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About Bill from the UK:
I love Mariah more than you do.
London Daydream Tour Attendee.
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Re: Favourite non successful song (93,524) (93,525)
by Bill from the UK
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Good question, but how are we defining non-successful? For instance Love Takes Time was a number one in the US, but barely made the top 40 in the UK. But semantics aside, I would say in recent years it has been Unforgettable. I thought that song was modern and edgy, with a great subdued vocal delivery, in keeping with the mood of the song. From the olden days I'll go for The Roof. Limited release in Europe, barely dented the chart. But the lyrics, the atmosphere, the vocals, the imagery, and my gosh that video. One of the most sophisticated, elegant and moving songs from her catalogue.
(Tuesday 7 April 2020; 20:53)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey thanks NHS during coronavirus crisis (93,521) (93,523)
by Bill from the UK
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AYNAF is the best song on Music Box in my opinion. It took me years to realise its immense power and beauty, but it's one of the best things she's ever done.
(Tuesday 7 April 2020; 14:03)
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Re: NHS choir - Anytime You Need A Friend (93,514) (93,517)
by Bill from the UK
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Haha yes, I do it for so many of her songs. The main one for me is the "reaching for a dream" intro for Make It Happen, I recite it every time the album version appears. Even when listening to Can't Let Go I add in the "if you know it sing along" line from Unplugged, and yell out "sing" (exclamation mark) after "I'll be eternally grateful" line in Vision of Love from MSG. And at the end of Dreamlover I add a "how ya doin" from the Thanksgiving special. I actually wore the tape out of my Thanksgiving video so had to get a new one. Just a great production from start to finish. Whenever I order a takeaway pizza when the delivery person rings the bell I always say "pizza everybody" like MC did when she made two pizzas for like 500 people lol.
(Monday 6 April 2020; 21:17)
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Re: When I Saw You - romantic comedy thriller movie (93,498) (93,501)
by Bill from the UK
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Side Effects: Mariah is a pharmacist who accidentally prescribes the wrong medication and then has to deal with the consequences. Court room drama.
Prisoner: Mariah has been jailed and is now on death row following the critical reception to Glitter, and this is about her struggle adjusting to life behind bars and one fan's attempt to free her.
I Am Free: The sequel to Prisoner, where Mariah and her saviour fan embark upon a new life, and all the trials and tribulations that await this regular odd couple. Rom com.
And You Don't Remember: An amnesiac Mariah navigates a confusing world after falling from a cliff and losing her memory. Drama.
Underneath the Stars: Whilst stargazing with her beau, Mariah is abducted by aliens and the film follows her and her boyfriend's attempts to outwit the aliens and return safely to earth. Sci fi.
The Beautiful Ones: Mariah enters a beauty pageant and soon becomes aware of all the back stabbing and nastiness involved. She tries to turn the contest to be about personality and not looks. Comedy.
Joy Ride: Mariah features in a spin off to the Fast and the Furious franchise and puts the pedal to the metal in this high speed andrenalin rush. Action/adventure.
But When I Saw You as a horror featuring Mariah wielding a saw is just hilarious.
(Saturday 4 April 2020; 18:41)
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Re: Valentin Grimaud (93,496) (93,499)
by Bill from the UK
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Twister was the nick name of Mariah's stylist Tonya Twist, who killed herself. The song Twister was in memory of her. People drew the parallel to Mariah after her supposed suicide attempt after the critical reception to Glitter.
(Saturday 4 April 2020; 14:05)
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You Don't Know What to Do (Levitating Remix) (93,497)
by Bill from the UK
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This is brilliant. It would be great if MC did something of this nature.
