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About Tameka walker from United states:
I am the biggest Mariah fan that ever lived. On the day of terrorist attacks I proudly was in the store buying glitter. PeoPle thought I was crazy but i am completely devtoed to mariah
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Happy birthday (93,402)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Happy birthday to one of the best voices in music today.
(Friday 27 March 2020; 20:55)
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Hall of Fame (92,431)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Way to go Mariah. And congrats to getting into the Hall of Fame for songwriting induction. You are a musical genius. Your voice and your ability to write 18 of your 19 hits is incredible. You are on a whole other level. Love always Tameka Walker.
(Friday 17 January 2020; 23:32)
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19th number one (91,679)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just want to say congrats on your 19th number one. We all did it. Look what happens when lambs pulls together. I always loved this song as a child.
(Monday 16 December 2019; 19:52)
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Birthday (88,834)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I would like to wish the one and only the song bird supreme a very happy birthday. I am a lamb for life. I hope you enjoy your special day with your family and friends and fans.
(Wednesday 27 March 2019; 20:54)
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Caution (86,320)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Hey lambs. I just want to share with you what happened to me when I tried to get Mariah 's album. I went around 7 am to get the album at Walmart but they did not have it out yet. This was Friday the 16th. So I went back around two they still didn't have it so I found this guy that works for Walmart and he had to go in the back where they had it. I waited two hours for him to go through the boxes and then I was able to buy the album. I think if it happened to me I tend to think that this experience could have happened to some one else.
(Tuesday 20 November 2018; 21:48)
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New music (86,135)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I love Mariah Carey's new music. Also I purchased three copies to help out. I also want to purchase a copy from iTunes to help. I am one of Mariah 's biggest fan. Her voice is unmatched and second to none. Her songwriting skills are amazing. I need another lamb to email me and explain how to download. I hope all the lambs enjoy the new music.
(Saturday 17 November 2018; 20:02)
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Cherish (85,052)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just want to say that it breaks my heart that I will never hear another Whitney Houston new album and I feel that we should cherish Mariah while we still got her here. There are so many artists who have passed like Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney and even Aretha Franklin. When I hear and see Mariah it makes me cherish and love her even more because she is still with us. I myself can't wait for the new music release from the world renowned song bird supreme.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 18:50)
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AMA's (84,662)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I don't think she was lip synching. Did anyone see how she was listening to the backing track. She also was careful how she sang in tune. Plus her back up singers were there. Just because it was vocally flawless does not mean she had too have lip darn if you do darn if she doesn't. Every since 2001 after her breakdown the public have been against Yeah she had a massive comeback. But even the bar was set pretty high. Other people come out with songs and they hit number one. The way she gets treated is disgusting. It is as if she has to have 100 comebacks in order to be accept. I respect everyone opinion. Also I know not everyone will like MC music but I love her so much. Her music brought me through a lot. Love ya bye.
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 16:12)
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Calling on the lambs (84,306)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I love this song so much and I think it is the best since #Beautiful. I have my fingers crossed for the best. How do I buy this on iTunes? My email address is Bye enjoy.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 12:29)
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Calling on the lambs (84,195)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am a big Mariah fan and I love her songwriting game is off the hook plus I love her voice. I have been a life long fan every since I was a child. I would like to be able to download but I don't know how. I wish the record stores would sale CD singles and albums in stores. I am already signed up for iTunes store. I just need someone to guide me. I remember when 911 happened the only thing I wanted was to go to target and buy Mariah Carey cd. That is how much I love her voice and music. My email address is so please I need some one to show me how to download or just give me directions on how to download. I look at myself and think if this new system is new to me just think how many more are like wanting to support Mariah but don't know how to download.
(Tuesday 2 October 2018; 02:02)
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New music (84,048)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am really excited for this new music. Mariah Carey is the best singer of this generation and her songwriting game is off the hook. Plus it is spot on. I am a lifelong lamb I would love to download but I don't know how. My email address is can somebody email and teach me how to download. I would like to learn so I as a fan can help download Mariah Carey new song and album. Thank very much.
