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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Misty Moon (48,700) by Marissa from USA
Thanks Edward for posting that video. What a gem. I'm making this my new ringtone.
(Monday 22 December 2014; 1:31)
Re: Nikki / positive lamb theories (48,649) by Marissa from USA
When I saw the word delusional in your post it just prompted me to make sure that I got the point across that the questions that I asked weren't meant to be shady or a way to start up the delusional debate again. As far as the haters, I knew that you meant in your post. You were actually talking about people who aren't and never will be fans of Mariah. What I was talking about in my post are the lambs that dismiss other lambs on this messageboard as "haters" if they ever give constructive criticism. I just saw keywords in your post that prompted me to speak, but I wasn't trying to direct that post at you. Sorry for any confusion. I see your point about today's multimedia with the spread of negativity. It's not just journalists or gossip columnists speaking up on issues, it's everyone with a pulse. There used to be a time where you could read about something in the paper or a magazine, formulate your own opinion and move on. Now if you even watch a MC music video online and accidentally scroll down too far into the comments, your whole day could get ruined.
(Saturday 20 December 2014; 2:05)
Re: Warrior Butterfly (48,639) by Marissa from USA
I loved your response and I never thought of the MC situation that way. It is refreshing to hear different perspectives. As much as I like the modern music and songwriting too, the earlier years saw more intricate and sophisticated songwriting from Mariah. It was almost unreal how advanced and sophisticated her songwriting was when she was just in her 20s. In a way, I am glad that Mariah showcased her gifted songwriting in the beginning of her career for two reasons: 1. Her songwriting matched better with her "girl next door" image back then than it does with the diva act. (I think the diva persona is part of the reason that people still can't believe that Mariah is such an excellent songwriter. Don't let Hello Kitty bathroom and Mean Girls quotes fool you lol.) And 2. we live in a generation where excellent songwriting isn't widely appreciated anymore, so if she was currently releasing songs like Petals or Vanishing only sophisticated listeners, a rare breed today, would pay any attention to them.
(Friday 19 December 2014; 19:37)
What I meant by positive / the unfortunate subcategories (48,623) by Marissa from USA
When I asked the question for positive lambs, that wasn't shade or a code word for "delusional". I was curious to know what the people who are satisfied with Mariah's approach feel is causing such media slaughter and disrespect. As much as I wish all of us could be on one accord, there are obviously cliques and subcategories among the lambily, and I define them as follows:
1. Positive: Only post when they have complimentary things to say about MC. I see nothing wrong or "delusional" about this approach.
2. Compartmentalized "positive" lambs: Complimentary towards Mariah, condescending and elitist towards people who give constructive criticism or voice moments of dissatisfaction. Typically are unable to get their point across without belittling others' opinions in the process. Can often be found asking "Are you a fan?" or referencing fellow lambs who have spent just as much time, energy and money on MC as "haters". (Yes, there are people who are actually "haters" of MC but I doubt that they are on this board. I've seen two sentence YouTube comments more vicious than 1300 character posts on here about her.)
3. Tough love lambs: Can acknowledge Mariah's moments of greatness, yet have no issue speaking up about things that seem defective.
P.S. Shout out to Jon from the Netherlands who actually answered my question and I agree, a lot of the media doesn't catch on to MC's inside jokes.
(Friday 19 December 2014; 0:57)
Wendy (48,619) by Marissa from USA
I agree Shelly. As much as I wish Wendy's opinion was irrelevant, she is extremely influential. After continuously watching Wendy's bs, the only people who are going to continue to hold MC in high regard are the lambs because we know who Mariah truly is. The average person is eventually going to get worn down by Wendy's Mariah-bashing. They aren't keeping up with Mariah's good performances, so when they see Wendy Williams only highlighting bad performances and MC supposedly being an alcoholic spending all day crying over Nick, next thing you know they migrate to the comments of her videos saying "Mariah doesn't have it any more".
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 22:46)
Dancing around the questions (48,612) by Marissa from USA
I'm not surprised that you took all of that energy to not (caps) answer the question. You are always the "positive" lamb who acts like anyone who gives constructive criticism is a peasant that has no right to speak. Your elitist attitude isn't at all shocking. "Assumption" 1. MC isn't 100% at fault nor did I imply that, but my point was that she only has hope to turn anything around if she acknowledges something that she or her team can do differently.
2. I never said that she lost all (caps) of her respect, but if you think MC has the same respect now from the gp that she had during TEOM or even E=MC2 then, "pull down them Tom Fords and act like you see".
3. Every singer has their lows in the media, but the general consensus on these women at that age wasn't that they were has-beens, which is what the media is making MC out to be now.
