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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

Mariah's next video (46,634) by May from Denmark
First JayCarey, you are beautiful., I love your sweet baby voice. Regarding the title of this post, after reading the comment where Mariah directed "Fantasy" and recalling the only parts that I liked from the video "You're Mine", I would really like to see Mariah directing again and hopefully doing it so her next video. I have confidence that she would do a great job and she will give the clip her very unique touch, after all, she only knows what goes through her head when she writes a song, pretty sure she envisions lots of things in her mind and has lots of great ideas that because having someone else directing they don't come to light. Some of the videos I liked the most through her career are Breakdown, Love Story (she looked so beautiful in the feathers outfit and the whole burlesque atmosphere), Boy and Shake It Off, both of these last videos I find them to be great because are the few where you can see Mariah with looks and make up that she never wears.
(Friday 5 September 2014; 13:21)
To Mimi L. and Shelly (46,549) by May from Denmark
Oh, I understood "out of comfort zone" something like Mariah doing things she hasn't previously done or trying out something new with some pop. I think she did great in her latest album including a song like Meteorite with the house vibe, it goes nicely with her voice. I would like Mariah to do a bit more of jazz or even blues. I see her singing a more romantic jazz like Diana Krall, with her breathy voice and that sweet whisper she always does. Shelly, I don't see prejudice in your post, once I also thought that perhaps Mariah has gotten used to living a more luxurious life and the short 17-18 years she lived in not so great conditions are just that, a past. We all carry one and somehow when we have a bit more we just get used to and we enjoy and like it. But I think it is important to be in touch with reality and what surrounds us as well and I feel that Mariah has been sheltered from this things. Almost as living in like you said, her own world, the world she built up. She does have some "antics" that she didn't have but then again I also think that no one stays the same, every one changes through time.
(Monday 1 September 2014; 10:52)
Marketing and gimmicks (46,520) by May from Denmark
I do think there was marketing before, and tons of it as it was the only thing artists could rely from to be heard (now at days the digital era has changed that) but also channels like MuchMusic, MTV and VH1 helped a lot when it came to spin music and let people vote who they wanted to hear. Now at days MTV is nothing more than a disgusting tv channel where they throw all those terrible reality shows, there's hardly any music at all, there are no real know VJs (remember they had those?) and they had exclusive shows where all they would talk was music. It's all gone, now everything is Vevo on YouTube, that's it. But there was also a huge difference, in order to get marketed you needed to write your songs or know how to really sing. Donna Summer, Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Taylor Dayne, Patti LaBelle, Kate Bush, Dale Bozzio, Sandra, Belinda Carlisle, and so many more, all with either an amazing talent to write music and sing well or powerful voices, I would even add the well known Cher had charisma, did the skimpy costumes and kept it classy still haha and was good singing. Then in the beggining of the 2000s I feel things started going down. Now at days all are gimmicks, costumes to see who looks like the biggest clown, who does the most "almost porno" on stage to get attention (but pitifully not with a statement like Madonna had). Problem is that now any hack goes, as long as makes people talk, doesn't matter if in a negative way. How did we get to this?
(Sunday 31 August 2014; 13:20)
Interesting list Mimi L. (46,519) by May from Denmark
If it's an actual singer, who is doing really well and is also a successful songwriter (and while her singing is not amazing) but who will help Mariah get out of her comfort zone at the same time, that's got to be Sia. She has created beautiful music in the past and I can actually see some of her talent merging with Mariah, they could make something amazing together. I personally don't like Beyonce, I cannot stand how she sings, it's like she is shivering from having cold all the time and her dances are generally about moving the money bank haha. Sorry Bjay fans out if you read this lol it's just my opinion. I also would love some re sang remixes, they were the best ones, sometimes they could even sound better than the original.