(Thursday 27 September 2018; 17:53)
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Re: When With You drops on October 5 (83,884) (83,888)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am down with it. I just got an accout with Apple Music and I need some one to show me how to use it. If I knew how to use it I would be down for buying on YouTube. I have always been a huge fan of hers. When 9/11 happened all I could think about was getting to Target to buy Mariah 's album which was Glitter. I love her music. I've never seen her live but I would like to.
(Thursday 20 September 2018; 13:37)
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Re: Accelerate (82,321) (82,326)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Christina Aguilera has a great voice. However she is no Mariah Carey. She always from the beginning of her career copied Mariah Carey. Mariah is often imitated but never duplicated. There is only one Mariah Carey.
(Monday 7 May 2018; 17:02)
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Re: New album title (82,054) (82,059)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am really rooting for her too. Mariah got one of the best voices in music. Plus her songwriting game is off the hook. Us as her fans should root for her. I just want to say thank you Mariah for coming out with your diagnosis of bipolar disorder. I also have a mental illness and it is because of you that I am not ashamed. You are a voice of the voiceless. I can't wait for the new music.
(Friday 20 April 2018; 19:29)
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Mental health (81,752)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am glad she is opening up about her mental illness. I am a big Mariah fan and I love her no matter what. Just by her coming out I feel like I can come to every one here. Just because she has a mental illness that doesn't define her. I also would like to say that I personally have been battling mental illness. I have scizoaffective disorder. That is when you suffer from depression and be hearing voices in your head and seeing faces. Plus I also suffer from obsessive compulsion disorder. Mental illness runs in my family. I have always been a fan of Mariah because she has one of the best voices in the known world plus I love her songwriting game. She is simply the best at what she does. Getting back to the mental illness I struggled with that for years I felt so ashamed of having a mental illness. I tried to hide it. Seeing that my favorite singer have mental illness shows that it can happen to anyone. I am in treatment and I take medication. For my illness I am a college graduate and I am looking for a job. People who suffer with mental illness can live normal lives
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 16:15)
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New album (81,403)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I have been waiting so long for a new Mariah Carey album. I am so pleased to hear this news. Mariah can have success because she is working with Jay Z and Roc Nation. I am so ready for Mariah to shut up her critics. Cheers toast bravo to MC.
(Thursday 15 March 2018; 23:59)
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Bruno Mars (80,734)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just want to say that I think Bruno Mars deserved every award that he got at the Grammys. There seems to be a lot of talk that Bruno didn't deserve it or whatever. Let me say this every time over this past year his music was in escapable. I listen to that CD it is off the hook. His music remind me of Michael Jackson. I also think that if Mariah works with him, she could have a hit. But of course she is good in her own right. I really do believe that the Grammys got it right this year. The only thing I would change is that more women should have won too.
(Tuesday 30 January 2018; 16:58)
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Bruno Mars (80,687)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I love Bruno Mars, I just became a fan of his. If him and Mariah could collaborate that would be awesome. I been a fan of Mariah since I was a little girl. Mariah is my favorite female singer. Mariah Carey is musical genius. To me she is one of the best female singers and songwriter that has ever done music. Now in terms of Bruno Mars. I watched his TV special. He reminds me of Michael Jackson. The way he can dance and sing. Plus he helps write music. Plus he plays his instruments for some of his songs. I would love nothing more than for Mariah to team up with Bruno Mars. I totally was blown away when I heard 24k magic. His album is awesome. I will be rooting for him tomorow at the Grammys tomorrow night. If Mariah uses her head and work with Bruno Mars she too will be back on the charts and hopefully picking up where she left off. Making hit songs and topping the charts. Mariah can do this she just got to believe that she can. Plus the fans like us have to believe and support Mariah and to tell the truth, I am proud that Mariah is starting to change how she dresses. Good luck Mariah and her future endeavors. Love much.
(Sunday 28 January 2018; 06:26)
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Golden Globe nomination (79,783)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just want to send congratulations to Mariah for her nomiation for The Star. I hope and pray with this nomiation it is a sign of great things to come. I personally would love a new album. I would love to see Mariah back on top where she forever belongs. She has one of the best voices that ever recorded music. And she is also a phenomenal great writer. Cheers. Toast. Bravo to Mariah for her Golden Globe Award nomination. 