4. I didn't say whether everything we hear about MC is true or false. I asked why the respect for her isn't where is should be. You got really creative with this one.
5. This "assumption" is your own paranoia. I was asking if MC's strategies are solid, why isn't she being treated like the legend that she is. I never said or implied that she couldn't handle herself or needed to be micromanaged. Nice try though.
This list of non-existent assumptions was cute, but a failed attempt to distract from the fact that you can never give a logical explanation or educated guess about why MC goes through the mess that she goes through in the media.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 19:42)
Questions for positive lambs (48,598) by Marissa from USA
I'm with Randy. If everything is fine with MC's career and image and nothing needs to be changed, why is her name constantly being dragged through the mud and why doesn't she get the same respect that Aretha, Patti, and Barbra were getting at her age? Mariah is a legend, but do you feel like the world is treating her as such? Is MC just having bad luck? Positive lambs please respond. I seriously want to hear your theories.
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 4:25)
MCs signature songs (48,596) by Marissa from USA
I think the songs people will always think of when they hear Mariah's name are:
2. Hero
3. We Belong Together
4. Emotions
1. One Sweet Day
2. Fantasy
(Thursday 18 December 2014; 3:46)
Good side/bad side (48,550) by Marissa from USA

I wouldn't mind if Mariah genuinely believed that her right side was her best side, but she has said in several interviews that early in her career either someone from her camp or Tommy's told her that her left side was her worst side. She has let that one baseless comment rule her life for the past 24 years. It pains me to see her let some irrelevant fool's opinion continue to haunt her as successful and beautiful as she is from all angles. As you can see in this video, this isn't your typical lighthearted "I look better from this side" reaction. She's literally having a crisis. I just want her to fly above the petty comments and opinions about her and feel secure in the fact that she's a stunning legend who's legacy can't be touched.
(Tuesday 16 December 2014; 21:15)
My MC New Years resolutions (tough love edition) (48,517) by Marissa from USA
Be. On. Time. Drop the complications: let go of the "good side/bad side" bull****, lighting requirements, "eternally 12" speeches, disdain for successful female artists, etc. A lot of people resent Mariah because she just seems too complicated. I'm sorry but it's pathetic to me to let 24 year old insecurities continue to run your life without putting them in check or seeking help about it. I need her to channel TEOM era humility and let this s*** go. Emphasize the relatable aspects of herself: MC has spent many years highlighting the atypical aspects of her life but it keeps a lot of people from connecting with her. She needs to make a point to point out that she is human just like the rest of us. Dare I prompt another listmania, but what are your resolutions?
(Monday 15 December 2014; 5:29)
Proving herself / being ripped to shreds (48,358) by Marissa from USA
LaCoya, I see what you're saying about Mariah constantly needing to prove herself, but at the same time, every time she gives a good performance only the lambily cares. Nowadays the media only talks about MC if it's regarding divorce drama, diva demands, ill-fitting outfits, or bad performances. Period. Every time MC does something good I hear crickets from all media outlets. I think people are so eager to rip MCs performances to shreds because it's hard to sympathize with the persona that she's created. She's had a reputation for dismissing other talent, diva demands, not caring how her lateness will affect others, etc. so I think the GP feels like her vocal issues are basically karma for her behavior. People that haven't even uttered Mariah's name in 2 years are suddenly so pressed. There has to be a reason behind that.
(Saturday 6 December 2014; 23:28)
G.G. / facing the truth (48,214) by Marissa from USA
I'm with you G.G. I'm sick of these excuses. If shaky performances were extremely rare for Mariah I would look for an outside circumstance to blame as well, but this is nothing new. There have been numerous performances that I've cringed at even when she was indoors, was in perfect health (no colds), etc. Her voice has changed. Period. I will always be a lamb, watch her interviews and performances but let's just face reality. I know that a lot of people are trying to hype up the performance because they know that when MC gives a bad performance it makes us look bad, but come on now.
(Thursday 4 December 2014; 18:00)
Disney (48,098) by Marissa from USA
G.G., I think your Disney idea is genius. I think the general public sees Mariah as too predictable, so a Disney movie would be a great way to shake things up and become even more relevant than she already is. This could be her new niche. Maybe if MC starts doing children's movies the "eternally 12" thing won't irritate people as much lol.
(Saturday 29 November 2014; 7:11)
MC slaying the holiday season (48,093) by Marissa from USA

Such rich vocals. Let's get festive you all.
