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About Tameka walker from United states:
I am the biggest Mariah fan that ever lived. On the day of terrorist attacks I proudly was in the store buying glitter. PeoPle thought I was crazy but i am completely devtoed to mariah
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Charts (104,409)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Mariah can still be number one. All we have to do is stream, download and request it on radio. I am happy for Brenda's success. Both songs are great and both are worthy of the number one spot on Billboard. Hopefully Mariah can be number one before the new year. I am looking forward to a new album. I am so excited.
(Tuesday 5 December 2023; 00:56)
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Number one (104,386)
by Tameka walker from United states
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If Mariah doesn't make it to number one this week I am sure that it will be number one before Christmas. I love Mariah and I love her Christmas song and I hope it hits number one before Christmas. Brenda's song is nice too. If they can share for instance one be number one one week and then the other the next it doesn't take anything away from Mariah. She can't be number one forever. And I realize that. Here's to Mariah and Brenda.
(Monday 4 December 2023; 02:44)
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Stream (104,293)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Let's stream [AIWFCIY] and get it to number one.
(Thursday 30 November 2023; 02:09)
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Charts (104,232)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Thank you.
(Sunday 26 November 2023; 12:52)
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Charts (104,224)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Where is [All I want for Christmas is you] on the charts and what is the likelihood that it hits number one?
(Sunday 26 November 2023; 03:14)
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Performance (104,176)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Everyone is entitled to their opinions about Mariah. I am a huge fan of hers she literally teached the whole generation how to sing, Beyoncé had said she tried to do runs like Mariah and so forth and Christina tries to imitate every little note and all give Mariah her props, she taught Christina, Beyoncé, Rihanna, and the rest of the girls how to sing, Mariah have been singing for over 30 years so what if her voice is not what it used to be to me, she can still sing her face off. Well anyway you guys got to remember she had a hit every year of the 90's then she would go back and do a remix with a rapper and sometimes without all that singing all over is bound to hurt your voice in some capacity. She made amazing remixes with and without rappers. Then in the 2000's Mariah did it again with songs from the Emancipation of Mimi era. We have to be grateful that Mariah is here with us because Michael Jackson, Prince, Barry [White], Whitney Houston and so on [are] gone and the way I see some people rag on Mariah they did the same thing to them. They are dead now and every time I turn around they get induction into the [Hall of Fame] or get other awards and so forth. Let's appreciate Mariah while she is still here here with us I am grateful that we still have her, let's show her love now and not when she is not here anymore.
(Thursday 23 November 2023; 11:37)
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Performance (104,132)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I watched Mariah's performance and I really enjoyed it. She can still sing it's not like when she came out in the nineties but she can still sing her face off. She was even trying to do something a little bit different to let the audience know that hey I can still sing and I am singing live not all was live but most of it was. I would like to know what you guys think. Do you think she was singing live or was she lipping it? Well I love Mariah I have loved her since day one. She is incomparable. Mariah Carey often duplicated never imitated. You guys also have to remember that all these young girls like Christina (42), Britney (41), Jessica (43), Beyoncé (42) and so forth studied Mariah so they can be like her. I often come on this board but hardly ever post anything but when she does a good job I would like to leave a positive message to up lift her. Let her know that her die hard fans like me are with her. Everyone has a right to feel how they want and say what they want this is a free country. I have always been one of her biggest fans because I have always wanted to sing and I love singers with big voices. I love you Mariah you are such an inspiration.
(Monday 20 November 2023; 06:06)
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Forbes richest women, no Mariah (102,840)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I could not agree more. Mariah Carey is one of the greatest artists that ever did this. No one compares to Mariah Carey. That voice and that writing is pure genius. I will always be a diehard fan. It's a celebration Mimi's emancipation. So chic and genius. I love you Mariah now and forever more.
(Wednesday 7 June 2023; 00:30)
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102,838 |
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Forbes richest women, no Mariah (102,838)
by Terna from Nigeria
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You just speak with opinions and try to pass them off as facts. First things first, the era Mariah reigned supreme - the 90's - cannot be compared with this day we live in with the internet, streaming, YouTube and social media. Mariah had none of these and still had her foot on every other single artists necks, Both male and female. Her numbers speak volumes - this is someone as young as she was, went toe to toe with Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Céline Dion, Toni Braxton, Michael Bolton, Sheryl Crowe, Alanis Morrisette, The Spice Girls, Mary J. Blige, Tevin Campbell, Aaliyah, Brandy, Prince, Monica, Madonna Boyz II Men etc all of whom it should be noted were also in their prime, And still came out on top winning multiple awards (Billboard artist of the decade and millennium artist to name a few) that reflect her impact and popularity. Mariah made over 1 billion US dollars for Sony - one artist alone, Until Beyoncé, Taylor, Rihanna and even Madonna can match these "tip of the iceberg" statistics I just mentioned, they are not anywhere near Mariah Carey in popularity. Social media is all smoke and mirrors and that "fame" is false and does not translate to anything tangible when it comes down to the real. You of all people should know this with numbers being fabricated today with follower count and all.
(Tuesday 6 June 2023; 23:02)
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Happy Anniversary (102,410)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I would like to wish the one and only Mariah Carey a happy anniversary. You are a true inspiration to so many. I am patiently waiting on new music from you I love you and that extraordinary voice you have and you are a musical genius love you and will be on the lookout for new music.
