ideas for the future, they cry for help, the "I wish Mariah would..." but at the end of the day all still listening and loving "Mariah post 90s". Your comments are being rude because now you are addressing a group of people. You don't like Mariah anymore? Then go listen to Celine Dion. Mariah shouldn't retire because this tour isn't doing great, she shouldn't give up because she is having a hard time. She should take the time after this tour to reflect on her issues, to fix her problems and solve her vocals be it with a doctor or whatever she thinks is the proper thing to do. It might now be late, but she shouldn't just turn around and go back home. While she still lip synched some parts this second time around, she modified the melodies to fit her current voice sounding better and she did the effort of looking with more energy and enthusiastic.
(Tuesday 7 October 2014; 13:17)
No more Whitney comparissons plox (47,185) by May from Denmark
Here is why I dislike people comparing both voices decline. I'm going to say it like it is. Whitney was a junkie. Period. She let herself be engulfed by that awful man she beside her and let herself go down the pipe. She lost her voice because of crack and other drugs, she didn't lose her voice because she kept singing her butt off, she didn't lose her voice because she went on with a strapless dress on stage on winter times or under the rain like Mariah has done. She lost her voice because of drugs, the ones that she cleaned herself for a short period of time to do a come back because she was living in a box in front of her ex-mansion and someone wanted to help her out and yet she fell again into drugs, did horrendous things on stage, like leaving the stage and the public in the middle of the concert and other things and we all know how she ended up, which I won't bring up to keep some decency for the great singer she once was. Mariah has other issues, she is not a junkie, she doesn't even smoke cigs, is clear that she has physical vocal problems and while she needs to figure out what to do now it bothers me that people say she will end up like Whitney. No (all in caps and with lots of exclamations). So please, stop comparing the downfall of Whitney with Mariah having some hits and miss. At least she is trying and hopefully she will find a way. I honestly think also that the jazz path is the way to go, even more fun reggae songs would do, she is great at it.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 10:04)
Just neutral but optimistic (47,183) by May from Denmark
I'm not in shock about the fact that her voice has diminished but I was surprise at the current state of her voice and this is because her late presentations have been actually good, she has been singing good (can't say for her latest Meteorite one because it was playback), so I was indeed surprised when I heard her voice cracking a couple of times. I know that she does try her best, I know she wants to hit those notes but if you see her in those lives where she has this same struggles you can see her face, she looks up, sometimes she mumbles something to herself with the mic down, feeling frustrated for not being able to accomplish something that she could easily do in the past, sometimes she has this face like saying "dammit" and is more than clear her face shows how upset she feels when she can't do something. So she does want to do it, it just simply doesn't happen and maybe she is the first one in need of acceptance. She needs to accept that she can't do things that she used to before. I totally agree with some of the posters who mentioned that probably she does need to re-arrange some of her songs. Like I said previously, this last opening concert sounded okeish, because she sounded nice and sang well a couple of songs while completely missing others. Clearly a re-touching of some songs could do a big difference in the way she presents herself now at days. I don't think at all that she will lose value as a singer because changing the way some of the songs are written.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 9:55)
Comparissons at Saint (47,130) by May from Denmark
The problem is that you are comparing Mariah Carey who is known as "the voice" - someone whose voice matters and who holds a place in history along with the likes of Barbra Streisand, Liza Minnelli, Aretha Franklin, etc. of big beautiful and powerful voices in all genres of music - with singers now at days who are known for their mimics and gimmicks and who are not really known for their voices. Katy Perry, Rihanna, etc. are all crummy singers, they are terrible singing live, like truly bad, Rihanna has forgotten the lyrics several times and Katy Perry jumps like a puppy dog on stage without caring how she is sounding. People expect more of Mariah because of this, she was never a dancer, she was never a performer, she was never someone who could do tricks on stage, she was never someone who wore big feathers with flashy lights in her bikinis. She was known as this woman who will present herself in a simple attire or a formal gown on stage and deliver notes with her impressive voice.
(Sunday 5 October 2014; 11:47)
Concert: It was okeish (47,110) by May from Denmark
Thanks a lot Will for the link. You are right that she does sound better in that recording. I think is sort of weird she sang pretty well some of the songs and others she had lot of difficulty. It's like her voice/throat just simply didn't want to cooperate, she would try to sing the same note two or three times fast to get in place again and sometimes will clear her throat out from those flares, as when you have a cold. Could she be a bit sick? Her voice cracking all of sudden or just not reaching, etc. reminded me to "The Adventures of Mimi" time. Still for an opening I think it was good, the set list is so long, I was impressed when I saw it. She looked like a doll, beautiful. We will see how the next dates go. I guess the most demanding public is going to be the Filipino. I wish her the very best and I think it was good, it wasn't atrocious as someone said but it wasn't a+mazing. It was good and I think at this point of her career and age, without the use of stupid costumes and stage displays to distract the eyes, that's plausible.
