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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

NYE (80,209) by Lee from UK
She tried her best and that's all that matters. Although she sang Hero well, I still think it was the wrong song choice. I also think VoL was the wrong song choice too as she never seems to get it quite right live. She looked stunning and I wondered whether the choice to wear a very similar ensemble to last year was deliberate. The scripted tea joke didn't land as well as it could have but it has produced the first meme of 2018 so I'm not mad about it. Here's hoping Mariah takes a little break and comes back with a new album with strong promotion.
(Monday 1 January 2018; 21:21)
Re: What songs should she perform? (80,101) (80,103) by Lee from UK
Definitely not We Belong Together, Vision of Love or Hero. And nothing with that sustained belt she is keen on doing these days either. It was interesting at first, then it seemed to crop up in every other song. Now she uses it to distract us from everything she is not currently able to do. I'm hoping for something a capella. Remember when Beyonce was busted for lip syncing the national anthem at Obama's inauguration and then came back with an a capella version of it for the Superbowl? That's what Mariah needs to do in my opinion.
(Wednesday 27 December 2017; 22:29)
Re: Festive concert Manchester (79,838) (79,848) by Lee from UK
Yes. I did experience this. There were two drunk gay guys who were old enough to know better, possibly late 30s maybe early 40s, who spent the whole night talking to and dancing with a couple of straight girls they met in the bloody isle. They were not even facing Mariah for most of the night, they spent much of the time talking to each other. The stewards would walk past them and push them into the rows to keep the isles clear but as soon as the stewards left the area, they were straight back out in the isle chatting. I get it though. They are not fans and probably just wanted to see Mariah singing her famous Christmas song live. They probably would never have attended one of her album tour concerts. They were not the only ones either. I just think it is so disrespectful not only to other fans who paid the same price for tickets but disrespectful to the artist too.
(Wednesday 13 December 2017; 08:51)
Re: Mariah wearing Martyn's jacket (79,801) (79,822) by Lee from UK
It's moments like this which make me realise that Mariah is an actual human being and behind all the hype, fame and diva-ness she is actually real. She was clearly reading her statement about the Manchester bombings from an autocue by the floor monitor but at least she acknowledged the event which she didn't have to do. I think this makes me her even more.
(Tuesday 12 December 2017; 15:49)
Christmas in Manchester (79,777) by Lee from UK
The Christmas show in Manchester was everything I thought it would be. Mariah was in good vocal condition. For the most part, it was very much live with the obvious parts lipped. I do not know what's changed but the lipped parts are not as obvious as they used to be. To a well-trained and experienced listener of Mariah's live performances, when you know, you just know. And contrary to the article recently posted here, Mariah did not sing Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Instead, it was some little child (between Mariah's costume changes) who, despite trying her best, should not have been allowed to sing as much as she did. The only disappointing thing about the whole show for me was the fact that the big screens showing Mariah to the unfortunate people in the rear of the arena was about half a second out with the actual video and, as a result, it made it look like Mariah was having a hard time lip syncing through the whole concert. We did actually get snow in Manchester though which made it a little more festive. I did spend a few minutes thinking about Martyn Hett; he would have loved it.
(Monday 11 December 2017; 09:41)
Article: Mariah Carey steps out in Paris (79,725) by Lee from UK
Wow, the Daily Fail strikes again. There are just a couple of inaccuracies in this article. Great reporting.
(Friday 8 December 2017; 09:14)
(79,652) by Lee from UK
The guys at this YouTube channel have created this awesome remix of Looking In. They have made it sound very contemporary and fresh. Give it a listen, the short version starts around 7:21.
(Tuesday 5 December 2017; 01:00)
Set list (79,619) by Lee from UK
Does anybody know the set list from the Beacon Theatre show this year?
(Sunday 3 December 2017; 13:36)
Cancelled Christmas shows (79,543) by Lee from UK
Am I the only one who thinks Mariah cancelled a lot of her Christmas shows because they may not have sold so well? Perhaps it is cheaper to cancel the shows than to go ahead and play them? I do not believe for one second that she is ill but I am a cynical person.
(Saturday 25 November 2017; 01:02)
Stella fired? (79,182) by Lee from UK
My Instagram this morning is full of posts claiming Mariah has fired Stella. Is this official?
(Saturday 4 November 2017; 12:15)
Re: Christmas on December 4 (78,998) (79,021) by Lee from UK
I thought she had moved the Beacon shows to Vegas too as that was what was written when the Vegas shows were announced. It is frustrating as my cousin and I were planning a New York trip specifically to see Mariah as it would have been bloody magical. Alas, we have now settled for Manchester, UK, which is somewhat less magical as it is literally down the road. I hope she announces next years' shows in a more timely fashion so us international fans can organise ourselves accordingly.
(Wednesday 25 October 2017; 10:22)
Re: Can’t Let Go (Acapella) (78,710) (78,715) by Lee from UK
This is such a beautiful song but even more beautiful in acapella. I accidentally let the next video play after the song had finished and I wasn't disappointed. The same person has uploaded a nice piano version of Can't Let Go with some interesting vocals I have never heard at the beginning and the very very end.