(Tuesday 28 March 2023; 00:31)
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How to download (102,201)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I want to to download [It's a wrap] but I don't know how to download music I normally go to the store and buy my music but stores that I go to tell me that pretty much music is going to be digital which it pretty much is now I need some one to teach me how to download songs and albums so I can support my favorite artists my email is
(Friday 10 February 2023; 17:46)
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She reigns supreme another week at #1 BB100 (102,018)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Congratulations to the one and only Mariah Carey the real queen of everything. You are such a huge fan of yours.
(Tuesday 3 January 2023; 23:19)
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102,013 |
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She reigns supreme another week at #1 BB100 (102,013)
by Mò from South Africa
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Congratulations queen MC.
(Tuesday 3 January 2023; 17:04)
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New year 2023 (101,992)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Happy New Years to everyone that loves Mariah and come here and post. I am looking forward to the new projects that Mariah has coming I am so excited about everything. Everybody enjoyed your New Years Eve?
(Saturday 31 December 2022; 21:03)
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Sometimes the voice gets in the way of the music (101,913)
by Tameka walker from United states
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That would be awesome. Also to Mariah is [still] breaking records her she my is number one for a 10h week and with that it makes her third act to have 3 songs in the double digits. [One Sweet Day] 16 weeks. [We Belong Together] 14 weeks and now [All I Want for Christmas is You] 10 weeks. Plus the first woman to have this feat in the music industry. [She] is 52 and still breaking records. People can say what they want and all and yes I know that she is having trouble with her voice but you gotta admit Mariah is often imitated never duplicated. Mariah I love you
(Tuesday 20 December 2022; 03:46)
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101,910 |
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Sometimes the voice gets in the way of the music (101,910)
by enwar00 from usa
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Wow, AIWFCIY being the song of the decade would be insane. I never even thought about that.
(Tuesday 20 December 2022; 00:12)
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Whoopi Goldberg mocks Mariah (101,897)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I agree.
(Sunday 18 December 2022; 23:56)
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101,894 |
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Whoopi Goldberg mocks Mariah (101,894)
by Terna from Nigeria
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The conscious effort to shade Mariah was thick in the air in that studio you could literally cut through it with a knife. Too [bad] Mariah is already considered "The Queen of Christmas" by this [generation] amongst many other titles – yes Whoopi she can and does have it all. Her [song] "All I want For Christmas is You" [trumps] all others I dare say past, present and future. It is that [good] a song, and isn't the album that song is from "Merry Christmas" the biggest selling Christmas album of all time? That is what qualifies her as the Queen of Christmas, she stays winning. Now everyone wants to have a magical Christmas song and album like she does. Often imitated, never duplicated.
(Sunday 18 December 2022; 21:58)
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So what (101,880)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I think Mariah can turn it around. Back in 2000 every one have said she lost her voice and all and her career was over. She came back stronger than ever and she was back to topping the charts. I would never count her out or bet against her. Mariah just broke records again with her Christmas song and everybody is focusing on the negative. I don't have rose colored glasses on, I see and hear the problems, if she put down the alcohol and warm up her voice and work with a voice teacher she could be back in fine form.
(Saturday 17 December 2022; 17:49)
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Billboard (101,801)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I would like to congratulate Mariah for going number one in Billboard. On her voice she does drink and that is not good for the voice. I also remember that a doctor told her she needed vocal surgery but she refused because it would mess with her whistle notes. That is what she said she in a 1998 or 1999 years interview. I guess she is worried she might not be able to hit those high notes like she likes. Merry Christmas everyone and a happy new year.
(Tuesday 13 December 2022; 00:53)
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Re: Just a thought, let's be kind (101,400) (101,408)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I couldn't agree more.
(Wednesday 5 October 2022; 17:46)
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Rock album (101,247)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I was just on reading something that said that she recorded a rock album in 1995 but her record label didn't want to release it. They thought it would ruin her image. She did it because she was in the relationship with Tommy and she was angry and needed a release. She was angry and needed to release that so she secretly recorded a rock album. I think it would be interesting to hear.
(Saturday 17 September 2022; 16:53)
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Re: Merchandise (101,229) (101,232)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Thank you so much.
(Friday 16 September 2022; 20:06)
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Merchandise (101,227)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just ordered a shirt and this is the first time I ordered something. How long does it normally take to get a order? I am from Suffolk VA.
(Friday 16 September 2022; 15:07)
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Re: If it was Whitney? (101,067) (101,068)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I couldn't agree more. We have lost so many greats and Mariah is still here by the grace of God. Let's show her our love while she is still here.
(Saturday 27 August 2022; 19:43)
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Re: A bit too much negativity (101,038) (101,041)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I whole heartily agree with you, it is too much negativity lately.
(Thursday 25 August 2022; 15:11)
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Whitney Houston (100,952)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I have noticed that since Olivia Newton John has passed away, which I would like to say rest in peace.
(Wednesday 10 August 2022; 19:43)
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Runway (100,582)
by Tameka walker from United states
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What do you guys think of the song Runway?
(Sunday 26 June 2022; 14:03)
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Lawsuit (100,409)
by Tameka walker from United states
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The thing about this lawsuit is that this song was made almost 30 years ago. If he wrote it why wait almost 30 years to sue? He sees that it is a classic and he wants credit. Mariah wrote it fair and square. He is after money. If I wrote a song and someone stole it I am not going to wait 30 years to sue. I am a diehard lamb. I wish Mariah the best.
(Tuesday 7 June 2022; 03:08)
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