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About Musti from UK:

Re: The fans decline (92,814) (92,819) by Musti from UK
"There's a huge possibility she won't gain any newfound respect from non fans or people who just love to hate her."

This is my main concern with her explaining whatever might have happened. The Mariah hate train is as real as all her incredible accomplishments. The way I see it is that she has already come clean by not engineering Caution to perfection. I think she has finally moved on. But if she does choose to take on this topic, I hope she approaches it very carefully. While it may give closure to long-time fans, it might also backfire with the public who would likely take it as a confession that the very product she sells no longer works. It's a risk. I hope she leaves this topic alone for now, unless there's a compelling backstory with a lot of excellent phrasing.
(Wednesday 12 February 2020; 21:30)
Re: The fans decline (92,797) (92,813) by Musti from UK
I don't think she needs to retire either, nor does she need to explain what happened to her voice. It's simply the clock ticking. Voices get tired over time, some faster than others. What happened to Julie Andrews was tragic and unfair, totally different from M's situation. Explaining how fragile her voice is or justifying her fondness for champagne isn't going to get her newfound respect. What she needs to do is to minimize the touring. Long sets no longer work for her. She's still more than capable of handling appearances. Take her recent Christmas performances on James Corden's show. I was impressed and proud. If Janet can still go on releasing new albums, so can Mariah.
(Wednesday 12 February 2020; 10:01)
Nao (92,758) by Musti from UK
Listening to her album Saturn. I'm a little sad that she lost to Lizzo at the Grammys this year, though I guess Lizzo did deserve her wins. It's a shame that so many artists like Nao who write and produce all their own material hardly get mass exposure. Wishing her all the best in her future projects. I also hope Mariah's next lead single has a beat and positive feel like this song. Still sounds so fresh despite being over a year old.
(Friday 7 February 2020; 08:34)
Re: Superbowl Halftime Show (92,725) (92,726) by Musti from UK
Now that's an interesting idea. Mariah doesn't have the type of catalogue that would do well on that show. But maybe with the right combination of artists, the halftime show doesn't need to have a bunch of uptempo songs. I mean, why not? They always stage a variation of the same damn thing every year anyway.
(Tuesday 4 February 2020; 18:50)
Re: TashaK (92,681) (92,692) by Musti from UK
It must be a public interest issue. The Times Square scandal was pretty big though. I would've loved for Tasha to drag Stellar, as she is likely the main culprit. After all, reality meltdowns are her only "expertise" in the industry.
(Saturday 1 February 2020; 20:57)
TashaK (92,680) by Musti from UK
Does anyone here follow this lady's YouTube channel? She is so OOC. I've been following her for a while. She drags absolutely everyone. Mariah is noticeably absent from her videos, which kinda makes me think she's a fan. One of her older videos is about JP dumping Mariah where she only had nice things to say about M. But she's much more ratchet now. There have been a few Mariah scandals since that video and she hasn't covered any of them, except here where she goes in on Stellar. I wish she'd cover more Mariah stories, even if it means dragging her.
(Friday 31 January 2020; 21:33)
Re: Charmbracelet (92,575) (92,604) by Musti from UK
I think I'd only remove Boy and I Only Wanted. BOTH would definitely have to be the single version with stronger vocals on the chorus. I'd also include Miss You. This is the best uptempo song from the CB era after You Got Me. I love it when she does an uptempo ballad. I can almost hear the tears in her voice on this song.
(Sunday 26 January 2020; 18:20)
Re: Grammys (92,565) (92,572) by Musti from UK
I hope something good comes out of this. I doubt that document is legit. Definitely a fan's type-up rather than a document with legal arguments. But at least it's cooking up quite well. Twitter seems pretty angry.
(Friday 24 January 2020; 10:53)
Re: Grammys (92,559) (92,561) by Musti from UK
Caution was probably considered for the R&B categories. I'm prepared the believe the AOTY consideration too, seeing how they robbed her throughout her career and maybe thought it's about time they gave her her moment. It's no secret that a lot of sketchy politics come into play when it comes to the Grammys. Look no further than 2006. And I'm really not surprised these news are not all over Google yet as the Grammys are more than likely trying to keep it under wraps or try to burn Deborah Dugan wherever it has leaked.
(Thursday 23 January 2020; 10:44)
Re: Mariah (92,452) (92,458) by Musti from UK
8th Grade is the only track on the album that I skip. But it seems non-fans like this song too. I was getting me some retail therapy the other day and this song just came on out of nowhere. And it blended in well with the other songs on the playlist.
(Sunday 19 January 2020; 11:39)
Re: Celine vs. Mariah (92,437) (92,442) by Musti from UK
"And as for range, remove Mariah's whistle register and their ranges were pretty much the same and Celine now beats Mariah in that respect."

