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About Gigi from USA:
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Re: Example of delay (Michael Bolton National Anthem) (70,712) (70,716)
by Gigi from USA
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Thank you for all the explanations. I don't know anything about sound engineering, so I couldn't even imagine what she was experiencing. However, I was just wondering how she could hear that We Belong Together was the album version and she was able to lip sync the first couple of verses flawlessly if she couldn't hear anything at all? Not passing judgement, just wondering.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 19:16)
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The public's reaction to NYE (70,687)
by Gigi from USA
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I've probably spent more time than I should reading people's comments to the NYE incident. Overall, it seems to me that people are just fed up with her as a person. The lip syncing would be talked about but possibly forgiven if non fans didn't think she was a self-absorbed diva who tries too hard. Everything that has happened over the last two years has come crashing down on her - from the almost nude photos on Instagram, the revealing ensembles, the gold digging rumors from the Packer breakup, the South American tour cancellation, the awkward "I don't know her", "I won't answer any questions", "Look at my diamonds" interviews she's been giving lately and Mariah's World being a joke. It's only getting worse with Stella running to TMZ with blame game stories. I was shocked when I read that she actually said, "We could be in Aspen right now having the best time instead of being in dog s*** Times Square that smelled like a f****** sewer." Like really, Stella? Such a low blow considering Mariah lives in the city. I just don't understand how Stella can tweet that "Sh*t happens" and then start blaming DCP and ABC. I know this may sound cheesy, but I really wish Mariah would've stopped the music and started singing "Hero" A capella since every person and their grandma knows the words to that song. She could've asked the audience to bear with her as she couldn't hear herself and asked them to sing along if they knew the words. It would've been amazing to see all of Times Square singing her signature song.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 3:36)
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Re: Getting through to Mariah (70,586) (70,599)
by Gigi from USA
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This is a great idea and please tag/hashtag her friends: Da Brat, Rachel, L.A. Reid, Patti LaBelle, Josefin, Jermaine, DJ Suss One, DJ Khaled, Lionel Ritchie, Shawn (not sure if this is a useful tag or not, as he seems to go with the flow), Jasmine, Brett Ratner (I know he use to be friends with Stella, but I haven't seen him around since the Packer split), etc. If the fans can't reach her, I'm hoping at least one of her friends can (if they truly care). Fingers crossed.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 4:36)
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Re: Beacon Lambover - Mariah no-show (70,076) (70,078)
by Gigi from USA
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I was really upset by this. I was almost certain having DJ Suss One as their DJ would prompt her to show up even for a minute. I kept checking The Lambover IG page for updates and no Mariah. I guess I shouldn't be shocked, but I am. They do so much for her.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 12:23)
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Re: MAC collab (70,040) (70,044)
by Gigi from USA
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I knew about the MAC launch with the YouTubers, but I was wondering if Mariah ever spoke in depth about her MAC collaboration during one of her TV interviews? I try to catch all of her TV appearances, but I don't recall her ever having it in hand and talking about it like she has in the past with her other collections. I know it doesn't matter now, as the collection has pretty much sold out. It just would've been nice to hear her talk about the process from start to finish. The only thing I've read is Stella bragging on Instagram about how she made "the call" to make it happen (as if MAC would've never approached MC otherwise... ). It's such a great collection that I think (at the time) her promoting it would've been a nice distraction from all the James Packer drama vs. going the Tanaka route.
(Sunday 18 December 2016; 11:35)
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MAC collaboration (70,014)
by Gigi from USA
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Why hasn't Mariah done any interviews about her collaboration with MAC? Or have I missed them? Her makeup collection is beautiful and I would love to hear how she came up with the colors, packaging, etc. Heck, it would've been nice to even see Kristofer Buckle apply some of it (especially the highlighter that I bought because I have no idea how to use it properly). I feel like this is a missed opportunity, because fans and non-fans would've paid attention. I'm glad it has sold out, though.
(Friday 16 December 2016; 23:43)
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Re: Tour question (69,853) (69,858)
by Gigi from USA
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Sorry - I should've been more specific. I don't think she will cancel the entire tour, but I'm wondering if we will be refunded if something happens and she has to cancel a single show? I'm guessing not since she's listed as a special guest and he's the headliner. Either way, I guess I'll take my chances. I'm really excited for this and I've been reading that Lionel puts on a great show too.
