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About Billy from Greece:
I don't know, and neither do you.
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Re: CDC (39,439)
by Billy from Greece
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I didn't know about the tweet. I also just remembered that he had commented on "Daydream" and "Glitter". Here's his exact comments: "Daydream is one of my most played records. People need to reinvestigate Glitter. I'm settled enough in my masculinity to say I don't see anything wrong with Glitter."
(Friday 11 October 2013; 11:11)
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Re: Matt (39,436)
by Billy from Greece
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"I took notice (99.9%) that she hasn't wrote a song yet that has had a swear or cuss word in it which is amazing." You may need to check that twice I think (from "Charmbracelet" onwards to be exact). 
(Thursday 10 October 2013; 21:52)
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Ryan Adams (39,434)
by Billy from Greece
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I'm not sure how many people know this so I thought I could post it: Ryan Adams (whose music I'm not really familiar with) has an album called "Heartbreaker". According to Wikipedia, the album's title originates from a poster of Mariah (in this case, the "Heartbreaker" single cover I presume): "My manager called and said, 'You have 15 seconds to name this record.' My eyes focused on this poster of Mariah wearing a T-shirt that said Heartbreaker. I just shouted, 'Heartbreaker'!" Cool, ha?
(Thursday 10 October 2013; 20:15)
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Re: Panos (39,304)
by Billy from Greece
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I never even noticed that before, although I would like to double check this information by looking at the booklet of the actual cd. Still, quite impressive indeed. I love Nile Rodgers's sound and he is one kind of a musician, no doubt. And I would definitely support this type of sound coming from Mariah as well. On another note (or, should I say diva), apart from brilliant grooves like "Tenderness" from Diana Ross's 1980 "Diana" album, the other half of Chic was involved in her "Swept Away" album in a great track called "Telephone". Really worth checking out.
(Sunday 22 September 2013; 17:25)
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Re: Panos / Nile Rodgers (39,297)
by Billy from Greece
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When you said that Mariah "has worked with him on her debut album", were you referring to Nile Rodgers? Are you sure about that?
(Saturday 21 September 2013; 20:22)
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Re: nikki (39,283)
by Billy from Greece
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"MC suffered from a great deal of illnesses at that time including heart palpitations, skin outbreaks, and vocal inflammation because of stress and the fact she was living out of hotel rooms and traveling kept germs in contact." Are you Mariah's personal doctor? Because unless you are and unless you can quote Mariah having directly said this, I doubt you can know or certify for such intimate information on the basis of rumors, written or spoken.
(Wednesday 18 September 2013; 15:35)
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Re: Will (39,240)
by Billy from Greece
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That's an interesting observation that I've been contemplating on myself as well. I was particularly puzzled about why they omitted "When You Believe" from Whitney's 2000 "Greatest Hits", especially the international version of the album. What comes across as further buffling is that this double disc contains personal liner notes by Whitney, where she thanks all of her collaborators and duet partners, except for Mariah. Same thing with her "My Love Is Your Love" album where "When You Believe" originally appeared. She thanked Kelly Price, Faith Evans etc, but not Mariah, which is weird given that they were friends at that point. As for the non-inlcusion in Whitney's posthumous "Best of" collection, I assume record industry politics and "unwritten rules" prevailed, with the latter referring to whether a duet with another major peer/rival artist may overpower the stardom of the artist in question. I don't know. Still, they did include Whitney's duet with Aretha in the latest collection.
(Wednesday 11 September 2013; 11:57)
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Dreamlover (Bam Jam Soul Remix) (39,208)
by Billy from Greece
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Has anyone listened to this version of "Dreamlover"? Is this indeed the original version as some of the comments in the YouTube video indicate?
(Wednesday 4 September 2013; 22:49)
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Re: CDC (39,116)
by Billy from Greece
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Hi there. I'm with you on the Diana Ross reference. I have in fact made a similar observation before. I love Diana Ross, and not only has Mariah numerously stated how Ross has been an influence, but I also find it really interesting the way MC channels her in her own work in a distinctive way. Their career stories also bear similarities, with the male dominating mogul figure being one, and how they longed to be in charge of their professional and personal lives. Performance-wise, in terms of what it means or takes to be a diva, Ross has been the archetype, and Mariah learned from the best, only she is an original herself as well. That's why they blended so well on Divas 2000. From various comments throughout the years, it is also clear that Mariah is cognizant of Ross's career (she even twitted he lyrics of "Home" not so long ago) and I'm sure it has functioned as a guide for dos and donts. As for Diana Ross's 1980s work, you also got it on point, and I have to say that she was fantastic during that period, kutschy and all.
(Tuesday 27 August 2013; 11:24)
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Subtle Invitation (39,060)
by Billy from Greece
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Masterpiece. Just a gorgeous song in an all round way, lyrically especially. The multiple layers (akin to "Lullaby", another hugely favorite of mine) lead to an orgasmic climax. It's sort of cinematic.
