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About Matthew from USA: Longtime MC fan from Miami, FL.

Article: Mariah responds to bodyguard's injury claim (77,598) by Matthew from USA
Still would prefer it if she hired a chef. There would be lots of benefits to it. She could specify meals with a calorie limit and then let the chef be as creative as they want. She would have delicious meals prepared for her that are also healthy. It would also cut down on expenses, since she wouldn't have to pay for the whole entourage to eat at fancy restaurants every night. The drawback is that if she stayed at home, she and Stella wouldn't get papped every night, and she wouldn't get a chance to dress up, which are both things she seems to enjoy. But hiring a chef would be better, since you can't really control caloric intake if you are eating out every night. It's hard to lose weight when you are poor, since you often have to work instead of exercise, and eating healthy is often more expensive. But Mariah doesn't have any of those excuses, so there's a little less sympathy here. We know that if she really wants to get into shape she can, like she did for Touch My Body.
(Monday 31 July 2017; 17:26)
Article: Mariah to executive produce tv drama based on her life story (77,271) by Matthew from USA
Well, executive producers just front the money. If she leaves it at that, this Starz production could actually turn out well. Like 50 Cent's Power series. But something tells me she'll want to write, co-direct, co-star and do wardrobe. She'll also want full control of casting. So get ready for the acting debut of Mishka. A new star is born. This didn't work the first time she tried it with Glitter, so I guess she's giving it another go. Tenacity is a virtue I guess, but I do wish it was applied to her music.
(Tuesday 18 July 2017; 19:02)
Article: Mariah Carey credit card not declined while shopping (76,909) by Matthew from USA
Well, the original report said that Mariah's credit cards were declined and that she was upset with Stella as a result. Stella's google alerts for her name must have went off, because she was quick to jump in here and deny the truth of this rumor. The House stuff was only slandering Mariah herself, so no need for Stella to get involved. Now, back to working on getting her make-up business launched. Um, I mean, her and Mariah's make-up business.
(Wednesday 5 July 2017; 21:10)
Article: Mariah Carey's concert held in Baku (76,722) by Matthew from USA
I suppose one way to look at this is that she is displaying a lot of confidence. It's funny, because when she was slim and trim she would wear these skimpy outfits on shows and interviews and she never really seemed comfortable. She would show up to 106th and Park in booty shorts, and then use a pillow to cover herself during the interview and things like that. It was always awkward. Now that she is getting bigger, her confidence seems to be at an all time high. To the point where she will just let it all hang out with pride even though it's looking a mess. But I guess as long as she is confident, then that's what matters. Hopefully it is confidence and not delusion.
(Tuesday 27 June 2017; 23:01)
Article: Mariah leads her twins through a wash of French fans (76,586) by Matthew from USA
This black dress Parisian ensemble is very nice. One step forward before the inevitable two steps back.
(Friday 23 June 2017; 23:03)
Article: Will Ferrell hints at Mariah's diva antics on set (76,520) by Matthew from USA
Are they getting worked up? I think they're just saying that they invited her to appear for 5 minutes in the film, it took until midnight to get it done because she was late and then started making ridiculous requests, they ended up sending everyone else home, and after all that the footage was pretty much unusable so they left it on the cutting room floor. Mariah knows the public is amused when she plays the diva. So whenever she makes a public appearance she emphasizes the diva antics. The thing is, Mariah used to be able to backup her diva behavior with her incredible talent. When you've got the goods, you get a pass. But when your antics start to outweigh your talents, well you can look up Lindsay Lohan. People just decide they would rather not go through all that. Mariah needs to realize that while the fans might find her diva antics amusing, her peers might not. And she should definitely not take that attitude to work. The cast and crew are not adoring lambs who think she can do no wrong.
(Thursday 22 June 2017; 02:08)
Article: Mariah Carey is reportedly flirting with Drake (76,362) by Matthew from USA
I disagree. I don't think this is a good look. JLo has been there, done that. Also Drake and Nicki Minaj are close. But I guess Mariah is at the point in her career where any little bit helps.
(Friday 16 June 2017; 21:27)
Article: Mariah Carey wears the same black top as Jesinta Franklin (75,542) by Matthew from USA
See. It's not that Mariah is trashy. Mariah from 10 years ago would wear this top and she would look cute in it. But now with the bigger boobs and more weight, it's just not a good look. Her boobs are practically falling out of the black top. The top itself is fine, but if she wants to wear things like this, she would need to try and go back to the figure and bust she had 10 years ago. Otherwise it's just a hot mess. Whatever happened to the trainer she had that made her do water aerobics and got her into the shape she was in for Touch My Body? Did she get fired with the rest when Stella came on board and cleaned house?
