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About Warren from Trinidad & Tobago: I am a fan since early VOL days and being from the Caribbean, far south close to south America, access to music and information was always so difficult. LOVE MC's music all these years and feel like she has only gotten better. I have been able to see her twice and they have been fantastic experiences.

What the? (94,160) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
How is MC not even here? Forget her for a minute, what about Whitney, Adele, Alanis Morissete, Billy Joel, Phil Collins, John Mayer, John legend etc.
(Thursday 21 May 2020; 21:46)
Re: The long awaited duets album (93,845) (93,862) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I thought the duets album we all secretly want would be new material with new artists (a la Streisand). She is a legacy artist as much as we don't want to admit it - a legacy artist that has brief viral moments or current relevance that people notice for a while. It's a tough gap to bridge. Don't think she should do a compilation again in a hurry.
(Wednesday 29 April 2020; 17:41)
Re: Hero (93,589) (93,605) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
It's actually my fave on the album as well. Sounds so vintage girl group.
(Monday 13 April 2020; 02:52)
Re: Stay safe (93,530) (93,537) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Hey David. What's up? You're new to the board? Have you been looking on and just recently joined, or you're fresh to our brand of madness?

Hope to chat again.
(Wednesday 8 April 2020; 16:55)
Very fair perspective (92,963) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
The first 3 minutes and a half of this video (if you don't have the patience for the whole thing) is very good and fair observation in my opinion. If only more people, especially some here could be this balanced.
(Thursday 20 February 2020; 07:56)
All encompassing story (91,880) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
We've all heard it before, but wait for it.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 05:07)
Re: Billboard week of 12.28 (91,754) (91,761) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I think the same applies to Hero, or else she would not have had a #1 in 1994 and thusly not have a #1 in each year of the 90's which is often touted as well.
(Wednesday 18 December 2019; 20:37)
We did it (91,680) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
This is a proud moment that we all will remember for years and years. Such an historic achievement. Congratulations to Mariah and her team.
(Monday 16 December 2019; 19:56)
A little humour (91,604) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Saw this and thought the board might like it. There was an article on Buzzfeed and while discussing the best Christmas song in the comments a user wrote: "I don't want a lot for Christmas, all I want for Christmas is you." Mariah Carey, queen of shade since back then.
(Thursday 12 December 2019; 14:02)
December 7 show (91,557) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Lambs, after hearing all the differing opinions here in the past years, after having been to this show, apart from the end of When Christmas Comes, the crescendo in Hero and AIWFCIY for some strange reason there was no discernible lipping. In fact I think the 7 days rest did wonders as she over delivered vocally on most songs. My guests too were so impressed and I was chatting with random folks who were extremely impressed with the show. The lady next to me was in tears from the second song. Impressive performance.
(Sunday 8 December 2019; 21:47)
Mariah's reach (91,354) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Watching the news this morning this popped up. Amazing that a legit news network references her like this. Didn't even know don't know her was a thing.
(Friday 15 November 2019; 15:01)
Re: Christmas tour (91,170) (91,196) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I'm going to the Atlantic City show as well. Wow - first person here who knows of and has been to my home country I think.
(Monday 28 October 2019; 20:54)
Re: Christmas tour (91,150) (91,163) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Hi Jeff. Bought my tix today. Flying up from the Caribbean for this.
(Friday 25 October 2019; 18:33)
Re: Something personal (91,065) (91,069) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So sorry to hear this Will. Something better is coming or on the horizon. These jobs don't define us and it was probably meant to kick start a new chapter for you. Hope it all works out.
(Wednesday 16 October 2019; 15:59)
Secondary career (91,049) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Clearly this lady can go into speech writing as a secondary career if singing doesn't work out.

This is once again so amazing and so true and shows a completely different side of her and I'm glad some other big names were there to witness it.
(Saturday 12 October 2019; 18:22)
New trailer feat. MC (89,603) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Here is the new trailer featuring ABMB. The trailer for the movie featuring ABMB just premiered. Looks cute enough.
(Thursday 16 May 2019; 19:23)
Groan (89,307) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So I remember someone on this board saying, plus even MC saying, they (labels) don't spend money on videos anymore. Looking at Madonna's new video, I think we can all say that's not true. Now, she's also at the BBMA - hope it's to open the show and be far away from a mundane icon performance. I really wish MC would just let loose be be like Celine and say screw it and loosen up, but only time will tell. She needs to own her career and her impact and also, get a grip on what people will respond to. Even with her current voice, she can go viral if she were disciplined enough. Give Nick the kids for a few days and go on vocal rest... something. Enough with pushing through.
(Thursday 25 April 2019; 17:03)
Re: Iconic response (89,122) (89,156) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Annie I totally agree. Insulting that those we don't know got that award prior. Wouldn't that make news too?
(Friday 12 April 2019; 17:50)
Remix coming (88,437) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So I am not sure that all the other members posted this, but here it is.

What I disagree with, is that this is 2019. Clearly the traditional method of releasing music does not apply and a new strategy should have been implemented.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 17:46)
Hilarious article (86,996) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I love this hilarious article - the writer is not taking things too seriously, but still manages to spin a whole other perspective while making it fun.
(Wednesday 12 December 2018; 03:37)
Re: Christmas tour (84,069) (84,078) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I'm very jealous Luke - at least she will even come to your country. No hope for mine. Although she did get to Jamaica.
(Friday 28 September 2018; 17:09)
Re: Selling Mariah tickets Blackpool (82,827) (82,859) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Andrew, despite the general consensus here, I've always enjoyed you and more importantly agreed with your posts. But, I acknowledge I may be too third world for most to acknowledge.
(Monday 18 June 2018; 17:10)
Re: Anyone else notice (82,057) (82,061) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
That's a very valid point, but keeping in mind she's not a fresh ingenue with rabid confidence and untainted pipes, maybe 40 minutes is all she can solidly manage? Plus I am certain she no longer does vocal rest since she has 6 year old to yell after, so that could also be a factor. Even if all things being equal, the 90's pipes aren't there so only time will tell.
(Friday 20 April 2018; 22:36)
Anyone else notice (82,055) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
That in the last few years Mariah has been doing shows on consecutive nights? This is after early on in her career she said she needs time (specifically two days) between shows to rest her voice for it to fully recover to perform her songs again. We would have all noticed in recent years she does shows night after night, especially at Beacon. Now looking at the pic posted this morning, there is the gap again - think she is really caring and focussing on her voice again or this is just coincidence?
(Friday 20 April 2018; 15:57)
Re: Vegas 7/15/17 (77,209) (77,228) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Agreed RJ, take a look at this.
(Monday 17 July 2017; 16:52)


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