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About Lamb_O_Chop from Australia : She's the Qing!

Grammies / records/ criticism (50,038) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
The Grammies has never been here for Mariah and we should all know by now that's is just a popularity contest with no real merit. So I don't get how some of you could measure MC's impact or relevancy by Grammy awards appearances/performances, when she never needed them be successful and legendary in the first place. Secondly it doesn't even matter if Rihanna does surpass Mariah in number 1 hits because Mariah will still hold the title of "female artist/songwriter that has written the most number one hits", so all this fuss over Rihanna is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. Thirdly after watching a few clips of the Jamaica performances, I'm not really too mad. Of course there were rough spots and bad moments, but atleast she tried to make up for it by singing live and putting a new spin on some of her songs (something I've always yearned for her to do) and I loved her for it. After reevaluating everything I agree with the people that feel that it would been more tactful for Nathan Morris to address her personally and not on FB. I know I would want people calling me out on my ish on FB. Back to the Grammies, Madonna looked and sounded a fool to me, I don't see how anyone could've found that to be epic, Annie Lennox was spectacular, I'm so happy Sam Smith swept the Grammies, and is it just me or does nothing about Beyonce's catalogue scream 20 Grammies. No shade, but shade.
(Wednesday 11 February 2015; 21:53)
Nate Morris on Mariah's voice (49,833) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Well atleast he was straight forward in his address to Mariah instead of just being messy and rude like Kelly Price. Nate's message was actually in good taste and respectable though I still cringe that it has come to Mariah's vocals/recent performances being publicly scrutinized by her musical peers. I understand that it's a hot topic so many will be asked their opinions. I just wonder how many of these people will actually reach out and try to help her though. It's real easy to point fingers and jump on the hot topic bandwagon, but the ones I'll really respect are the ones who actually help. Any who I still believe in Mariah, she's still an incredible artist and has a voice, hell the real tea is that even when she sounds halfway decent she slays many. Hopefully she'll come back swinging harder than ever and proves to the world what all of us that are still holding on are hoping for.
(Friday 6 February 2015; 18:55)
Nope Kelly Price was still wrong for that (49,728) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Respect her for what? Throwing stones and hiding her hands? Publicly trying to tear down the women who virtually gave her a career? If she was "keeping it" so "real", she would've told Mariah that to her face, or better yet reached out to her to try to help her or pray for her situation. I don't respect people that try to kick you when you're down. Grant it MC has been in a mess of a tailspin lately, but if someone is your real friend that has regards for you as a person/peer in the business, they wouldn't use social media to bash you publicly.
(Wednesday 4 February 2015; 2:12)
Radio and women over 40 (45,494) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Yes, Mariah was an exception with #Beautiful, but I didn't mean Mariah wasn't the exception, I mean it's an exception for them to get a song on the radio. We can't ignore the fact that it's more of an up hill battle for women in Mariah's age bracket. Mariah, Madonna, and Cher's new music is not being played on the radio at the levels that a new Beyonce, Rihanna, or Katy Perry song is played. We might as we "tell the truth about the matter".
(Tuesday 22 July 2014; 15:12)
Lee UK (45,090) (45,098) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
That video was hilarious. The little hand movement thing she keep doing had me crying laughing. Seriously I think Mariah hides behind the "diva" image that mostly everyone has grown to hate so much nowadays. I think it may be a defense mechanism to protect the real "vulnerable Mariah" from the scrutiny of the world. Almost like "I'm playing a character, so if people hate or criticize this character, it doesn't really bother me because its not really who I am". I imagine its a world of pressure having the career that she's had especially with all ups, downs, and expectations. So escapism can be way of copping. Just my theory. Even though she was playful is this video, you get a little insight to the pressure she's always been under to act a certain way.