(Monday 22 May 2017; 22:02)
Re: Mariahs poor style sense (75,030) (75,040) by Matthew from USA
Mariah and her sense of style have not really changed but her body has changed. Back in the day, she had a more slender build and her breasts were not as large. With a slender build and slight breasts, you can get away with a little slip mini-dress. It would look cute, and you could use a push-up bra to enhance if you needed to. Mariah now has a much more voluptuous build and her breasts are much larger, but she still has the same sense of style and she still wants to wear the things she would have worn a decade ago. But anyone can tell you that a little crop top that might look good on a skinny girl with modest cleavage might look entirely inappropriate on a woman with a big bust. So I guess I'm trying to say that folks need to stop wondering what happened to Mariah's sense of style. That hasn't changed, though it has been influenced by Stella (jeans). It's just that she hasn't adapted her wardrobe to her new body. She thinks she's looking hot. Hot sausage.
(Saturday 6 May 2017; 21:26)
Article: Mariah is turning "All I Want" into an animated movie (73,846) by Matthew from USA
She's said before that she's not inspired by the new music coming out today, so I guess that's why all her new projects seem to be based on past glories. I'm still holding out hope that something current will inspire her. But it has to get through her bubble first. If any requests or new ideas have to go through Stella first, and if she really is playing her own music at restaurants, then it's going to be really hard for her to get inspired by anything new. I was slightly alarmed when MC appeared on the Breakfast Club and admitted she hadn't ever heard Beyonce's Drunk in Love. It's never a good thing when an artist doesn't have a clue what sounds are popular in her own genre of music, and I believe that started before Stella. I think MC is just a really sensitive soul who wants to be surrounded by happiness and not negativity or criticism. That's not the real world, but Mariah has the type of money where she doesn't really have to live in the real world and face the criticism, unless it's overwhelming like the NYE debacle. She has the money to make everything festive, and she has the people around her who are willing to pitch in. I can't be too mad, maybe I would do the same if I could afford it.
(Wednesday 22 March 2017; 08:14)
Article: Mariah at launch party for her break-up single I Don't (72,234) by Matthew from USA
Is it a good idea to publicly advertise that you bought a $200k dress and then burned it? Is it a good idea to spend another $200k to rent out a nightclub and throw a party for the launch of your new single while spending $0 on marketing and promoting? No, it's not. But you only live once, so do your thing Mimi. All she wants is to be eternally sexy, festive and 12.
(Monday 6 February 2017; 1:25)
Article: Mariah Carey's manager sounds off (70,966) by Matthew from USA
Does this lady not get it? It was New Year's live. No one has time to re-shoot and re-edit. And what's the point of re-shooting to make it seem perfect when half the country on the East Coast already saw and knows that it wasn't? Get it together Stella. And stop talking about this.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 2:07)
Finally, the culprit is found (70,796) by Matthew from USA
So it wasn't Dick Clark's tech team. It wasn't Mariah's tech team. It was not Ryan Seacrest or the battery pack or the monitors or earphones. It definitely was not Stella's fault, and God bless you if you for one second thought it was Mariah's fault. It was the creative director, Anthony Burrell. He moved the backup singers off the main stage, so she really couldn't sing. Now he's fired, and things will begin to run a lot smoother now that Stella's second daughter is the new creative director.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 23:14)
Is Stella to blame? (70,650) by Matthew from USA
It seems like a lot of the fans are advocating for someone like Tommy, who knows what they are doing, to step in as manager and control the situation. I feel bad for Mariah, because on the one hand it's hard to give up control, but on the other hand, she's not making very good decisions when she does have control and is surrounded by enablers. But even if she were to hire a new management now, would she listen? If a level headed manager kept calling to tell her she needs to attend her sound check, or put her on rations for alcohol, or told her some of her outfits were inappropriate or tacky, or said her acting was slightly cringe-worthy, I honestly think they would get fired pretty quickly. Or Mariah would just ignore them to the point where they decide to quit. I don't think she handles the truth very well. Yes, Stella is an enabler, but is she solely to blame for all the mishaps? Anyway, I don't know how she will get rid of Stella since her family has made themselves indispensable and blurred the lines between friends and business. It could get pretty nasty if she tried to ditch her. Stella seems like the vengeful type.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 18:01)
She's so so over it (70,570) by Matthew from USA
I said it before, and I'll say it again. It's about work ethic. It's about caring. Beyonce had a docu-series that premiered on HBO. It was mostly about work. Beyonce being unhappy about the lighting. Beyonce arguing about the stage colors and props. Beyonce being critical about the video playback in her sound check. Beyonce wanting the band to play higher, then lower. Basically, Beyonce caring. I think there was a time Mariah was like this. She was a control freak, perfectionist, or some would use the B word. I think these days, she just doesn't want to put in the work. Like Beyonce, Mariah has a docu-series, except hers premiered on E. and Mariah's doc is about scripted moments between her employees. In this doc, Mariah herself states that at this point in her life, she just wants to show up and expects that the people she hires gets it right, just the way she likes it. Well, this debacle is the result of that attitude. If you want things to be on point, you have to be the one to make sure it's on point. I would respect if she said, I just don't have a passion for this anymore and went on to do other things. But she wants the check and the money for doing nothing, and I can't respect or support that.
