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About BFF from United States:
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Christmas shows (107,187)
by BFF from United States
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I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sending kind thoughts your way. Listen to "Anytime You Need a Friend" and know that everyone on the board is rooting for you.
(Sunday 11 August 2024; 13:32)
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107,177 |
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Christmas shows (107,177)
by Joachim Agerup Løkkevik from Norway
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I attended the Charmbracelet tour in London in 2003 right before Halloween, and this year I'm actually planning on going back and see her Christmas shows
I'm currently hospitalized for depression with previous suicidal thoughts for the second time since 2009. If it hadn't been for my mobile phone and YouTube and the existence of Mariah Carey, I wouldn't have survived. I have to thank Mariah again for saving my life, thank you Mariah.
(Saturday 10 August 2024; 19:38)
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Gospel or Jazz album before MC16 (107,186)
by BFF from United States
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I can assure you that she is receiving zero "hate" for coming out as "bisexual" in 2024. But she's definitely receiving understandable eye rolls from people who can see that it's motivated by a desire for attention. In 2024, you don't broadcast your personal life like this unless your motivation is publicity.
I contrast Morris with Tracy Chapman and Luther Vandross, both of whom had lots of speculation about their sexual orientation but had enough class to swat people away when asked about it. It's not normal to broadcast this kind of thing and definitely not when you're recently divorced with a young son.
And from personal experience, I can tell you that "waiting until later in life" is not a luxury that many gay men and lesbian women have had.
(Sunday 11 August 2024; 13:27)
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107,184 |
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Gospel or Jazz album before MC16 (107,184)
by Libra Lamb from USA
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Everyone's journey is different and we shouldn't make assumptions about her decisions. A lot of people come out much later in life, mostly from fear of being judged or alienated. Therefore we shouldn't judge her for coming out and it certainly is not worth all the hate one can receive for what you call "the cool factor". Take it easy, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
(Sunday 11 August 2024; 04:26)
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Gospel or Jazz album before MC16 (107,175)
by BFF from United States
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Maren Morris is an attention-seeking narcissist lol. I cannot stand it when celebrities come out as "bisexual" or "queer" for the cool factor. It's such a slap in the face to those of us who have been openly gay or lesbian since before it was cool to identify as "LGBTQ+".
My question to Morris is, why get married to a man and have a child with him if you always harbored these thoughts? I think people who harbor doubts about their sexual orientation have an obligation to tell people they are planning to marry and with whom they are planning to have children. It isn't fair to the children, and it isn't fair to the ex-spouse. And, yes, before anyone accuses me of sexism or "biphobia", I would argue the same in situations where the person in question is male or if the person in question was a gay man or lesbian woman.
(Saturday 10 August 2024; 18:22)
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107,172 |
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Gospel or Jazz album before MC16 (107,172)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Maybe MC should release a gospel or jazz album first instead of MC16. I was just thinking a gospel or jazz would catch the world off guard. It could garner MC lots of praises for stepping into a new genre with a full album. I believe she could pull off both a gospel or jazz album effortlessly even with her current voice. Maren Morris gave me this idea. Maren said goodbye to country music, put her personal life on forefront, and released an EP this week called Intermission. Now the media is talking about her again for her personal life (she came out as being bisexual) and leaving country music to go pop. Maren gave a great ABC Nightline interview yesterday. MC should follow in Maren's footsteps with a high profile interview and full album in a new genre.
(Saturday 10 August 2024; 13:21)
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Return to roots (107,157)
by BFF from United States
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I'm definitely in the 90s Mariah camp... and generally in the 90s camp for any musical artist/genre. I've been alternating between the 90s R&B, 90s Soft Rock, 90s Singer-Songwriter and 90s Alternative playlists on Apple Music as well as the 90s Pop Hits by year on there. It's fun to put the "1995 Pop Hits" playlist on and hear everything from Mariah and TLC to Hootie & the Blowfish and Sheryl Crow.