(Sunday 31 August 2014; 12:54)
Got the note this_is_qhm (46,518) by May from Denmark
Don't worry, yeah I interpreted that little first part exactly as you said, the whole patriarchal stereotype kind of thing, but the rest was point but I do get what you are saying. While I don't think in a relationship there is much this of an agreement to who will be the captain, sometimes it is obvious when one is dominant. Mariah, despite her physical insecurities, I think that as a person she has always given this idea that she is a very secure person, in the sense that she does set her foot on the ground and she won't let anyone walk all over her, she seems to have a strong character, behind the sweetness and her gorgeous smile, I always liked that of her. I think that they simply were too different, don't know if the fact that all she has to do is to glance in a certain way to send across the message that intimidated him, though in some interviews we could see this when they were together. Possibly he felt like a shadow? Maybe that they don't agree in many things ended up being too much? All are speculations. Nick was and is inmature, it is great he works hard but when it starts affecting family life there is when you show what you care most, they are not in a financial position where you have to keep on over working. I feel, that it will have to pass like a decade for all of us to know just a little bit of what went on or is going on.
(Sunday 31 August 2014; 12:47)
Sorry typos and some mistakes (46,507) by May from Denmark
At late night I write on the iPad so I find it hard sometimes to correct things, generally I review what I write but at night I'm mentally tired haha.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
(Sunday 31 August 2014; 0:46)
Maybe in the Phillipines (46,506) by May from Denmark
this_is_qhm, men don't really have that problem here haha. A successful woman is simply that, a successful woman and it's a great thing. Nick always had a bunch of projects but I feel that since he started going with MC he started getting bigger ones and he just felt too tempted for to be on camera again and not just behind it. I agree with you that probably he felt inferior to Mariah, people would always call him "Mr. Carey" and such things, his twitter would be filled with things about Mariah from people and in every interview he went he was asked about Mariah and the Mariah topic alone took maybe fifty percent of every of his interviews haha. Maybe he felt small but I think that's an idiotic feeling. To even try to compare an icon and legend who worked for over 20 years and done so much in such time, with someone who all he was known for was a tv show in Nickelodeon and side projects that no one knew, obviously the money earned won't be the same, ever. Maybe you are right and his insecurities ate him.
(Sunday 31 August 2014; 0:44)
Giving love to the fans (46,502) by May from Denmark
I think is great Mariah asking to the fans what songs they would like her to perform, but what's amazing is that she is taking out of her "crate" some good oldies. Mimi L. I thought slightly the same thing. Is Mariah reading some forums? Oh no, now I will suffer from "Mariahnoia" hahaha. If Mariah is truly reading this (fingers crossed) please European tour please (lots of exclamations).
(Saturday 30 August 2014; 16:22)
Fans appreciation party (46,495) by May from Denmark
So lucky Michele. Since how long hasn't Mariah done one of these? I remember reading in the past parties where she sometimes would invite "lucky winners" or open for the fans (with limited entrance). I think that if she presents a new album in the future she should definitely do a "mini debut" of it featuring some songs live in a special "only fans party" hours previous the release of it. What a better way than showing appreciation for the fans who have been with her since forever and at the same time celebrating the release. Mega cool. If I could only assist lol.
(Saturday 30 August 2014; 0:10)
The passage (46,494) by May from Denmark
Deedre aka MiTodoChop, the media did blow it up in the way media does, but before Nick's dad deleted those quotes and other insults to Mariah fans (yes, he took the time to reply to some of them), the phrases were all there in the open, on public mode in his facebook for anyone to read and before the media jumped the fans were all over it asking him to take those horrible collection of quotes that he claims are from his book.
(Saturday 30 August 2014; 0:03)
I still believe In MC (46,488) by May from Denmark
I love that song so much Abraham. I played it so many times along with Sweetheart in its days. I taped the video from MTV, the whole Marilyn Monroe look and theme looked so goon on her, I used to think "wow, she must be so sophisticated" hahaha, I was young and had huge admiration for her, it was the time where her gigs were big and she always had this sweetness around her face, dunno if it was the hairdo of the time or the simple clothes with some polished shoes, she used to look shy and I would play over and over again that high pitch laugh she used to have or do or whatever, it was so much fun. I love the "I still believe era". Uuuh now comes to my head teen vacation memories haha, thanks.
