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About Merr Hasenan from Malaysia: From Borneo Malaysia

Re: Amazing: Mariah's World (69,129) (69,162) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Agree with you. Mariah looks really beautiful. Can't wait for the next episode. I really do think that Molly part got to go and I need more on Mariah with her twins. Oh yeah, less Stella, please. I can't stand the "love you Mariah, you are amazing Mariah" repeatedly come from Stella. Mariah seems very happy with Stella though.
(Tuesday 6 December 2016; 17:55)
Re: Wendy Williams (68,922) (68,940) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I can't believe myself that I agree with Wendy. She summed up everything. At this point, I try to be positive on Mariah, hoping for MW to be a real documentary that highlights her music, hoping her performance on the Divas concert could shut the haters when she sings every single note live, hoping for the Tanaka-snogging-fest is only a scene from her next video and i'm hoping this messy era is only in my dream. We, the lambs, can call Beyonce overrated, J.Lo the terrible singer, Ariana the copycat, but the truth is, these ladies are in the news for the right reasons nowdays and our Mariah gives the world her cleavage. I hope I could stay as a lamb because there is only a little faith left in me.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 19:29)
Re: Christmas wish covers (68,724) (68,734) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I want her to sing Where Are You Christmas? We know she penned the song and this is the time for her to sing it.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 9:58)
Re: Top 10 videos (67,663) (67,681) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
1. The Roof
2. Butterfly
3. Heartbraker
4. It's Like That/We Belong Together
5. Shake It Off
6. Up Out My Face
7. I Still Believe
8. I Still Believe/Pure Imagination
9. Dreamlover
10. Breakdown
(Sunday 30 October 2016; 4:02)
Re: Most listened-to song (67,497) (67,507) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Can't figure it out, it is between Breakdown or Butterfly. Since it's released, I played Almost Home almost everyday. For years to come, I believe Almost Home is going to be in my list for the most listened-to song.
(Wednesday 26 October 2016; 2:35)
Re: Just had to play some Mariah tonight (67,330) (67,333) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Hye Robert-Anthony. Happy birthday in advance. I just want to share, October 25 is my brother's birthday and on his 12th birthday, my father passed away. I know it is always hard for him to celebrate but I know one thing that he is always listen to One Sweet Day on his birthday. He is not a lamb. He likes Oasis, Paramore and Linkin Park. It makes me think even a hardcore rocker has a soft spot for Mariah. It shows our queen's music has touched everyone's hearts. To you Robert-Anthony, happy birthday in advance. God bless you.
(Tuesday 18 October 2016; 11:52)
Re: Let's hold hands (67,150) (67,163) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Very "Mean Girls" Edward.
(Monday 10 October 2016; 13:55)
Forgive Mariah (67,083) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I try to stay positive on every comment made by lambs here. I read every single post and try not to be offended. But there were some posts that made me cry and hurt my feeling. I believe others too. Maybe we are "Mariah is always great lambs" and we adore every single thing that Mariah put out there. That is because I love Mariah very much from her day one and I rather forgive her for her "awful actings, terrible lip-synching, clowning herself around or her terrible duet". She is doing so much positivity for my life. Sounds cliche? That is the truth. Please forgive Mariah if she keeps giving you her awfulness. Please keep your opinion to the haters because they will enjoy it. It really hurts to read all the negativity. I know it will hurt Mariah's feeling too. I guess we will never stop bashing her even after she's gone. But maybe for you, at least she will share stories with MJ and Whitney in heaven about the ongoings haters. Please forgive me for my forever love to everything Mariah. I am blind to her awfulness but I choose to love her more.
(Saturday 8 October 2016; 5:16)
Re: Why you trying so damn hard? (66,935) (66,941) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Me too. I skipped Stay The Night all the time and never got into the song. I like Say Somethin' and I'm okay if people don't like it. Infamous, like I said before, not her #1 material but I like it. Some Mariah's songs are slow burner for me. For example, Till The End Of Time, Long Ago and some tracks from Charmbracelet, MoIA and most tracks from MIAMTEC. Still buying Mariah's music from the CBS logo on her cassette era untill now. My point is - today you might hate Infamous but I believe along the way we will discover new things hidden somewhere.
(Sunday 2 October 2016; 4:43)
Infamous (66,831) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Agree with Randy, not a #1 material but not bad for a song from tv series. I didn't expect great outcomes from Jussie and the robotic sound of him is annoying. Well, it is all about Jamal after all and Kitty was there to help, right? I'm hoping for Mariah to release the song - minus the cast of Empire. Still not a #1 material but atleast it will be all about Mariah.
(Thursday 29 September 2016; 18:08)
Re: Your own private concert (66,593) (66,602) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Agree with you. The song is on my "must-have list", it is better than Infinity. If I can ask Mariah to add one more song for her to perform in my private concert, I want her to sing All I've Ever Wanted.
(Friday 23 September 2016; 3:33)
Re: Your own private concert (66,576) (66,581) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
1. Melt Away
2. Butterfly
3. And You Don't Remember
4. When I Saw You
5. Almost Home
(Thursday 22 September 2016; 17:56)
Re: Inspirational songs (66,490) (66,502) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
In term of lyrics, I found that Butterfly is very rich in symbolism and imagery. It was translated very well in the video too. The words reflected my life and my relationship during that time. Maybe that's the reason why I love our Mariah very much. Every album has my story or something that I can relate to, that inspired me in many ways, esspecially her ballads. No matter how high I jump listening to Fantasy or Heartbraker, it is her ballads/sad songs that I really wanted from her. Call me outdated but in Malaysia, My All, Hero, OSD, LTT, VOL are the songs that made Mariah the queen here. After all, I was born in 70s - at this age: a ballad is the best to accompany our tea time in the afternoon.
