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About May from Denmark: Following MC music since day 1.

"ol this_is_qhm (46,257) by May from Denmark
Yeah, I noticed that too, we like similar things including the "writing a lot". Sometimes I'm like "dammit, give me more characters" and I start deleting periods hahaha. Not enough space, I just can't ever seem to simply say "it's a wrap" haha.
(Friday 22 August 2014; 18:45)
Great finding Philipp (46,256) by May from Denmark
Wow, how amazing is that haha. Like deja vu. Do you have the magazine, does it have pictures or is it only text? If it has pictures I would love to see it. What issue is it? Thanks.
(Friday 22 August 2014; 18:41)
this_is_qhm agree again (46,229) by May from Denmark
I agree with all the last comments specially the last one. But I won't deny it, team Mariah here always (many exclamations hahaha), so I can't help it.
(Friday 22 August 2014; 13:13)
Yes we all fall in that this_is_qhm (46,228) by May from Denmark
I do think Mariah through these years has learnt how to cope with the pain. In the past she tried to do it with overwork, remember when she had her final collapse and everybody was in shock. But this time, she has done it in a genius way. The whole album, like some mentioned here already, takes a new meaning. While a lot of us already "deciphered" some of the songs and related some of what it might have been going on, now it is in light, that the whole album is about her relationship and the way she has been dealing with it. Instead of overworking herself, stressing or crying all alone having intervals of depression or anger like it happened in the past, she has placed everything in these wonderful songs, that not to anyone surprise, is one of her best works (the very best for some). Even Heavenly takes a new spin when you read "I just can't give up now, come too far from where I started from, nobody told me the road would be easy". She is telling us already right there, she will go on and it will be fine. She obviously has been dealing with this a long long time. Glad she took this beautiful artistic road.
(Friday 22 August 2014; 13:08)
Sad for the situation (46,226) by May from Denmark
While I perceived this long ago and I shared my thoughts on this board about it before now sadly is confirmed. She was very right when she wrote the lyrics "I'm the best thing that could happen to your a**" but what pisses me off is that he hurt her. It wasn't just all the talking Nick did but his absence. When she mentioned she was through the pregnancy all on her own, and she sounded so freaking sad you could sense something off. In the late interviews Nick did, when asked "oh, you were engaged not long before Mariah" and he laugh his butt off really hard and said "I've been engaged so many times I forgot the count", wah? I personally never liked him simply because I find him annoying and I feel his laughs are forced, I don't think he is funny and when he started dating Mariah I rolled my eyes but she choose him and she seemed very happy so I was happy for her. What it made me truly dislike Nick as a person is that everything he did was publicly, I felt he wanted camera. But Mariah, smart as she is left hints everywhere. This lyrics "tell me that you love me, I cry and cry as you laugh and laugh at the question" make me feel really bad and Supernatural "you're the only thing that's true". While I didn't understand the her absence I now do understand the album title. She will make it through, and the fact that she is already making music says that she is strong and will be fine with her two darlings. Nick, shut up.

(Friday 22 August 2014; 12:59)
Yes, this_is_qhm (46,190) by May from Denmark
I love Kylie. She is awesome and though her early stuff is very bubblegum pop, truth is that she has lots of really good songs and some amazing artsy and dark ones. I think the idea of an anti-tour for Mariah would be right on. She could even give the option for fans to vote from a list of unusual/B-side songs to make it to an official set list. Sometimes she surprises in her tour, makes tiny snippets, generally a capella of some very old songs or not ordinary ones but it would be so awesome to listen to a full concert consisting of just those she never either sang or sang just once.
(Thursday 21 August 2014; 19:07)
Spot on MimiLamb (46,103) by May from Denmark
Quote: "Trust me it only frustrates if you keep thinking about it." Haha, it kinda made me laugh because I feel exactly that. While I have already let go the whole idea of remixes, possible video and new releases for this year, one can't help (or at least me) to think what is going on. Like I said before, I don't care if she wants family time (which I think she deserves), free time to think and put things together if anything is broken or just relax in a nice beach, whatever. But far so long, so silent one simply would like to know anything, a line, a message, a small statement other than "look guys what a great book I'm reading". But like you said, time to "let it go". It won't quit my anxiety for more MC music though, overall after reading from herself in that tweet not that long ago the word "working" haha.
