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About Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada: Proud lamb since "Vision Of Love" 1990

People are entitled to not like things Mariah releases (39,760) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
It's not life and death if someone doesn't like a song or a video. It amuses me how this happens every time something new comes out. We all have perspectives. I've always been a "glass half full" optimistic personality. I most often try to find the good in everything that's just my stance often, it can peobably annoy people at times. It is good to have balance. In my last post about playing the song for people - I didn't mean anyone who didn't see it the same way was "wrong". More an observation. Continue on.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 19:37)
I also understand why some don't like the lyrics etc (39,757) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
When I heard the song, I felt like the intro leant itself to the attitude person who has made the decision to "let go". When you are in that space to speak your truth, and you know nothing will change your mind. But, I can also see how some people find it unrelateable/awkward.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 18:43)
Lead single discussion (39,756) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
It's interesting to see comments about TAOLG being a lead single. Maybe it's just me, but I don't get that feeling at all. I feel like this is more a letter/anthem to the fans as she continues to add tracks to the album and move it toward completion of the album. If this was a launching single IMO a lot more would have been done than just Facebook. And she's said she's not finished, so I guess in my head I never thought of it as a launching single. There would have been some effort to launch to radio, TV, media etc. I really think TAOLG is a special single for her fans, kind of like Can't Take That Away. I have a feeling she won't be doing any actual album touring until her injury is fully healed. In the mean time, TAOLG is an appetizer so to speak.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 18:22)
I played TAOLG for people who aren't diehards (39,754) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I asked for their honest opinion, and didn't comment myself until they finished. The feedback was unanimously positive. "I've got goosebumps", "chills", "wow", etc. No mention of discomfort with lyrics or the arrangement. I thought it was interesting to note. The song might not become her 19th number one commercially, but it was nice to hear from people who perhaps don't dissect things as much as we do. You know what I mean? Lol.
(Tuesday 12 November 2013; 17:53)
I absolutely love the song (39,711) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
The old school retro gospel feeling mixed with her contemporary vocals is just beautiful. And that last note, reminiscent of WBT a bit. It might not be everyone's bag and that should be OK to discuss, but it has this timeless quality I love. It sounds like it could be in a movie soundtrack.
(Monday 11 November 2013; 17:52)
Three more days (39,691) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I am beyond stoked to hear the new single. I hope iTunes gets it quickly. Lol.
(Saturday 9 November 2013; 0:44)
Great post Stacey (39,534) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I so agree with everything you said. Especially about Merry Christmas and album range. "Vocal peak" is all a judgment call anyway, so that's subjective and going to change based on what each person's thoughts and feelings are on the subject. Know what I mean? The one thing I know about MC is to never, ever count her out. Many people felt she had accomplished all she was going to musically, and then We Belong Together and TEOM exploded onto the scene. Her last few efforts may not have had the success people attribute to "Mariah Carey" but realistically with all the change in the industry and other factors involved with Mariah's life and choices she's made ect, the work wasn't "the worst ever". Sometimes I think perspective can get lost easily. Especially, when comparing Mariah to her own body of work. She sets the bar really high and as such the lambs have equally high expectations. The price you pay fpr earning the title best selling female vocalist. Lol. You're not always going to hit the home runs. I have a good feeling about the new album though. I can't explain it.
(Tuesday 22 October 2013; 20:37)
Nikki (39,522) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Great post about the tabloids. I totally agree. It's a bunch of crap. Lol. I have a feeling TAOLG is a lovely powerful ballad and I'm curious to see if there is any significance to the release being 11.11. In other news, I was over at recently, and I see that the company responsible for running the website gas changed! The messageboard finally loos presentable without errors. (Two years later.) Lol. The official website has been horribly managed, and I hope this means good things are coming for fans around the world, and for Mariah's professional representation as a whole.
(Sunday 20 October 2013; 4:30)
TAOLG 11/11 (39,481) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I'm so stoked by the announcement. New Mariah music! It would be nice if she would put that dance remix for #Beautiful we heard in July as a track on one of the singles for the new album. I realize the video is likely a wash, but it would be lovely to hear the full audio. The snippet sounded really good.
(Monday 14 October 2013; 18:52)
Wow (39,449) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I'm shocked that that last message was allowed to be posted here. Bottom line, now Mariah is being accused of faking the seriousness of an injury as a way to "get attention" and strong arm her label into "getting what she wants"? I don't really know what to say. Not suggesting MC is perfect by any means, but to me this crosses a line into bashing territory. Quite frankly, it's very disturbing.
