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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Career perspective (85,659) by Edouard from France
I believe Mariah's energy and voice are very connected. I totally understand as I'm a singer too. It's very hard to sing when your energy is low. Mariah wears so many hats and we have to give her credits for that. Singer, songwriter, mother, entrepreneur, global icon. That's a lot of pressure. Also, I believe a lot of bad choices were made by her previous management team. They didn't offer her real perspective and that must be hard to sing when you feel that your career is going nowhere, specially when your whole life has already gravitated towards achieving things. Mariah's always been driven and that's what has kept her alive ever since she was a little girl. That's why we connect with her so much, because we all have had difficulties to overcome. I believe that with the release of Caution, Mariah's on fire. And it shows. And we can hear it.
(Tuesday 6 November 2018; 11:28)
Re: Mariah's voice returning (85,594) (85,613) by Edouard from France
Excuse me but if you believe that you simply loose your voice, you're just wrong. Mariah can be vocally tired but her voice is still there. Try to do half of what she does at 48 and then we'll see. There is a big difference between being vocally tired and overworked and having no voice whatsoever.
(Sunday 4 November 2018; 23:25)
Re: A No No No (85,567) (85,574) by Edouard from France
So did I. I wanted to wait but then... I said yes. I got too excited. They really worked on building the anticipation for the project. GTFO to get peoples attention, With You to cater to a mire AC demographic, TD for the HipHop lovers and ANN which to me is the real lead off single just in time for the release November 16th. I'm sure they'll have a video released by then to coincide with the album.
(Saturday 3 November 2018; 01:31)
A No No's references (85,557) by Edouard from France
I love the "Ed" references, because my name is Edouard.
(Friday 2 November 2018; 19:06)
Re: Voice appearance (85,481) (85,482) by Edouard from France
Yeah Jaker20. You're totally right.
(Wednesday 31 October 2018; 21:13)
Dance to "The Distance" (85,101) by Edouard from France
I can't remember the last time Mariah released a song that actually was danceable, that one can really dance to. "It's like that" (Scott Storch Remix)? Well that's the last time I danced to a Mariah song in a club. Wait. No they played Heartbreaker (Jay-Z version) in a club in Paris two years ago. Everybody was into it. Lemme tell you.
P.S: I love how current yet current the song is. Because it takes a grown woman/man to talk about "goin' the distance" in a relationship in this day and age.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:23)
The Distance makes the difference (85,100) by Edouard from France
Mainly with the rest of other pop songs. This song is everything:
- starts with a chant (very catchy)
- buttery yet powerful acapela moment
- verse verse fast paced and touching in its delivery
- great bit drop
- great chorus, easy to sing along, simple, yet sophisticated enough to be your typical Mariah club banger
- great second verse, rap and "sing-songy"
- cool featuring, present yet not overshadowing Mariah's ownership of the overall track
- great belts and harmonies in the last chorus and adlibs
- leaves you with a feeling of wanting more à la "It's like that"
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:18)
The Distance acapela moment (85,099) by Edouard from France
I love how the song starts with an acapela moment and how Mariah manages to make it sound fresh and intriguing enough for everybody to way for the chorus. And then bam chorus. And you're hooked because it's purely irresistible. Simple still sophisticated.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:12)
I love how (85,098) by Edouard from France
With You's B&W video and pink live performance complement and compliment each other.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:10)
Have you noticed? (85,097) by Edouard from France
That Mariah's concert in Asia are being filmed? They have big screens which hasn't been the case in a Mariah concert for ages. I believe they're filming it as a promotional tool. DVD on the way of her WW concerts?
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:06)
Re: "The Distance" (85,081) (85,096) by Edouard from France
I love it. To me it's her best single since #Beautiful, which to me was her best single since It's Like That. I here [sic] so many things in The Distance: a bit of Faded (production), a bit of Dedicated (vocals and "ladidadidadida"), a bit of HATEU (emix "the acapella intro"), a bit of The Roof (the theme and atmospheric ambiance), a bit of Fantasy (the high energy chorus and harmonies).
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:04)
Re: "The Distance" (85,081) (85,095) by Edouard from France
Hi. You know what? I thought the same thing. "We're goin' the distance" can mean several things.
- Obviously, in reference to Brian Tanaka and her.
- Her and ss (her Lambs).
- Her and her inner self (like so what I'm 48 and I'm still fresher than the rest because "them chickens is ash and I'm lotion").
(Friday 19 October 2018; 13:04)
Can we talk about... (85,094) by Edouard from France
Mariah's vocals in Asia. I mean, wow. She's the greatest singer. She's in high spirit and also she's probably well rested. Plus, the humidity in Asia can only help with range. Mariah's voice is very sensitive. She's always said that. She's never been like "I can do whatever I want to with it". She's always said (even in early interviews) that basically she's not in charge, that her voice has a life of its own. So to speak. I find it fascinating. It truly is a gift from God.
(Friday 19 October 2018; 12:58)
Thank you webmaster (84,875) by Edouard from France
I totally understand how difficult your position must be sometimes. I really do. Freedom of speech doesn't mean saying just about anything you want. It has to be done within the limits of what is acceptable, socially speaking. Respect is the key of a healthy communication. Period. Your apology to Anthony feels heartfelt and I feel better about this board than I have in months. Whatever our differences, it's time to celebrate the coming of MC15. It's all joy. Once again thank you for reminding us that this board is a safe place to share our love for Mariah. Peace.