(Monday 18 August 2014; 10:02)
Maybe Ariana, next copy cat? (46,102) by May from Denmark
While I don't think Ariana stole from the song Never Forget You (don't think she can write a note anyway haha), truth is it doesn't have the same melody but it does have the same vibe and all the same style, not only musically but the way it is sang as well. It's clear that Ariana's management is trying to make out of her the "next Mariah", all you got to do is see how they are styling her lately, the hair is exactly the same one MC used to wear for the longest time and they are even changing her color making it more alike to Mariah's in her prime time. Even her dance moves for a couple of her songs were a blatant copy of Mariah's style from Honey and Fantasy and don't get me started with the white boots, Mariah has been walking on those as well. Only someone who doesn't know Mariah or is deft or blind wouldn't notice what they are trying to accomplish with Ariana. Her music is superficial and doesn't have a longevity print because she is purely for the commercial machinery to keep moving on, the songs are made for her and obviously they are digging into MC music lately just to stamp that signature on Ariana and take advantage of it. Ariana sings well, there's no denial, but her voice is weak compared to Mariah. "Often imitated, never duplicated."
(Monday 18 August 2014; 9:52)
Failed anticipation (46,089) by May from Denmark
You are right this_is_qhm. She was doomed since beginning. In all honesty, I don't think she wanted to drop the album at all. In my opinion, she should have released it right away after the success with #Beautiful and while the album was practically done, she wanted to keep doing changes to some songs - she is a perfectionist after all. The album is great and I love most of the songs, it could have been a huge success, I mean, it debuted third, it simply dropped fast because there was no real live singing promo, when she presented YDKWTD it was already late, the special didn't help to boost and then the push back on Meteorite, it was worst. No spins on the radio (no money, no label support?), sad, because the album has great songs and it had great summer jams as well and beautiful slow songs.
(Sunday 17 August 2014; 12:50)
At Mimi L. (46,088) by May from Denmark
I always like your posts because you sound truly sincere and have straight forward opinions, you don't go around trying to add candy to what you have to say. I understand your frustration, I feel the same. I would have loved some special single remixes and a couple of videos. I was eager to hear more of Meteorite and other slower songs. But nothing happened yet. While I think Mariah taking time for herself, her kids and maybe side projects, I would have loved if she addressed her fans and told us what she is up to, where she is going or a simple note about what the future might hold, not even something extensive. She could simply give thanks for the unconditional support through the years and tell us to understand she needs some family time or whatever before hitting the tour. Simple and plain.
(Sunday 17 August 2014; 12:41)
Mariah homely (46,087) by May from Denmark
I'm sure Mariah's absence is definitely because she wants to spend quality time with her kids. If we go back a bit in time, after she released the album and did the first promos, she mentioned in an interview that one of the reasons she fired a nanny was because her kids were feeling too attached to the nanny rather than her. Mariah spent at times up to 18 hours inside the studio. She said she sent her kids from home to the studio at times so she would be able to see them and play with them, it was very hard for her. I'm sure she felt guilty and after the albums promo going nowhere due to her label limitations, she simply laid back and took advantage to be with her kids. We all know that all she has been doing mostly since she started being truly "elusive" was spending time with her kids, posting often pics of them and talking about them, which I think is great. She deserves the time to take easy, probably she wanted to just not release the album at all and first take some time to relax and then come as a hurricane, but it wasn't like that. I wouldn't be surprised if she is currently working on another project, but at her own pace and not with pressures or deadlines. When she pushed for the last date of her album, she mentioned that it was because the album had lots of things to be retouched and she convinced the label to give her more time. I love this current album but it's obvious it wasn't the right time.
(Sunday 17 August 2014; 12:35)
Touring (46,062) by May from Denmark
I would have love if she toured Europe again. So far only Asia, and let's face it, it's the only place where her album sold and peaked high along with most of her late singles, so it is understandable. I would go to see her if she came to Denmark but only because I've never been able to see her live, I used to live in another country years ago and she only went to that country only one time and just for a tv show, she didn't do any concert, etc. and I've never been in a position where I could travel to another country just to go to a concert haha. This time, if she came here I would definitely take the chance to go see her. But the question is the following, even if she does small venues in Europe and the US like she has been lately, will she sell any seat, if her album hardly sold? People didn't show interest in buying her album and late music, will they pay more for a seat to go see her? Apart from any hardcore or huge fan.
(Saturday 16 August 2014; 11:17)
this_is_qhm = D (45,992) by May from Denmark
Quote: "It trades the diva gloss and sheen for introspection, some of her most understated and intimate work since Charmbracelet, as well as some of her most vivid storytelling since Butterfly." Exactly that. I couldn't have said it better.
