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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

The voice (47,214) by Marissa from USA
I do think Andrew's delivery was extremely harsh but sometimes you have to look at what the person is actually saying instead of just harping on their tone. What Andrew is doing is holding Mariah accountable. As long as people keep blaming outside circumstances, there is no room for improvement. When you blame the weather, the plane ride, the divorce, you're powerless because those things are beyond your control. I feel bad for Mariah because it's humiliating to be unable to control your own voice, but she isn't a complete victim. I think she took her voice for granted and it's backfiring on her. She may not always have perfect circumstances to perform under, but when people are paying their hard earned money, they expect her to pull through regardless. Remember when Diana Ross performed in pouring down rain and still slayed? Fair or unfair, that's the type of resilience that people are expecting from performers. She isn't the first singer to go through a difficult time, have a cold or be jet lagged (this is the most pathetic excuse people are using, really guys?) and there's only so long people will consider that a valid excuse. People will give you a break if you've had a few mediocre shows, but when that becomes the norm, your legacy will get flushed down the toilet. I'm proud of MC for starting to pull her image together, but her voice has a mind of its own and it won't get better unless she gets serious help.
(Monday 6 October 2014; 22:51)
Mariah's voice (47,123) by Marissa from USA
I pray that Mariah can get her vocals in control for the rest of the tour. When I saw the headline "Mariah Carey's voice calls it quits" my heart damn near broke. I know plenty of people try to reaffirm that Mariah can pull through, but seriously you guys, Mariah's voice is extremely unpredictable and we all know that. One day she'll sound pretty good, the next day we're cringing for her and bracing ourselves for the impending media slaughter. I haven't heard consistent vocal stability from her since she was pregnant. This isn't an "MC's gonna slay, just watch" type of situation anymore. She needs professional help because it's clear that her voice is beyond her control. If she could have pulled it together on her own, she would have done that years ago. I hope she gets all the help that she needs.
(Sunday 5 October 2014; 8:48)
Mariah on Broadway (47,049) by Marissa from USA
I would absolutely love if Mariah did Broadway. It would give her a fresh start and let people see her in a different and exciting light.
(Thursday 2 October 2014; 18:17)
Beyond ungrateful (47,010) by Marissa from USA
So Wendy was on today and she had a segment called "Who should Mariah date?" It was one of those "word on the street" style segments and some random guy said "She hasn't had a hit since Nick Cannon was a baby," and I immediately turned it off. I don't have time for people's ignorant negativity towards MC. She surpassed Elvis for #1 singles before she was even 40 years old, yet people want to act like she's never done anything significant. The problem is society (Americans to be specific) value celebrity over merit. If you aren't at the latest VMAs or if your music videos aren't playing every morning on VH1, people act like you have no value. I think it's so disrespectful for someone to bust their a** making hit records that not only would be catchy but touch people's hearts and for people to not give a f*** whatsoever just because she hasn't had a #1 in 7 years. We live in a sad world if you can be the most successful female solo artist with a 24 year career, but be treated like a one-hit wonder.
(Monday 29 September 2014; 20:05)
Myles / Butterfly (46,979) by Marissa from USA
Myles, you are right. I remember seeing an interview a long time ago where Mariah said that the lyrics to Butterfly were what she wished Tommy had said to her. She said that even when they separated, she initially didn't think they would get a divorce. She thought that Tommy would come to his senses and see that she was a free spirit who needed to be able to do her own thing and that they would get back together with that mutual understanding. So much for that, but at least a beautiful song came out of it.
(Friday 26 September 2014; 20:31)
Lists (46,959) by Marissa from USA
I think this is by far the funniest uproar that has ever been on this messageboard. I usually don't care about lists. My only issue was that these aren't our usual "top 5" lists that are tolerable "in bulk" so to speak, and so many people were making lists at one point that they were outweighing discussions. Even if you did scroll away, you were just bound to run into another one. For me personally, I wasn't legitimately pissed or trying to silence anyone. It was just a funny observation that every time I turned around someone was making a list. Bill, I'd rather see people write "top 100 MC songs" before another Ariana discussion.
(Thursday 25 September 2014; 17:26)
The endless lists (46,913) by Marissa from USA
Lmao Stephen, thank goodness you spoke out. I didn't want to say anything but these lists are about to drive me to drink.
(Tuesday 23 September 2014; 17:54)
Mariah's love life (46,903) by Marissa from USA
I think Mariah needs a manly man and should have had one all along, but she was traumatized by Tommy which led her to go to the polar opposite end of the spectrum to someone childish. Let's keep it real, she wanted someone who would let her be in the driver's seat of the relationship, someone that wasn't going to ask her to modify her lifestyle. Ideally, I'd like to see Mariah in a relationship where there's a balance of power: the man isn't controlling and the woman isn't running everything. I think any person having absolute power in a relationship is unhealthy. Now that Mariah has seen both sides of the coin, it would be interesting to see if she would want someone with a balance of both childlike (not to be mistaken with childish) and manly qualities or choose someone who's basically Nick 2.0.
