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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Question for you all (45,683) by Marissa from USA
What were your initial reactions when you found out that Nick and Mariah were married? I was in shock, but their relationship grew on me.
(Wednesday 30 July 2014; 4:20)
MC and Nick (45,682) by Marissa from USA
I really hope MC and Nick aren't going their separate ways but there's pretty much nothing concrete that would make me believe otherwise. I think we need to be mindful that it typically takes two people to make a marriage fall apart. We can't just put every single marital issue on Nick because we're fans of Mariah. Something major must have happened because I never thought I would see a time where Nick wasn't constantly gushing about Mariah and showcasing their relationship in pictures. From my observations, Mariah seems like the type where if you piss her off she will go into a silent treatment/stop acknowledging your existence (we've seen her do this with other celebrities) and I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's going on in her marriage right now. I'm not saying that her feelings aren't justified, but in a relationship the absence of communication is the kiss of death. Ideally, I want them to make it but I don't think they will.
(Wednesday 30 July 2014; 4:11)
Is it love or enabling? (45,357) by Marissa from USA
I think it's so interesting that the holier than thou fans feel like anyone who gives constructive criticism isn't a fan, yet they are encouraging Mariah to do things that are destroying her legacy and undermining her credibility. Your level of expectations for Mariah have drastically plummeted if you think that asking for more promo is an unreasonable request. Isn't that what every artist does? Contrary to popular belief among the lambs, Mariah isn't above promotion and her sales reflect that. Since some people love telling who's a fan and who's not let me tell you what I think. I think there is a difference between being a fan and being an enabler. I think there is such thing as loving someone too much. Some of you remind me of those parents that will give their kids all the juice, candy, cookies and cake that they want whenever they want it because it makes them "happy" but you're really setting them up for juvenile diabetes and obesity in the near future. You guys want to excuse everything Mariah does trying to be "positive", when you're really encouraging her to continue doing things that are making her the laughing stock of the industry and reinforcing people's beliefs that she's a has-been.
(Saturday 12 July 2014; 23:52)
Here we go with questioning whether someone's a fan again (45,316) by Marissa from USA
If I'm overly critical or throwing shade, then when you see my name you should immediately start scrolling. Just because I don't sit back, shut up and pretend to be happy about everything she does doesn't mean I'm not a fan. I have said numerous times that this is a great album, but apparently no one remembers that. In fact, the main reason I've been speaking up is because it's such a good album and hardly anyone will hear it because it's not on anyone's radar. I didn't just randomly decide to pick on her. I will never fall into the trap of thinking that a fan can never speak up about the things that bother them. People are constantly trying to silence anyone who wants to go against the grain on this messageboard and it's ridiculous. You're never going to be able to exterminate people's differing opinions by calling someone out every time they say something you don't like. If it's not me speaking up it will be someone else. And let me clarify again, I don't dislike this album because hardly anyone is hyped about it, I said that I am not as excited to listen because there's no buzz. For the fifteenth time, I still think it's a great album.
(Friday 11 July 2014; 18:53)
Effort (45,303) by Marissa from USA
My issue is not with sales or chart positions, it's with effort. It makes no sense to put out a great album, do 3 performances and move on as if nothing ever happened. I feel like the artist should be or at least seem like the biggest fan of their work. She may say she cares about this album, but actions speak louder than words and if she's not promoting the album, regardless of what she says I'm not convinced. If it was a trash album then I could understand wanting to drop it and run, but this is great work that most of the world will never hear or care about, and a lot of it is because she's not promoting it. The album is good but my excitement died off for it quickly because it's moment in the sun was so brief. Without the excitement and some hype, although it's good music, there's no reason or urgency for me to listen to MIAM over Daydream or any other album that I like. When I bought TEOM I played the hell out of it for months, and a lot of it's because every time I looked up Mariah was on a talk show or awards show singing. An album experience is a lot more fun and exciting when the artist is zealously promoting and when both the gp and fans are into it or at least know it exists. To sum this era up in a quote, "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" If you have an album and barely promote it, does it exist? Most of the world would respond with a resounding no at this point. This is a sad time.