(Saturday 4 April 2020; 09:53)
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Re: Article: Mariah warns her staff against April Fool's Day pranks (93,490) (93,491)
by Bill from the UK
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I'm of the "they earned it, they decide how to spend it" camp. If Mariah and others want a life of luxury over donating it all, that's their prerogative. But I agree, don't then tell people like you and me to donate. It reminds me of J K Rowling, the epitome of a champagne socialist, telling everyone to take in refugees, back when that was a celebrity's flavour of the month (before Greta and climate change appeared), from one of her many multi-roomed mansions. All the while not opening her doors to a single one of them. It's the old adage, practice what you preach, isn't it.
(Thursday 2 April 2020; 21:29)
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Re: Congratulations Jade (93,481) (93,485)
by Bill from the UK
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Congratulations Jade, what lovely news. 
(Wednesday 1 April 2020; 15:41)
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Re: ET archive (93,479) (93,480)
by Bill from the UK
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I know right? The I'll Be There moment was amazing, how has that not been shared before? It makes me wonder how much archive footage there is of Mariah being incredible like that. I mean this is just one outlet's archive.
(Wednesday 1 April 2020; 10:53)
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ET archive (93,477)
by Bill from the UK
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This is a great video. I wish ET would release their entire MC vault. They have so many great moments. The axed AYNAF video being the main one and now all these tidbits.
(Tuesday 31 March 2020; 23:08)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey delivers intimate "Always By My Baby" (93,451) (93,456)
by Bill from the UK
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Agree, great performance. This fuels my need for her to do an album of her songs re-worked and re-arranged acoustically or intimately to honour her 30th year. Scale then back and strip them of their sheen, because underneath all the fluff and samples are some amazingly melodious tunes. Kate Bush and Tori Amos did similar with their Director's Cut and Gold Dust albums respectively.
(Monday 30 March 2020; 15:39)
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Re: So Cold (93,430) (93,431)
by Bill from the UK
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Rainbow's problem was it was a rush job to complete her contract. So the album is interludes, knock-offs, and remixes supported by one killer song (Heartbreaker). After making such bold steps forward with Butterfly, Rainbow was a massive let down. And the less said about Did I Do That, the better. Yes, Mariah. You did. And we don't know why. The album's second half has a couple of hidden gems (Crybaby, Petals), but there's very little to salvage from it. It was all over the place, rather than being a CoBoWo like Caution.
To answer your question, in terms of living in both moments, I do prefer Daydream Mariah. I mean the concert in London, where I was an attendee, was one of the best nights of my life, ever. Plus, she was at her peak of popularity. She was respected by her peers (a number of which attended the London concert with me - Sting, Phil Collins etc.), it wasn't a crime to be a fan of hers, nor an embarrassment, and she was setting trends with what she was doing musically. Plus, I don't think she ever looked more beautiful than during that era. I mean she could have passed for the FLOTUS with her fashion choices back then. Now it's either lingerie, leotards or ballgowns.
Merry Christmas Mariah does hold so much happy nostalgia for me though. I remember we had a Christmas fun day at school, where we could just play games and stuff for the last day before term ended. A bunch of kids bought in music to play, and one of my friends bought in the Merry Christmas album, which was on my Christmas list. I asked him if I could listen to it, and sat in the corner by myself all day listening to the cassette on my walkman over and over again. I couldn't believe how great it was. I think back to that cosy, well-lit, warm classroom, with the contrasting grey December light outside, reading the lyrics and looking at the pictures in the inlay. The sound of my classmates being drowned out by Mariah's beautiful voice, and then my teacher asking me if I was okay, as I wasn't joining in with the others lol.
Then I remember being devo that come Christmas day, I didn't get it haha. I got it as my "Boxing Day present", a thing my family do. I mean that was just cruel to withhold it an extra day from me lol.
(Sunday 29 March 2020; 14:59)
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Re: So Cold (93,419) (93,420)
by Bill from the UK
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I think I'm the only one here who thinks her voice was noticeably different on Daydream, rather than Butterfly. Daydream was very nasally, and brassy in places, plus this was when she started to break up her melismatic runs into more statacco sounding ones. Merry Christmas was the last album sung in her show stopping immaculate voice. Daydream was some sort of transition, and then it went downhill from Butterfly onwards.