Except we can't remove it because she has always had it. Her whistle range is not some happenstance. She has unmatched control over it, the type of control other singers would kill to have over something so rare. It doesn't matter where her voice is now. She has nothing to prove. And honestly, it's really hard to know what Celine can or can't do live these days because she is a pro lipper. Although she can likely do more than Mariah, this doesn't discount Mariah's exceptional talent. Please don't make me bring up Maria Callas again, the uber legend whose true legacy rests upon merely 10 years' of recordings and a plethora of live performances throughout the 1950s. Mariah gave us over 2 decades of it before her voice really started to decline.

However I do agree that Celine deserves more credit than just being called calculated. Those who are unfamiliar with her French work should check out her album Dion Chante Plamondon. You don't even need to know French. Her passion and the constant changes in her tone are enough to prove how incredible she is.
(Saturday 18 January 2020; 20:47)
Article: Phylicia Rashad dishes on her "friendship" with Mariah (92,441) by Musti from UK
I've just watched the movie. It's really good. Highly recommended. Parts of the ending were expected but Tyler still managed to sneak in some twists in there. I'm glad Mariah associated herself with this movie in some way.
(Saturday 18 January 2020; 20:23)
Re: Celine vs. Mariah (92,395) (92,415) by Musti from UK
"This has led to a dichotomy in her fanbase - the pre and post-Butterfly fans, where the fans of one phase would criticize the other; an internal issue that Celine doesn't really experience."

I think this is the main point where Mariah loses against Celine, of course other than treating lip syncing as photo shoot and not even trying to make it look realistic. She did lose a chunk of her mature fanbase. And just when she was about to build a new one amidst all the criticism she was receiving (some of it probably paid for by Tommy), she had her breakdown. I don't think she has or ever will fully recover from the side effects of this. What was once an untouchable force was now a girl-next-door who experiences human emotions. Then there was 9/11 and the world's need to have someone (or something) to laugh at. I think all of these things combined made her an easy target. I also think most people thought the breathy vocals since Butterfly indicated a vocal decline, another point that gave people a reason to attack her. By the time we reached TEOM, she had already started playing around with her diva reputation and kept this up for over 10 years.

Celine never went through any of this. But then again, Celine hardly did anything other than singing. Now I love me a whole lot of Celine. She is truly talented. But how often would you hear someone say "that is so Celine"? She has hardly displayed any personality over the years, other than singing her way through an interview or doing goofy faces. For better or worse, Mariah showed the world who she is. Playful, funny, nurturing, caring, true to herself, true to her art, and many other things. She showed us the person behind the talent. That makes her vulnerable, but it also makes her real.