(Friday 11 July 2014; 3:51)
A horrible, yet preventable era (45,296) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree that this was a label escape album. I'm not buying the "she just wants to be with her kids" excuse because Roc & Roe were around in 2013 when she was doing American Idol for several months (that's a lot more time spent away from her kids than it would be to go on several talk shows and promote). She's apparently just over it. Throwaway album or not, I will never agree with making such a quality album and just letting it die. If the lack of promotion is some act of rebellion towards her label, it is only making her look as if she has lost her mind to be in the business for this long and pull stunts like this. To be totally honest, this is a great album but I haven't even listened to the whole thing in a month. I just have no enthusiasm for it anymore because no one cares including the artist herself. Good music or not, this era has been the equivalent to a freight train running over her legacy and she's sitting back like this is a joke. I refuse to make up excuses for her, blame other people or downplay how dumb all of this mess was. In my opinion, from 2012-2014 she has made her dumbest career moves and I don't know if she will ever bounce back. No one's taking her seriously anymore.
(Thursday 10 July 2014; 22:16)
Probably the realest interview she's ever done (45,134) by Marissa from USA

Just sitting here getting my life to this video. Why was Mariah even associating with someone as messy as Wendy? Child lol.
(Saturday 28 June 2014; 1:54)
Adam / stealing music (44,951) by Marissa from USA
I totally agree about your comments regarding JLo, Adam. If you guys were new artists you mean to tell me that you would have missed out on your big break just so you wouldn't piss of an artist you've never even met? Child please. Jennifer had no allegiance to Mariah. It's not like Jennifer's career surpassed Mariah's so I don't understand why people are still so pissed off. Mariah should have held the grudge against Tommy. Jennifer did what anyone would have done in the same situation, just like how Mariah didn't turn down a relationship with Tommy although he was married. She knew that could have messed things up for her career.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 4:53)
So Mariah, what's your move? (44,948) by Marissa from USA
So JLo has pretty much put MC on the spot. Now, I obviously don't think MC and JLo will ever be friends, but here's an opportunity for Mariah to bury the hatchet. Mariah needs to learn how to play the game instead of always making it obvious who she doesn't like. Of course JLo's comments will be brought up in the next interview and I am 99% she will find a way to either change the subject or not acknowledge JLo's existence. Mariah's "they don't exist" tactics are only making her look like a grudge holder and it's not cute. She can feel however she wants privately I wish she would stop coming off as so unforgiving.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 4:38)
Nadia / why MC isn't as popular (44,858) by Marissa from USA
Regarding your JLo comment, I agree that it is unfair that JLo is more popular at this point than MC. People (the younger generation in particular) are not fascinated by JLo because of her music, but her fashion sense and amazing body. Sadly, that translates better to the younger generation than meaningful songs. It's shallow that we live in a world like this, but even if the only thing Mariah did was get her body in check she'd probably see more success. When MC had her E=MC2 body, it was considered cool to be a fan because many people thought she was hot. Sad, but true. It seems like there's no more effective way to get the general public's attention but to look your best at all times.
(Wednesday 18 June 2014; 6:29)
Cracking up (44,856) by Marissa from USA
Edward, way to give these "positive" lambs a taste of their own medicine. Lmao. Maybe now some people will see how ridiculous they look when they're in denial about an era that's clearly a mess. If anyone accuses me of being negative again I'm gonna take the same approach lol.
(Wednesday 18 June 2014; 6:01)
MCEO / album (44,740) by Marissa from USA
A huge part of me wishes that Mariah would have chosen MCEO as the album title. It's just so... boss. But then again the title wouldn't have matched with the music on the album. That title could have worked for an album like TEOM. I knew this album wasn't selling well, but things haven't been this bad since '91? Damn. Tragic to see one of her best albums become one of her biggest flops. I need lyanla to intervene in this mess.
