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About Warren from Trinidad & Tobago: I am a fan since early VOL days and being from the Caribbean, far south close to south America, access to music and information was always so difficult. LOVE MC's music all these years and feel like she has only gotten better. I have been able to see her twice and they have been fantastic experiences.

Wow - this article (70,879) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I don't think I've ever read an article as fair or as on point as this. I hope it finds its way to her. I just tweeted it, but we know how that goes.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 23:08)
Re: Coincidence? (68,246) (68,249) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
*shame* Yes I do.
(Friday 11 November 2016; 22:16)
Coincidence? (68,236) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
That Mariah performed Babydoll for the first time in forever? "Called yesterday, to basically say. . . " - we're lambs we know the rest. I think she still sounded great when she did sing in Mexico though. I couldn't tell if the I still believe was lipped or not.
(Friday 11 November 2016; 17:12)
Re: Carpool karaoke (67,406) (67,415) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Wow, imagine my crazy shock when I logged on this morning. Now for the lotto numbers... lol.
(Saturday 22 October 2016; 17:46)
Carpool karaoke (67,403) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So there hasn't been one for a long time. Who here thinks we should lobby to have MC go back to do a Christmas version in time for her shows and TV series coming up? That would surely get some healthy views.
(Friday 21 October 2016; 22:33)
Hopes up yet? (66,477) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Should we be encouraged by this?
(Monday 19 September 2016; 17:37)
This clip (65,709) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I just love how her tone is so silky and smooth and when she realised she messed up she immediately course corrected and attacked it full on right after. Really amazing and professional.
(Monday 29 August 2016; 18:56)
Stella take note (65,531) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Mariah needs to be booked back on this segment, as its original guest and this time she needs to go an not play. The evidence is right here to support this. Something in the vein of the surprise Art Of Letting Go by the piano would be amazing, except with the current vocals with some good rest prior.
(Monday 22 August 2016; 20:21)
Re: Duet with another female singer (65,508) (65,525) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I have seen many fans talking about this, and in my thinking, just based on what MC says, her only ever released single with another female was Whitney. She did the remix with Mary J, but that was before Whitney died. I just feel that she humours people with all the Beyonce talk, but she probably would never and leave her career as only ever doing one duet with a female, and let it be Whitney.
(Monday 22 August 2016; 16:38)
Re: Empire (65,087) (65,106) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
To add to your point, I think that singing with him means she uses the whisper register, which in itself is not so good news.
(Tuesday 9 August 2016; 18:05)
Re: Helicopter (64,407) (64,450) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Thanks for sharing, too funny.
(Tuesday 19 July 2016; 17:32)
This is how... (64,109) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Mariah's fashion should be reported. Yes, it has nothing to do with her artistry, but the level of respect meted out to a singer who has basically never written a song or melody is so obvious. Yes it could also be sexism and ageism, but alas we have to allow MC to be herself. It's a "hopeful dream" though.
(Saturday 9 July 2016; 22:16)
Apologies (63,819) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
For bombarding the board, but clearly MC was feeling it last night.
(Sunday 26 June 2016; 11:50)
Incredible V.O.L (63,818) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
(Sunday 26 June 2016; 11:01)
Article: The 5 most influential women in music today (63,755) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Glad to see an article looking beyond the pure statistics.
(Friday 24 June 2016; 17:02)
Time (63,694) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
So glad to see a big name and respectable magazine giving a concise and properly informed article with facts and details. Seems like everyone is on MC's "side" (probably because the damn meme was right in the first place, though beside the point). Love how they ended the article.
(Wednesday 22 June 2016; 5:46)
Cool video (63,489) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I just happened to come across this and I think the wide "range" is incredible and the progression sounds stunning how the person uploaded it. I thought we should be talking about music a little bit more if that's okay. Enjoy if you haven't already.
(Friday 17 June 2016; 7:18)
Re: Mimi L. / Diana Ross (63,173) (63,214) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
This may be why. If MC was disappointed by Diana's reaction then she should also take note about what she herself says about and how she treats the ones coming up now.
(Friday 10 June 2016; 17:41)
Re: If Mariah has another Nr 1 (62,237) (62,307) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
There will also be another record broken in longest span from first #1 to latest. The current record holder is Cher. Believe went to #1 25 years after her first #1 single. Now with VOL being 26 this year, she will now have it - providing she does actually get the #1 of course.
(Tuesday 17 May 2016; 21:37)
The improvement here is (62,194) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
Well really there aren't the right words. Take a listen if you haven't already. That first "a little while" at 0.10 wow.
(Sunday 15 May 2016; 7:16)
Re: Mishka (62,032) (62,059) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I actually think the social media blank out is intentional. I mean not even a "tour is over" tweet of thanks or appreciation. Maybe they are reworking some stuff, or taking a much needed break before something big.
(Thursday 12 May 2016; 19:32)
Re: She recorded " Beautiful Ones" (61,606) (61,618) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I think this was done before actually getting to know him and his tastes and preferences. Just a guess.
(Monday 25 April 2016; 18:10)
Re: Unpopular opinion alert (61,447) (61,484) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
I agree to an extent as there are songs like Babydoll that I would skip. But albums, like all art is so subjective. In my case, E=MC2 is her most enjoyable album and to date her only one where I don't skip a track or two.
(Thursday 21 April 2016; 20:49)
Re: Hello (me) I am (61,387) (61,406) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
That is so true, but sadly for whatever reason, this is where she does her least impressive performances. There have been a few great ones over the years, but not nearly enough. The We Belong Together/Fly Like A Bird at the Grammy's comes to mind as one that made an impact and I remember reading that her portion of the show had its highest ratings. Maybe now that she is confident again, she would go to an awards show or some public non-fan only forum and really do an amazing job.
(Monday 18 April 2016; 17:12)
Re: Hello (me) I am (61,369) (61,405) by Warren from Trinidad & Tobago
It is great to have new people here, and young fans come on board too - just make sure you get caught up in MC's massive back catalog of music and not all the drama that sometimes renders its head on this board.
(Monday 18 April 2016; 17:06)


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