(Friday 9 August 2024; 00:16)
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107,153 |
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Return to roots (107,153)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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There seems to be a tug of war going on among the Lambs on the board. We have 90s Mariah on one side and TEOM onward Mariah on the other side. I am on the 90s Mariah side. I miss MC singing the big ballads with brillant and vivid lyrics. TEOM onward Mariah had lyrics that really lacked substance with lots of pop culture language and hip hop street slang in most of her songs. Why doesn't MC give us lyrics with advanced vocabulary words anymore? Butterfly lyrics anyone to take us back to the good ole days?
(Thursday 8 August 2024; 05:51)
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Return to roots (107,144)
by BFF from United States
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I think the last chance Mariah had to "return to her roots" was in 2013/14 with "The Art of Letting Go" before it became "Me I Am Mariah" (still hate that album title). Many of the songs on that album were quite good, but they were ignored because of the delays and poor launch. The accident during the #Beautiful music video, the divorce from Nick, and Stella's subsequent push for the holiday shows and the Vegas residencies really hindered any chances of recording being Mariah's main focus.
What Mariah needs to do is focus on getting into better physical and vocal condition so she can deliver solid live performances that match the prices that fans pay to see her live. Touring and live performances are where the money is made now, not on album sales. Confidence on stage could translate into more inspired studio albums, but we really need to see an improvement in the performances first. And if there is a chronic health condition contributing (as with Celine Dion or Linda Ronstadt), she really needs to address it.
(Wednesday 7 August 2024; 20:41)
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107,117 |
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Return to roots (107,117)
by Jamie from UK
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I was just listening to Music Box and Emotions in the gym, and it got me thinking why Mariah never returned to doing a mainly ballad album with a few uptempo numbers. Yes she likes RnB but that doesn't mean it has to be your main focus for the rest of your career. Those types of albums worked for her and it's a shame she got stuck in the same RnB vibe for so long. Going back to a ballad album and then next album after that could have been more RnB. Do you think it's more to do with proving to Tommy that she can make it no matter what? I just think it would have been nice for her to experiment a bit more over the years, show us she's still got that soul sound she had on Emotions and the heart wrenching lyrics of Music Box. Just seems to me she made up her mind to break away from what she was and take a completely new direction and leave her core fan base behind. I'm grateful for the music we've had over the years but it would have been nice and I think beneficial to her career/likability with the general public had she not complete abandoned the image and music she was most famous for. Give us back that Soul influenced, Gospel loving Mariah that we knew and mix it with some RnB and you will have some happy lambs. I get she was affected by Tommy but that was 28 years ago now. Yes she's had some great success since but the diva show and lackluster songs are not working for her anymore. Surely she must see that. She always reflects on the great early days of her career in a positive way now, she needs to dig deep into herself and bring out the caring likeable lady she once was.
(Monday 5 August 2024; 18:25)
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The girl who lipped wolf (107,100)
by BFF from United States
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Meant to say that Celine *has not* lip synced entire shows. Pardon my typo.
(Sunday 4 August 2024; 17:23)
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107,099 |
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The girl who lipped wolf (107,099)
by BFF from United States
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The reality is that the primary revenue stream for recording artists these days is through touring.
I just watched Celine Dion's recent documentary. Celine has been through a lot with her illness and has put tons of effort into getting back to performing. Yes, Celine has been lip syncing for quite some time. But she has lip synced entire shows, and her performances are full of passion and energy. She refused to perform shows when her condition got so bad she couldn't give 100 percent effort.
On the other hand, Mariah's live shows have been low energy since probably 2010. I went to "The Adventures of Mimi" and "Angels Advocate" shows in Atlanta; I definitely recall a steep decline between 2006 and 2010.
Fast forward to 2024, she's barely moving and now lip syncing entire shows except for a couple of minutes. Maybe she hasn't said anything because there's no legitimate explanation?
(Sunday 4 August 2024; 15:47)
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The girl who lipped wolf (107,099)
by BFF from United States
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The reality is that the primary revenue stream for recording artists these days is through touring.
