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About Merr Hasenan from Malaysia: From Borneo Malaysia

Re: First Mariah item (89,648) (89,666) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
VOL was my starting point. The debut album with the CBS logo was my first item. So nostalgic.
(Monday 20 May 2019; 13:04)
Re: "That's about me" song (82,779) (82,793) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Butterfly, for me. It was a theme song back then when I need to say bye bye to someone I loved. We separated because that the best for both of us. I got to let him go. I don't want to keep him under glass. Sad sad story. Now I need to listen to Through The Rain, another "that's about me" song.
(Wednesday 13 June 2018; 19:37)
Re: Songs you don't have to be a MC fan to love (82,748) (82,749) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I have some "anti-Mariah" friends but when it comes to the best love songs out there, we come to one agreement - We Belong Together is up there. Oh yes, my lecturer once played My All and he thought it was Toni Braxton. He still loves My All after I corrected him. The power of MC.
(Monday 11 June 2018; 18:30)
Re: #1's (82,608) (82,622) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Favourite: I Don't Wanna Cry - I like the video, the best from the first four number ones. I was 15 when the debut came out. Back then, I was into sad ballad.
Least favourite: Touch My Body - When it was announced, I was hoping for the "Fantasy" sound. A little dissapointed at first and I never thought it will hit the top spot.
(Saturday 2 June 2018; 23:54)
Re: "Rainbow" era (81,543) (81,550) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I thought it was a fan-made cover at first. But I like the pic of her on the bed. In my opinion, the best song from that album is Crybaby and I love the video. Oh yes... happy birthday M.
(Tuesday 27 March 2018; 15:23)
Re: Mariah's next album cover (78,207) (78,214) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Mariah can put fan made cd covers that floating in the net. Some of them look really convincing and professionally done. Even better than [the] Rainbow album cover. Mariah could just put her trademark Butterfly or MC initial on it. The only thing I want her to keep is the same font for her name.
(Thursday 31 August 2017; 02:50)
Re: G.O.T (78,173) (78,178) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Stella is the zombie dragon, Edward. You made me laugh and thank you for providing the reason for us to watch the season 8. Can't wait on what "Stella" can do to destroy King's Landing. Cersei, Stella is coming.
(Tuesday 29 August 2017; 02:51)
Re: Forgotten gem: The One (78,101) (78,105) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Last night I listened to The One (So So Def Remix). I love the original as well. Totally agree on your opinion on the song. So bad, there was no video to accompany the song but at least we have the live version from the tv special. The whistle... gosh, I love MC.
(Friday 25 August 2017; 12:42)
Re: Why you mad at Mariah? (77,090) (77,109) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
"But I do also have the awful feeling that she'll end up like Michael and Whitney, and then there wouldn't be hope anymore. I wish for her to be there for her children and see them go to college, but there's clearly something very off with Mariah that only the delusional ones refuse to see." You described my worries very well. From MJ to Whitney to Prince to George Michael, my worries come to the max. I don't want to believe those wild stories surrounding these celebrities, the conspiracies and the evil in the music industry. To see what had happened to Mariah, I pray for her not to end up like her friends. I want her to witness her 19th #1, but not from heaven. I cry while I am typing this. I love Mariah very very much.
(Friday 14 July 2017; 09:26)
Re: Jazz album (76,812) (76,821) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Terna, I am with you. Gospel album should be a great idea. But I can tolerate jazz album as long as it is everything new from Mariah. We need a proper album (not another #1s) to discuss here.
(Sunday 2 July 2017; 04:57)
Re: 27 years today debut album (76,257) (76,269) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I Don't Wanna Cry and Prisoner.
(Tuesday 13 June 2017; 06:37)
Re: Artists you love that may surprise others (75,967) (75,968) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Belinda Carlisle for me. Maybe we can consider her as a diva too but her music is different than our queen M. I listen a lot to Roxette's music lately. MC early works, BC and Roxette are the sound that I miss so much from the 90s. Of course, the rest of the original divas.
(Friday 2 June 2017; 14:25)
Re: Battle of the albums round 1 (75,811) (75,816) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
The debut album made me an instant fan but Emotions sealed the deal that I am a die hard fan. You're So Cold and And You Don't Remember are permanently in my top ten playlist. From the debut, it is only IDWC that made it up there. I love the album cover (I got a cassette) but what made me appreciate Emotions more than the first one is simply because Mariah co-produced all the tracks. For me, Emotions is the winner.
(Saturday 27 May 2017; 22:47)
Re: Mariah loosing a lot of fans thread (75,569) (75,576) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
The other day, while having a dinner with friends, WBT was played in the background, we sang along to it but one of them said she missed MC since no new songs from her. I asked her, if she ever heard about Infinity, Infamous or I Don't and she said no. My other friend, a Celine's fan said he knew about I Don't because it was my ringtone. Tbh, it is my alarm clock ringing too.
