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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Thoughts on Thirsty (43,572) by Marissa from USA
If this is interpreted as negativity then so be it, but I wasn't feeling Thirsty at all. It's definitely giving me a Triumphant vibe because it just sounded like there was too much going on in the song. The beat reminds me of "N***** in Paris". This song just felt like an inauthentic attempt to be relevant on the charts. Like J from the USA said, this feels like something some 20 year old would put out. After hearing this, I personally wish she would have gone the more classic hip hop route so she could stand out from the crowd. Will this hype up the gp for the album release? Time will tell.
(Tuesday 13 May 2014; 23:41)
Respect for Mariah (43,422) by Marissa from USA
I agree that Mariah deserves more respect, but I think the main reason people don't respect her as much as they should is because of her refusal to acknowledge her age/be age-appropriate. It's hard for the general public to respect a 44 year old woman who constantly claims that she's "eternally 12" and is dead serious about it. She's also had a reputation for being wacky and unconventional (lighting obsessions, Hello Kitty bathroom, marrying Nick Cannon, the obsession with butterflies, etc.) and people have a lower tolerance for that as a person gets older. When you see Patti, Tina and Aretha getting the respect they deserve, a part of it is because they have accepted their age, aren't doing the same things they were doing in their 20s and still can rest assured that they can slay. I'm not trying to tell Mariah how to live, but I definitely think that if she stopped wearing revealing clothes practically every time she steps out, dropped the constant diva act and acknowledged her age she would start getting her due respect from the general public.
(Saturday 10 May 2014; 4:36)
Edward / album effort (43,252) by Marissa from USA
I understand exactly what you're saying Edward. Although I wasn't a fan of TAOLG, it did sound effortless. Ironically, the fact that her vocals weren't perfect on TEOM made me love the album even more. It wasn't typical effortless Daydream Mariah, but the strain in her voice really made me feel like she put her heart and soul into her songs (especially Mine Again and the ending of WBT) which is why TEOM will always be my favorite. To me it's always sweeter to see people succeed when you know they made a strong effort to do so. I honestly don't care if her vocals aren't Underneath The Stars level anymore, I just want to feel like she really tried on this album.
(Sunday 4 May 2014; 5:43)
Promo (43,232) by Marissa from USA
I must say props to Mariah for the unexpected promo on Times Square. If you want the gp to care you have to do it big and she did that.
(Friday 2 May 2014; 20:54)
enwar00 / general thoughts (43,178) by Marissa from USA
I don't want to be accused of spreading "negativity" on this messageboard so I'll let you draw your own conclusions, but I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't skip a beat when info was finally revealed. I had a feeling something would be done in honor of her anniversary/dem babies bday but as the day went on I just gave up hope (I thought the album would actually be released, but hey) until I saw the info. I think the drawing is very cute. As far as the title, I wish it was simply "I Am Mariah". Even though it has some sentimental value, the title, "Me. I Am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse" is long and awkward in my opinion, but it would definitely accurately describe her during this era.
(Thursday 1 May 2014; 23:50)
Ummm (43,048) by Marissa from USA
I like the Wonderland cover but why does she she have to have alcohol in her hand though? It's beginning to look like her security blanket in everything she does. I cringed as soon as I saw it in the picture.
(Wednesday 30 April 2014; 1:35)
Antonio (43,041) by Marissa from USA
I couldn't agree more Antonio. Ariana's debut album came out in 2013. Mariah's came out in 1990. They are clearly two different generations of singers so I don't understand why so many lambs go in on Ariana on Facebook, Twitter and even this messageboard as if they're competition. Whether you think she is a "copycat" or not, out of the younger generations singers like Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, etc. she is by far the best vocalist. Even if you aren't a fan of hers, I think it's extremely harsh that there are like 45 year old lambs that have so much animosity towards someone who's 25 years their junior. Mariah's success is untouchable and damn near impossible in the current state of music, so why worry?