(Saturday 12 October 2013; 21:04)
Note to the tabloids (39,440) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
People who are cheating, and "headed for divorce", don't engage is silly, obviously staged "fights" for MTV, or tweet cleavage photos in honour of their husband's birthday. It may not be something I would do, but if she's comfortable with it, so be it. Tabloids are such garbage. Seriously?
(Friday 11 October 2013; 17:13)
JD as manager (39,422) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I admit I was a little apprehensive about it. Not really because of him, rather Mariah's tendency to hire her friends. I'm willing to give this a chance though. They've made good business choices together musically in the past and he seems willing to tell her when something isn't working, so maybe this will be a good thing.
(Tuesday 8 October 2013; 19:08)
Yikes / "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey" (39,237) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I don't see why discussing other artists briefly in reference to popular music should be a problem here. Especially, someone like Celine who is often brought up as one of the worlds great singers as Mariah is herself. At most I saw maybe four comments about Celine's song - I don't think this qualifies as taking over the website. We should be able to have conversations, yes? Anyway, I really related to the article "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey". Most of my interaction with fellow fans has been online not in person, and in my early teens I was severely teased and bugged for how much I loved her and music. Now that I am older, I have very much taken on the stance of "Screw you, I like Mariah Carey" in many areas of my life. By that I mean not just Mariah fandom. If people don't like me because of things I enjoy or opinions I have, than I don't have to stick around. Everyone has a right to be who they are without apology or approval. I like a lot of things others would find embarrassing, I'm sure, lol and I'm in a place in my life now where I'm OK with that.
(Tuesday 10 September 2013; 22:42)
RadChad (39,094) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Yeah, even writing my last post I realize I left out many songs on Rainbow, Bliss, AAO and E=MC2 etc. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said we gravitate to some albums more than others, but it doesn't make any of them bad. It's even harder to pick favorite songs because some songs represent moments in my life, while other songs are lyrically breathtaking and/or inspire me for different reasons musically or spiritually. There isn't another artist for whom I could discuss their entire catalog and never get bored.
(Friday 23 August 2013; 18:57)
Fave album discussion (39,084) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I put down a top 6 list in a previous post, with Butterfly at the top of the list which is true for me. I find it so hard to discuss fave albums though because even on albums that might not be "favourites" as a whole album, there are still things I love. For example, Rainbow might not be one of my top albums, but I love Heartbreaker and Petals. Music Box is not an all time top album for me, but AYNAF is one of my fave MC songs. I'll always love Without You, and Music Box is also awesome. I don't play the album all that much compared to the others, but when I do, I don't hate any of the songs. On E=MC I love Cruise Control, Migrate, Bye, Bye, IBLYLT etc. In terms of her early stuff, I will always love her debut. I rushed to the store after hearing VOL on the radio. I love Vanishing, LTT, IDWC, Someday and Prisoner to this day. The Emotions album gave me Until The End Of Time, MIH, CLG, AYDR, SB. I guess that's why I'll always be a lamb lol.
(Friday 23 August 2013; 2:01)
Favorite albums (39,067) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
1) Butterfly
2) Memoirs
3) Daydream
4) Merry Christmas
(Thursday 22 August 2013; 1:50)
Randy RadChad MOAIA (39,011) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I'm so glad to read your comments. For a long time I've read how much fans dislike the album. I love it. Hate U is lyrically brilliant and probably my fave track on the album. Those boxing metaphors are so eloquent and I can't descriibe what it is, but her voice sounds so beautiful throughout - very angelic. Obsessed is just plan fun, Becha is unlike any R&B track she's done. Angels Cry is often on repeat for me. "More than just friends" always makes me smile, because so much of Mariah's personality is in those lyrics - so funny plus the layering musically in there if freaking awesome it sounds retro but current at the same time. Her ability to seamlessly make Cindi Lauper's "Time after Time" a part of "Inseparable", well for one I don't think it is understood how much foresight that takes to pull off and still be original. The Impossible again very clever lyrically sounds current and yet reminiscent of an album like 1993's "Janet", yet it's Mariah's song without being a rip off of Janet. I don't like the video for IWTKWLI, but the cover itself is solid. Ribbon and "It's a wrap" are both fun summer-like tracks. And Languishing is breathtaking for me. I think Memoirs is her most underrated album. I don't think she whispers the whole album either. JMO.