(Tuesday 10 October 2017; 10:39)
Stripped version of Underneath the Stars (78,673) by Lee from UK
I have fallen in love all over again with this song. The background whistle notes throughout the end are a lot more prominent and crystal clear. The guy who does this is amazing, I'd love to know where he sources the isolated vocals from.
(Saturday 7 October 2017; 00:35)
Re: Good Morning Britain (78,647) (78,649) by Lee from UK
I have to agree. Although Mariah was put on the spot, she could have then sat herself up, looked a little shocked and asked for the interview to end. It would have been better to have said nothing at all than to have stumbled into Piers Morgan's trap. Hindsight is 20/20 or so they say. When I have read the comments on this interview, it surprised me how not one was about how awful the incident in Las Vegas was, or how Mariah was put on the spot. Instead, the comments were about how awful Mariah looked. As it says in John, chapter 11, verse 35: Jesus wept.
(Wednesday 4 October 2017; 10:15)
Re: EMC stripped versions of MC songs (78,514) (78,546) by Lee from UK
A stipped version of One Sweet Day was recently posted without all of the backing vocals and it actually sounds more current. I am noticing more runs from both Mariah and Wanya which I never heard previously due them being drowned out. Their voices work so well together.
(Monday 25 September 2017; 23:34)
EMC stripped versions of MC songs (78,513) by Lee from UK
I have come across a few videos like this on YouTube. They are EMC stripped versions of Mariah's studio recordings. I do not know what EMC stands for, perhaps someone can enlighten me? This particular video contains the ending of Always Be My Baby that Mariah used during the Daydream tour. It makes for amazing listening on a Sunday afternoon. Enjoy.
(Sunday 24 September 2017; 14:54)
Re: VH1 (78,407) (78,412) by Lee from UK
I hope we get to see Mariah move around the stage unassisted. I do not know why but I get really uncomfortable watching the dancers take her by the arms/elbows and lead her around the stage.
(Tuesday 19 September 2017; 08:54)
Re: Outside (acapella) (78,373) (78,377) by Lee from UK
Mariah used to have so much control over her voice. I hope she gives us more of this some day. The song is full of so many runs and riffs and they are executed extremely quickly. Every note planned to perfection.
(Saturday 16 September 2017; 15:10)
Orange Clouds (78,372) by Lee from UK
So this is all over my twitter feed this morning along with unused vocals from Fourth of July. Beautiful.
(Saturday 16 September 2017; 10:17)
Re: Manchester UK (78,314) (78,317) by Lee from UK
Although I am an atheist, the reason I spelt Christmas with an X was simply because I couldn't be arsed to write it out in full. I agree with Andrew, it would make sense that the X if short for "Christ" as in Xtina, no? While I appreciate some may find it disrespectful, is it more or less disrespectful than the Christians appropriating all of the original Pagan festivals into their own traditions? Nonetheless as atheist as I am, I do enjoy the holiday season as it is not about religion for me, it's about family. Yet, having said all this, I do love a bit of gospel music.
(Thursday 7 September 2017; 21:51)
Re: Manchester UK (78,290) (78,301) by Lee from UK
I have tickets to Manchester. I am so excited, I have been hoping to hear Mariah's [Christmas] music live for a very long time. This will make my [Christmas] that little bit more festive.
(Wednesday 6 September 2017; 12:40)
Pre-sale tickets (78,269) by Lee from UK
It's ok, I figured it out. The presale codes are being given away for free on the website as long as you have signed-up and are logged in. This is the most exciting thing that has happened all year.
(Monday 4 September 2017; 19:33)
Pre sale concert tickets (78,266) by Lee from UK
I remember when she came to the UK for the SSF Tour, I was not a fanclub member but I could purchase pre-sale tickets if I bought a pre-sale code through HoneyBFly. I do not see that option on her website. Does anyone have any further info on how to go about purchasing the pre-sale tickets?
(Monday 4 September 2017; 17:08)
Re: On Butterfly's 20th (77,938) (77,940) by Lee from UK
That was a beautiful post and if I were not already a fan of the Butterfly album, you just sold it. Well done.
(Thursday 17 August 2017; 12:28)
Fat shaming (77,576) by Lee from UK
We do not know Mariah's circumstances at the moment. Her weight gain may not be a consequence of her lifestyle. Certain medications are likely to induce extreme weight gain. Anyone who has ever been on steroids for medical reasons will tell you "moon face" is an unfortunate side effect of this medication. It wouldn't surprise me if Mariah was receiving treatment for an ailment we (quite rightly) are unaware of. Mariah's diva image should not be connected to the amount of fat shaming she receives in the press (and on this board apparently). I am all about the press calling out her diva antics, and I have been over them since 1998, but surely they can do it without picking on her weight? If you have to sink so low as to insult someone about their weight, then you have to rethink what your actual argument is. Are you mad because she's a diva and has a bad attitude, or are you mad because she does not look the way you think she should?
(Sunday 30 July 2017; 15:53)


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