(Friday 29 August 2014; 10:55)
Yes Marissa, pinch of salt (46,487) by May from Denmark
I guess we all are informed with the latest, I mean, Mariah in the eye of the hurricane but sometimes it can't be helped, until Mariah comes out with an official statement people can simply opinate, obviously not taking for granted at all the gossip, it comes mostly from webzines and yellowish magazines. There is no denial that a lot is fueled from past things. I mean, at the end of the day, Nick Cannon did date Kim Katrashcan for like 2 years, and then he himself came out to say once that he thought Kim was a great chick and a smart business woman and then in 2012 he even added to his previous comments of how amazing is Kim that if it wasn't because she lied about the sex tape thing to him he would still be going out with her. He said that, while being married to Mariah already. So I guess the gossip sites can't do more than take old comments from Nick and add fuel to his recent comments about Kim. Slap hahaha, wow. So yes, you can't take anything that is being written as 100% true. But also MC has been photographed these last 4 days, in all those 4 days there is at least one pic of her showing her hand with butterfly ring next to her face, on purpose? I don't know really. It's all about waiting I guess. "Tiempo al tiempo" like hispanic people say.
(Friday 29 August 2014; 10:50)
Andrew (46,486) by May from Denmark
So after my "brief" (not so short lol woot I made it in just 1500 characters) comment about where it might have started all becoming more about "Mariah" as in... a more obvious way (with the titles and friends names, brand names she likes, etc.) this last album, was not really meant just about her, let's all recall that her album was going to have a different name that yes, if you know Mariah the title fit perfectly into this late puzzle but it was a title that anyone could have related to, that anyone would have embraced. In my opinion, she changed the album title not for the reasons given ("oh no, someone found out the album title and published it") but more because the situation in her life suddenly change and she was almost like making a statement with the title, the no promo, the nothingness that made the album that had huge prospects to sink. This album was going to be for everybody but it turned out yet into another personal project. Did people really needed time to invest in Mariah to understand Meteorite or #Beautiful? Clearly not. People loved #Beautiful, it was on the radio all day and were starting to truly accept Meteorite. Things simply died along the way. I believe in her future, there will be sells again, #Beautiful has shown that.
(Friday 29 August 2014; 10:40)
Mariah's music (46,485) by May from Denmark
While I can understand what you mean Andrew about the article in Time being poignant, there are a few things to take into consideration. Mariah started being slightly more personal in TEOM - and I'm still surprised she mentioned things such as "purple taking me higher"- but at the same time keeping the songs in a way that the general public would feel related to. Then came another one with an almost self titled album and this one was more for her own fun after the huge success of her previous one, and you can clearly see she fully enjoyed doing this one, it actually garnered her new young fans, I read from young ones as 14 years old say "I love Touch My Body and all the new stuff but I don't like much her old stuff, is boring," you can clearly see the big jump from the failed Glitter and the sweet revindication with Charmbracelet but then a total swift of the usual Mariah. E=MCsquare was danceable and fun with just some songs being cryptic. Memoirs was a music-bio of some aspects of her life, she clearly said was for the fans only so a lot of people might have felt like outsiders, still the promo was poor, the videos boring, UOMF video seemed like a Target commercial, the album had a couple of gems. Then it was supposed to be the big come back, which for different matters didn't happen, she filled it with her personal emotions once more but who can't feel related to some songs in the album. The album debuted 3rd she could have nailed it with this one it was worthy of success.
(Friday 29 August 2014; 10:31)
Las Vegas baby (46,470) by May from Denmark
Did anyone read about Mariah Carey being asked to perform in Las Vegas again as part of a 2 nights exclusive show? They were going to invite other big singers as well. I'm so happy for her, hopefully rain of contracts will start to shower at her once more. She should definitely accept, her previous Las Vegas mini concerts were beautiful and well displayed, this one should be bigger tho but I don't doubt she can give even more than those days.