(Friday 16 August 2013; 2:21)
Tracklist good call, Stephen (38,915) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
In my excitement to see something that might suggest the album was close, I forgot that fake stuff comes out too. This one feels legit, but time will tell.
(Monday 5 August 2013; 17:22)
Special K / album tracklisting (38,900) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Thanks for the head rolls and the fingersnap, girl. Lol. So, now that the track list is out, can the album be far behind? *Still salivating over here* lol.
(Monday 5 August 2013; 1:15)
Idol, who cares? (38,883) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I don't think there is any slap in the face to be had. Mariah is done with Idol, period. And truthfully, I think doing the show as a judge not as a mentor was something MC was talked into by others and she agreed because the idea of nurturing and encouraging new talent was what motivated her. It takes a strong person to be unwavering in who they are, and not to give in to the demands of the ratings production machine. I knew when JLo performed at the finale, she would be the obvious choice for the following season. Nothing more, nothing less. Good luck, Idol. I'm moving on, too.
(Friday 2 August 2013; 17:14)
Gilbert/Special K/ Stacey (38,873) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
Gilbert, I'm holding positive thoughts for your job. Special K, kids just have a way of making a moment classic, don't they? LMAO that's priceless. Stacey, congratulations on the new baby. I wish you and your family the best. Blessings.
(Thursday 1 August 2013; 20:21)
I'm salivating for new Mariah music lol (38,863) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I've been listening to Mariah a lot lately, looking at old interviews transferred to DVD etc. This has been so much fun for me, and a reminder that as a fan although certain things might cause me to be critical, or bug me, Mariah will always be my favorite artist ever. Her music is literally the soundtrack to my life. I don't always like every song, every decision made and whatnot, but I love music and listen to a broad range of artists all over the map. I've gone through phases with other singers, then my tastes have changed and certain singers have faded out of my interest. Mariah has been the one constant whose music has had a deep emotional connection for me. To this day I can put on "Butterfly" or "Daydream" and those albums feel timeless for me rather than dated. Then I thought about Whitney and my heart goes out to her fans. We're fortunate Mariah is still making music. The day will come eventually when she transitions and at that point no one will remember debates about lip-syncing, music videos, record labels, vocal damage, live performances ect It will be about celebrating her as a person and her contribution to music. When I sit and really look at her massive body of work, I'm truly inspired by her. I'm not saying not to discuss things lol, I'm just sharing a moment of perspective I had. Thanks MC.
(Wednesday 31 July 2013; 18:06)
Christina /Ariana (38,834) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I've liked a couple of her songs, but like someone mentioned on here, she quite often sounds as if she has one range: yelling. Her vocals and that has always deterred me from fully enjoying an album beyond the occasional track. I haven't heard anything from the new artist, but it always amuses me when people make comparisons. Just because an artist can sing a decent vocal and hit high notes, doesn't mean they sound anything like Mariah. The huge deal about Leona is a case in point. Sure, she can sing, but she has her own tone. She sounds nothing like MC. Not even close. But it just goes to show what a truly unique, layered and gifted talant Mariah is.
(Sunday 28 July 2013; 20:14)
#Hermosa has really grown on me (38,822) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
The first time I heard it I really didn't like it. I thought it was choppy. But after a few listens I really love it now. Mariah's Spanish ad-libs are really funny and bring out her personality. Although the video has been criticized for being low budget, I prefer it so much more than the original version. The #Hermosa video feels so much more relaxed and less "false" and "put on". Yes, she's still got the sexy bikini shots, yet it works and feels so much more natural with the beauty of Capri in there. The video is so much less in your face which in my opinion is incredibly well matched to the song. There are some shots in #Hermosa she looks just so stunning. And, damn, I want to go swim in one of those caves. I am determined to do it. Lol.
(Saturday 27 July 2013; 22:41)
Mariah and Toni (38,815) by Deedre aka MiTodoChop @HBF from Canada
I had a dream about this. I am right there salivating with the rest of you. Now that's an exciting collab. About The Beatles. I love their music. I have for years, own their music and consider myself a fan. MC is hands down my favourite artist ever, but when she breaks the single record, it won't diminish one tiny bit of their legendary work. I don't understand why people get so defensive. The day will come as some point when someone "breaks" Mariah's record, and it won't diminish her catalog or her accomplishments. Mariah is deserving of being in the ranks with The Beatles. Seriously can't wait for the new MC album.
(Friday 26 July 2013; 19:24)


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