(Tuesday 20 August 2013; 11:30)
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Re: Jeanette (39,017)
by Billy from Greece
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Donna Summer was a singer/songwriter and wrote a big percentage of her songs.
(Friday 16 August 2013; 10:27)
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This is interesting (38,975)
by Billy from Greece
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Black people doing White people doing Black people.
(Sunday 11 August 2013; 17:19)
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Philharmonic and Mariah (38,663)
by Billy from Greece
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That was an orgasm for the ears. That intro for "#Beautiful", oh my.
(Sunday 14 July 2013; 12:03)
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"Hero" at Macy's Fourth of July (38,662)
by Billy from Greece
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Did anyone else notice in the bridge of "Hero" the staccato phrasing in the sections "and hold on, and hold on, and hold o-o-on" and then "and there will be tomorro-ow" in the last syllables of each? Amazing. Once more, an aspect of her voice I had not heard before.
(Sunday 14 July 2013; 12:01)
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"Looking In" live (38,661)
by Billy from Greece
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In tears.
(Sunday 14 July 2013; 11:55)
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[...] (38,457)
by Billy from Greece
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I really wonder sometimes how easily audiences and fan cultures are manipulated by the media and by the intentions of the entertainment industries. The comments of the recent days really verify this, often disturbing, relation between a "consumer"/fan of an artist and the "functional" presence of the artist in their life. Yes, most of you are not haters, debate over the meaning of lamb versus fan, giving Mariah tough love and so on. Bottom line, and what I see, is no one really cares about Mariah. You care about her marketability. Yes, quality of output determines the level of adoration but to see people getting "off the bandwagon" after a so-called "insulting" remix is beyond juvenile. Not to mention the sickening at this point comparisons between Mariah's suppossedly perfect Mottola days and her failed solo endeavors post-dicorce, not realizing the disgustingly sexist undertones of these comments or failing to acknowledge the economic-cultural-corporation context within which each project was produced. Poor Mariah is unable to do anything by herself. Only master Mottola knew what to do with her. Poor her, only TEOM was the only success she did without him. The level of interpreting circumstances and valuing art and artist versus stock market, commercialization and chart "success" is really embarassing at this point.
(Saturday 29 June 2013; 0:01)
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Charmbracelet (38,373)
by Billy from Greece
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I've been listening to "Glitter" and "Charmbracelet" lately. The former is really a blockbuster production: the sound is crispy, Mariah's vocal performances are startling, the grooves are banging and the songs are "immediate", namely, they capture your attention right away. On the other hand, "Charmbracelet" may be her most complex work and least accessible album upon first listen. The Rolling Stone review is quite on point saying that overlapping phrases and countermelodies complicate the listening experience, and (immediate) hooks are absent for the most part. While this is a reason why the listening experience feels "muffled", I always thought that it was also because the sound was not properly mixed. "Rainbow" and "Glitter" are pristine 'clear' in terms of sound, whereas "CB" is just too cluttered at times (f.i. "Yours", which really did not translate live), something that, apart from the "walls" of background vocals, has to do with the way the cd was mixed. On the other hand, songs with more basic skeletons, like "Clown", sounded great live. I still have a soft spot for this album, and I just adore "Lullaby" and "Subtle Invitation".
(Tuesday 25 June 2013; 21:16)
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Re: enwar00 (38,311)
by Billy from Greece
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I was also listening to "Heartbreaker / If You Should Ever Be Lonely" a couple of weeks ago. Awesome interpolation. All of the remixes during the "Rainbow" are a testament to Mariah's remixing brilliance.
(Thursday 20 June 2013; 11:07)
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Re: nikki (38,261)
by Billy from Greece
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Thanks for the info.
(Monday 17 June 2013; 12:47)
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"Twister" (38,247)
by Billy from Greece
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I just wanted to say that I love this song so much. Has anyone else noticed that the movie version has slightly different lyrics?
(Friday 14 June 2013; 21:30)
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TRL 2001 (38,244)
by Billy from Greece
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Does anyone remember when it was made known that Carson Daly after all did know that Mariah would appear "unannounced" on the show?
(Thursday 13 June 2013; 23:07)
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#Beautiful - making of (38,243)
by Billy from Greece
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"I couldn't take the techno craze." You just gotta love her.
(Thursday 13 June 2013; 16:22)
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Ballads (38,130)
by Billy from Greece
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Too many exceptional recordings in this field to even start mentioning, but I have to say that "Butterfly" is just too unique, too special.
(Sunday 2 June 2013; 11:13)
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Re: nikki (38,129)
by Billy from Greece
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I second that. And yes, she did sound gorgeous on the snippets of "Underneath the Stars" and "The Roof" and, generally, on any undubbed "amateur" recording.
(Sunday 2 June 2013; 11:12)
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Who would have thought? (37,887)
by Billy from Greece
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I mean, literally, did you ever imagine that Mariah would be in the audience and doing an (admittedly reluctant) "standing o" for one of the celebrity performers (let's not name any names) on the American Idol finale? To quote MC, I guess it was one of those awkward moments. 
(Friday 17 May 2013; 10:21)
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