I just watched Celine Dion's recent documentary. Celine has been through a lot with her illness and has put tons of effort into getting back to performing. Yes, Celine has been lip syncing for quite some time. But she has lip synced entire shows, and her performances are full of passion and energy. She refused to perform shows when her condition got so bad she couldn't give 100 percent effort.
On the other hand, Mariah's live shows have been low energy since probably 2010. I went to "The Adventures of Mimi" and "Angels Advocate" shows in Atlanta; I definitely recall a steep decline between 2006 and 2010.
Fast forward to 2024, she's barely moving and now lip syncing entire shows except for a couple of minutes. Maybe she hasn't said anything because there's no legitimate explanation?
(Sunday 4 August 2024; 15:47)
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The girl who lipped wolf (107,097)
by Randy from USA
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I just came to a disturbing realization. I'm literally arguing with another dear fan about what words she's lipping on the final two hooks of We Belong Together. And it dawned on me. This re-recording of different notes of climaxes and then copy and pasting it into live performances whereas she sings some words and not others is gonna cause people to believe even on a good vocal day, she's not singing. She needs to say something. Even if she's "resting her voice" but is being demanded to sing a lot she should say something. Because she has managed to squeak through GMA 2008, Rockefeller 2014 and NYE 2016. Note each of these disasters get worse. She should say something. Hmmmmm sounds like a good title for a song.
(Sunday 4 August 2024; 01:57)
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Inspirational songs (107,042)
by BFF from United States
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I'm no supporter of Trump's, but the reality is that Biden's record on racial issues is equally bad or worse than Trump's. With Biden, you have five decades of off-color racial comments/gaffes and horrible policy choices that negatively impacted African-Americans. The difference is that Biden pretends to be your friend while stabbing you in the back, while Trump stabs you in the front.
Biden voted for the 1994 crime bill which resulted in disproportionately higher rates of incarceration amongst African-Americans. He also spoke about how proud he was of his work with segregationists during his time in the Senate. And he was also opposed to busing as part of the de-segregation process. Vice President Harris called him out on this in the 2020 primary debate, go back and watch the clips.
This is why I refused to support Joe Biden in the 2020 primary or the general election (and voted for Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins), why I thought he was an awful choice to be President Obama's VP (supported Obama in 2008 and 2012), and why I thought he was an awful candidate in 2008.
Not saying that either Trump or Biden is great. I'm simply saying that Democrats are equally as capable as Republicans of racial bigotry, homophobia, misogyny etc. Almost every mainstream Democratic leader was opposed to same-sex marriage (Biden, Clinton, Obama, Clyburn, etc.) until the supreme court decision made it untenable to hold that belief. Many have never apologized and acknowledged they were wrong.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 21:48)
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107,032 |
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Inspirational songs (107,032)
by Steve from USA
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I followed this thread back a bit to make sense of it. I understand that Trump supporters may not consider themselves racist. I'm sorry, but you may feel that way, but Trump supporters are all complicit in his racist rhetoric. I mean, just take his comments from the debate, which he only won because Biden was a deer in headlights. "They are taking all the black jobs." This may not be an accurate direct quote, but it's close. Who are "they"? What are "black jobs"? It's a misguided attempt at gaining support among people of color. Immigrants are stealing the crappy jobs that nobody wants, which of course would normally go to black people. I'm not sure he even realizes how racist that is, because it's so engrained in him. Tell yourself whatever you need to, if you want to continue to support Trump, but know you're voting for a racist, misogynist ticket, and a man who is telling us straight up he's going to crown himself king.
(Tuesday 30 July 2024; 15:46)
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Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,025)
by BFF from United States
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I think Mariah had counted on movies as a secondary (or even primary) career and source of income when she initially conceived "Glitter". That way she wouldn't need to do full studio albums and touring all the time and could diversify the way Jennifer Lopez has. I know how a lot of Mariah fans feel about her, but Lopez has done pretty well with the actress/singer/dancer model. She's not great at either singing or acting, but she has certainly made a great living off of both.
Mariah doesn't really have a backup after singing, recording, etc. She appeared in other films, but she never really dedicated much time to the craft of acting after "Glitter".
