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About Gigi from USA:

Re: Canceled shows / Mishka (79,456) by Gigi from USA
I'm worried about her. The fact that she stated in her IG post that she needed to cancel her first "several" shows really makes me nervous that something else may be going on in addition to her illness. With the recent allegations, has anyone else wondered what role Mishka's phone may eventually play in an attempt to further ruin Mariah's legacy? Do 12-year-olds sign confidentiality agreements? I can only imagine all of the damaging photos Mishka must have taken of Mariah over the years since MC seemed to have no issues with being drunk/medicated and partially nude around her. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mysterious hacking of Mishka's phone that exposes everything. Also, Stella seems way too calm in regard to the lambs attacking her on her personal IG page. She is known to fire back or block, but she has allowed every comment to stay, even the ones bashing her daughters (which she never has in the past). Maybe I'm overreacting, but this all seems too weird to me.
(Thursday 16 November 2017; 10:44)
Is she okay? (77,957) by Gigi from USA
I was browsing through some recent photos of her and Bryan in NYC and something seems a little off with her. Now, I am actually a big fan of the "thicker" Mariah, but photos like this one and these make me wonder if she's okay health wise? Her neck is almost non-existent in these photos and I've never really seen her like that before or maybe it's just bad camera angles? I pray it's the latter. Seems so sudden compared to photos from her Atlanta (Duluth) show.
(Thursday 17 August 2017; 21:52)
Re: Stop the negativity (77,127) (77,128) by Gigi from USA
Wait a minute - you just posted three days ago about her weight gain. Here's what you said, "She's looking like the next drag superstar with those unnaturally big looking thighs under those shiny nude colored stockings. Again I'm not one to shame somebodies body by any means it's just surprising to see her thighs get so big in literally a month lol. I'm really hoping she didn't do this for Bryan, thinking she'd look better 'slim thick' like Blac Chyna or something, because it really doesn't fit her overall appearance well. Hopefully by the tour with Lionel (I'm seeing her at the San Diego show) her thighs swell down because damn." So how about you take your own advice? Since you're new to this forum, I'll tell you that all of your past posts are saved. We can click on your picture and see everything. Just an FYI.
(Friday 14 July 2017; 20:51)
Re: I think Mariah should (73,162) (73,171) by Gigi from USA
I agree, Lila. This video made me sad, as it reminded me of my Meet & Greet experience with Mariah. She had the same facial expression as shown in this video while talking to Stella, except she actually started crying when Stella left the room. I wish Mariah would realize how much Stella is part of the problem.
(Monday 27 February 2017; 1:04)
Re: Article: Lionel Richie's concert tour with Mariah on hold (73,135) (73,139) by Gigi from USA
Typo* I meant to say that I hope Mariah fans aren't stuck with tickets to see Lionel only, as I'm not sure how that would work with her being billed as a "very special guest" if scheduling conflicts arise. Anyone know? Can we still get a refund?
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 22:12)
Re: Article: Lionel Richie's concert tour with Mariah on hold (73,122) (73,135) by Gigi from USA
Unfortunately, she is still being attacked on other social media sites like TMZ and Billboard. Thankfully, Lionel Richie's fans are sympathetic to his injury, but others are claiming that he's faking it due to low ticket sales. For some strange reason, I had a weird feeling this tour wouldn't go as planned, so that's why I was hesitant to buy tickets in the first place. I'm just hoping his new dates don't conflict with other engagements she has going on and Mariah fans are stuck with tickets to see Lionel only.
