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About Lee TS from USA:

My All piano cover (48,094) by Lee TS from USA
This is incredibly beautiful and quite dramatic but gorgeous. Love.
(Friday 28 November 2014; 16:14)
Written by Mariah Carey (48,038) by Lee TS from USA

Do you remember this one? Just to go along with the board talking about inspirational songs and songs Mariah wrote for others. Remember the cute little boy that sung this on Oprah? Beautiful. I feel like it's our little secret that Mariah writes and produces her songs. But I guess that's ok because that's her secret weapon haha. It's gratifying as a fan to see how much she's involved in her music. I also want to see her writing by herself again regarding to the lyrics. It would be nice to see her writing for other artists as well. They're like little treasures when you learn about a song written by MC or she's singing background vocals for someone.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 14:18)
Baby instagram post (48,030) by Lee TS from USA
What are you even saying about? Confused.
(Monday 24 November 2014; 4:54)
Howard Stern (48,010) by Lee TS from USA
I actually like Howard and I think he's hilarious, his humor can be crude and ridiculous but it's an acquire taste. I know he and Mariah had their moments but I would actually love for her to go on his show and do an interview. Say what you want about Howard but he's an incredible interviewer. I've listened to many of his interviews with celebs and he gets them to talk. If he can tame himself a little or not, and I think he has enough respect for Mariah for what she's achieved in her career, we would get to learn so much more about her. This would be very unlikely though.
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:53)
Wendy Williams / divadom (48,002) by Lee TS from USA
Wendy has a love/hate relationship with Mariah and it's so fickled. Wendy is my guilty pleasure and she does get really messy but that's what makes it entertaining. Besides the seating arrangement (which we all know is not true because Mariah's side is her right), Wendy actually stood up for Mariah on her hot topics today. She said Mariah can sing better than most on her worst day, looks good even with the weight gain, and will do fine without Nick. She even threw in Mariah's infamous "I don't know her" shade when talking about Aretha. Now, I love MC with all my heart but I wish she would tone down her diva antics just a bit. I can't even say she likes to play up the image for the public anymore. Prime example would be the Breakfast Club interview, she was team too much. This is going to sound so bad but let's keep the festive celebrations to a minimum until there's actually something to celebrate about. Splash on that.
(Friday 21 November 2014; 4:58)
Collabos (47,941) by Lee TS from USA
Mariah's been pretty vocal about not hopping onto any trends and if she did EDM, that would be a total sellout and thirsty for that hit. I get we need Mariah to be played on the radio again but that's just not her. You would think Dupri and Cox has Mariah stuck but it's actually not true, at least not on MIAMTEC. MILG, YDKWTD, and Supernatural? Some of the best tracks in my opinion. I like Big Jim but there's something about him and Mariah that just doesn't gel for me, he's great for like a gospel type of track. The true duo I don't want Mariah working with ever again would be Tricky and The Dream, they're just no. But yes, Mariah should definitely try working with new people or old collaborators like Babyface, James Poyser, Jimmy Jam and Terry, and even Missy.
(Monday 17 November 2014; 9:24)
Lee Daniels on MC / Thirsty (47,914) by Lee TS from USA
Here's a sweet clip of Lee describing MC as his best friend in the beginning and again at the 2:36 mark. It would be awesome if he can really direct her in an incredible film and she's up for an Oscar supporting actress nod starring opposite Nicole Kidman, that would be something, lol. I learn to enjoy Nick and was happy for Mariah because she was happy. He always spoke great things about her and held her in the highest regards. But it really had me wondering when Nick was vying for the Richard Pryor role, and considering Mariah and Lee's relationship he sounded like he had it. He was doing the most with growing his hair out, looking older, and talking to the media dropping massive hints. I wonder if him not getting the role caused a rift in the relationship or if them splitting up influenced Lee's decision to choose another actor. Regardless he's Mariah's babydaddy so he'll always be part of her life, just hope they can be on good terms.
(Saturday 15 November 2014; 1:50)
This will melt your hearts (47,910) by Lee TS from USA

And can I just say how good Monroe sounds live? They are so uber delicious. I love dembabies moments.
(Friday 14 November 2014; 10:29)
Pop music / Glitter (47,899) by Lee TS from USA
I hope Mariah would explore into doing some fun poppy music like working with Max Martin. Love it or hate it but he's created some incredible catchy tunes. Never been a huge Taylor Swift fan but I first heard her new track Blank Space in the car and was instantly addicted. But then became Obsessed when I saw the video directed by Joseph Kahn. Where was this creativity for #Beautiful? I wish Mariah never works with that Indrani woman again, YME was a complete and total mess. All videos from here on out should be directed by her Aries brother Brett Ratner, only he brings out the best in her. I was watching Don't Stop video the other night for the nostalgia and it sounds so fresh. Criminally underrated.
(Wednesday 12 November 2014; 10:09)
Walter back with Pauly and Monks (47,860) by Lee TS from USA
Remember the radio interview Walter gave last year? Here's a recent interview he did with the same radio DJ's. You can watch the open letter from the beginning and skip to 32:00 minute mark when Mariah is brought up. You can either hate it or love it but I'm sure some lambs will be upset. Walter is definitely upset about AIWFCIY, but what I didn't like was him bringing up the control issue. For me it harks back to the Tommy days and it's a weird situation. Mariah had mentioned she didn't experience fame and was sequestered away, etc. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing because if she had, would she have gone down a Justin Bieber-Lindsay Lohan kind of path? Or even late MJ and Whitney. Not a fan of Tommy's because he clearly tries to destroy MC. But in some ways, I guess I'm trying to say is if she wasn't controlled would she have gone out of control? On another note, I was ecstatic to see MC perform One Sweet Day for the nostalgia but she really shouldn't. Seeing her attempt the vocals were a bit painful to watch. As much as I need my Mariah fixes, I want to see her take a break and shy away from the spotlight. Just to luxuriate and enjoy dembabies but always creating music. And then comeback with a pow.
(Sunday 9 November 2014; 0:32)
One sweet day (47,847) by Lee TS from USA

