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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

Clutching at straws (83,953) by Lee from UK
Mariah did sound better after loosening/removing the corset and then covering it with the cardigan. She still had to lip the climax of ABMB though. I cannot believe we are at a point where we are all happy that Mariah can now walk unassisted. Are we clutching at straws? Perhaps if Mariah wore a cardigan and flats all the time, and took out her raggaedy magic hair, she would sound miles better.
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 10:44)
Victoria misses the point bigly (83,952) by Lee from UK
Victoria, please don't ever leave the USA to come to the UK. It seems like Trump has really done a number on you guys; normalising violence against those you disagree with. If you did come to the UK we would have to organise for giant baby blimp to be floated along the streets in protest and to be honest, hun, we have too much on our hands with Brexit.
(Sunday 23 September 2018; 10:39)
Re: iHeart (83,920) (83,923) by Lee from UK
At this point, Mariah is breaking my heart. Why is she still recording songs that she can't sing live and then trying to "sing" them live accompanied by a backing track. It was painfully obvious on It's Like That where the track kicked in. I just wish she would stop shouting her songs. They were not originally recorded in a shouty voice so I don't get what the problem is. If she has a microphone, could she not just sing normally and let the sound engineers increase the volume. Alternatively, could she re-learn how to project without shouting? She didn't do a whole lot of moving (thank the gods) so I don't understand why she was so out of breath. Was her wig too heavy? Sewn on too tight?
(Saturday 22 September 2018; 11:43)
Through the Rain demo vocals (83,506) by Lee from UK
So I came across these demo vocals for "Through the rain today".
(Tuesday 28 August 2018; 15:44)
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (83,415) by Lee from UK
And the Christmas season begins for me. Here is Hark the Herald Angels Sing without the choir. This is just so pleasing to the ear.
(Tuesday 21 August 2018; 00:33)
An Aretha tribute (83,364) by Lee from UK
So we know there is going to be some kind of musical tribute to Aretha after she passes away. I don't think anyone, even Mariah, has the voice to do her songs justice but it's going to happen. If Mariah did take part, I wonder which song she would choose to sing.
(Tuesday 14 August 2018; 00:19)
Re: Playback signals (83,116) (83,123) by Lee from UK
Yes to this. I have thought this for a number of years. Recently, it has become so obvious that I think she actually has a button on her ear monitor which kicks in the prerecorded vocals.
(Saturday 14 July 2018; 15:27)
(83,014) by Lee from UK
The more videos I see of this current residency, the more disappointed I am with Mariah. If you get the chance to see the #Beautiful performance, you'll see Mariah clearly waiting for the backing track with the pre recorded adlibs to start. She begins to lip sync along, realises it's not happening, fills in with some mumbling/singing and then looks overjoyed when the pre recorded high notes begin. Who does she think she is fooling? It makes her look ridiculous. Not that she cares as she is laughing all the way to the bank.
(Sunday 8 July 2018; 00:14)
Re: Lip sync fail (83,007) (83,010) by Lee from UK
The part that made me laugh was when Mariah had the kids on stage singing Always Be My Baby and she was chatting to them between the odd bit of singing. Then when the backing track kicked in for the climax and Monroe was trying to talk to her, Mariah was like "no no not now, what have I told you about talking to me when the key change starts".
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 21:36)
Lip sync fail (83,002) by Lee from UK
Even though this was exposed to her falling off a box, we all know she mimes most of the lines in Fantasy. I really wish she would stop using backing tracks and just sing the songs in a comfortable key or change them up to fit her current voice.
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 11:37)
Underneath the Stars/Fourth of July Mashup (82,915) by Lee from UK
For those have yet to hear this, you're welcome.
(Wednesday 27 June 2018; 01:31)
Re: First impressions of TEOM (82,441) (82,453) by Lee from UK
What about the Daydream Interlude?