(Sunday 1 January 2017; 18:30)
She's over it (68,963) by Matthew from USA
Mariah doesn't want to work anymore, but she wants to maintain her diva lifestyle and fame. It takes work to maintain a voice. It takes work to promote a project or album. It takes work to stay in shape. But she's over it, so she lip-syncs, does minimal promotion, and uses Photoshop instead. This has been going on for a while now. Benny Medina had several things planned, but they fell through. Randy Jackson and Chris Lighty also made plans, but to no avail. Jermaine Dupri took the helm, but soon realized there's not much you can do when the artist you are managing is over it. By the time Dupri bowed out, there was a world famous recording artist with no one willing to step in and manager her until Stella came along. She promised Mariah she would be able to make a ton of money without having to work. Mariah hired her on the spot. So it started with a clothing line, a make-up line, a line of flavored water, 1 mil for a 1 time gig for a dictator, another million to lip-sync in Jamaica, but Stella knew that the best way to make money by doing nothing is reality television. All you have to do is be yourself, with a little fabricated drama thrown in. Hopefully it's amusing or scandalous enough for a second season. I don't think Nick or James were down, but Bryan is, so that's where we are at. But don't worry, I think we will still get the occasional album, Britney Spears style, so she can also get a check from the die hard lambs. There might even be a hit or two left, if she feels like promoting.
(Friday 2 December 2016; 0:11)
Sex with no context (63,619) by Matthew from USA
I'm not sure why it bothers me, but it does. Maybe I'm just getting old or maybe I'm a prude. I don't have an issue with sex or sexuality in the right context, but to put the sexiness in your face when there is no reason or context for it is just uncomfortable to me. It's like if Mariah were to sing Hero with her breasts out and her crotch barely covered. I get that sex sells, but this isn't even new music. Then I visit the website and the headlines are that Mariah is displaying insane amounts of cleavage and popping champagne over finalizing her divorce in her lingerie and I just wonder what's going on with her. Maybe she hasn't changed. Maybe she has always been this way, but it was less noticeable when she was a young woman. Or maybe I'm the one who has changed. And if this is how I feel, then maybe I should just take a hiatus and let this era pass. Hopefully once she's into her 60's and 70's she will tone it down a bit, unless she's trying to be the next Charo or something. And hopefully she finds someone for her team who can organically incorporate sensuality into her established work, because right now it's just her singing Vision Of Love in a bedazzled bikini for no reason.
(Monday 20 June 2016; 16:13)
Stella's daughter (62,181) by Matthew from USA
Why is this girl in every picture with Mariah? How old is she? Shouldn't she be in school? Is she Mariah's official personal assistant? Is she Mariah's new best friend? I know Mariah is eternally 12, but it's a little strange. Anyway, perhaps it's a totally organic relationship. All we have to go by are the pictures, so I guess we can't judge.
(Sunday 15 May 2016; 1:11)
Congrats (55,788) by Matthew from USA
Congrats on the new website layout. I usually don't like change, but this was well done. I like it a lot.
(Friday 7 August 2015; 21:30)
The problem with Infinity (54,094) by Matthew from USA
I think the video doesn't have a concept or story because the song itself doesn't really have a set one either. I mean the verses are about her dismissing a former lover. The chorus then says that there is an end to infinity. If that was all, then the song would be a break-up anthem. Unfortunately, after the second chorus, Mariah decides to try and make the song more than just a break-up anthem to mixed results. So we get her saying things like infinity loving me more and more. And she believes infinity is more than just a made up dream. So at the very end of the song, it becomes a song about loving yourself and empowerment because Mariah wants the song to be everything to everyone. She insists it's not about her personal life, and everyone should take their own meaning from the song. So it's not surprising that the concept for the video is also trying to do everything for everyone. There's concert footage for fans who like that, there's glamour shots, there's a bit of narrative with the guys at the door. In the song itself, she is kind of rapping the verses for fans who like that, but then she sings the chorus for fans who like that. So, do you believe infinity is more than just a made up dream? Or do you believe there is an end to infinity? Either way, this song is for you. It's for everyone.