(Friday 7 November 2014; 22:54)
Small correction (47,831) by Lee TS from USA
Taylor Swift has gone platinum with her little latest effort "1989" in just one week, selling almost like 1.3 million. So yeah, someone has gone platinum in 2014.
(Thursday 6 November 2014; 20:37)
This tweet made me chuckle (47,822) by Lee TS from USA
Mariah Carey goes on her balcony enjoying the cool air, the sound of "All I Want For Christmas" plays in her head. "Soon," she whispers.
(Thursday 6 November 2014; 2:20)
Behind the scenes pictures / AIWFCIY (47,746) by Lee TS from USA
How fun of Mariah to post the behind the scenes pictures on facebook, I always love seeing new pictures of her and dembabies. A fan favorite seems to be of her wearing jeans and showing off her booty. Isn't it amazing the less she tries and dresses down the more gorgeous she looks? Here's a link to a new cover of AIWFCIY produced by Walter performed by Adele Dazeem. Very cute.
(Sunday 2 November 2014; 2:29)
Walter (47,743) by Lee TS from USA

I checked out his website and he clearly still has a lot of love for Mariah. She's plastered everywhere on his page and he doesn't have to do that. He even included this sweet clip of him and MC working together. And a throwback to the radio interview he gave last year, he spoke so kindly of her. It reminds me of Marc Shaiman describing Mariah equals to music in human form. To me, Walter brings out the balladeer in Mariah even at times she would describe it as schmaltzy. Like Walter says, they had their moment in time.

(Sunday 2 November 2014; 1:32)
Talking about Tommy (47,729) by Lee TS from USA
You guys have to check out Wendy Williams Halloween hot topics episode. Yes she has been extremely shady with Mariah this season, but she went in Tommy and Mariah's relationship. It was hilarious watching her take of the situation.
(Saturday 1 November 2014; 4:40)
Walter A. / Ben M. (47,716) by Lee TS from USA
I also felt Walter was a tad bit shady in the interview about AIWFCIY, but as a lamb I think we just want to hear all the praises of MC. MC also diminished Walter's contribution to the song when she told Andy Cohen she was stupid to give 50% of the royalties away. No matter what the story is, MC and Walter truly created magic together and they'll always be my favorite duo. It's sad that they can't move pass the situation and work together again. Walter has done well for himself and is a respected producer, he's still creating music with big artists like Celine and Barbra. I don't think Ben M. has done much of anything after Mariah and it's all thanks to his greed, having Mariah basically sign her life away. Those chapters of her life are closed, she put that wall up and walked the other way. I think what's important to MC is loyalty and that's why she always hit up JD when she needs to hit the studio.
(Friday 31 October 2014; 18:40)
Mariah Christmas announcement? (47,703) by Lee TS from USA

Is this it?
(Friday 31 October 2014; 5:20)
A refreshing old/new interview (47,691) by Lee TS from USA

I believe we've read this article on here before the tour kicked off. She's focused and introspective. And it's funny how she's clutching her pearls, haha.
(Thursday 30 October 2014; 23:11)
Emotions video post (47,650) (47,655) by Lee TS from USA
I've been obsessing with this part and kept replaying it over and searching other clips of Emotions in Manila. You have to watch this specific part starting at 2:49 and then notice at 2:51 she goes low. And when I say low, I mean ground bottom low. There's and eeriness about it and a tad bit devilish, then notice the turn she does. It's so awesome I couldn't get over it, a definite Mariah moment for me.
(Wednesday 29 October 2014; 18:57)
Manila (47,627) by Lee TS from USA
So touching to see the warm and fanatic welcome Mariah received from the Filipino lambily. They're so beautiful and dedicated, I love how she is treated like the goddess that she is. I hope she gives them an incredible show and a special treat like Through The Rain.
(Monday 27 October 2014; 18:00)
Mariah going off and getting turnt with lambs (47,596) by Lee TS from USA

I love this. She's like putting them in a trance and the lambs are hilarious.
(Saturday 25 October 2014; 9:44)
Supernatural (47,583) by Lee TS from USA

This is too sweet not to post. Watch for the most adorable and sweetest moment between MC and dembabies at the end. Mommy Mariah.
(Friday 24 October 2014; 22:33)
Mariah sings Lullaby of Birdland (47,580) by Lee TS from USA

Must watch. (A lot of exclamation points.)
(Friday 24 October 2014; 19:39)
Impromptu moments (47,569) by Lee TS from USA

I live for moments like these when she makes things up off the cusp. It's meant to be silly but it's also kind of like seeing her songwriting process. Just her singing to whatever, the whole, "I would sing all day rather than speak if I had her voice" sentiment. I wonder if she'll debut a new song like she had said for the tour's press statement, which would be a nice treat to the lambily.
(Friday 24 October 2014; 1:20)


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