(Monday 29 July 2024; 21:54)
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Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,021)
by Randy from USA
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I have to wonder what kind of financial status these artists are in because they clearly don't want to tour. Even Michael Jackson said he hated touring. But for Mariah, who looks stunning this go round, it's clear she doesn't want to sing. At least not outside of a studio. Nor does she want to be on stage. The acronym MC has turned into Model Checked-out. All rehearsals are hair, makeup and wardrobe. Now I know everyone says she's worth $250 million+ but that doesn't translate to cash on hand. And she has to pay for upkeep on the NYC apartment, the rental in LA, the stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist (whom I'm sure aren't allowed other clients). Does she own a jet or lease one? She's probably in need of money to keep up this lifestyle and should start stripping it down. She has 500 hours of beauty school. Do your own hair and make up. Stay in hotels when you have work in LA. Fly commercial first class. Hold your own umbrella. Anita was awful on tour and Lauryn is late to every show. I know they probably need money but MC, like what is the reason to keep this up? And don't say to be with your fans. She could do book signings, conference appearances and guest stints on The Talk or start lives on TikTok or Instagram if it was to be with us.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 17:12)
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Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,023)
by BFF from United States
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Lauryn isn't late. She's just waiting "until the energy is right". That's also why she has only released one studio album. The energy just hasn't been right since 1998. That's also why she didn't pay $1.8 million in taxes between 2005 and 2007. The IRS' energy just wasn't right.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 20:32)
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107,021 |
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Mariah, Anita Baker and Lauryn Hill (107,021)
by Randy from USA
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I have to wonder what kind of financial status these artists are in because they clearly don't want to tour. Even Michael Jackson said he hated touring. But for Mariah, who looks stunning this go round, it's clear she doesn't want to sing. At least not outside of a studio. Nor does she want to be on stage. The acronym MC has turned into Model Checked-out. All rehearsals are hair, makeup and wardrobe. Now I know everyone says she's worth $250 million+ but that doesn't translate to cash on hand. And she has to pay for upkeep on the NYC apartment, the rental in LA, the stylist, hairdresser, makeup artist (whom I'm sure aren't allowed other clients). Does she own a jet or lease one? She's probably in need of money to keep up this lifestyle and should start stripping it down. She has 500 hours of beauty school. Do your own hair and make up. Stay in hotels when you have work in LA. Fly commercial first class. Hold your own umbrella. Anita was awful on tour and Lauryn is late to every show. I know they probably need money but MC, like what is the reason to keep this up? And don't say to be with your fans. She could do book signings, conference appearances and guest stints on The Talk or start lives on TikTok or Instagram if it was to be with us.
(Monday 29 July 2024; 17:12)
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (107,001)
by BFF from United States
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I was looking at some videos from the last few nights in Vegas as well. Mariah's lip-syncing is pretty shameless in them. If she's going to do it, she definitely needs to practice making it look more convincing. Her lips are barely moving in some of the songs.
Is there any segment of this show in which she is singing live? What a sad spectacle.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 16:05)
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106,999 |
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Celine, Mariah and lip synching (106,999)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I saw some video clips of the first night. It was obvious that MC was lip syncing to the original tracks. It is very sad that she can't perform live anymore. If she ever releases an album of new material, how would she justify performing new songs to a backing track? And another sad aspect of her vocal issues is that she has not addressed it to her Lambs. If she would at least do that, then we would understand what she is going through. If next year there is no MC16, then she will never release it.