(Tuesday 29 April 2014; 23:24)
"Negativity" / let's be real (43,010) by Marissa from USA
As far as the people who are irritated with the "negativity" on this messageboard, in an era where we have been completely out of the loop and given countless mixed messages and not necessarily the best music compared to the past, it has honestly been a struggle to find the silver lining in this. The best things about this era to me were her outfits on American Idol, #Beautiful and her last impromptu performance. From You're Mine's release to now has turned into a debacle. No one is on a mission to be negative, but when you have no information at all it only highlights the many issues of this era, thus it ends up being talked about. As far as the whole "if the lambs don't buy this album, millions of others will" thing, let's be real. This is not '05. You think the general public is going on a scavenger hunt for more info? No one would endure this stuff but the lambily because people don't have this kind of patience. Especially since these big articles are having confusion over the release date and no new info, the gp is most likely over it. When you confuse them, they move on and buy someone else's album. After lukewarm singles, the lambily is the target audience. If you don't catch the gp with hot singles, they could give a f*** about the album.
(Tuesday 29 April 2014; 1:26)
Strategy or stalling? (42,967) by Marissa from USA
I think everything said about the album at this point is improvising/ stalling/ covering up. It looks like there is no true strategy, so I've stopped trying to make sense of it. Since when is Mariah so determined to "surprise" us with an album title and tracklist that she doesn't care if it's pissing off the lambily in the process? An album title isn't really a good surprise because we'll hear it and be over it after 5 minutes, at least I will. It's the music that counts. This has been the era of confusing improv. She posted a picture yesterday that said "studio break". The album drops in 9 days. I'm definitely not believing that everything is under control and it's just the lambily that's lost. Hopefully they pull it together somehow.
(Monday 28 April 2014; 1:25)
Clarification (42,956) by Marissa from USA
My point with the waitress analogy was that you shouldn't spend money unless you are satisfied. Let's not make it seem like I compared her to a piece of trash. Waitresses are valuable human beings too, in fact wasn't Mariah one many years ago?
(Sunday 27 April 2014; 20:10)
Child please (42,954) by Marissa from USA
Spending money consciously is stupid? You may want to take a personal finance class and educate yourself. There are definitely some middle schoolers on this site because last time I checked adults can at least respect someone's decision even if they disagree. Only adults understand the concept of standing on principle, even if it is regarding your fave. If it's that much of an issue than someone can give me the money for the album and I'll gladly buy it even if it comes out in 2016. I have no issue spending anyone else's money thoughtlessly but if it's mine I'll be spending wisely. I'm only doing this if it gets pushed back again, if it comes out on May 6th I'll be buying it like the rest of you, so calm down. If May 6th is a go then at least they would have been faithful to their word. I've said what I had to say. Some will buy and some won't. Next.
(Sunday 27 April 2014; 20:00)
My money, my choice (42,942) by Marissa from USA
I don't see anything childish about not buying an album if it gets delayed again after we've endured so much mess this era. Unlike Mariah, I'm not worth half a billion dollars so I think before I spend. Many of us have been expecting an album since 2012. I don't have a problem with the album not being ready, I have a problem with her/her team getting our hopes up and dropping us on our behinds constantly. If you know the album isn't ready, don't make us think it is. Apparently some people think that's an unreasonable request. The thing is neither I or anyone else who hasn't been satisfied in this era is dictating what she does because we have no power over her actions. We do have power over how and what we spend our money on. Some of you guys think that no matter how much bs we go through it is our job to spend our money on whatever she does, like it or not. Is this an album purchase or a tithe? I'm not obligated to do anything. Buying an album from a terrible era (if another push back happens) is like giving your waitress a big tip when you didn't even enjoy the meal or the service.
(Sunday 27 April 2014; 2:32)
You aren't slick (42,938) by Marissa from USA
Can someone explain to me why I read an article saying the album is coming out in late May instead of May 6th? If this is a sly pushback, you guys already know what I plan to do (or rather what I plan not to do).
