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About Norman from USA: I've been a fan of Mariah's since I first heard Love Takes Time (I don't know how I initially missed Vision of Love), and I haven't looked back since.
Her music has been there for me in my darkest hours to help lift out of the depths of whatever I was going through at the time. She's my all time favorite female singer, even though I love many others.

It's funny to think of her music as a "friend", but it's always been there for me. I love her talent.

" As we drifted to another place and time
And the feeling was so heady and sublime
As I lost my heart to you
There in the dark
Underneath the stars"

Who is she kidding? (102,883) by Norman from USA
That's a complete load of bull. Was she late 90s Mariah or even mid-2000s? No. But she didn't come off as drunk nor as a drag act. She was present, engaging, fun, and she sounded good singing.

I was honestly expecting something along the lines of the Lovers and Friends show in Vegas but was pleasantly surprised how different it was in tone and the health of her voice.

On the majority of the remixes, the backing track did the heavy lifting for sure. There was no hiding that. She did sing a lot of the slower songs, however. And the My All/Mi Todo moment was chef's kiss. As was the Rainbow interlude.

I could've done without the numerous backstage moments that interrupted the flow of the show, but she always does that.
(Wednesday 14 June 2023; 00:29)
this is a reply to message 102,879
Forbes richest women, no Mariah (102,856) by Norman from USA
Bill, Mariah's worldwide sales speak for themselves. She might not have been big in the UK, but the UK isn't even the 2nd biggest music market - that would be Japan, where Mariah's their biggest-selling foreign act. She's also big in Asia as a whole - you know, where the vast majority of the world's population is. Sure, it's not Europe, I'll grant you that. But perhaps she's fine without the oonts oonts aficionados? Who's to say?

Would I like something other than a yearly Christmas resurgence, and a couple a high notes on a TikTok and "I see you up there" from a performance? Of course. Need I drag her through the mud to fasten on a badge as a true and non-delusional fan ad nauseum? No.

And other making headlines for horrendous nips and tucks, what current accomplishments do you speak of when lauding your worldwide artist?

All the best.
(Thursday 8 June 2023; 19:20)
this is a reply to message 102,854
Circles remix (102,805) by Norman from USA
Wow. That's fire.
(Friday 2 June 2023; 09:41)
this is a reply to message 102,802
Best song intro (102,776) by Norman from USA
For me, it would have to be "You're So Cold". The only thing to match is the intro "Emotions" from Unplugged. They're a serve. That said, the Fantasy intro is wholly iconic.
(Saturday 27 May 2023; 14:37)
this is a reply to message 102,774
AI Mariah Carey songs (102,643) by Norman from USA
Well, at least Mariah's pen gig isn't in any danger with this model, because yikes.
(Saturday 29 April 2023; 01:26)
this is a reply to message 102,635
New Mariah titles (one word) (102,545) by Norman from USA
Reign, dahling. Reign.
(Thursday 13 April 2023; 06:14)
this is a reply to message 102,536
One cover to consider (102,526) by Norman from USA
I can see her saying "Hasn't that been done before? I think that should be her thing." Only because Madge did it ages ago.
(Tuesday 11 April 2023; 07:22)
this is a reply to message 102,525
Edward (102,486) by Norman from USA
Happy belated Birthday, Edward
(Thursday 6 April 2023; 08:57)
this is a reply to message 102,475
Die For You (102,300) by Norman from USA
With this recent remix by The Weeknd feat Ariana debuting at #1 this, it got me thinking about a past single that never really got a shot but should have been a single (not necessarily talking about Migrate). Which song do you think would be a good idea to release as a remix, and with whom? I think the feature would really have to stand out for the song to at least be top 10. There's obviously a lot of material to choose from, but I can't say I have one that stands out - maybe Obsessed? Melt Away? #Beautiful? What do you guys think?

(Monday 6 March 2023; 22:50)
Did ya'll know? (102,273) by Norman from USA
No, but it certainly didn't age well, did it?
(Thursday 2 March 2023; 19:56)
this is a reply to message 102,272
"It's a Wrap" on the Hot 100 (102,253) by Norman from USA
It did debut on r&b digital tracks at #22 - something like that. I think that's sales, however. I don't know how it's doing on streaming outside of Spotify.
(Thursday 23 February 2023; 11:02)
this is a reply to message 102,251
Mr. Morton (102,186) by Norman from USA
Okay, I'm just going to say it: I'm a salty beep who will die mad at the Grammy's. I know this topic has been discussed as nauseum, but there's just no way it can only be 5 wins for her. I don't believe she deserves all the awards, but she should certainly be lauded far more than she has been. Her pen game, production, vocal arrangements, and vocals were superb in her prime. I'm mad and saddened that her artistry has been dismissed and overlooked for so long. And, no - I'm not congratulating beepin nobody (quadruple italic and underlined exclamation marks.)
(Monday 6 February 2023; 04:50)
Never Forget You (102,079) by Norman from USA
It would be amazing if she did/could. I sincerely doubt she could, however. Maybe a snippet like she did with MYM?
(Monday 16 January 2023; 03:57)
this is a reply to message 102,075
Rolling Stone's 200 Greatest Singers (102,007) by Norman from USA
After reading about this list and everyone being up in arms about several choices, I decided to Google other lists to see how they differ. I found that they all seem to be off on their picks. How can you make a list of the greatest singers/vocalists, and then take their popularity into account in their ranking order? I mean, how in the world does that pertain to vocal ability?