(Thursday 28 August 2014; 10:20)
Grammy (46,469) by May from Denmark
I always thought that the Grammy had lost validity with the course of the years. They simply seem to just give it to anyone popular and "in", is there anyone who doesn't have a Grammy? It almost feels like the Oscar, the right people don't have one or have very few, both were great awards in a long past but no more, it's all a charade now at days to flaunt "socialiate" manners, make contacts, diss people with the eyes, get a bit of press and show off some glamour. I'm always surprised and never cease to feel amazed at the fact that Mariah doesn't have that many more Grammy in a time when it was still a big thing. She even dissed the Grammy once and I even recall a time she was nominated she didn't even bother to go (apart from the infamous time in the mid 90s when someone else won). Still Mariah has so many incredible awards and like she said, her favorite awards are those which the people vote for her to have and chose her, granted the people gave her those awards, and sometimes it counts much more than those of "the critics". I think she showed some of those in her Mtv Cribs? She had so many, can't imagine the quantity she must have now.
(Thursday 28 August 2014; 10:17)
Shelly never apologize for being right (46,468) by May from Denmark
He is a Jesus lover freak haha, truth is truth. But I think we all understood what you were trying to mean, don't sweat it sweetie.
(Thursday 28 August 2014; 10:07)
Hard (46,448) by May from Denmark
Well this_is_qhm, it is hard to find your own sound when you don't write your own songs and try to sing like someone else. Just saying hahaha. Hopefully she will find better writers because it would be a waste of a nice voice tho if it went forgotten too soon. Unlike Katy Perry, her gimmicks were what put her up in the pedestal, but she does writes her songs yet I could never really consider her a singer, I consider her a songwriter. Before she became the huge boom she is, I remember seeing her live while playing or trying to play the guitar, goodness, cats screeching along with bats can surely sing better live than she did that time.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 19:37)
Mariah won't retire (46,439) by May from Denmark
I hardly think that she will retire anytime soon. Not without doing at least another amazing album hitting top or without getting her well deserved next number 1. I don't think she should retire because she still has the voice to keep it up, she has the looks and she has a lot of creativity left to still present us with great music. She should retire at her greatest. Mariah was the "sweetheart with the voice" once upon a time, what happened in the way I don't know but clearly she can still get back to the public that admired her so much, apart from her fans. I do feel her relationship with Nick in the last years had taken a toll in her career but she can still make it up. I don't want her to retire, she has so much more to offer still.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 15:38)
Love hats (46,438) by May from Denmark
I love the hats, Martyn your comment made me giggle. This last hat though she bought it right there in the moment in a random store because she was being recognized, I guess she was enjoying herself the walk? They saw the paparazzo and went in to get a hat, I guess she just got whatever there was at first hand, clearly white didn't match her outfit, I think she looked great with the belt and everything, kinda an ancient-greek style.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 15:30)
Dembabies will be fine (46,437) by May from Denmark
I'm sure the children will be ok because to start with, it's not like they saw their dad 12 hours everyday. Nick said he would go home once a week, then he parted ways with Mariah so the kids are sort of used to not seeing him that much. But I think the reason why it won't truly affect them as much is because they are just 3 years old, it's not like they are 7-8 years old or teenagers when it does affect the most as they feel the need for parents to be at all times and together. If Nick keeps the visit rights then it will just be as always for the children, they will get to see him weekends and such, just as they did in the past, for them it will be as if everything was still normal.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 15:28)
Luis (46,311) by May from Denmark
Mariah has never dissed Motolla in an disrespectful manner. She has always been very clear in her statements regarding him that he was controlling in her personal life and in her music visions and she felt she was psychologically abused but that she has always been thankful for what she learnt from him about the industry and the opportunities he opened for her, even Motolla himself has admitted through the time that he was indeed controlling but he felt it was for her own good. With Luis Miguel her relationship was open to the public but with limitations, Luis Miguel has absolutely never said anything about their private life neither and even after breaking up he has never ever said anything bad about her and not even a peep about her, he is also an incredibly private person who keeps away his personal life from the public and in that situation both related, pitifully Luis Miguel had other kind of troubles which were more about not being able to settle down and have a commitment. I think is all fair for Nick having to sign the contract because his mouth runs out and about.