(Wednesday 25 June 2014; 3:21)
Real versus rude (bad mouthing/shade) (45,082) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Well first allow me to clarify that when I mentioned Mariah being "real", I wasn't referring to her making shady remarks about people. I was actually referring to her not giving "fake" answers in interviews. For example: when Barbara Walters asked her if she "trusted Nick", and she said "sometimes". I know some people felt that she threw him under the bus, but I felt like it was a "real, straight forward, non beating around the bush" answer and you can't really be mad at that. She later went on to clarify in the interview with Gale King, that "it's a real marriage, she gets on his nerves and he gets on her nerves, but that doesn't mean they're gonna get a divorce in 4 months". I thought that was a great answer and an example of not being overly "PC (politically correct). Also I don't think she should pretend to be a fan of everyone's music, not meaning she should shade them, but I like knowing the past or current artists she truly admires (Beyonce, Prince, Rihanna, Jazmine Sullivan, Aretha etc. in no particular order). I do think she should be more encouraging and positive towards artists that she may not necessarily care for though (even if she feels that they are capitalizing off her style). One time I did actually get angry at Mariah was when she indirectly shaded Leona Lewis, because she is a sweetheart. I didn't feel that she shaded Ariana Grande though, she actually said something good that went unnoticed when she said "If this is what anybody wants to do I wish them the best and longevity", but that's all she should've said, because the comments before that did come off the wrong way. So over all she should embrace the Christina's, Leona's, and Ariana's of the world a little more. That's my critique on her personality flaw.
(Tuesday 24 June 2014; 14:00)
Btw (45,077) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I know this will be another very unpopular opinion, but I actually miss Isaac. Not saying I enjoyed the fiction he had with members on here, but I did appreciate his love and devotion to Mariah. Isaac if you're out there reading in cyber, world lamby loves you boo.
(Tuesday 24 June 2014; 5:22)
Bill (45,076) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
It's always love. At the end of the day, we are lambily so there's no hard feelings. Even though it may seem like it sometimes. I think we had a great debate, and saw where each other were coming from on some things (well at least I did ). I'm glad we both stood our ground and was peacefully able to agree to disagree. So I guess we can now officially bury that subject for good and move on to better things/topics/discussions.
(Tuesday 24 June 2014; 5:15)
Bill (in closing) (45,057) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
All I can say is you'll have your opinion of the situation and I have mine. I don't think Mariah was being underhanded, I think she made a mistake that she paid for. Not saying she's perfect. Yes she has made unnecessary shady remarks about J.Lo or whoever else. I wasn't saying that it's right. Just saying I understand how she felt.
(Monday 23 June 2014; 14:51)
Bill (45,012) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I'm not missing the point and I did read up on the subject. I get that you are equating Mariah not getting clearance to sample a song to Tommy and J.Lo's sabotage. I just beg differ that they were the same. As I explained in the prior post, I can see the line being blurred between recreating a sound and sampling at that time since the beats though similar weren't identical (Robin Thicke is going through the same scenario with Blurred Lines sounding similar to Marvin Gaye's Got To Give It Up). I really don't think MC had malicious intent. Legally she was wrong and she paid the price. It still doesn't justify or excuses Tommy's blatant malicious sabotage to her career. I don't feel that the term "dose of her own medicine" was a fair assessment of the situation. I'm willing to agree to disagree. I'm over it. Everybody does hate Mariah, "she a drunk, bitter, washed up legend that got what's coming to her" that's what the world is thinking. She can't change people minds even if she had a televised love fest with J.Lo, Nicki, Tommy and a special heart to heart with Eminem. So it is what it is. Everyone can feel as they please. *throwing the towel in* Peace.
(Sunday 22 June 2014; 5:07)
GG. (45,000) (45,009) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Exactly and that wasn't cool or okay by any means. I find it appalling that some of her "fans" are blowing it off and justifying what happened. The sabotage is a proven fact, why are we even debating about it. Okay I digress now.
(Sunday 22 June 2014; 3:10)
One last thing (45,007) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Mariah hasn't even mentioned anything about J.Lo In years. It's been the media, J.Lo, and it's that's been mentioning the feud. So I'm sure Mariah is passed it now.
(Sunday 22 June 2014; 2:29)
Public image (44,998) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I agree people hate Mariah, they have the wrong impression blah blah blah whatever, but at this point what are you gonna do? I mean we have the Nicki fans, Eminem fans, Ariana fans, and even some of our very own lambily with their pitchforks ready for her. There's no winning them over by playing nice now. I say she should just stop doing interviews, promote her music and allow that to speak for itself. Then retire because nobody really has her back anyway.
