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About Edouard from France: Favourite song ever : Always Be My Baby......and Butterfly.....and..

Who's a singer? (83,068) by Edouard from France
Are there singers out here? I am. I'm not the greatest but I know a thing or two about live singing. I know that it's a totally different discipline and experience compared to singing in a more intimate setting, i.e to friends, behind a piano, in a controlled environment. Those who have sung live know that singing in front of an audience requires a diffrent approach to singing. They know that it's like you use a different part of your voice and that the main ingredient is energy. It's not so much about the voice per say. I know some might think it's strange for me to say that. But I believe Mariah's voice is still intact in terms of quality and tone, if not better. But I also know that she can give us that when she's in the studio. It's harder when live. But it's not that her voice is gone it's that when you sing live it's more like a karaoke thing. And we all know how horrible a karaoke moment is. If Mariah's voice were gone, she wouldn't be able to give a a tenth of what she's been giving us for the past 5 years. Ask jennifer Lopez.
(Tuesday 10 July 2018; 13:55)
Re: Criticizing Mariah / other divas and fans (83,046) (83,047) by Edouard from France
Hi. Your post is interesting. It got me consider something. We tend to criticize Mariah (I don't) for behaving like a bad student (don't know how to express my thought any other way). But we tend to forget that this is exactly what brought her where she was, is and will be. Mariah's a rebel at heart. But she's a smart one, meaning she knows how to play the game and eventually create a new one where she sets the rules. That's the power of this woman. I love Whitney and Celine, I respect them. But Mariah doesn't come from money and a legacy of recording artists (although her mother is a singer) contrary to Whitney and she broke free from her manager/husband contrary to Celine (although of course I would never put René Angelil and you know who in the same box). She's had help all along of course, but I mean what an incredible feat. What an amazing career.
(Monday 9 July 2018; 15:12)
Re: Criticizing Mariah / other divas and fans (83,043) (83,045) by Edouard from France
You're right. Plus, I mean Mariah's voice is still pretty impressive. Who sings like that today? And among those so-called new divas who will sing like that in 5 years? I'm not even saying in 20 years, I mean in 5 short years. Ef**** nobody. Plus we have to take into consideration that the way Mariah's singing right now is for Vegas. there is a specific accoustic there and she has to bring on her inner Mary J Blige. I also wondered why she was pushing so hard with these vocals instead of the sweet tone that she has in bigger arenas. I think it has a lot to do with the accoustic. Vegas requires a diffrent approach to singing I believe. For those out there who are singers, I believe you know what I mean. In Vegas there is absolutely no echo. The sound is not as "shinny" as in an arena. It's more rough in a way, and that's why she sings that way. If you compare her voice to the Sweet Sweet Fantasy tour, you can tell that she sings diffrently on certain notes. And I think it has to do with the way she hears herself and how the settings echo her voice. Can the lamb who gave us that great vocal lesson earlier give his/her imput on this please.
(Monday 9 July 2018; 14:28)
Re: Something is in the works (82,993) (83,005) by Edouard from France
Hey Will. You know what ? I believe it's live as well. I think this show is less pressuring for Mariah since she doesn't have to sing all the number ones like on the CD. She's more free, can take her time with the songs and save her voice for the big moments. A show like Vegas is all about pacing yourself and Mariah knows how to do that. She's a true professional. Sometimes we should remember ourselves that she only missed one show since starting this extensive touring back in 2014. It's quite incredible I believe. Peace.
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 14:24)
Yes (83,004) by Edouard from France
1#s to Infinity was a very difficult show to perform. All those number ones, so embedded in everyone's collective memories. I realized Mariah felt the need to perform them as close to the original as possible. When you think about it it clearly is the most challenging show she has ever performed. With The Butterfly Returns she gets to play with the songs more. She sings album cuts and is as pressured to sing them exactly as on the album. It allows her to take her time with the songs and save her voice for the songs that she wants to sing exactly the way they are meant to be sung (Hero, Vision of Love, etc.). Hence she's more relaxed, more at ease, more creative also. Ronnie said it feels more like the Rainbow tour. I totally agree. This tour wasn't her best vocally, but her spirit shined through compared to her previous tours. She gives less here and there, but she also gives more when not expected. The way she sang MIT happen last night is a great example. She played it safe but got creative and sounded healthy. I loved it.
(Saturday 7 July 2018; 14:14)
The return of RnB (82,980) by Edouard from France
Hey everyone. It seems to me that pop music is slowly shifting towards RnB again. If you listen to Kelly Clarkson, Britney's last and Christina Aguilera's last albums and many others it's easy to hear how influenced those albums were by RnB. Probably more than when they even first came out... and we all know how they were influenced, dare I say copied, RnB singers such as Mariah. My point is that it's great news since I believe it is laying the ground for true RnB singers to come back.