Having said all that, I hope Mariah makes more effort and practices her lipping face frequently, as well as doing her sound checks because half-assing her performances will only draw more negative attention.
(Friday 17 January 2020; 10:53)
Re: Boy (I Need You) (92,402) (92,413) by Musti from UK
I really don't like this song. By the time I reach the first chorus, I'm already done. She used Oh Boy literally the same year that song was released and even got Cam'ron on it. A bit too much. But I'm not going to deny the Street Remix. That song is hot.
(Friday 17 January 2020; 10:11)
Re: 100% as second single after Obsessed (92,347) (92,349) by Musti from UK
It is a shame this song never got included anywhere and just fell off the map. It's one of my favourite songs from the Memoirs era. Not sure it would've been a good choice as second single though. Of course neither was I Want to Know What Love Is, but at least it gave her phenomenal success in Brazil. I wish she released Inseparable, which is an outstanding song and could've had a strong presence in the market with the right promotion in my opinion. I like Trey's input on the remix too, even if the cut&paste could've been better polished.
(Wednesday 15 January 2020; 13:51)
Re: Charmbracelet singles (92,301) (92,311) by Musti from UK
I like the idea of Lullaby being remixed, perhaps with resung and stronger vocals aimed at the radio. But I'd rather have this as a hidden gem on the album than a commercialized number. My single choices would've been:
1) Through the Rain - appropriate, all things considered
2) You Got Me - another Migrate situation
3) The One - unique
4) Irresistible - slow burner, good way to end the CB era
(Monday 13 January 2020; 16:24)
Re: New album (92,111) (92,117) by Musti from UK
She's definitely a fan. I remember her singing the opening line from The Way We Were back when she did the Homecoming Special in 1999. She also said this about Barbra.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 17:31)
Re: New album (92,105) (92,115) by Musti from UK
I'm happy to wait another decade for the jazz album. But she should definitely do it. I've always pictured her doing a tribute album to Sarah Vaughan. It's criminal how this lady's talent is so overlooked. Her songs from the 1940s alone are enough to become an instant fan. Interlude, It Might As Well Be Spring, I'm Glad There's You, Tenderly, etc. Plus this gorgeous song. Depressing I know, but still breath-taking. I'd love to hear M's take on these songs.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 17:17)
Re: New album (92,094) (92,103) by Musti from UK
It's not morbid. It's realistic. How many full length albums did she release in the last decade? 3, including a second Christmas album. Compilations don't count. Unless she slows down on her extensive touring schedule and makes proper time for new material, we'd be lucky to get another 2-3 albums in this new decade. She seems more interested in doing other things. Also, let's not act like her voice is as durable as Barbra. That topic has been exhausted in every possible angle. Mariah is one-of-a-kind and there will never be anyone like her, but her voice is declining faster than most artists. And that is no shade. Nor is it morbid. It's just realistic. There is no amount of live singing or daily practice that will stop biology from taking over. Try listening to MIAM and Caution back to back and you'll hear what big a difference 4 years made. It's only going to go downhill, like it has gone for quite some time. Anyway, I'm proud of her for all that she has achieved. But in terms of commercial success with the voice that people still remember as Mariah, I'd say 2-3 more albums. I'd love her to prove me wrong on this.
(Friday 3 January 2020; 09:57)
Re: New album (92,068) (92,069) by Musti from UK
I think Mariah has at least 2-3 more albums left in her, regardless of where her voice is. I don't see any harm in jumping on the pop bandwagon for the next album. If AIWFCIY is any indication, she understands how a feel-good uptempo song works, better than most songwriters. She simply chooses to do midtempo. But now that she's so close to breaking the ultimate #1's record, I bet she feels highly tempted to give it one last shot. It remains to be seen whether AIWFCIY's success will turn her into Connie Francis. Not that it really matters at this stage, with 18 other #1's and a range of non-#1 hits that Connie would've killed to have. But surely collabs with current singers would only help steer her career away from that path. I truly hope an Ariana duet is in the works. But whatever she chooses to do, I'm sure it will be great. Caution was an amazing album. Definitely a step in the right direction.
(Wednesday 1 January 2020; 13:25)
Re: Another level of legend (92,053) (92,057) by Musti from UK
I meant a hideous year for me. 2019 has been good to Mariah.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 13:20)
Re: Another level of legend (92,040) (92,050) by Musti from UK
I couldn't agree more. There are legends, then there is Mariah Carey. Her achievements and status will never be matched. I'm so proud of her. Congrats Mariah. Congrats lambily. What a wonderful way to wrap up this hideous year.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 08:31)
Re: Signature song (91,991) (91,992) by Musti from UK
I don't think it is her signature song. I personally tend to forget about Christmas songs until the season arrives. Hero, ABMB and WBT will still be the songs people remember for at least 10 months of the year. But even if AIWFCIY does become her signature, at least it's a song that will resurrect every single year in full force, unlike ABMB and all her other chart toppers which will hardly be more than a backdrop for the next song on the playlist. Let's not be ungrateful for her incomparable success.
(Friday 27 December 2019; 23:28)
Re: Is AIWFCIY the 2010-2019 song of the decade? (91,949) (91,979) by Musti from UK
That would be epic. But I wouldn't be surprised if BB disqualifies it from that list, solely because it's a Christmas song. But who knows. If there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that BB loves Mariah. Whenever her name comes up, they can't resist listing out her extensive achievements on all their charts. I hope I wouldn't be going to far in saying that M is one of the few artists whose achievements have given BB the credibility it has today. She's one of its biggest leaders.
(Thursday 26 December 2019; 17:33)
Re: 2010's (91,936) (91,948) by Musti from UK
I wonder whether the Grammys now know that they are a massive fail.
(Tuesday 24 December 2019; 14:16)


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