(Tuesday 23 May 2017; 11:25)
Re: Second favorite artists (75,379) (75,425) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Belinda Carlisle and recently I am into Whitney's I'm Your Baby Tonight album. Make it Whitney my second favourite and Belinda is my third.
(Saturday 20 May 2017; 16:31)
Re: Ages? (75,316) (75,325) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
42 too. Still young.
(Thursday 18 May 2017; 15:13)
Re: Everything Fades Away (75,054) (75,060) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
When I Saw You is one of my favourite from Daydream but yes, I am agree with you on UTS. Melt Away is everything but I skip Forever and I Am Free. As for EFA, it is just okay and you know what I prefer All I Ever Wanted. The songs that I play the most from MC recent catalogue is #Beautiful and Almost Home. The debut and Butterfly are my "no-skip-songs" album from Mariah.
(Sunday 7 May 2017; 17:31)
Re: Article: Mariah and the twins hit the Kids' Choice orange carpet (73,579) (73,588) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Agree. I like your post 10 times.
(Monday 13 March 2017; 06:13)
Re: Questions for the Webmaster (73,080) (73,098) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I come here everyday. In fact, I check this messageboard early in the morning before I go to work and at night before I go to sleep - since the day one, Eric. Thank you for your dedication. I didn't read newspapers and the only source for all Mariah is here. Still remember, I didn't like VOL at first just because I was into Janet but MC voice is just very hard to resist. I become her instant fan when I heard IDWC. I bought the cassette with CBS logo on the white casing. My point is - although I once consider myself to quit on her with all the Stella-mess lately, I always have the sweet memory that connect me well with her music. Every era has its own meaning to me, but the best is her Butterfly era. That was the time I "donated" my entire Madonna's collection and keep all my Belinda Carlisle's cassete in the box. I keep my Janets on the shelve but my Mariah's is up there with the glass to protect them from the dust. I love her forever, not going to quit on her, that is my promise. Love you MC and thank you Eric for the MCA.
(Friday 24 February 2017; 6:37)
Re: Mariah Wonderwall (71,622) (71,637) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
It is Wale's lines in YDKWTD, right?
(Thursday 26 January 2017; 3:12)
Re: Videography (71,509) (71,511) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
I always state my love for Almost Home in my previous post. At first, I thought the song was more "Celine" than MC. For me, it's similar with I'm Alive or One Heart. Of course the "Celine" elements started to fade with her whistles register. Like The One, Almost Home is in my permanent playlist.
(Sunday 22 January 2017; 13:34)
Re: Charmbracelet (71,462) (71,473) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
The best from CB is The One. The live version from STTR is in my permanent playlist. The rest of the album are just okay but in this few days Clown is my jam. Don't know why, just love it. The shade is just pow. As for TTR, I remember how frustrated I was when I heard it for the very first time, the vocal is no Hero but the video is one of her best. The remix with Kelly and Joe is superb. One thing that I agree during this era is her image - she looked gorgeous. The funny thing is, although CB is not in my top 5 MC albums, I end up buyinh 2 copies of it just to show my support. I felt that she needed her lambs after all the Glitter fiasco.
(Friday 20 January 2017; 3:47)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,463) (70,471) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Same here TJ. It was Hero that made MC the pop biggest superstar in Malaysia but I was born as a lamb since VOL and never turned my back on her. I might disagree with her revealing chest area that way too much for our culture here but her music is always the reason why I should stay with her for all these years. For Malaysian in general, she is the voice. We did welcomed Salena Gomez with open arms but we never celebrate her as the VIP in music. Malaysian culture might be too strict with her sexiness but her music is always refered as the best in the game. If she dropped any new music soon, like anyone else in the board, I will be extremely happy. Oh yes... to Eric the boss of MCA, thank you for the effort, I visit this board twice a day just to check on anything Mariah and read every single message here. To all - happy new year 2017. Hope a better year for our queen.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 11:24)
Merry Christmas everyone (70,277) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Just want to wish Mariah and all lambs a wonderful Christmas and a Happy 2017. Now, i'm listening to One Child, an underrated gem. Hope Mariah will give us more on songs like this one.
(Sunday 25 December 2016; 3:15)
Re: Mariah's world (69,179) (69,187) by Merr Hasenan from Malaysia
Maybe I didn't got it right but it sounded her nanny's passport was in the luggage. They got to dig it for her that because the hours delayed. Still it was not the first time for her to fly with Mariah and co and she supposed to aware with the needs, right? Maybe she is the new nanny?
(Wednesday 7 December 2016; 4:00)


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