(Tuesday 13 December 2016; 3:26)
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Tour question (69,845)
by Gigi from USA
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I'm really excited for this tour. I agree with everyone that this is a step in the right direction for Mariah. However, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous that she may cancel considering the Latin American tour was and now her Vegas shows have been rescheduled. My question is - if for whatever reason she were to cancel, are we still on the hook for the ticket? Will it be refunded or not since Lionel is the headliner? I love Lionel too, but I'm only paying to see Mariah live.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 21:55)
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Stella reminds me of Howard K. Stern (69,810)
by Gigi from USA
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After seeing the photo of Stella out in NYC wearing a heavy shawl while Mariah's wearing a revealing bodysuit in winter-like weather - it dawned on me that Stella reminds me of Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer, agent, manager, friend and supposed lover Howard K. Stern. With the exception of the "lover" part - Stella and her family are pretty much acting as all of those things for Mariah now, right? If you ever followed Anna Nicole Smith's life, Howard K. Stern was an outright enabler. I don't think anyone believed he had Anna's best interests at heart, as she was constantly the laughing-stock for the tabloids, yet she kept him around for 15 years until her death. Why? Because he was a yes-man who followed her around and gave her everything she wanted to "make her happy" and to remain in her inner circle. He knew all of her insecurities and weaknesses and played them up to his advantage in order to maintain his lifestyle. And well, we all know the ending to that story. If Stella was a true friend, why wouldn't she advise Mariah to cover up so she won't catch a cold or worse, get pneumonia? If she was a great manager, why hasn't she debunked all the rumors swirling around about Mariah being a gold digger and possible cheater? Whether the Bryan Tanaka romance is real or fake, what true friend wants the world to know that their friend/client was emotionally cheating with their backup dancer while engaged? And you can't tell me she's "too busy" because she constantly "likes" memes on Instagram and actively searches for posts criticizing her so she can leave "kissy lips" in the comments for the poster to let them know she read it. My point is, there's a lot of destructive behavior going on that a real friend and manager would not allow if they truly loved that person. And for all the fans who keep screaming "Let her live" - you are the same fans who act dumbfounded when your favorite celebrity dies as a direct result of their destructive behavior and then you start pointing fingers when you could've pointed them while the celebrity was alive. I've seen it happen so many times. I just wish there was something we could do before it's potentially too late.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 9:28)
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Patti LaBelle (69,012)
by Gigi from USA
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Anyone else hoping Patti has a long, heart-to-heart conversation with Mariah after the show tonight? She has to be aware of what's going on. I'd hope with Patti being Mariah's Godmother that she'd be brutally honest with her (without Stella being in the room). I'm praying at least.
(Saturday 3 December 2016; 3:26)
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Re: It's becoming ridiculous (68,944) (68,957)
by Gigi from USA
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Oh how I wish they were together again. I know others feel differently, but she truly seemed happy with him.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 23:11)
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Feels like a death in the family (68,907)
by Gigi from USA
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Hey everyone. I've been lurking for a few months now, but the recent Tanaka pics have me wanting to speak out. I really enjoy this board, as Instagram lambs live in absolute LaLa land and I just can't follow them anymore. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but those Tanaka pics were like experiencing a death to me. It was the lowest of the low in my opinion. I know I shouldn't feel this way, as it should be about the music, etc. But for me - it has always been about the music and Mariah as a person. I use to feel like I could relate to her personality and values in so many ways, but not anymore. I worked hard to save enough to pay the $1,500 for the Meet & Greet in Vegas this year and Mariah was so kind to me and treated me as if she had known me forever. I'm desperately trying to hold on to that moment, but these recent antics have me questioning everything (especially since I'm a mother too and kids are now involved in this mess). I feel so sad for her. Where are her real friends? Da Brat, JD, Lee Daniels, Josefin? Why aren't they telling her how she is really viewed by the public? Where is Patricia? I found it quite sad that I had a really great Meet & Greet photo/experience with Mariah and none of my friends nor family members cared to hear about it due to their strong disdain for her. I'm truly thinking this show needs to fail before a change will happen. I hate feeling this way, but it's really hard to be a lamb right now. I won't be watching.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 11:23)
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