(Saturday 26 April 2014; 22:29)
Formula changes / visions (42,874) by Marissa from USA
I definitely think Mariah should change up her formula. How about some more pop? How about working with some producers that are not notorious for just hip-hop and rap? If she is gonna go the hip-hop route than maybe a collaboration with Snoop, Jay-Z or a beat made by Dr. Dre. A Kanye collab? Just something other than formula of soft coos and a whistle at the end. In my opinion, this soft R&B like YME isn't working and definitely isn't boosting her relevance. The masses really aren't checking for straight R&B anymore unless it's coming from a male singer like Miguel or Chris Brown. Mariah has the ability to slay if she's truly motivated, but she seriously has to abandon her comfort zone for that to happen.
(Friday 25 April 2014; 4:57)
Advice to your older self (42,846) by Marissa from USA

I decided to go down memory lane on YouTube when times were better. Listen to what Mariah says at 2:27. She needs to listen to what she said back then now.
(Thursday 24 April 2014; 3:13)
JD and MC (42,806) by Marissa from USA
If I was JD I would be furious with MC for letting me take the fall for everything. He's getting in a Twitter war every other day while she stays in la-la land and says nothing unless she wants to talk about something that Roc and Roe did. JD may have big responsibilities, but ultimately the manager can't force the artist to do anything. If Mariah isn't motivated to slay this era than nothing and no one can make her. I definitely would never be her manager again after this. When is MC gonna realize that we don't want to play hide and go seek about this album? Where are you? People are so desperate for info that they're hitting up her makeup artist for details. Ridiculous.
(Wednesday 23 April 2014; 0:08)
Taking a stand (42,804) by Marissa from USA
If this album is pushed back again I'm not buying it. Straight up. I can't handle the bs excuses about it not being ready creatively and all of this other mess. She's been doing final touches for years now. We're being treated like peasants by her and her management and I'm not going to enable them to continue to do so. Many may not agree with me but I don't care. A few bumps in the road is fine but when you're laughing and drinking in every other photo, clearly not giving a damn that most of your fans are frustrated and miserable waiting for you to get it together, you are not getting my money and I'm definitely not going to have unwavering faith when your career is an afterthought. JD and all of them are probably laughing at us right now because they know no matter how much they treat us like trash we'll still buy the album. It won't be me.
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 23:24)
Ripping my rose colored glasses off (42,775) by Marissa from USA
I honestly think Mariah takes us for granted at this point. She has the nerve to come out of an Instagram hibernation to post all of these Easter pictures and say absolutely nothing about the album. Mariah finally tweeted a promotional tweet a few hours ago. Guess who it was for? Debbie Allen. This is just plain wrong. I really am losing the connection that I once felt with her as a fan. If she really knew/cared how we felt than she should at least be making some serious attempts to inform us about her feelings, what's really going on, just something. If it is true that Mariah just wants to focus on her family, that's great, but keep it real and tell us that you are retiring. Don't string us along pretending that music is still your passion when it seems like just a hobby at this point. I don't agree with the whole "take your time Mimi, even if I'm on my deathbed when you finally release your album" mentality. We've all sat here and patiently waited for long enough. It's time for people to be held accountable.
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 5:29)
Buying music (42,730) by Marissa from USA
I agree G.G. I am a fan, but I buy music based on merit. Since Mariah has been killing the game IMO for at least 97% of her career (I'm not just talking about commercial success, but great material) I've never really been faced with the issue of whether or not to buy her music until this unidentified era. I didn't buy TAOLG or YME because I didn't like the songs. It's as simple as that. If I'm buying something I need to feel like the purchase is worth it, whether it's Mariah or not.