(Monday 11 August 2014; 13:11)
Agree in some b3nP123 (45,991) by May from Denmark
I agree that both albums shouldn't be compared. When I gave my opinions regard MOAIA I wasn't even having the new album in mind. This last album vocally, if compared, is more powerful and soulful and some of the songs are much better arranged, also there is a wider variety of styles. What I like about Memoirs is that Mariah said that the idea for that album was first and foremost made for the fans and a gift to her fans, and that the stories (songs) in the album were experiences of hers. If you sit and listen to the lyrics they all have a narrative and that's what I like about it, Mariah was sharing part of her life in songs, these were more real, less "cryptic" and perhaps that's why they also sound more relaxed. MOAIA was all about her and her stories except for "I want to know what love is" which was requested personally by Nick Cannon because he said she needed to do a new big cover. It didn't turn out big like previous covers but it was still quite successful.
(Monday 11 August 2014; 13:06)
Memoirs is a beautiful album (45,956) by May from Denmark
I did love Memoirs a lot. Obsessed is my ringtone, I love when I get a call and it sounds "boy, why you're so obsessed with me". Hahaha. Betcha Gonna Know is one of my all time favorites of hers, the story is one that anyone can relate to, perhaps I could care less about all the people naming and tv shows but is a great tune for me. Hate U got to be one of the most beautiful ones, the lyrics are so good and the whispering makes the whole song so whimsical. Candy Bling and The Impossible are so sexy, The Impossible has at times this dark mood that I truly love. More Than Just Friends is too bubble gum so I don't really listen to it, Languishing has some melodies she already used in Rainbow so there was nothing new. Maybe the one I don't listen at all from it is Ribbon but because I don't like the male voice in it, sounds too loud. The album was great and it was well put. I liked the cover as well, but I truly didn't think the name was that nice. I think she should go back to put small names to her albums. She. ould have called it "Imperfect angel" and in small letters 'the memoirs' or simply "Angel's memoirs".
(Saturday 9 August 2014; 0:19)
Sinus stuff (45,936) by May from Denmark
I don't believe that she recorded the album while having sinus infection, not that I wouldn't believe her doing the effort but it's almost impossible to sing a note at all when having such a thing. My father suffered from sinusitis for many years and he got it because he was a smoker, which is the main cause of a sinus infection, other minor causes are a cold or some dental problem. MC doesn't smoke and she disliked people smoking next to her. So then if she ever got a sinus infection, it was a mild one, and that type goes away from a week up to a 3 weeks depending the case. Only chronic ones can go as long as months. Also, needless to say her voice would sound too nasal and too opaque and yet it doesn't. The album was in the make for years, and you are telling me, that if she ever truly had a sinus infection, she didn't simply rest a week and then go back to the studio? Very far fetched the idea of recording with a sinus. As much maybe she would do it with a cold (which she has done in the past) where her vocals are still ok and she can still breath fine. But with sinus infection you hardly can breath at all, overall if instead one side it takes both.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 23:59)
Matt Lauer special (45,935) by May from Denmark
Glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was the weirdest part of the whole special. I truly liked that special, it had a bit of everything. But when they reached to the part of the babies, I felt it was contrived, forced, nothing seemed real. MC and Nick were over-dressed and the darling children were in jammies. It was so strange, then Nick sat down in the background looking bored and MC would be more worried about fixing her hair a thousand times than anything else, I didn't understand the whole thing. The only time that could be real play where Mariah was trying to lay down on the floor so her daughter could be on top, it was cut. I'm a mom, and I didn't feel an ounce of "realness" in that specific moment or let's call it sketch. I think it would have been nice if they, at least, made it look like the cams just arrived and Nick and Mariah were doing their "dailies" with the babies, being more casual and playing around in a more homely environment. Another poster mentioned that it could be the friction between them two but it is yet to see about that. All I know is that form the whole special, that part right there, was off.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 23:39)
No Carla (45,914) by May from Denmark
Thanks to you too. I knew a little about him but I went to look for more and reliable info. Like you said, we learn something new every day so your question was good.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 0:35)
They will never be forgotten (45,913) by May from Denmark
At Carlos Belizário. They will never be forgotten, because they are dead. Sounds awful, sounds sad, but is the truth. Maybe MJ did have a slightly better reputation than Whitney when he died thanks to his last appearances where he still had the moves and the voice. But he was being forgotten, the only reason why he was still being mentioned was due to his financial problems. Whitney was completely forgotten. Her last album didn't do that great, her voice was completely ragged and worst of all she fell again into drugs and her daughter was not doing well either (thankfully she is fully recovered and she is looking great). After her live failures (where she forgot the lyrics often, would talk nonsense, would leave mid stage, etc. etc. of terrible behavioral issues) she was left aside, people didn't want to know anymore Whitney, the only places she would be mentioned and only as a mockery was TMZ and Perez Hilton, where the commentary section would be enough to stay completely away from those sites. Both got "revivals" because they died. They had amazing beginnings, incredible mid careers but both fell, deep, in a whole. And MJ accusations about abuse keep even arousing after his dead, true or not, it doesn't matter, he was stained. MC can do much better than that. If anything, tho I don't want her to retire (like ever) if she ever does, she should do it with grace and with great music out, so if anytime people remembers her, it would be as the best from begin to end.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 0:29)
Agree this_is_qhm (45,900) by May from Denmark
I also thought the same a couple of times, that the reason why she is surrounded by enablers since a good while is because they give her the freedom she always wanted. I think that being capable of taking suggestions and listening and accepting different ideas also is good but right now don't think there is anyone who would tell her otherwise. Maybe this new manager might help, I agree with Shelly that a new complete album should be made, also in part cause while I would have liked a re-release with some new music truth is that nothing of quality will be ready in time as her upcoming tour is near.