(Saturday 25 February 2017; 21:15)
Re: Cut Mimi some slack (73,014) (73,020) by Gigi from USA
It's a bad thing, sorry. We've read and heard enough stories from child actors, etc. who have grown up in the spotlight to know that this type of exposure normally leads to a troubled adulthood. As a parent, you should want to protect your children's innocence as much as possible, right? I get that you may have made a drink for your father, but I'm guessing he didn't take pictures of you doing it and hand them out to your family and friends to cherish forever. This is where the problem lies with Stella and Mariah. If stuff like this goes on, why does the general public need to know about it? Why does Stella want to create controversy for Mariah? What was the purpose of those pictures? What good has come from them? Is she trying to convey that Mariah has no other friends besides herself, Bryan and a 13-year-old? Is this what we're supposed to be "hating" on, Stella? I don't get it. Mariah may later say that she had no idea they were going to post those photos on Instagram, but she knows they do post controversial photos behind her back (as proven on MW) - so why take the risk? Anyway, I am looking forward to her live performance.
(Wednesday 22 February 2017; 10:24)
Mariah is aware of everything (72,983) by Gigi from USA
This picture proves it. If she doesn't care, I guess we shouldn't either. No more blaming others for her actions. This is who she is.
(Tuesday 21 February 2017; 10:21)
Stella's new IG pic (72,977) by Gigi from USA
Yikes. Stella supporters, how do you defend this new picture? A 13-year-old pretending to serve alcohol that Mariah does not need and then stating there's "so much more coming". I just can't anymore.
(Tuesday 21 February 2017; 2:13)
Re: Stella AKA Putin (72,958) (72,962) by Gigi from USA
Agreed, but how do we as fans get through to Mariah? Should we go to the extremes and hold up big signs that say "Fire Stella" when she does public events? We can meme and hashtags things to death on social media and she may never see them. Any ideas? I just don't want anything bad happening to her and then we all come on this board commenting on things we wish we could've, should've done.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 22:33)
Re: Grammys (72,928) (72,939) by Gigi from USA
Plus, she's now saying she doesn't want to talk about her relationship with Tanaka. If that's the case, why was Mariah's World based on him then?
(Monday 20 February 2017; 11:22)
Re: Grammys (72,928) (72,935) by Gigi from USA
I don't think people necessarily hold her to a different standard. We're basing our opinions on things she has said in the past. You can't say you believe in one thing, do the opposite and expect people not to scratch their heads and wonder what's going on. If Madonna did a video like "I Don't" - I probably wouldn't think anything of it because she has always been that way. Her material has been sexual in nature since the beginning of her career. Mariah hasn't always been the way she is now and that's why a lot of us are concerned. For instance - she speaks about her strong faith in God (which Nick confirmed), brags about her rule of no sex before marriage and being sexually innocent, yet she allowed nude bathtub photos to be posted for the public to see and televised herself emotionally cheating while engaged. It makes no sense.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 10:39)
Re: Mariah completely covered (72,927) (72,932) by Gigi from USA
What? Were those photos posted on Instagram, Mimi L.? I pray they don't go viral. I liked her look at LAX airport today.
(Monday 20 February 2017; 10:06)
Re: The Grammys foiled me (72,854) (72,860) by Gigi from USA
To answer your question as to why Mariah should say something about Adele: Why not? Adele recently praised Mariah by publicly saying, "I absolutely adore her. I love her. I think she should be in the Bible." A compliment doesn't get any better than that in my opinion. Why can't Mariah return the favor just once in these situations? It's like pulling teeth to get her to say anything nice about another artist unless she "knows" them personally. It's sad, really.
(Saturday 18 February 2017; 18:19)
Re: The Grammys foiled me (72,823) (72,825) by Gigi from USA
Geez. Anyone notice this has become a trend lately? Every time something good happens for Mariah, something bad immediately follows. (E.g. Jimmy Kimmel, now this interview. A great Christmas run, then the NYE debacle. New music snippets at the end of MW, then the fishnet gym pictures.) It's like clockwork. What gives?