(Wednesday 3 June 2015; 4:09)
Blame it on the... (53,443) by Matthew from USA
Well. That performance isn't going to silence the haters. She was sounding so great in the snippets of the Vegas shows I heard, so I wonder what happened at the BBA. It wasn't a disaster, but there were obvious lipped parts, and VOL wasn't as great as I know she can do it. But she had bronchitis, so I'll give her a pass. And she broke her hand, and she is going through a divorce, and the sound guy didn't get it right, and the label was giving her problems, and the weather was overcast and she was depressed and on and on. Anyway, I just need one stellar performance broadcast live to thousands just once this decade. If she can give me something stellar once per decade I'll be happy.
(Monday 18 May 2015; 4:42)
Just okay (52,347) by Matthew from USA
I've always preferred for MC to drop amazing vocals in the studio (by whatever means necessary), even if she can't do it live, because at least you have the recording forever, even if her performances can't match it. But I believe I'm in the minority there. I know Edward and a few others did prefer for her to make songs she can handle live so this song should work for them. Of all her #1 hits, this one most resembles TMB as far as lyrics and the way she sings it, but TMB had the benefit of a catchier chorus, a more unique beat (when TMB starts you know it's that song) and a killer video. She's working with the same director on the video so there's still some hope for this song. I was hoping for something slow or fast. This is in between. It's just missing something for me. I think our diva is just locked into a specific type of R&B that made her successful, and that sound is now translating as made for adult contemporary (the mature crowd). Anyway, here's to hoping LA can hook her up with some folks who can get her out of her R&B funk for the next album. This song is a throwback to the wrong decade. She needs to think Uptown Funk, Happy, #Beautiful, If Your Lips Are Moving.
(Monday 27 April 2015; 14:36)
How to get away with improving a tour (47,350) by Matthew from USA
Well I think instead of just being negative, we could all try to be constructive about the tour. And since the lambs love their lists, I thought we could each post 3 things that we would change about the tour and why. Let's also try to keep it positive. I'm sure we all wish her voice was in better condition, but I want to know what the lambs would change about the tour itself and the performances. Here's my 3:
1. Pants. I know it sounds strange but I wish MC would wear pants as one of her ensembles. Maybe tight leather or even a pair of sexy dark jeans. I think it would definitely help her image. Remember when she used to rock the jeans and do the little dance with the chairs for Fantasy?
2. Dance mix and remix. MC is known for having multiple versions of all of her songs, especially in the early days. She would re-sing the dance mixes. She also has some great remixes. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't included these versions in her tours. Maybe she thinks the fans would get upset if it's not the radio version. She might be surprised.
3. Ditch some dancers, add some musicians. I think sometimes MC's dancers look corny. Instead I would like to see her add musicians. Like an actual guitar player can come out and sit on a stool and they can just riff. Or a saxaphonist or even an entire orchestra if she can get it. The crowd would cheer and it would be nice.
So what positive ideas do you guys have?
(Friday 10 October 2014; 23:27)
Mariah's vocals (42,798) by Matthew from USA
Thanks for the insight on how songs are created in the studio, Edward. It's definitely an interesting process. That today's technology allows her to patch together the best pieces from different takes is pretty awesome. I don't have a problem with this because it's still her voice, just the best of it. The end result might be something that will challenge her live, but she should still be able to reasonably replicate it (emphasis on reasonably). The only way she wouldn't be able to replicate what's done in the studio is if they are doing a lot more than patching together her best takes, if you know what I mean. And that would be fraudulent and disappointing. But I don't think that's what's going on. Some of her recent material even sounds like they could have used some better takes but left it as is. Anyway, my original point was that regardless of how the process works, I am in favor of her setting the highest vocal standard on her album, even if it will challenge her live.
(Tuesday 22 April 2014; 20:11)
On the subject of legacies (42,732) by Matthew from USA
Randy, if Mariah can sing a song in the studio, why would it then be impossible for her to sing it live? Do you mean that she can't sound exactly like her studio recordings? Who does? Or are you saying that what she does in the studio is too hard for her to do live? I respectfully disagree. I think that if she wanted to, she could sing any of her most recent material live. But even if she could not, I would want her to keep doing her best work in the studio. An MTV Awards performance is one and done, but an album is something we will listen to through the years, even when Mariah is gone. It might be different if Mariah were an opera singer. An opera singer's legacy comes from her live performances. But Mariah is a recording artist. Her legacy will come from the albums she puts out and how they were critically received. So I don't think that Mariah should water down her vocals in the studio just so she can be comfortable singing live for an awards show. She should bring her very best vocal to the studio, even if the live performance won't be as great. Her legacy depends on it.
(Sunday 20 April 2014; 5:04)


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