(Saturday 14 June 2014; 4:24)
Relatability / MJB (44,674) by Marissa from USA
I see what you're saying Jewel. It's like Mariah keeps reinforcing the fact that she's so different from everyone else when in reality millions of other people have gone through the same things. She's multiracial. So are millions of people, especially nowadays. She's been in a controlling relationship. Many women have been in that same predicament and are still in it now. She's carried twins (this is the one she just can't let go of). Millions of women have done that for centuries and gotten over it. I'm not saying that these things weren't hurtful, but she keeps harping on it when many people have gone through the same things and moved on. She keeps trying to make it seem like what she's gone through is just so unheard of and that's really keeping people at a distance. What's sad about this is that she has the potential to connect with so many people through these different struggles that she's had, but since she's so attached to the diva antics people literally forget or aren't aware of the fact that Mariah was once a normal human being with life struggles. When it comes to relatability nowadays I think she needs to take notes from MJB. Watch any MJB interview and you won't feel like you're watching an untouchable celebrity, but someone who could be your own friend. Yet she still has the money, fame and most importantly the solid fanbase because people "feel" Mary and it's been that way ever since she came out. Relatability is the best marketing strategy.
(Thursday 12 June 2014; 2:50)
Baffled and bewildered (44,632) by Marissa from USA
The more time goes on, the less I understand Mariah and her decisions and I think that's why she's lost a huge chunk of her fanbase. Why the hell would you put out an album that was 5 years in the making and barely promote it before and after the album dropped? Why put so much effort into a project and watch it flop without trying to save it? I don't only support MC when she's commercially successful, but the reason I want her to be is because this is a wonderful album deserving of success. No one wants to see a quality album flopping worldwide because barely anyone knows it exists/cares. She drops the best album since TEOM and this is when she decides to "put a wall up and walk away" from promotion. The "I have 18 #1 hits and I write all my songs" thing is not going to work for promotion or hype anymore. Once people find out her last hit was in '08 they write her off as irrelevant. Welcome to the world. The GP has a "what have you done for me lately" mentality no matter how extraordinary your accomplishments were in the past. Now some drinks? This is like watching a train wreck. Like someone said, if they aren't buying your album they damn sure aren't buying your drink. I too am feeling like maybe MC is doing some things to chase the $ sign like this new drink line and even American Idol when she said for years that she couldn't see herself being a judge on that show. I love MC, but it's increasingly difficult to support a person you are straight up confused by.
(Tuesday 10 June 2014; 22:17)
More reading than a school library (44,465) by Marissa from USA
Yas Alexis Carrington. You read the life out of some of these delusional idealists on here. If you have even a slight critique you will be accused of being negative. Like you said, there are many of us who've earned the right to be able to speak our minds. I just need people on here to accept that people are going to share their opinions regardless of whether it's perceived as negative or positive. There will never be a time on this messageboard or any messageboard where everyone will be singing Mariah's praises 24/7. There's nothing that can convince me that Money and Heavenly weren't at least 95% lipsynched (I'm aware that WBT was live). They sounded exactly like the album versions. I know some people don't want to believe that she lip synched a gospel song, but from my observations she and that choir were lipping for the Lord.
(Tuesday 3 June 2014; 21:42)
"Fakeness" (44,446) by Marissa from USA
That was a great clarification PJW. When it was said that she was being fake, I knew that fake wasn't the word but I vaguely understood what was being said. You hit the nail on the head when you said that she seems irritable and from my personal observations, tired. I most recently got this vibe from her ET Canada interview. I understand how someone could interpret it as fake because she's giving honest answers but at times there seems to be some emotional disconnect, which is the irritatability, exhaustion and "over-itness". (Yes I just invented a word, but I'm sure you know what I mean lol.) I don't know what's going on behind the scenes in her life, so I'm not going to condemn her for it but it is noticeable. But hey, at least she pulls through and does the interviews. I'd rather see her slightly irritable than not see her at all.
(Tuesday 3 June 2014; 5:51)
Interview (44,405) by Marissa from USA
On a positive note, I did like the interview with Matt Lauer. She was humble and down to earth which is my favorite side of her in interviews. This once again confirms my theory that the less wine or champagne present, the better quality the interview is. I also agree that Barbara Walters would have done a better interview. One thing about her is that no matter who she's talking to, she always seems to be so fascinated by them, which makes for better questions.