(Saturday 18 February 2017; 1:44)
Re: Vision of Love at Jimmy Kimmel (72,776) (72,780) by Gigi from USA
I enjoyed the performances and I agree with everyone - "I Don't" sounds much better live. I think the biggest issue with the song is, although it's catchy, I believe the general public is having a hard time relating to the lyrics of "I Don't" because of all the lies associated with it. It's difficult to sympathize with Mariah's failed engagement when her emotional cheating with Tanaka was televised for the world to see and now we're seeing a picture of her and her new boyfriend in a hot tub just a few months after her engagement ended. When the V-Day hot tub picture was posted on The Shade Room's Instagram account, I noticed that 10% of their followers were happy for Mariah and the other 90% called her a "thot". On the other hand, when a picture of Mariah and her kids are posted on TSR's account, she receives nothing but compliments across the board and the highest number of likes overall on that day. I think people are just sick of seeing all of the "extra-ness" flaunted in their faces all the time. Nowadays, people like to support artists who they can relate to. No one can relate to the pictures she posts on IG of her bathing with diamonds on, vacationing on expensive yachts, or working out in fishnets and high heels. If Mariah could just focus on the two things she says are the most important to her - music and her family (the kids) - everything would be great. I personally don't think people want to hate Mariah, they are just tired of her behavior.
(Friday 17 February 2017; 11:11)
Re: The problem with Stella (72,671) (72,678) by Gigi from USA
I'm going to respectfully disagree with you. Stella is an enabler, the Howard K. Stern of managers. She doesn't care one bit about Mariah's image or legacy. She creates bad situations for Mariah, so she can feel empowered to "save the day". As suggested on this board, I wouldn't be surprised if Stella is laughing behind the scenes along with the rest of the general public. As I was standing in line for my Meet & Greet photo opportunity last year I witnessed first hand how Stella walked into the photo room (during the middle of the M&G) to inform Mariah of some kind of bad news. I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying to Mariah, but I noticed it made her tear up. And of course Stella ended the conversation with, "I'll take care of it." Thank goodness my picture with Mariah still turned out great, but I always thought it was so strange that Stella felt the need to tell her bad news at that moment in time. She could have waited until the M&G was over so MC could enjoy her fans who paid to meet her without any distractions. I think Stella lies to Mariah to make situations seem better than they are, but in turn manipulates her into thinking things are only good because she made it that way.
(Wednesday 15 February 2017; 1:50)
Re: Along the lines of #89 (72,632) (72,636) by Gigi from USA
1. Through the Rain
2. Say Somethin'
3. Infinity
4. Oh Santa
5. Migrate
6. I Don't
7. You're Mine Eternal
8. Up Out My Face
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 10:21)
Re: Beyoncé (72,612) (72,616) by Gigi from USA
It's so sad that we're having to include 13-year-old Mishka when talking about Mariah's management team. That is a huge problem itself. Mariah, please wake up. The only notes Mishka should be taking is in a classroom.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 20:33)
Re: Major events (72,576) (72,581) by Gigi from USA
Ugh, I'd rather see her and Da Brat together if that's the case. At least Da Brat is real, plus Mariah always seems so happy when she's around.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 12:30)
Re: Major events (72,572) (72,578) by Gigi from USA
Exactly, Mimi L. I had a feeling Mariah wasn't going to be performing at the Grammys after I saw pictures of her at that party Saturday night bowling and drinking instead of resting her voice. I was still hopeful, though.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 12:20)
Re: Grammy's (72,574) (72,577) by Gigi from USA
I'm also hoping Mariah watched the Grammys and decides to make some changes within her team. She deserves better.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 12:13)
Re: Adele (72,564) (72,571) by Gigi from USA
No, I've read nothing but praise from everyone on Adele's George Michael tribute. To them - she continued singing and that was the most important thing. I love Adele, but I wish Mariah would've performed instead or at least made an appearance at the Grammys. It would've been a good opportunity to promote "I Don't" and the upcoming tour while on the red carpet.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 10:27)
Re: Mariah doing George Michael tribute? (72,555) (72,560) by Gigi from USA
Me too. I'm so anxious to see if she'll be there.
(Monday 13 February 2017; 1:05)
Re: Possible blessing in disguise (72,531) (72,538) by Gigi from USA
This is my hope. Although, I think Stella should be cut out of her life completely.
(Sunday 12 February 2017; 11:21)


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