(Sunday 22 June 2014; 1:08)
Bill from the UK (44,997) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
In no way did I try to justify Mariah sampling without permission. Clearly Emotions was "inspired" by Best Of My Love (I even hear a little bit of "Devotion" by Earth, Wind, And Fire in the melody). However though it sounds very similar it's not the exact same beat. Having said that I can understand how that line between sampling and recreating the same sound can be blurred especially during the early 90s, when it was still a fairly new trend. Regardless MC ultimately paid the price and learned a valuable lesson. You're acting like Mariah and J.Lo are the same and they're not. Mariah is a true artist and though she sampled sounds atleast she brought something to the table: her originality with lyrics, melody, and vocals. J.Lo just received handouts from Tommy, who stole from Mariah's creativity. I would be frustrated too if I put an idea together only to have it snacked away from someone who's not nearly as talented or creative. I blame J.Lo because she didn't care and acted oblivious to what happened. She's still using Mariah's ideas (amongst other people) working with the same people and trying to use the same formulas. I just don't respect her as an artist at all sorry. To each it's own, but they're not in the same category. No blinders it's clear to me.
(Sunday 22 June 2014; 0:53)
Stealing ideas and sampling (44,987) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Nothing's wrong with using samples of a song that everyone already knows, and it is called" inspiration" when can recreate something familiar with completely original elements. Ofcourse you need permission first or else you'll have to pay the price. In which justice has already been served. However that's still different from taking part in stealing an idea before the person that thought of it first gets to use it (for the sake of sabotaging that person's career). That's called being a "snake". You all may think it's "silly" or it is a "petty" situation or whatever, but Mariah had every right to be pissed and to take it personal. How is it "getting a taste of her own medicine" when Tommy was probably behind those songs not being properly cleared himself. More like she got a taste of "Tommy's medicine", but go ahead and try to keep justifying J.Lo and Tommy's wrong doings just to bring Mariah down if that's what makes you all happy. For the record: I'm not saying Mariah is perfect, by any means. I'm just saying I can understand why she has an issue with certain people and scenarios they were involved in.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 22:11)
We're still on J.Lo (so I have to) (44,970) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
One thing I can say is J.Lo ain't stupid hunny. She knows how to say all the right things in an interview and you all eat it up like ice cream on a "sunny summer day". I'm not buying that she was completely obvious to what Tommy was doing. Maybe she turned a blind eye, but she had to have some knowledge. As for trying to put Mariah in the same catorgory of stealing someone's ideas and sound, I don't even need to get into how that's a stretch. Inspired and stealing is two diffrent things. Now we're comparing Mariah's dating history to J.Lo's. Okay sure Mariah's relationship with Tommy could've been scretchy from the begining, but she was a teen and I'm sure it was mostly Tommy's doing. Nothing compared to J.Lo's man eating ways. She left her first husband as soon as she made it big, She quickly married Cris Judd almost immediately after breaking up with Puffy, then she broke up Marc Anthony's marriage (and expected theirs to last). But I guess that's all okay because she just "loves love". We know Mariah is an imperfect angel, but lets not try to bring her down to J.Lo's level. All in all I don't hate the woman, and neither does Mariah. I'm just saying she's not perfect either. They have different personalities and experiences in life that has formed who they both are today.
(Saturday 21 June 2014; 16:47)
Re: The fabulous Miss Monroe (44,914) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I don't think Mariah meant Roe is a "diva" in the negative sense. She's just saying Monroe is a girly girl like her. She just a little sweet princess. I see no signs of brattiness at all from Mariah's children I must say. Dem babies seem incrediably sweet and full of personality.
(Friday 20 June 2014; 2:06)
Little Ms Monroe the Chanteuse (44,909) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
So really guys? That's what we're gonna do now? Come for Little Miss Monroe? She's just a little girl that admires her mother, who just so happens to be someone we've loved and admired as well. Can you blame her? There's nothing to be alarmed by, I'm sure Roc and Roe, are being raised right. Do you guys forget how great of a person Mariah and Nick both are? The philanthropy? The spiritual awareness? The work ethic? These kids have two great loving parents. Lets take our "negative" blinders off for a second and acknowledge that. Case in point: Ms Monroe ran over and asked her daddy was he okay and told him to be careful, when he played as if Roe knocked him out. Shows that she already cares for others.