(Saturday 4 October 2014; 23:51)
Aquarium pics not doing good (47,071) by May from Denmark
This last week there has been a lot of bad talk about Mariah because of her pictures in the aquarium with her kids. While looking gorgeous, she was pictured with dolphins. It has made people outraged. Even her own fans have bashed her a lot on her Facebook, don't know if anyone else has Facebook and checks her side. I generally don't go there because it seems as if anyone can put any horrible thing and people tend to be too aggressive at times, I think it's because the page is open to the general public rather than just for those liking it. I'm really glad she is now in Japan so she can be away from all this negativity. Surely as soon as she touches the stage and belts some songs people will calm down and talk about something else. I don't support dolphins in captivity but I don't think she is cruel neither. She is very likely misinformed but I wouldn't be mean to her, not even in words, if anything just suggest her. There are ways to tell people things. Also it is kind of strange, Mariah is known to have swam with trained dolphins since the early 90s and people complain now? So weird.
(Friday 3 October 2014; 23:48)
Mariah Japan landing (47,070) by May from Denmark
I found this small picture a fan tweeted just a couple of hours ago. Mariah landing in Japan. If you scroll slightly you can see it.
(Friday 3 October 2014; 23:23)
David, yes (47,065) by May from Denmark
David, Mariah has arrived in Japan, you can check her twitter for the latest picture where she is signing autographs. Hopefully we will have updates on the dresses she will be wearing on the stage or some snippets in Instagram about how everything is going. Long time no updates but it is obvious she has been very busy and focused in this upcoming tour. I'm very glad for that, I can't wait to hear a bit of it (surely someone will record it and upload something to YouTube). What I'm dying for is to hear new songs, at least she has talked about it a couple of times so I'm truly expecting that. Pitifully at this moment I doubt she will add any more dates for either Europe or the US, it seems kind of late. I guess it will all depend the mood she finishes with this tour and her energy. If anything, I see some great material coming soon. She is glowing lately.
(Friday 3 October 2014; 17:48)
Revisiting "old Mariah" (46,883) by May from Denmark

Does anyone remember those days? The "real Mariah" hahaha, the video is fun. "Drinking from people's cup." Mariah right now is looking radiant and happy as in that video, very uplifted. She has been adding more countries to the tour, I wonder if she will surprise us with another last one in the next days? It seems kind of late for that. Hopefully next year she will come back to Europe.
(Sunday 21 September 2014; 16:00)
Mariah look is not new though (46,881) by May from Denmark
I love how happy she is looking lately and all the time she is spending with her kids and letting us know, the pictures are lovely. But I don't think this is a "new look", her look in the aquarium is the type she wears every time she does relaxing things with her kids, that outfit is exactly the same she wore last year for their Disney visit and other moments. The mermaid dresses and other gorgeous ones have been worn all at events and a couple of promos. It might simply seem that she changed her image because most of the pics she has been sharing lately are candid family ones or taking a stroll. I do like when she keeps it simple with a one piece dress and just some heels. I have to say the hats are so in, just last week went out for a walk to down town here where I live in Denmark and all the stores had hats in exhibit exactly like the ones Mariah have been wearing, I have seen a lot of gloves going on as well. I love when she wears gloves but it depends the occasion. The hats make her look super glam and sophisticated, I really dig them. On stage I do like her wearing long dresses and very sparkly things but she probably is one of the very few artists who had never relied or had to rely on outfit props for her shows. I don't deny once I would love to see her dressed as a mermaid on a tank on stage lol but that's so beyond from happening haha.
(Sunday 21 September 2014; 15:52)
What picture Abraham? (46,774) by May from Denmark
The one portrayed at the Buzzfeed article? That's from the clip "The Roof". I think she looked the sexiest and maybe her sexiest ever in that video, though I think she looked gorgeous in the bronze monokini in the video "Say something" and really outgoing in "Loverboy" with all the short-shorts. But in "The Roof" Mariah has real sex appeal, which I personally think Mariah has a lack of compared to Kylie Minogue who oozes sex appeal in a natural way and not forced. Mariah needs more videos like that one and like "Breakdown", it was delightful to see her with all those costumes and make up changes. I think The Roof video was done beautifully, with close ups showing Mariah singing with the rain pouring in her face, playing with the make up in a very feminine way in the dark bathroom, the casual touching with the male participant but not in a sleazy way, in a real sensual way. Then appearing all wet from the rain in that sleek sexy black dress. Gorgeous video, one of her best for me.