(Sunday 28 July 2024; 13:36)
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What will MC bring differently for MC16? (106,991)
by BFF from United States
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I liked "Back to Black" but MC would have to branch out to different producers in order to achieve that type of sound. Mark Ronson (producer on "Back to Black") is someone she hasn't worked with in the past, so she could give it a shot.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:38)
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106,985 |
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What will MC bring differently for MC16? (106,985)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I know we kind of have an idea what MC16 may sound like. However, what will MC bring differently for the sound and cohesiveness of MC16? I am hoping for something like what Amy Winehouse's Back to Black was in 2007. On Back to Black, every song was a glimpse into Amy's personal life since Frank. The retro 60's wall of sound works well for the album and it got the public's and the Grammy's attention of who Amy Winehouse was as an artist. MC is going have to do something like that with MC16. Whatever sound she is creating right now, it will have to be her most cohesive body of work in her career. Mimi has had 6 years to do just that and bring it this time. I hope she can do it and not come off trying to hard to create an album that well perceived by the public.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:48)
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Election (106,990)
by BFF from United States
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No problem. I've had some people be really unpleasant to me in political conversations (people all across the spectrum), so I do my best to keep it respectful.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 22:36)
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106,984 |
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Election (106,984)
by Stacey from USA
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A part of me agrees with you. I'd love some younger, fresh faces too. My hubby can't stand Trump. Makes for some fun discussions, lol. But at the end of the day, he votes his way and I do my thing. Thank you for keeping things respectful even though we see things differently.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 18:48)
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Election (106,978)
by BFF from United States
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I would be relieved to have Trump and Biden gone. Trump is erratic and unfit to lead and probably belongs on the sex offender registry.
And Biden is in such poor health he can barely put a sentence together and can't remember world leaders' name and names of people in his own cabinet. He referred to Ukrainian President Zelensky as "President Putin" at the NATO Summit and referenced to "Vice President Trump" instead of VP Harris. He called Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin "the black man" when he couldn't remember Austin's name during an interview with BET.
He never should have ran in 2020, the Democratic candidate should have been someone younger and in better health like Kamala.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 13:36)
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Election (106,972)
by Todd from Sydney, Australia
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I hope for the USA's case that Kamala wins. The US was the laughing stock of the world during Trumps reign. We all felt a bit embarrassed for you. Similar to how we've felt for the last couple of months. With Kamala's announcement it feels like there's some hope for you again.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 03:02)
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Celine 2024 Olympics (106,977)
by BFF from United States
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Yes. I'm so glad she's doing better and is able to start a new Vegas residency.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 13:23)
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Celine 2024 Olympics (106,974)
by Tevin from USA
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Wow. That's all I can say. I'm so proud of her. She had this grown man shedding some tears, and I ain't even mad about that. Wow just wow. Talk about a fighter, and that voice. I'm wishing everyone on this board peace and happiness. Enjoy the Olympics if you like watching the games.
(Saturday 27 July 2024; 05:42)
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Election (106,967)
by BFF from United States
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I do my best to get along with Trump supporters and to respect their choice to support him. I cannot vote for someone who has so little respect for women though. I supported Clinton in 2016 for similar reasons and just think Trump is unqualified.
I actually feel the same way about Biden as I do about Trump. I didn't vote for him in 2020 (voted for the Green Party candidate Howie Hawkins), disagreed with Obama (supported Obama in 2008 and 2012) choosing him for VP, and disliked him as a primary candidate in 2008. I think Biden has been very condescending to President Obama and African-Americans generally. I also didn't like the way Biden lied about his past positions on same-sex marriage.
Harris called him out during the 2020 primaries, which I liked. I consider myself a moderate, and I think Harris' record as Attorney General, District Attorney, and Senator are not extreme.
As far as gas prices go, we need to be encouraging automobile manufacturers to make more fuel efficient cars and setting up programs to help get the prices on the hybrid and electric vehicles down. I'd love to get a hybrid, but cars cost 2-3 times as much now as what I paid for my Toyota Yaris in 2009, which I got with rebate from Obama's "Cash for Clunkers" program.
(Friday 26 July 2024; 22:19)
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Election (106,950)
by RL from USA
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Thank you. I have dealt with a lot of hate from people who are anti-Trump and just dismiss me as being uneducated and not knowing any better. Working in health care, I actually did better on my 401K, and took home more money with far less inflation than under the current administration. So it's nice to know that among the MC community there is still diversity of thought, and other ideas are still respected.
(Thursday 25 July 2024; 17:25)
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Inspirational songs (106,944)
by BFF from United States
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I heaved a sigh of relief when VP Harris was announced as a replacement for Biden. It's like a huge weight from the past eight years has been lifted. I literally feel like a different person than I did a week ago.