(Friday 28 November 2014; 8:48)
Who it's about (48,044) by Marissa from USA
Am I the only one who doesn't give a damn who MCs songs are written about? For me personally, it just takes too much time and energy to figure out.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 18:10)
Wendy's bulls*** (48,001) by Marissa from USA
Wendy wants her name attached to Mariah's so bad that she feels the need to lie about rejecting Mariah. Lmao. All she did was try to pass Andy Cohen's story off as her own. Pathetic as usual.
(Friday 21 November 2014; 4:20)
Shout out to the lambily (47,908) by Marissa from USA
I just wanted to take a moment to shout out the lambily for continuing to support MC even though she's no longer technically in her peak. I am proud that we haven't given up on her and don't sit around moping about how we want 90s MC to come back. She still has plenty of value to give and deserves a supportive fanbase. Despite our petty disputes, we are the strongest fan base around and I am proud of us.
(Thursday 13 November 2014; 18:49)
Slay me (47,695) by Marissa from USA
Getting my entire life for the nostalgia.
(Friday 31 October 2014; 0:08)
Supernatural (47,590) by Marissa from USA
Words can't even describe how much I love the song Supernatural. Every time I hear it I just feel so happy and refreshed. I know that performance was lipped but it's always great to hear that song and see MC with her kids.
(Saturday 25 October 2014; 4:46)
I had to get this off of my chest (47,567) by Marissa from USA
No matter what is actually going on in Mariah's career, there is typically fighting and shade on this messageboard. It's sickening. It's hard enough to be a lamb in a world where people like Wendy Williams are bashing Mariah every day, but then people think it's cute to turn around and create wars among ourselves. When there's finally some peace on this board, people see it as the perfect time to stir up s*** again by calling out "haters". Now you're trying to take away the one common ground that we all have, being fans, just because you disagree with someone. The sad thing is that half the drama here isn't the posts themselves, but people's over-dramatic reactions to them. I don't think we'd have any issues if people wouldn't see other people's opinions as a personal affront, realize that we're all different and move on. No one is any more or less of a fan than the other, but every time something that can't be blindly agreed with is said, someone shows up to remind people of how they aren't really fans. You aren't suddenly a hater if you didn't like a performance that some people raved over. You aren't delusional if you enjoyed something MC did that many others didn't like. If someone believes in their heart that they're a lamb, let them be that. It's no one's job to fit into your (whoever you might be) idea of what a lamb is.
(Thursday 23 October 2014; 22:55)
Jono, Mirage_Nunez, Randy (47,531) by Marissa from USA
I think people are quieter about her voice because Randy summed everything up in his post. Mirage_Nunez and Randy are right, the least of fans concerns is her whistle register. That is the note that she can always hit. It shut the general public up because they don't know any better. For most of us, the whistle register isn't exciting anymore or the main reason why we're attracted to Mariah's music. It's the icing on top of her full voice. It's her full voice that is questionable, which wasn't addressed in that video. Just because she hit some whistle notes in a relaxed setting (where she always sounds good, it's the live performances that often fall apart) doesn't mean that her voice is in excellent condition or that her vocal instability no longer exists. I wish it was as simple as putting out a 30 second YouTube video and things becoming perfect again but it isn't.
(Wednesday 22 October 2014; 1:58)
I don't think pretending that Mariah is superwoman is helping (47,427) by Marissa from USA
Regardless of how optimistic people try to be, Mariah does not have full control of her voice as of now. Her performances have been extremely hit and miss for the past 2 years. For someone who has admitted to being very insecure, she ideally would never give a bad performance and give the media so much fodder, but her voice betrays her. I believe that Mariah knows her voice but if she feels the need to lip sync in some way, shape or form 95% of her performances, she knows something is wrong too. We need to put our egos aside and stop acting like Mariah can pull every single thing together on her own. She's a legend, but she ain't Jesus. With the performances or lack thereof (lipsyncing) between 2012 and 2014 I don't think she is above vocal coaching. I'd rather see her get help and repair the vocal damage than avoid it just to soothe her ego and continue to give performances that will slaughter her legacy.
(Tuesday 14 October 2014; 6:16)
Got2BReal (47,359) by Marissa from USA
A parody episode of Got2BReal featuring Mariah, Beyonce, Chaka, Patti, Aretha, Dionne etc. Hilarious.
(Saturday 11 October 2014; 2:06)
The divorce (47,349) by Marissa from USA
I can't wait for Mariah to do a candid interview or just break her silence about her split with Nick. We can all speculate but I really want to know what happened from her perspective. I'm still saddened by this.
(Friday 10 October 2014; 22:56)
Fabulosity (47,278) by Marissa from USA
Mariah may be struggling vocally, but her looks have been giving me life lately.
(Wednesday 8 October 2014; 4:39)


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