Not to knock singers/performers with limited vocal range or ability (I can think of several in that department that punch above their weight when delivering an emotional and touching song), but it seems only logical to rank them on their ability, right?

Any time I see a list with Paul McCartney, Elvis, or John Lennon in the top 5/10, I know I can't take them seriously. I know a lot of it is subjective because music as a whole is that way, but at have the right players on the board when you're picking.

Who would you guys pick to be in the top 20 (I think it gives a lot more wiggle room for to include people who you can move around if necessary)? Here are my players (in no particular order):

Mariah (obviously)
Etta James
Freddie Mercury
Donny Hathaway
Linda Ronstadt
Marvin Gaye
Stevie Wonder
Rocio Durcal
Barb[a]ra Streisand
George Michael
Al Green
Axl Rose
Tina Turner

Picking these was pretty difficult because it's still biased toward certain genres (and heavily American), but there's no denying they can sing. There are still several other picks I could swap for one another (I wanted to put Ray Charles, James Brown, Robert Plant, Patti Labelle, Billy Ocean, Peabo Bryson, Donna Summer, Jeffrey Osborne, Annie Lennox, Kenny Rogers, and countless others), but at least they're all talented singers/vocalists.

What say you?
(Tuesday 3 January 2023; 03:32)
this is a reply to message 101,999
Rolling Stone's 200 Greatest Singers (102,005) by Norman from USA
Right? Facts.
(Monday 2 January 2023; 18:44)
this is a reply to message 102,003
Rolling Stone's 200 Greatest Singers (102,000) by Norman from USA
Rolling Stone has a history of not knowing what the bleep they're doing with these lists. The Celine omission is just another example, of which there are are countless on this list alone. It's best to just keep it pushing.
(Monday 2 January 2023; 15:13)
this is a reply to message 101,999
The cringe of it all (101,947) by Norman from USA
Walter A seems to be in desperate need of a spotlight on his career. Why does the man insist on being a massive tool when it comes to AIWFC? He's credited and receives half the royalties every year. Get your degree and go write another hit if you're so pressed. Geez. Laugh your way to the bank and give it a rest already. It's giving bitter, girl.

And who's this Chan lady still going on about the QOC shizz? Wasn't the case thrown out or something? People will remember Mariah losing the fight for the TM before they'll ever remember her. And that's no shade to her career - she obviously has one. Maybe someday someone will know her outside of being referenced to Mariah. We love everybody.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. May you have the good fortune to spend it with your loved ones.
(Saturday 24 December 2022; 07:58)
Merry Christmas from Croatia (101,940) by Norman from USA
And a Merry Christmas to you, too.
(Thursday 22 December 2022; 18:29)
this is a reply to message 101,937
The magic starts tonight (101,767) by Norman from USA
Enjoy. I can't wait for the report.
(Saturday 10 December 2022; 02:21)
this is a reply to message 101,766
Colbert (101,761) by Norman from USA
I'm sorry for your loss. That's such a young age, too. I'm in LA and it's surging here, again. I have several friends who recently caught it even though they're all fully vaccinated. They've been lucky enough to have only have it be mild cases, but hospitalization is on the rise again. Stay safe out there lambs.
(Friday 9 December 2022; 03:35)
this is a reply to message 101,760
Re: The 8 "new" tracks (101,212) (101,219) by Norman from USA
I'm happy about the anniversary of such a monumental album, and I'm looking forward to the documentary - and that's it. We love everybody.
(Friday 16 September 2022; 07:37)
Re: I wish for Butterfly: unplugged for Butterfly 25 (101,178) (101,179) by Norman from USA
I agree. I keep thinking that maybe she's not inspired enough these days, you know? And it's not about her having to constantly churn out music, but more as in trying to evolve more in her craft. Caution didn't blow anyone away with the vocals, and it wasn't meant to, but I think she gave us some rich textures and musicality on tracks like 8th Grade and GML.
(Sunday 11 September 2022; 04:39)
Re: New music (101,106) (101,108) by Norman from USA
That's always been my take on her actually having something new out - she'd get in shape. It's been her tell. I'm not here to judge her on her figure, I'm just stating an observation.

I don't think she's releasing anything anytime soon. She could be changing her formula, but I'm skeptical. So long as she's happy, it's all good. I simply don't want to hear about projects that won't come to fruition.
(Wednesday 31 August 2022; 03:28)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey wants to trademark "Queen of Christmas" (100,995) (100,997) by Norman from USA
I read that it's only for merchandise and not for any other reason. So Ms. Love could still call herself that, just not on official merch. It's a distinction, but it could have been avoided all together.
(Friday 19 August 2022; 05:13)
Re: Article: Mariah Carey wants to trademark "Queen of Christmas" (100,988) (100,989) by Norman from USA
I honestly don't understand the need for this either. Whenever someone calls her that during an interview, she refuses to take the title. Now someone in her team sold her on the trademark idea? It's not something she needs or that helps her brand in any way. I couldn't care less about this endeavor. Her should focus on nailing down her brand and working to elevate it. Mariah needs some new blood on her team - people with vision and purpose.

All that said, I don't know who this Chan lady is. I googled her and still couldn't make sense out of it. This is probably the most notoriety she's ever had/is likely to ever get.

And Ms. Love - well, bless her. She has a right to make her coins off of whatever she can. Citing David Letterman as reference doesn't help her in any way, however. It's all subjective.

Nobody puts Christmas on the map like Mariah. Nobody. For better or worse. Whether it's trademaked or not, it's just the truth.
(Thursday 18 August 2022; 07:36)


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