(Wednesday 24 July 2024; 22:32)
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106,938 |
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Inspirational songs (106,938)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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Vice-President Kamala Harris chose Beyonce's Freedom for her campaign song. I like it, although it is one of the songs I skipped initially on her album Lemonade. I hope MC will endorse her and write her an original song. I know she can create a fire inspirational song for her campaign.
Bring It On Home is a song that I often visit for inspiration during the school year. I am going to need it again during the new school year with 25 plus students on my caseload.
(Wednesday 24 July 2024; 00:50)
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Rumoured lead singles (106,917)
by BFF from United States
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"Sweetheart" was supposed to be the lead single or a single from #1s, but it was cancelled because Sony wanted Mariah to prioritize "When You Believe". They manufactured CD singles for "Sweetheart" but ended up giving them away with copies of #1s after it was cancelled.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 23:38)
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Rumoured lead singles (106,910)
by Matty from Vancouver Canada
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I've heard that "The One" was meant to be Charmbracelet's lead single:
I heard that "I'm That Chick" was meant to be E=MC2's first single from this album. (Brilliant if you're passing up the obvious popularity of Migrate. Lest sing together "Should have been a single".)
"The Art of Letting Go" for MIAM. (Powerful, after a divorce and having issues with her mom as she spoke in her memoir about. The simplicity of this ballet breaks my heart, cuts to my root, she's so clear and direct.)
Do we know of any other rumoured contenders for a lead singles of other albums aside from Charmbracelet, E=MC2 and MIAM?
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 02:37)
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Rumoured lead singles (106,914)
by BFF from United States
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"Heartbreaker" was supposed to be the lead single from the "Glitter" soundtrack before the movie got delayed. The "Rainbow" album was made quickly to get her out of the Sony contract so she could move on to a different label with the "Glitter" project.
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 18:16)
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Rumoured lead singles (106,910)
by Matty from Vancouver Canada
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I've heard that "The One" was meant to be Charmbracelet's lead single:
I heard that "I'm That Chick" was meant to be E=MC2's first single from this album. (Brilliant if you're passing up the obvious popularity of Migrate. Lest sing together "Should have been a single".)
"The Art of Letting Go" for MIAM. (Powerful, after a divorce and having issues with her mom as she spoke in her memoir about. The simplicity of this ballet breaks my heart, cuts to my root, she's so clear and direct.)
Do we know of any other rumoured contenders for a lead singles of other albums aside from Charmbracelet, E=MC2 and MIAM?
(Saturday 20 July 2024; 02:37)
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Madonna confession (106,908)
by BFF from United States
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I think Madonna's music got a lot better in the 1990s. "Erotica" has some great songs on it if you look past the controversy. "Rain" and "Deeper and Deeper" are great songs.
Madonna's writing and singing got much better with "Bedtime Story" and "Ray of Light". I honestly don't like much of anything she released pre-1990 or after 2000's "Music". Though I did like the "Confessions on a Dance Floor" album.
(Friday 19 July 2024; 18:17)
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Madonna confession (106,902)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I have never mentioned this before, but I was a huge Madonna fan growing up in the 80s. I was mesmerized by her style, songs, quick rise to fame, and videos. I wanted Madonna and Sean Pean to last as a married couple, but the paparazzi ruined their marriage being a young couple. They were the first paparazzi couple who were followed by the paparazzi. Papa Don't Preach is my all time favorite Madonna video. Madonna changed after their marriage did not work. Her music and style changed too. She started pushing more boundaries within society's norms. I stopped buying her albums after Like a Prayer. Erotica was not the same Madonna I liked growing up in the 80s. Thankfully, MC came along in 1990 to allow me to start new female artist collection.
(Wednesday 17 July 2024; 23:54)
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E=MC2 off on the beaten path (106,873)
by BFF from United States
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I think Mariah lost interest in E=MC2 as a project after announcing her marriage to Nick. She didn't put as much effort into promotion after "Touch My Body" and chose to prioritize her personal life, which I do not blame her for. She wanted children and thought things would work out with Nick. The miscarriage did not help, but it was not the only catalyst.