(Friday 18 May 2018; 01:15)
Mariah in Blackpool (82,373) by Lee from UK
So I have tickets to see Mariah in Blackpool. This is the strangest sentence to ever leave my mouth. Of all of the places in the UK for Mariah to perform, Blackpool is the last place I would expect to her to be. I am very excited though. Did anyone else manage to get tickets?
(Friday 11 May 2018; 20:16)
My All at 20 (82,092) by Lee from UK
I can't believe My All is 20 years old. This is definitely my favourite live version from Mariah (besides the lipped bit). I enjoy it when she makes small stylistic changes to the melody.
(Sunday 22 April 2018; 11:33)
Article: Eamonn Holmes slams "diva" Mariah Carey (81,739) by Lee from UK
Mariah doesn't know him.
(Wednesday 11 April 2018; 12:55)
We're Not Making Love Anymore (81,687) by Lee from UK
For all of those who have not yet seen this, you're welcome.
(Friday 6 April 2018; 17:55)
New songs (81,554) by Lee from UK
In Mariah's video announcement about her Japanese concerts she said she is going to be singing "new songs". Does this mean we are getting new music soon?
(Tuesday 27 March 2018; 19:55)
Outtake vocals (81,300) by Lee from UK
New outtake vocals from the original version of O Holy Night have surfaced here. Imagine just how many vocals from this vocally amazing era are out there just waiting to see the light of day.
(Thursday 8 March 2018; 22:42)
Don't Explain (Billie Holiday cover) (81,250) by Lee from UK
I came across these today after being caught in a YouTube loop. I didn't know Mariah performed these covers but I think this genre is absolutely perfect for her current vocals. This one is better visual quality and this one is better vocal quality and I think she remembered more of the lyrics here too.
(Sunday 4 March 2018; 14:09)
Article: Michelle Obama's Valentine's Day playlist (80,958) by Lee from UK
Erm... this is a breakup song, no?
(Friday 16 February 2018; 13:43)
Underneath the Stars Smooth Harmonies (80,814) by Lee from UK
So I am in love with this version of Underneath the Stars. It is called the Smooth Harmonies version because the background harmonies are emphasised over the lead vocals and it so refreshing to hear them upfront. It is different to the stripped versions floating about but probably made by the same people. Gorgeous.
(Tuesday 6 February 2018; 09:15)
Re: Interesting question (80,586) (80,607) by Lee from UK
Since listening to the recently released acapella vocals of Mariah's earlier songs, I have notice just how raspy Mariah's vocals were even back in her strongest days. Usually when I listen to the studio recordings, I always think of Mariah's voice as being clear as a bell; however, when you listen to the same songs with all of the music and production striped away, you can actually hear that Mariah's voice has always had a raspy edge to it, even on her clearest of notes.
(Wednesday 24 January 2018; 21:57)
Time's Up (80,320) by Lee from UK
It sounds like Mariah has something to say to say about how women are treated in the music industry. Mariah will have a lot to say about that. Time's Up indeed.
(Monday 8 January 2018; 20:14)
Linner (80,293) by Lee from UK
Am I the only one who believes "Linner" should be half-way between Lunch and Dinner? Like Brunch is half-way between Breakfast and Lunch?
(Sunday 7 January 2018; 13:50)
Sustained notes (80,292) by Lee from UK
The thing about Mariah's sustained notes lately is that they do not sound pleasant. I have watched many a YouTube compilation of some her live sustained notes/belts/vocal showcases over recent years. It just seems to me that once she has finished sustaining a note, she struggles to come back down in a controlled and pleasing way like she used to do. There is no control there anymore, it sounds so strained, it looks like it hurts and once she gets her breath back, she looks thankful that those 6 seconds are over. Her sustained notes all feel a bit shouty and this never used to be the case. Most of the time, they seem to be used as distractions, smoke and mirrors in order to take our ears away from the rest of the song.
(Sunday 7 January 2018; 13:44)


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