(Tuesday 23 September 2014; 2:07)
Loving the look (46,863) by Marissa from USA
Understated Mariah is giving me life right now. She looks so fabulous, yet approachable. My favorite pic is the one where she's pointing towards something with Monroe. She's definitely getting it together and will be back to slaying as usual.
(Saturday 20 September 2014; 3:10)
These Ariana convos need to end (46,862) by Marissa from USA
I'm sorry but can we please stop with the Ariana discussions? 98% of the lambily thinks she's a copycat/can't stand her, so the vibe gets really negative and redundant whenever her name is brought up. I think those who aren't fans of hers should take a page from Mariah's book and just stop acknowledging her existence.
(Saturday 20 September 2014; 3:06)
Wendy Williams uncalled for hate for MC (46,793) by Marissa from USA
So Wendy's show returned today (oh joy *rolls eyes*) and she brought up the Nick and Mariah separation topic and shaded Mariah the entire interview, like some Mean Girls, high school pettiness type of shade. She is so jealous of Mariah that it's pathetic. She was trying to make her the laughing stock of her whole Hot Topics segment, and for what? Of course, she was practically worshipping Jennifer Lopez afterward within the same segment to be even nastier. Wendy is evil to practically everyone for no legitimate reason, but her disdain for Mariah is beyond uncalled for. The worst thing MC ever did to her was put her name in a #1 hit. What a monster *sarcasm*. She needs to be grateful. No shade, but if I was MC I wouldn't have even given her that much.
(Tuesday 16 September 2014; 4:50)
MC's body of work (46,770) by Marissa from USA
I just read the "25 Criminally underrated Mariah Carey songs" article and while listening to the songs and looking at the lyrics I am just in awe of what a huge body of work she has. It's not just a huge body of work, but every album just screams excellence. How many stars do you know that have at least 5 album cuts that sound single-worthy on every album they make? It's a shame to me that the general public act like being a MC fan is so 10 years ago, because if anyone's deserving of a devoted fanbase, it's her. People need to look at the facts of her career and stop acting as if she's contributed nothing to the industry just because she's not at the top of the charts every week.
(Saturday 13 September 2014; 5:35)
She looks wonderful (46,658) by Marissa from USA
I agree Mimi L. She looks fabulous. Not the contrived fabulosity that we had been getting for the past 9 months, but this just looked effortless. I love it. And she said that she did her own makeup. Could down to earth Mariah be reemerging? My goodness, I hope so.
(Saturday 6 September 2014; 23:31)
Webmaster (46,643) by Marissa from USA
The word that was censored wasn't me alluding to an expletive. I meant that he tagged her on Twitter.
(Saturday 6 September 2014; 0:09)
More thoughts on Nick's rant (46,642) by Marissa from USA
Jenny, that's how I knew the rumors must be true too. They have faced divorce rumors their entire marriage and he would always say something about how in love he and "his wife" were, but this time that didn't happen. I think him [...] Mariah and talking about how he loves her unconditionally may have been a little ploy to get Mariah back, but as far as I know it was not retweeted or favorited by her. Does he not realize that anyone who read between the lines of his tweets now knows that the marriage is done? To the untrained ear the "love unconditionally" quote makes it sound like they're still together, but there are plenty of tweets in his rant that undermine his goal of shutting down the rumors. Luckily for him the media is dumb enough to take one quote and ignore everything else because from what I've seen, few people have caught on to what's really happening.
(Friday 5 September 2014; 22:53)
I'm not so convinced (46,627) by Marissa from USA
I'm getting mixed messages from Nick's commentary. One minute he and his family are going through a "difficult time", he wants everyone to respect "this process", he's been off of social media for "obvious reasons", etc., the next minute he's professing his love for Mariah. If it isn't separation or divorce, what's going on? Why when asked on that TMZ interview did Mariah say "it's too hot to talk" instead of "Nick and I are still together"? I guess he was just trying to tell us that they're parting ways but it's amicable. Child, I don't know.
(Friday 5 September 2014; 0:37)
Shelly / perception (46,546) by Marissa from USA
Shelly, I also didn't think that your post sounded mean or judgmental. I agree with you that Mariah seems to live in her own world. I think it would be refreshing to us and to herself if, like you said, she would broaden her horizons and do something outside of herself. From my own experience I know that looking beyond yourself is one of the best ways to forget your problems. When you're going through challenging times, you desperately need perspective and you can't get that if you're living in your own world. I think Oprah would be a great mentor for Mariah because she knows how to do it both ways. You could see her fabulous in an Oscar de la Renta gown or see her with no makeup on in her vegetable garden. She has a great combination of class, gratitude and humility. I think the main thing that makes Mariah seem less likable is the fact that she comes off as narcissistic and doesn't seem as grounded as she once did. People can't really see her as anything outside of a diva. Oprah may be a billionaire and one of the most powerful people in the world, but I can't even count the numerous ways she constantly shows that she isn't just consumed with herself. The lambily knows that Mariah cares about more than herself, but the general perception is that if it ain't just about her, she ain't trying to hear it or do it.