(Sunday 20 April 2014; 1:33)
Nikki / other thoughts (42,646) by Marissa from USA
Nikki, the only response I can give to your post is yesssssssss. (Pardon my enthusiasm, but I've just had a strong hot toddy. ) If MC wants to make waves at this point with no promo (no I do not consider that redundant ET Canada interview promo, nothing new was revealed), she needs to debut an attention grabbing title. Something that the general public gets, not some cryptic title that only lambs can comprehend. I think it is safe to say that this album is not on the gp's radar at all. No one but the lambily has the patience to constantly check MC's twitter and instagram to find no enlightening news whatsoever. If it's not obvious, the gp doesn't care. No one wants to go on a scavenger hunt for album info. I'm a lamb and even I'm sick of all of the frantic searching and speculation. I'm at the point where I just want to say, "Call me when the album's ready."
(Wednesday 16 April 2014; 7:42)
Are you excited? (42,585) by Marissa from USA
By a show of thumbs up and down, who is excited for the album? Thumbs up if you're excited and thumbs down if you're just ready for the wait to be over. I was excited for #MC723, but after the extended delay, my excitement has turned into exhaustion. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready for the album but after a lot of disappointments I really don't have energy to be excited anymore. I was not feeling the singles aside from #Beautiful so that also zapped my excitement. At this point I'm curious to see how the music sounds and how everything turns out, but I'm not overly hyped about it.
(Friday 11 April 2014; 4:24)
NYHotShotta / promotion (42,555) by Marissa from USA
To touch on your points about Beyonce's pre-promotion, although it's probably too late now, I wish Mariah would go a more creative route for promotion. Doing 40 interviews talking about her dogs, her unpleasant pregnancy, dem babies and 5 minutes worth of convo about the music is getting old. It's getting too predictable. As much as I love when Mariah gives us little snippets from her personal life, until she officially retires, she still needs to keep that air of unattainability and scarcity for people to take her more seriously. There are two things that are taking away from that: Nick Cannon and his blabbermouth and MC posting non-music related things on Instagram all the time and rambling about things that have nothing to do with the music. Beyonce's documentary was so exciting because there was still so much about her that we didn't know. She's intensely private. If MC did a documentary I don't think any of us would be surprised by anything in it. We know her lingo, where she vacations, all the people she doesn't associate with, the type of clothes she'll wear, we even know her sleep schedule. At this point all I want is a surprise. I just wonder if she has anything else in her bag of tricks to surprise us with because I'm having doubts.
(Thursday 10 April 2014; 0:04)
Quaid / other thoughts (42,533) by Marissa from USA
I agree. I'm not even going to try to figure her out because it's useless. I feel like if Mariah did one of those Beyonce-style releases she would live to regret it. Mariah is not Beyonce. I don't mean that in terms of talent at all, but in terms of popularity in today's society. I just wonder if Mariah realizes that or if she's in denial. I just think this lack of promo is a mistake all around when your last album (aside from MCIIY) was in 09. A lot of people are trying to make sense of this era, but I think there are really a lot of problems behind the scenes and we're just dealing with the consequences. I don't think any of this stuff that's going on at this point is strategic at all. I think they are dealing with a mess and trying to pick of the pieces and try to convince us that it's on purpose. I don't care how unbothered MC tries to act on Twitter and Instagram. I'm not buying it. Why was there more national press for a Facebook release of a "not really a single" single than there is for an album? You can't tell me that that's intentional.
(Wednesday 9 April 2014; 1:27)
Opinions / please respond (42,532) by Marissa from USA
Which era do you guys think was/is better: Glitter or this one (we're less than a month away and I don't even know what the name of this era is ) and why? Btw, my comment in parentheses basically shows/reveals my opinion. Also, which era has divided the lambs the most, Glitter or this unidentified era?
(Wednesday 9 April 2014; 1:10)
Can someone enlighten me (42,517) by Marissa from USA
I'm not trying to be rude, but does anyone know what's going on with Mariah's cheeks? I know I'm not the only one who's noticed this. One minute I see her and her face looks like it usually does, but lately it's been randomly swollen. I know she's not crazy enough to have had cheek implants so I guess it's something else. I'm only commenting on it because it's so out of the blue. Those pictures from the "no one actually heard the music" listening party and the recent Vine with ABMB playing in the background had me concerned.
(Tuesday 8 April 2014; 8:06)


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