(Thursday 19 June 2014; 22:33)
G.G. From USA (44,907) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Chile I'm trying hard not to mention her anymore, but hunny yes that delusion is something else isn't it?
(Thursday 19 June 2014; 22:21)
Believe or not (44,894) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I actually don't hate J.Lo. I just personally don't find her to be more likeable than Mariah. From stealing husbands, dating for relevancy, and leaching every market she can get her claws on; I just so happen feel the exact opposite (and this was before I knew of anything she did concerning Mariah). She just knows how to play the game that's all. Though Mariah's annoyance stemmed from J.Lo allowing herself to be used as a pawn in sabotaging her career and perhaps the notion of ppl daring to compare them as singers; I've noticed she doesn't even say anything about her anymore, so I'll do the same after this post. I wish her the best.
(Thursday 19 June 2014; 15:45)
Re: Mariah vs J.Lo (44,886) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I know she would come across as "likeable", because she's all about being politically correct and not messing up her money flow. That wasn't up for debate. My point was that they would have never pulled that stunt on her. Ask yourself why is it that they didn't regard Mariah enough to be the only female judge like they did J.Lo. People have attacked and mistreated Mariah (J.Lo via Tommy, AI, Eminem) yet the public get all up in arms when she doesn't pretend that all is well and speaks up for herself. I just don't think it's fair at all. I've watched AI and it appears to me that Mariah and Nicki started off being playfully shady towards each other, when Nicki got serious and crossed the line. Mariah kept her cool for the most part. If Mariah not being overly PC and fake makes her unlikeable then I say so be it. She doesn't have to like everybody. I'm sure she has her valid reasons for not caring for certain individuals. Just as I'm sure you have your reasons for now caring for certain people.
(Thursday 19 June 2014; 1:04)
Mariah vs J.Lo (44,880) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Sure J.Lo is more "like-able" to the public, because she's fake and all about the money. Trust and believe she's probably a bigger "diva" behind the scenes than Mariah is. Notice AI never tried that "putting another female on the panel" stunt with her like they did with Mariah and poor Paula. Mariah just gets a bad rap imo and people think they can just do my girl any kind of way, and she's supposed to just smile, be fake, and ignore it. Hell no, if you don't appreciate something MC speak on it girl. I'm so over people not liking her or getting the wrong impression, I believe she's worked her ass off and have every right to be her unapologetic self.
(Wednesday 18 June 2014; 21:29)
Edward (44,848) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
You a mess?
(Tuesday 17 June 2014; 23:23)
Bill from Uk (44,838) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
I wasn't really expecting an apology, but I do appreciate you doing so. I understand your point and I assure you as a fair "lamb" I know how to decifer the difference between a mature constructive discussion regarding MC and someone just being negative and disparaging. I just don't want a negative connotation to start being asscociated with being a "lamb". I would hate for a term or endearment that Mariah has given us to turn into something "bad" or "shameful". It's a messageboard so differences in opinions are inevitable. What's a message board without diversity? But at the end of the day we should all still maintain a level of respect for not only Mariah, but each other as fans, lambs, or whatever term fits you best as a person with Mariah's best interest.
(Tuesday 17 June 2014; 17:37)
Hold up now (44,833) by Lamb_O_Chop from Australia
Lets not do the term "lamb" as if its something negative boo. . Because my definition of being a lamb is a loyal fan that holds MC in the highest regard. That doesn't mean being delusional or being unable to offer respectful constructive criticism. So I'm gonna need you all to keep it cute. If you are a casual, fair-weather, or love/hate relationship type fan then that's your prerogative, and I have no issue with that. However, I do have an issue with you coming for my fan status in a negative way, so lets not turn this into the "fans" versus the "lambs" war.
(Tuesday 17 June 2014; 15:11)


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