(Monday 11 December 2017; 16:06)
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Re: Beacon Theater, December 4 (79,660) (79,666)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Thanks again for the review. Glad you had a great time Edward. I always knew that Mariah had it in her to put on a great show. Mariah is one of the best singers in the known world. Plus I love how she writes everything that she sings. I personally would love to see her live. I am a big fan. Once again thank you for the review.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 17:40)
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Re: Roc Nation / Christina (79,549) (79,557)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I wholeheartedly agree. What makes me love Mariah is that she writes her own material. Not only does she writes she has a phenomenal voice. I will always be one of her biggest fans rooting for her
(Sunday 26 November 2017; 03:21)
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Re: Roc Nation / Christina (79,535) (79,536)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I just want to say when Mariah was in her prime there was no way Christina could touch her. Mariah really taught Christina how to sing. Christina said she listened to her and tried to imitate Mariah. Along with Whitney. Mariah has lost some of her voice because she has been recording for almost 30 years. Every year of the 90's Mariah Carey put out an album. Plus she would go back and do great remixes. There's so much Mariah can do she's a great singer that in my opinion she still surpress other singers. Her voice is legendary also she is a prolic songwriter. Christina can sing. I will give her that she cannot write like Mariah Carey. Mariah Carey pen game is phenomenal plus nobody does a remix quite like Mariah when you put everything together the voice, songwriting, remarkable remixes Mariah Carey is way more talented than any of her contemporaries. I look at it like this all the others are just Mariah Carey wannabes like Christina, Ariana, Demi, etc.
(Friday 24 November 2017; 10:58)
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Roc Nation / Christina (79,506)
by Tameka walker from United states
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I am glad she is cleaning house. She needed to do this. Jay Z Roc Nation is a phenomenally ran company that is very professional. I am so glad she got rid of Stella. Stella nearly destroyed her and I am glad she is waking up and smelling the coffee. Mariah Carey has one of the best voices and pen game in the business. She needs a manager who knows what they are doing who can help get her where she used to be. Also I want to say is that when Christina came out she wanted to be the next Mariah Carey. Well she can sing but she is no Whitney Houston or Mariah Carey. Mariah to me is awesome, she to me has a better voice that is five octaves or more, she can hit notes Christina only dreams of. Plus Christina is not as a prolic songwriter like Mariah is. Mariah wrote 17 of her 18 number ones. So all in all Christina is no Whitney or Mariah. Christina has a great voice but that's it.
(Tuesday 21 November 2017; 20:05)
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Lambs defending Mariah / weight loss (79,355)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Nobody knows what happened with the sexual harassment with that being said, it seems like a shake down. Mariah Carey is known for dressing sexy if he was that offended he should have never agreed to work for Mariah. That is just how she dresses. Plus it was reported that she owes him money so I guess he is really trying to get paid. The way I see he is like give me money or I will ruin your reputation. Which is horrible I feel sorry for her. When someone like Mariah who is worth 520 million dollars every one will try to shake you down. People like Mariah needs to be careful who they let around them. On to weight loss surgery if she had it done there is nothing wrong with that. She really did try to lose weight on her on over the years and could not. I myself have trouble losing weight and I have tried going to the gym and dieting. Mariah gives me inspiration because she is a big star who is having trouble losing weight. And had to have surgery maybe I could do the same and get some self esteem about myself. For the longest time I felt the way Mariah feels unpretty because of my weight. Mariah is a inspiration to me.
(Friday 10 November 2017; 13:11)
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Manegment (79,204)
by Tameka walker from United states
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Mariah needs a manager that knows what they are doing and how to get her back on top. She should try to get the people that manage Beyonce. Everything is well thought out and planned. You hardly hear negative publicity or stories about Beyonce. I think Beyonce's manager or either Bennie Media. The manager she had during the Emanipation of Mimi era would be great. He did know what he was doing and helped her get hits 16-18. I just hope she picks some one who knows what they are doing. Stella should have been out of there when the whole thing with New Years Eve happened. Her talent is not an issue she still has one of the best voices I have ever heard. Plus her pen game is sick. She just needs great manegment.
(Saturday 4 November 2017; 23:24)
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