(Saturday 23 August 2014; 19:22)
What is 'toxic' is Nick's tongue (46,310) by May from Denmark
One would love these days to be completely away form internet. Wow the despicable things that are already going on around, and most people are against Mariah for one or another reason. It's like her image, which has been slightly tarnished by the late years has already finished to be covered in dirt by the rumors. Nick was supposed to have a legal gag, so I'm taking with a pinch of salt what is being said that "he said". But after his dad terrible "book quotations" we can all agree that the big stinky mouth Nick got it from his father. I give a hoot if the questions were directed to Mariah, as a woman I felt insulted and surely any woman for the matter and every decent man on this planet. What a man should do if a woman puts on 200 pounds? Well guess what, tell her he loves her, that he is precious and if he is concerned about obesity and health issues he could suggest her things to do because he loves her. That's it. He was despicable, so you are saying you can't grow old with a person because they surely will get wrinkles and that might seem unattractive and not feel sexually aroused anymore? I'm so pissed off. Ridiculous man, I won't even waste any more character spaces on him. Nick simply wants the kids because he always disagree with Mariah at the possibility of the babies growing in an artistic environment and that's the truth. He has always opposed to Mariah to teaching them music or encouraging to love anything related to the entertainment business.
(Saturday 23 August 2014; 19:12)
Mariah lyrics and evolution (46,284) by May from Denmark
One of the things that I loved the most about Mariah the first times I could understand what she was saying in her music were the sophisticated lyrics. Her first works sound slightly on the formal side but then you can see how she goes into adding more depth and complexity to her lyrics. The way "Butterfly" is written "I have learned that beauty, has to flourish in the light, wild horses run unbridled or their spirit dies, you have given me the courage to be all that I can", it is poetry. What I also like about her lyrics is that you can always feel reflected with what she has to share, there are songs that can go with any mood like CTTA, because she finds a way to express specific feelings she had but in a way that includes the listener, it's not just her "feeling that", it's like a shared experience. In some of her latest works she has been adding a lot of "daily talk" and street talk, and I get the feeling that is to make it more informal and give the listener more of a personal-friendly approach. Sometimes even for fun songs she has used slangs and up to date colloquialisms like in Touch My Body. She has never hit that low bottom such as "I'm stupid, I'm dumb" and she has still been able to talk about sexual freedom but in a classy insinuating way. Memoirs is perhaps the only one that used the most brand names tho she included some in TEOM, never knew if it was all that new "ad placement" thing lol I don't feel it necessary. Loved your comment Mimi L. Great examples.
(Saturday 23 August 2014; 0:43)
Shelly don't be down (46,282) by May from Denmark
I think that first you should understand that is not really Hollywood that takes people into a down spiral, it happens everyday to everyday people and I could write you just from my life story all those I knew who went and fell down, those who looked for death and those who found them. Mariah has gained experience with the years but what we should remember, is that she is a very mature person and she has always been that way, she is not one to fall for decadence. In my opinion she has always resorted to the phrase "eternally 12" because in reality she has always been the grown up, the adult, the one everyone relied on from very young. Just recall her first interviews, how well centered for her age she was. I think is not fair to compare her with those you mentioned because, aside from Judy Garland who only had one moment of depression that she came out from and had a successful career till the end, the rest were lost in unresolved youth issues, depression and drug addictions. I feel that Mariah has a strong support system in which I think the most important figure is her mother, who is a truly loving and caring mother, unlike MJ's mother. I think some of this new work she has been into, time for herself and her kids will compensate for the frustrations of a divorce. Don't think that those bad things that celebrities go through is only provoked by Hollywood, most of them come with baggage, the media likes to make it big because they are famous but it can happen to anyone.
(Saturday 23 August 2014; 0:15)


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