(Saturday 13 September 2014; 13:10)
To Webmaster (46,719) by May from Denmark
Thanks for fixing some of my grammatical mistakes haha, my English is in reality Funglish, promise to proofread the next time, there are moments when I just can't do it. But when I mentioned in my previous post the word - Anaconda -, I wasn't trying to say a bad word, I wanted to mention a current song that is just simply too awful, as an example of what is now at days in the mainstream radio. Thanks, ta ta (exclamations).
(Wednesday 10 September 2014; 18:15)
About Ariana (46,712) by May from Denmark
I agree with you Mimi L. but I also think that the whole comparison with MC (that mostly came from her management as a publicity stunt obviously) kinda backfired because now she has a harder time to be herself and find herself, everywhere you go that is about Ariana there is "Mariah talk". Her new album did it to the top of the charts but in a way I think it's mostly because her fan pool base currently being very fresh and from just having released her first one not that long ago but also cause she is "in", she is popular right now. While I would take her over Katty Perry singing any day, I'm not impress with her music. this_is_qhm reflected on her last album really nicely in detail and I've read from a lot of people that have said that her late music is very boring. While the album shoot to the top, the popular talk is that it's not a great album. In my opinion the problem is the current state of the next mainstream artists, what's out now at days.
(Wednesday 10 September 2014; 15:33)
Yes they are theories (46,711) by May from Denmark
About Thirsty, ofcourse they are all theories, ideas, assumptions, guesses. Bill and I think that's also the fun in talking about it because a box of alternative possibilities are open. So it's no controversy. Mimi L. I actually never thought the song was a dissing type of song, I felt that the song was more about a "call for attention". It's definitely not a song like Obsessed, which is a clear diss through and through - "I'm a press conference, you are a conversation" haha, to me the lyrics and overall that part of the song were genius, the way she came up with all those comparisons is super mad fun. I know not many people like Obsessed, but I really like the song, it is clever and it ventured Mariah into some new sounds. And to be honest, someone said what if the kids grow up and Mariah has to explain a song about Nick, I would say Nick has much more explaining to do about his interviews with Howard Stern lol but I bet he will say "I just had to answer, they asked me." No, but in all seriousness, to me the song lyrics sound like a call, an important envelope with red letters. Nick never praised the song btw, he heard the beats pre-release and said the beats sounded amazing, then he mentioned in Twitter to people listen to the song released of Thirsty because it was cool and people tweeted him back that it was about him and he stopped posting anything regarding Mariah's album and his Instagram went down. That's why my theories.
(Wednesday 10 September 2014; 15:20)
Loving MC new pics (46,693) by May from Denmark
She is looking so beautiful, it's nice to see she put down the fake eye lashes. I always enjoy her candid pictures and the captions on this new batch were super cute. It's so refreshing to see her rehearsing and working again, hopefully she will give us a small tease through a clip. Shame the tour isn't bigger and won't cover any single country in Europe, I had my hopes really high until the last moment haha. I can't wait to hear the new songs, she is obviously very inspired. Just a couple of days ago I was watching an interview for her Memoirs album and she mentioned how for a long time she was so uninspired, nothing came out and she felt completely uninterested and then "bam" she got up a day and everything started coming down. Maybe she is having one of those "moments" again. I'm really happy for her.
(Tuesday 9 September 2014; 14:48)
About Thirsty, Bill (46,692) by May from Denmark
There are a lot of "hints" in that song that in my opinion, I agree with some posters below, it does talk about Nick. The "even change your name now" must refer to the way Nick calls himself and reminds others about it, and probably because he has it as a trademark for a couple of his projects, it's the name "Ncredible" and sometimes going by "The Ncredible". We have seen him plenty of times wearing the symbol of the nickname. Then you have the part where she mentions "Pull down them Tom Fords", Nick is a big fan of Tom Fords and he owns a pair of sneakers of the same brand with diamonds encrusted for the value of almost a million dollar, then "That Hollywood sign Calling you again", while still doing Wild and Out, Real Husbands of Hollywood, he also accepted to do AGT (plus all the other promotional stuff like his headphones), "So you stunting on your Instagram" is the other part of the lyrics and where is Nick Instagram now at days, it's been gone since months. Then the whole rapping part can also be taken in consideration but I think the whole song is pretty obvious.
(Tuesday 9 September 2014; 14:44)


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