(Monday 1 September 2014; 7:32)
"A source said..." blah, blah, blah (46,483) by Marissa from USA
If there aren't official statements from either Mariah or Nick, the media can miss me with these stories. I wish these vague articles that constantly say "a source" were banned. I want facts or nothing.
(Friday 29 August 2014; 0:10)
Nikki / shade throwing (46,424) by Marissa from USA
I get where you're coming from, but the media will trash you whether you stay silent or speak up. The "she's a has-been", "she's old", "she's a slavedriver" comments will come rolling out regardless. The media doesn't just disappear if you try to put them in check. In fact, they come at you even harder if you give them any fuel to talk. Although I want to know the details, I feel like her approach of keeping her privacy is the best. On another note, why is throwing shade so glorified and considered classier than just saying what you have to say outright? Mariah is a shady grove when she's pissed and I'm not gonna give her brownie points just because she's not cussing people out or blatantly name calling. Saying something slick and giving a smirk afterward isn't class, it's passive aggression. Making insults in a more demure way doesn't take away from the fact that you're making insults. I hope both of them take the true classy route and either say something positive or at least neutral or nothing at all for the sake of their kids.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 6:31)
None of this should be a suprise (46,421) by Marissa from USA
Since I can already see that this board is going to go on an anti-Nick rampage for however long, I just have to say this. I love Mariah but I'm not going to act like she was hit blindsided by all of Nick's antics over the years. She knew exactly who she married. We all could have told Mariah that some childish antics would be pulled from the very beginning, let's just keep it real. There's a difference between marrying someone with a youthful spirit and someone childish and Nick was childish from the start, it's just that the haze of the honeymoon phase keeps you from fully seeing your partner's issues. Although most of Nick's comments have been annoying, did you really expect him to transform into this worldly master of tact just because he married Mariah? Whether the stuff he's done is crass or not, he's being himself, thus I'm no longer angered by the stuff he says. I'm not saying I condone it, I'm just saying that's he's not doing anything out of character, so I don't have time to get up in arms about it. As long as he isn't doing anything mean spirited, I'm keeping it moving.
(Wednesday 27 August 2014; 5:55)
A new chapter for Mariah and the lambily (46,286) by Marissa from USA
As bad as this time is in Mariah's personal life, it's times like these that bring the lambily closer together. We put aside bulls*** arguments about JD, weight gain, Madonna, and clothing choices and can get back to the basics of our love for Mariah. When major pivotal events like this one happens, nothing else matters but support. One thing "negative" and "positive" lambs alike can agree on is that none of us want to see Mariah or her kids go through such a difficult time. The reason the lambily was so divided and some people just dropped Mariah altogether was because we were all in the dark about what the hell was going on. Whether you were classified as a "negative" or "positive" lamb, we were all piecing together crumbs of information because there was nothing else we could do. Now that things are starting to come to light and make sense maybe we can all focus on our commonality and finally start fresh.
(Saturday 23 August 2014; 4:04)
Thought on their separation (46,217) by Marissa from USA
After hearing the separation news, I'm sad for both Nick and Mariah. I wasn't surprised because all of the signs of trouble in paradise were there, but it always sucks when news like this becomes official. I guess where there's smoke, there's fire. I wonder how Mariah feels that the news is out there and when she will ever break her silence. Was this a mutual decision or is Nick letting it all hang out again? If it wasn't mutual, then Nick has probably just put the nail in the coffin of their relationship. I feel bad for little Roc and Roe having to go through this so young. It's like history repeating itself of Mariah's childhood. God bless the children.
(Friday 22 August 2014; 6:39)
Ice bucket challenge (46,145) by Marissa from USA
Lol I think hell would have to freeze over for Mariah to accept the ice bucket challenge but it would be fun to be proved wrong.
(Wednesday 20 August 2014; 1:55)
JD's dismissal (45,912) by Marissa from USA
If I were JD I would have dismissed myself from being Mariah's manager. He was the scapegoat for every single negative thing that happened from 2013-now. I feel like he had big plans but was not allowed to fully do his job. Like someone said on here, her firing JD shows that she realizes that things definitely are not working out for the best, so at least she is not completely in la-la land about the situation.
(Thursday 7 August 2014; 0:17)
Meteorite performance (45,818) by Marissa from USA
I don't think this performance was any worse than any she's given over the past two years. I don't really understand the outrage. Maybe people are disappointed because they feel like it wasn't worth the wait. I'm just desensitized to it because I know the days of getting a memorable performance (that isn't impromptu) from Mariah are over. I don't even have a glimmer of hope anymore.
(Monday 4 August 2014; 19:47)


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