(Wednesday 6 August 2014; 20:12)
Nikki (45,899) by May from Denmark
Actually Thalia is considered a legend in Latin America. She was already big before Mottola but her music career was dormant for long and she was into other projects. When he took over her career she finally became a credible true singer. She used to sing live in the beginning of her career but her lack of training on stage for live sing and movement made her end up doing lip-synch for the remain of her career as a singer. Mottola made her release her first album completely live with live taped coverage as well, her comeback was big and she had a few hits, even Obama invited her to perform at the White House for a special event. He wasn't fired from Sony for not performing well but because he was having beef with another executive from the company, and another person from NBC helped get Tommy out but because it happened around the time that Michael Jackson left Sony, the rumors ran that it was because of him, when it wasn't. Regarding Usher, it was Usher's own mother who fired Mottola, he helped Usher get his album out and was selling good but his mother wanted full control back, she is a very controlling person and wanted to manage her son back. When he was with Lindsay he helped her land some contracts when nobody wanted her anymore but to be honest, no one can help that woman, she sabotages herself every time. Then he was in a talent search, didn't go well, wrote that book that landed good reviews (who knows why, it wasn't interesting) and dedicated to his family.
(Wednesday 6 August 2014; 20:09)
Kevin Liles (45,881) by May from Denmark
Carla asked who he is. He was the president of Def Jam previous to step down to vp only because he wanted to pursue other areas in the music bussiness. He made the company double revenues while under his management. Not only he has vast experience as manager, search artists, but also he is an amazing promoter. He is widely known in the rap/hip hop community and one of the most respected men in it as well, because he never let himself be blinded by money and material stuff (as it generally happens in that world) but instead since very young he worked incredibly hard. He has appeared in magazines as Crain's New York as one of the best corporate executives but also in Forbes as one of the most succesful in the music industry in particular an area that it was the hardest to manage. He not also expanded the brand Def Jam to cloths and video games showing wide success with its promotions. He also won the award for "Music Visionary of the year". I think Mariah will do great with him, because he is known for being very disciplined and expects the same from his clients while doing it with the utmost respect. The way he started in the industry is interesting and inspiring. After learning a lot about him I really like him.
(Wednesday 6 August 2014; 0:31)
Gilles, thanks for pointing it out (45,852) by May from Denmark
I wanted to mention thanks for pointing out to the Cleveland song. I hit the submit button too fast. I need an "edit" button.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 10:47)
At Gilles (45,851) by May from Denmark
He was asking about the intro though. I think she used it set the mood with the rest of the song, as an uplifting and encouraging feeling. "I've come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy, I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me." That's the part from Cleveland song that she added in Heavenly.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 10:37)
At Andy (45,849) by May from Denmark
The intro lyrics from Heavenly are: "Folks will taking advantage of you because they believe you're too weak to speak up for yourself, you don't have to speak up for yourself, be still and let God fight your battles." I'm sure it can be interpret as God protecting you from those who try to harm you, so you don't need to speak up because God is there watching over you, guiding you and helping you go through any trouble, so while you don't need to say anything, you can take all the blunt because God will heal you and he will take care of the people who hurt you. So you don't have to speak for yourself because while they might think you are weak, they don't know God is in you and he will help you out in times of need. She didn't specify a passage for this phrase but it's common in the Bible to find such passages (yes, there are plenty because there were plenty of fights and wars) where God's people are being given courage before going to battle their enemies, saying that God will slay them all so don't need to fear if they stand still and say nothing, God will give his people salvation and will fight their battles and that God will be with them as long as they seek and find him but if they forsake him he will forsake them. To clarify, I have no religious affiliation and I'm a secular humanist, so to me the whole lyrics do nothing but I love the vocals in it.
(Tuesday 5 August 2014; 10:33)


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