(Thursday 5 July 2018; 12:24)
Re: Studio singer subject (82,972) (82,973) by Edouard from France
I totally agree with you. BTW I believe some of my favorite MC live happened when she wasn't at her best. For instance I love, love, love, love the performance of Hero right after 9/11. It was heartfelt. That's actually when I started enjoying Hero as a song. Before I always thought it was too schmaltzy.
(Tuesday 3 July 2018; 16:52)
(82,897) by Edouard from France
Let's face it. Mariah has been writing and recording tons of songs for the past 4 years. I wander if she's cooking several albums to be released back to back kinda like in the 90's. I believe it would be a smart move. Seeing Janet Jackson, with all her appearances, it's clear that she's gonna put out music soon otherwise she wouldn't bother with all these appearances. She released a strong album not so long ago. My point is that Mariah should release two albums back to back in order to fully create a momentum. D'you know what I mean?
(Sunday 24 June 2018; 17:42)
Re: Butterfly returns set (82,890) (82,895) by Edouard from France
That dress was obviously an hommage to Elvis Presley. I liked it.
(Sunday 24 June 2018; 16:12)
Re: Me. I Am Mariah (interview/special) (82,886) (82,889) by Edouard from France
Hi Billy. I totally agree with you. I was amazed by her tone during the SSF tour, actually. Some parts where lips here and there (we all know where exactly and frankly there aren't that many) but she worked the transition to perfection. Sometimes we don't realize that some parts of Mariah's voice have actually become much stronger compared to earlier in her career. I think she knows her instrument so much better now whereas before she would just sing whatever her circumstances because she just could. She was younger and therefor more in shape, she was also less in charge of everything, she also didn't have 2 babies to take care of. Noone really seems to ask: how does Mariah handle it when her kids have a cold, for instance? I highly doubt she'd say "bye kids I'm leaving for the islands until you get better". No she's there for her kids and probably exposes herself to germs just like any parent would do. And then she has to go onstage, worried sick because her kids have a fever, and with early symptoms of a cold herself. Giving her kids and her lambs her all.
(Sunday 24 June 2018; 03:10)
Re: Me. I Am Mariah (interview/special) (82,884) (82,885) by Edouard from France
Hi Billy. That interview was very bizarre to me because it was obvious that Mariah was in a place that we were not aware of. it's like they were trying to dissipate a rumor that I was not even aware of at the time. It felt weird because as a fan I felt I was not in sync with where she was at. Do you know what I mean? Also the SSFT was amazing, really. I'm not a big fan of the "let's go down memory lane" kind of tours, but I thought it was done with taste and her stamina was quite incredible considering everything she was going through.
(Saturday 23 June 2018; 13:50)
Re: Greatest performance ever? (82,876) (82,877) by Edouard from France
You're right. It's amazing. simply amazing. Nobody in the game can do that. Effing nobody.
(Thursday 21 June 2018; 00:10)
Mariah the trendsetter (82,864) by Edouard from France
Lately I've realized how fresh and avant-garde MIAMTEC truly is. I've always loved the album but if you listen to Anti by Rihanna, Circle of Life by Kelly Clarkson, or Liberation by Christina Aguilera. It's interesting to see that everything these albums tried to achieve melodically and lyrically, Mariah had already tried. And succeeded: the retro-soul doowoop revival, the new hiphop meets nostalgic hiphop, the use of different and sometimes weird (and always interesting) vocal choices, the overlapping parts, the vocal agility and the use of her voice like an instrument, the new approach to song structure away from the traditional verse-chorus-bridge formula. Mariah is still very much looked up to. Even the song The Art of Letting go was ahead of its time. So many songs have incorporated the doowoop sound. Mariah did it back in 2013. And it's incredible to realize that a song like Make It Look Good would be a hit today. Definitely. It wasn't my fave when the album was released. And now it is.
(Monday 18 June 2018; 21:05)
Re: Best to worst JD/MC songs (82,787) (82,819) by Edouard from France
Hey. For me the list goes like this. P.S. You forgot It's Like That and Long Ago.