The single choices were decent. "Bye Bye" was chosen because she needed at least one "ballad" to go to radio, but I might have replaced "Bye Bye" with "Love Story" and put out "I'm That Chick" instead of "I Stay In Love". By the time "I Stay In Love" came out, the album promotion was pretty over.
The album itself was obviously aimed at radio, so it's a shame that the potential hits were wasted.
(Saturday 13 July 2024; 23:15)
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E=MC2 off on the beaten path (106,865)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I have always wondered why Bye Bye, I Stay In Love, and I'll Be Lovin U Long Time all failed to have the same top 10 success as Touch My Body. I just can't pinpoint why pop radio didn't give those singles the same airplay impressions as Touch My Body. Were they weak single choices or pop radio was moving away from playing R&B songs on pop radio? There was a significant shift in pop radio from 2008-2010.
(Thursday 11 July 2024; 22:42)
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Rainbow 25 (106,675)
by BFF from United States
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I like this "Mariah Only" version of "Thank God I Found You." It provides new insight into the recording process for the single and demonstrates that the song was complete before she decided to add the guest artists.
I've always liked the album version of the song (prefer it to the remix version) and thought it deserved to be a bigger hit than it was. It went to #1 but mostly based on single sales, not radio airplay. Maybe it would've worked better as a duet with Joe without 98 Degrees?
I think the Make It Last version worked best in its iteration without the rap from Nas, but it feels more like a cover of "Make it Last Forever" than a remix of Mariah's song. There are very few elements of the original song in the remix.
(Friday 14 June 2024; 12:13)
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106,660 |
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Rainbow 25 (106,660)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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This is a spectacular tracklist. Summer officially begins Friday.
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 20:26)
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Rainbow 25 (106,659)
by BFF from United States
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I just saw a full bonus track list of Rainbow25 posted on Mariah Report. I don't know if it's legit but seems plausible. I see a version of "Thank God I Found You" with Mariah only and two different versions of "Rainbow's End" listed. I wonder if Mariah recorded a ballad version of "Rainbow's End" in addition to the house version with David Morales.
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 19:46)
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106,642 |
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Rainbow 25 (106,642)
by Alexis Carrington-Colby from United States
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What is "A Thousand Lifetimes"? Did [Crystal ball] actually get made or was it just a rumor? Lastly, from the way it's been talked about, I never got the impression that the duet version of After Tonight was completed. If that's the case, I'd love to hear demo snippets.
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 01:07)
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How Much remix (106,650)
by BFF from United States
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Maybe "How Much" was a possible single from "Rainbow" and they recorded a remix version in 1999 in addition to the JD-produced original version with Usher?
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 14:37)
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106,646 |
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How Much remix (106,646)
by Robert-Anthony from United States
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I am wondering that too about How Much. The original already samples Makaveli's (Tupac) Me and My Girlfriend. What more could have been done to make it a remix? Maybe JD and MC sped up the tempo with a new verse from Usher.
(Thursday 13 June 2024; 05:04)
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Rainbow 25 (106,640)
by BFF from United States
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It looks like we will be getting a So So Def remix of "How Much", the new Morales collaboration "Rainbow's End", the live performances of "Heartbreaker" and "Can't Take That Away" from VH1 Divas Live 2000, and an a capella version of "Bliss". Would be nice if she included "There For Me" but maybe she considers that part of the "Glitter" sessions since it was a b-side on the Never Too Far/Hero Medley single?
(Wednesday 12 June 2024; 21:43)
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106,638 |
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Rainbow 25 (106,638)
by Nick G from Germany
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The anniversary edition of Rainbow will be released on Friday. What do you expect? Tracks 21-23 are known, the normal version only had 14 tracks, I hope we get [There for me] or [After tonight] with Miguel. I'm looking forward to Rainbows End.
(Wednesday 12 June 2024; 18:23)
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