(Tuesday 20 September 2016; 6:27)
Re: Through The Rain, Hero or Can't Take That Away (66,451) (66,472) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
TTR for sure. Hero was during my high school year and my life circa 93/94 was less dramatic. I prefered All I've Ever Wanted instead. I was not desperate for a motivational song that time. But lately, I listen a lot to Hero, don't know why, maybe I am now desperate to motivate myself and my boring daily routine.
(Monday 19 September 2016; 15:58)
Re: Butterfly performance on SNL (66,425) (66,430) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
That's why the SNL performance is my favourite.
(Sunday 18 September 2016; 13:25)
Re: Butterfly (66,419) (66,423) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
After almost 20 years, Butterfly is always her best album. The videos are great. The story behind all three videos (Honey, Butterfly, My All) told us that the production was not half-cooked ideas. The Roof, with all the simplicity (limo, rain, rooftop) became one of her best music video ever. From the album cover to the productions to the live performances (my fav is Butterfly in SNL), Butterfly deserved its 20th anniversary celebration next year. Columbia should released more singles commercially to accompany the album. 8 months gap between Honey and My All was a total waste. They should released Close My Eyes in between or just push Butterfly to the top after Honey. Before its upcoming sweet 20 next year, let us celebrate Emotions' 25th birthday.
(Sunday 18 September 2016; 4:41)
Re: New pictures (66,238) (66,251) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I don't really care on the bra campaign that Mariah tries to pull on us. It was only matter when my students were rolling their eyes when they caught me scrolling Mariah's IG and they were thinking I was into soft porn (which I did once in a while).
(Wednesday 14 September 2016; 8:38)
Re: The Emancipation Of Mimi era (65,420) (65,421) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I'm hoping for Mariah to do something with her hits. Rearrange the music and the structure of the songs that suit more to her recent vocal. Madonna is the queen in this game, i never heard the same Vogue or Like A Virgin in her concerts. It is always a different version. As for the new music, I want Mariah to write ballads in the line of Butterfly, Music Box, ISIL or WBT, pop/r and B minus the guest rappers. The music experts will call the new songs WBT part 1001, but the non lambs will appreciate her. She needs to work with Diane Warren or Babyface. I desperately need the big ballad.
(Friday 19 August 2016; 16:01)
Re: Where do I find the petition as I want to sign (64,556) (64,561) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Thank you for the link of the Marissa's petition. I signed. Done my part.
(Friday 22 July 2016; 15:15)
Re: And you don't remember (64,066) (64,073) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
AYDR should follow CLG as the third single from Emotions. Love the words, the melody and the vocal.
(Thursday 7 July 2016; 15:56)
The Remixes (63,319) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Could somebody here tell me why I Still Believe/Pure Imagination Remix is excluded from the album tracklisting? Columbia omitted that version and up until now, I feel it seems incomplete. I know it was a Columbia release but at least they chose a better picture for the CD cover. It is very tacky.
(Monday 13 June 2016; 15:31)
Re: Brenda - JLo (63,013) (63,021) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
For J.Lo to issue an apology publicly is impossible although I suggested it in my previous post. It was actually the way I want to say something in the line of Mariah will never forgive and forget on J.Lo involvement of her "darkest" period (forgive my OTT diction ). It is almost impossible for Mariah to let it go. As for Brenda, I never heard about the story on the label dropped her because of Mariah. If there's a truth in it, still I don't think that's similar to the J.Lo-Tommy alliance. By the way, I love JK's interview and that TMZ head-on crash video (yea, they used the word crash). Mariah is such a funny lady.
(Saturday 4 June 2016; 17:22)
Re: I don't know her - again (62,905) (62,907) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I watched the interview and yes JLo responded with "I am always a fan" answer. Obviously, that type of answer will going down very well with the public. I don't think Mariah will toned down her "I don't know her" comment because we know that J.Lo was indirectly involved with Tommy's conspiracy back in the days. It is not easy for Mariah to let things that led her into the darkest period in her life and publicly humiliated. Of course it is easy for J.Lo to say that she rather forgive and forget because she was the one who gained the top spot while Mariah, after all the mess, picked at #2. You guys know how the story goes. I guess, J.Lo should come with the apology for what she had done to Mariah and publicly declare Tommy is the devil. Then Mariah will came with her new infamous line - "I know her" - minus all the shades.
(Wednesday 1 June 2016; 12:48)
Re: If Mariah has another Nr 1 (62,237) (62,244) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
How about if Mariah has two more number one singles? The Beatles' fans will going beserk. That's going to be the news of the decade.
(Monday 16 May 2016; 16:35)
Re: Rhianna, a legend? (62,229) (62,243) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Legend means a person of extraordinary accomplishment and I bet Riri has her own things but comparing her achivement to Mimi - dare I say, it hurts me and the rest of us here. Mimi's legacy is not just her music but the impact of her catalogue to our lives. I'm a lamb from day one and like most of us here, I have that tendency to get super mad when somebody just ignore her influence. For more than 20 years (I am 41, very old huh), Mimi's music plays an important role and helps me through my darkest phase in my life. Sure I love Umbrella, Diamond and Pon De Replay but they are not Hero, AYNA and Butterfly. Maybe I should listen to Work, who knows Riri could change my life with her anti-bra video. For the time being, I can count legends with one hand: Mariah, Celine, Janet and Riri, she is on the other hand. Peace.
(Monday 16 May 2016; 16:30)


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