1. Always Be My Baby
2. 100%
3. We Belong Together
4. Don't Forget About Us
5. Slipping Away
6. Supernatural
7. The One
8. Shake It Off
9. Thanks For Nothing
10. You Had Your Chance
11. Love Story
12. Miss You
13. It's Like That
14. Triumphant
15. Long Ago
15. Make It Look Good
16. Last Kiss
17. I Don't
18. Don't Know What To Do
19. How Much
20. Cruise Control
21. Get Your Number
22. Infamous
(Friday 15 June 2018; 03:56)
Re: JD hate (82,806) (82,818) by Edouard from France
Not a distinctive sound? Really? To me JD's tracks and whole catalogue is the soundtrack of my adolescence. It's pure RnB. I mean c'mon TLC, DC, B2K, Monica, Usher, Brat, MC.
(Friday 15 June 2018; 03:48)
Re: Edouardo (82,792) (82,817) by Edouard from France
Hey, thanks for answering my post. My name is Edouard though.
(Friday 15 June 2018; 03:46)
Re: JD hate (82,778) (82,785) by Edouard from France
Well said. Always be My Baby is my favorite song ever. And I mean all of their collaborations are great. Favorite JD tracks :
- Sweetheart
- Slipping Away
- Shake it off
- You had your chance
- My All/Stay Awhile
- The One
- Love Story
- Thanx for nothing
Side note : On MIAMTEC, I know many songs were produced with JD but I kind of missed the "JD sound". I get it he wants to show his versatility and is probably encouraged by Mariah. But the most JD sound-like song on the album to me is "You're Mine (Eternal)" and yet it was produced with Rodney Jerkins. For MC's new album I would like her and JD to work together on a few track and go back to the whole "if Jermaine like it, then I like it" vibe, if you know what I mean.
(Wednesday 13 June 2018; 14:07)
Album / book (82,775) by Edouard from France
Hi guys. I've been thinking lately. What if Mariah were to release a new album and her tell all book at the same time? I wonder if a music artist has ever done that before. It would be a great concept I believe. Also it would allow Mariah to go deeper into her own narrative and create something unique. The two could go hand in hand, like be a part of a package deal or something. After all, she is a writer
(Wednesday 13 June 2018; 02:56)
Re: Songs you don't have to be a MC fan to love (82,751) (82,753) by Edouard from France
Of course. It's so obvious that I forgot to mention them. Haha thanks.
(Monday 11 June 2018; 22:18)
Songs you don't have to be a MC fan to love (82,748) by Edouard from France
I believe a lot of Mariah's songs are very much beloved. Here's a list of the songs I believe fans and non-fans (if there are still people who don't love Mariah out there ) will agree will go down in history :
- Vision of love
- I'll be there
- All I want for Christmas is You
- Fantasy (original and remix)
- Always be my Baby
- My All
- When You Believe
- We belong together
That's a lot of songs. And Mariah has still a lot to offer.
(Monday 11 June 2018; 15:27)
Re: Cover of ABMB (82,735) (82,746) by Edouard from France
Great, great, great, great. They've managed to keep the essence of the song, which is my all time favorite by the way. Great to see how the audience reacts. Everybody know and love this song. You can tell the group is a fan of the song.
(Monday 11 June 2018; 15:21)
Re: Daydream album (82,742) (82,745) by Edouard from France
Tatally agree. I also think Rainbow is very interesting vocally. It's more raw and gritty (if that makes any sense) in direct contrast to the Rainbow theme. I know it's not her best vocally. She was clearly overworked then, and tired, but somehow I always admire how Mariah is able to do something with her voice (technically, emotionally and all) whatever her circumstances. Even when she's sick she manages to take her songs to another level. It's never un-interesting. It's always surprising. She really masters her art and voice.
(Monday 11 June 2018; 15:19)
Re: Slipping Away (82,652) (82,653) by Edouard from France
Hey I just realized that. Could Slipping Away be a play on words, meaning "sleeping away"? Could it refer to the fact that Tommy Motola back then was sleeping around with other women? And since he was the head of the record company he decides not to include the song? Idunno.
(Tuesday 5 June 2018; 14:15)
Re: Another version of You're Mine (Eternal)? (82,284) (82,290) by Edouard from France
(Thursday 3 May 2018; 13:32)
The best attempts at duplicating WBT (by Mariah) (82,277) by Edouard from France
To me, the best WBT "babies" are (in order):
- Don't forget about us. Although I believe DFAU is its own thing. It's actually more of a ballad in the traditional sense of the word than WBT. Only the bridge of DFAU reminds us that Mariah changed the game with WBT. The rest of the song is very melismatic, in the veins of early Mariah ballads.
- Inseperable (I love, love it, so fresh, so intricated)
- You're mine eternal
- You're mine eternal (remix with Try songz)
- I stay in live (I never liked it, the loop never ends, and I find it boring, the live version at the AMAs is way better in terms of instrumentation in my opinion)
(Wednesday 2 May 2018; 12:54)


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