(Monday 2 June 2014; 0:43)
Lip synching (NBC special) (44,404) by Marissa from USA
The chronic lip synching is disappointing and irritating. It just makes me feel like she's not trying. The "I refuse to dance, I refuse to sing, but I will wear an evening gown and mouth the words" things is getting old. What even constitutes a good Mariah Carey performance anymore? It used to be the voice, but if you aren't giving us the voice then what exactly are you giving us other than your presence and hand gestures? It's sad that every time I know she's supposed to sing it will never be lip-synch free and the lip synching will never be convincing. One thing I can say about Whitney Houston is that no matter how much of a mess her voice was sounding towards the end, she still sang, even if that meant people walking out of her shows. It's disheartening when you're a fan of the Songbird Supreme but 90% of the time she doesn't even want to use her voice. It's at the point now where I like the album, I like the interviews, but the performances give me absolutely nothing and I could live without them. Sorry if I sound harsh but it's hard to watch someone with such great talent take the easy way out instead of taking care of their voice like they used to and slaying without assistance.
(Monday 2 June 2014; 0:16)
YDKWTD (44,365) by Marissa from USA
I'm so glad multiple sources are saying that YDKWTD is the next single. I feel like Thirsty would get lost in a sea of other hip hop songs. YDKWTD feels very unique and fresh to me. Pop has always been her sweet spot so I think this has great potential, but for goodness sake she needs to promote the hell out of it. Music doesn't sell itself for her anymore.
(Saturday 31 May 2014; 21:04)
17 years... you have to be kidding me (44,218) by Marissa from USA
I can't even fathom the fact that someone doesn't think Mariah hasn't put out anything great vocally since 97. What about WBT, Mine Again, DFAU, Fly Like a Bird, O Holy Night from MCIIY, etc. I'm just baffled right now as to why you would stick around as a lamb. Not trying to be negative, but her voice is only going to either stay the same or get worse as she gets older so why even stay tuned to her musical career? After all the great stuff she has put out I think it's official that you'll never be satisfied with anything she does musically.
(Wednesday 28 May 2014; 21:37)
Mimi's dress (44,192) by Marissa from USA
I just have to give a shout out to Mariah's sparkly number that she wore to accept her WMAs. I was so tired of seeing her in black all the time. This may be my favorite dress that she's ever worn.
(Wednesday 28 May 2014; 7:17)
The album (44,020) by Marissa from USA
My top 3 songs:
1. YDKWTD (Yes, I agree that Wale should have waited his turn instead of hijacking the intro.)
2. Supernatural
3. Heavenly (I love when she does gospel. The abrupt whistle at the end was everything.)
Honorable mention: Cry
Love/hate relationship: Meteorite
(Friday 23 May 2014; 0:15)
Live vocals (43,752) by Marissa from USA
Is Kelly Price lurking on this messageboard? Dang. (Kidding) I was so excited about YDKWTD that I didn't care if her live vocals weren't 100% perfect. Expecting her to sound the way she did during the Emotions era when it's early in the morning and she's outside is a bit much these days. I don't know why some people are acting shocked that the performance wasn't flawless. Now, if her impromptus start sounding a mess then I will be alarmed (that's where her vocals thrive the most). The voice is still there, she just has to take the maintenance seriously like she did back in the day (humidifiers, silence days before a performance).
(Saturday 17 May 2014; 7:47)
YDKWTD (43,704) by Marissa from USA
Yes for YDKWTD. It's catchy and amazing. This is the type of Mariah music that I've missed. I can't even know what to say right now. Beyond excited and proud.
(Friday 16 May 2014; 20:04)
Lee / I've figured it out (43,584) by Marissa from USA
I came back on here just to see what other people thought about the song and I came across Lee's post. When you said that it could have been sung by "anyone with vocal chords", it hit me. The main thing that bothers me about this song is that it has no Mariah "stamp" on it so to speak. 9 times out of 10 Mariah puts out music that only Mariah herself can pull off. (How many people do you know that can sing Emotions or go off the way she did at the end of Subtle Invitation?) This felt like she could have been doing a demo for someone else, not in terms of her singing quality but just the song in general. I can't even get mad at her for releasing this as a single (for me personally, it's easier to deal with a song that I don't like if it's an album cut rather than a single) because I'm sure it was something that her label forced her to do. On Letterman, she basically alluded to the fact that she didn't want to release another single so it's pretty obvious what happened.
(Wednesday 14 May 2014; 6:39)


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