(Monday 15 October 2018; 12:14)
Re: Is it so hard to believe... (84,791) (84,792) by Edouard from France
Hey Shezz, thank you for your post. We don't have to agree 100%. Communication is key. Thank you for not trying to demolish my post like I suppose others do. I just don't aknowledge some people on this board. They don't exist to me. Literally. And I wouldn't be mad if they were to forget me either. I just don't care. Looking foreward to the album as well.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 14:10)
Is it so hard to believe... (84,780) by Edouard from France
That Mariah actually sang live at the AMA's? I hear her catching her breath, the sound is different when her mic is away, plus some notes are actually different, the way she pronounces the long "oooo" towards the end is different too. C'mon we all know Mariah knows how to reproduce her studio vocals live. Always has. She's that good. It is not a hard song to sing. Plus, she played it safe. May I remind some of us that singing CTL or Mariah's theme (which she recently has) is way harder. For the singers out there, y'all know what I'm saying. With You requires control and breath, hence the statuesque scenery. She was was focused, cool, calm, collected. She gave us a great performance. I believe that the AMAs performance goes hand in hand with the actual video. Pink and b&w. They released them together so that they all count towards the streaming count. Peace.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 10:00)
Re: Classic Mariah (84,539) (84,545) by Edouard from France
Hi, I agree with You Mariah considers herself as an RnB artist. She always has. So have I. It all depends on when you were introduced to her music. Me was with Butterfly so it makes sense. As for Jazz, I'm a fan, and I believe it would be amazing. I also believe that Jazz really speaks to her. It is part of her musical roots. She has stated that in interviews and has explored the genre: "The wind", "Subtle invitation", "There goes my heart", "I wish you knew", even "Make it look good" is very doo-wopy.
(Monday 8 October 2018; 16:00)
Boring (84,432) by Edouard from France
Some people here are just so boring. get a life really. The song is great. If you don't like it. G.T.F.O. you'll be a lot happier. So will Mariah and her Lambs. Peace.
(Saturday 6 October 2018; 11:50)
Re: With you (84,000) (84,002) by Edouard from France
Imagine if the song was actually an inspirational/gospel one.
(Tuesday 25 September 2018; 12:41)
Can we talk about WBT? (84,001) by Edouard from France
Mariah's performance of We Belong Together at iHeart was amazing. She didn't lip the end. Love the growl, sounded heartfelt, she gave her all. And that's always more than enough for me.
(Tuesday 25 September 2018; 12:41)
GTFO vocal production (83,876) by Edouard from France
To me it's just as good as the best of Janet's and Brandy's songs.
Mariah is genius.
(Wednesday 19 September 2018; 15:24)
GTFO I effing love it and so does everybody its (83,875) by Edouard from France
Hey guys. I've taken my time with GTFO, although I must say I loved it upon first listen. It's been interesting to read everybody's opinion here, on the net, on YouTube and all before deciding to share. I love how genius the lyrics are. Very poem-like to me. The vocal production is awesome. I believe it's the first time ever that Mariah chooses (in a released single) to impress without feeling the need to take us to the stratosphere, vocally speaking. This song is easy and yet not everybody can sing it. That's the magic of Mariah I believe. The video totally echoes the song. It's viby, the colors and contrast really echo the layers in her voice. Mariah doesn't need to do much and that a pretty powerfull statetment to make at this point in her life and carrer. I've checked pretty much everybody's reaction on YouTube and they are very positive. I was surprised to see how young the listeners are. Check out this girl. She's amazing and contrary to a lot of folks who really can't seem to organize their thoughts well enough to actually review a song, she says it all. And this girl, she's a musician, and her commentary is very valuable I believe. And Terna, I love your comment on GTFO, and I'm sending you an email soon. Was on vacation and on a little break, pretty much of everything.
(Wednesday 19 September 2018; 15:19)
Re: Lambily treat (83,222) (83,230) by Edouard from France
Oh Terna. Totally agree with you. How good it is to finally have you back on the board. Thank you for your positivity. Refreshing. Peace.
(Monday 23 July 2018; 12:11)
Re: Random thought about "Where are You Christmas?" (83,225) (83,229) by Edouard from France
Hey. I believe Mariah posted something a year or two ago, saying how great it was to have AIWFC and WAYC at number 1 and 2 on iTunes or something like that. She's claimed that song, in terms of the writing credits at least. Plus I've always thought that you can hear Mariah all over WAYC. It's a if Faith Hill sung on top of a Mariah demo of the song. I mean, the way she sings it is very Mariah-esque don't you think? Peace.
(Monday 23 July 2018; 12:09)
So much fun (83,069) by Edouard from France
Mariah was having so much fun vocally on the 7th. She's less trying to recapture the splendor of yesterday and having more fun vocally. She's more creative because the audience is different that on her previous residency. They went Mariah the creative person and less Mariah the icon of the 90's. Maybe this show is more about Mariah the artist. And we all know what happens when Mariah's free to just be the artist she is: Butterfly, TEOM, the next album.
(Tuesday 10 July 2018; 14:07)


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