(Sunday 29 March 2020; 00:06)
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Re: So Cold (93,415) (93,418)
by Bill from the UK
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Haha. CoBoWo. That has to become a thing like Crapfinity lol. For most of my childhood Emotions was just one of her early albums before the juggernaut of Music Box, but in my old age I appreciate it more and more with each listen. I mean sure, half of it just rips off soul songs from the 70s, but her vocals are impeccable, So Blessed is divine (agree Lucia, single worthy), and whilst live renditions of Make It Happen during the 90s were brilliant, I also love the slick, laid back vibe the album version has. In fact it's my favourite song from the album. I love the story David Cole told about her being unable to get the bridge right, until, after trying all day, at 3 in the morning she grabbed the mic and belted it out in one take.
She sang it live on the London leg of the Daydream tour, of which I was an attendee. Amazing rendition, amazing night.
(Saturday 28 March 2020; 20:55)
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Re: Article: Mariah Carey celebrates milestone birthday in the studio (93,416) (93,417)
by Bill from the UK
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I've thought this for a long time. Mariah professes to be a Christian, and any Christian worth their salt knows that "thou shalt not lie". So, rather than unearth a huge web of deceit crafted since day one, that would then involve other questions being asked (i.e., were your vocals also a manipulation), then she just avoids it by never acknowledging her age. It's not lying exactly, but deflection from the truth. This is why I hope the memoir is her just lifting all those burdens and coming clean about every single thing. But then the other part of me is like, why lie about one year? Was it to coincide with the "Paint Your Wagon" story, that she was named after They Call The Wind Mariah. Was that an exotic stage name, and she was really called plain old Maria? Who knows. But yes, something is amiss.
(Saturday 28 March 2020; 20:50)
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Re: So Cold (93,406) (93,409)
by Bill from the UK
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Great song. In fact I think the entire Emotions LP is pretty much flawless. It has some of her most beautiful ballads coupled with some of her most high energy dance tracks. The 70s disco meets 60s soul concoction was just sublime. A beautiful album.
(Saturday 28 March 2020; 15:05)
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Happy birthday MC (93,399)
by Bill from the UK
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Happy birthday Mariah. 50. Wow.
(Friday 27 March 2020; 18:55)
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Article: Mariah Carey at 50: the life of an icon (93,398)
by Bill from the UK
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There are so many errors with this article. Wow.
(Friday 27 March 2020; 17:11)
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Re: Acapella / piano for the benefit special (93,381) (93,382)
by Bill from the UK
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You misspelt lipping.
(Thursday 26 March 2020; 15:39)
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Re: Them low notes (93,364) (93,366)
by Bill from the UK
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Give my all (ellipsis) for your love (ellipsis) toniiigghh-iigghhhhhttt.
(Monday 23 March 2020; 21:42)
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Re: I never thought (93,342) (93,351)
by Bill from the UK
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But the fact is China has caused this global pandemic through eating bats, of all things, and other rodents and vermin that are swimming in disease, along with unhygienic practices, and a totalitarian government that tried to suppress numbers and facts when they should have warned the rest of the world about the outbreak so all flights with Chinese nationals could have been refused entry. Millions of people will die and I don't doubt a number of us on this very board will be impacted directly either through family becoming ill, ourselves becoming ill, or the economic catastrophe that awaits us all. God forbid for any of our loved ones to die because of the Chinese virus.
(Sunday 22 March 2020; 18:28)
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Re: Everything Fades Away (93,319) (93,320)
by Bill from the UK
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The irony was it wasn't even a cohesive body of work. Caution's themes and sound differed track to track. It went from "kiss off" to "kiss me" every other song, and at break neck speed. Good album though, but not great. I mean it's not Daydream's second coming, let's face it.
(Wednesday 18 March 2020; 16:21)
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Re: Everything Fades Away (93,316) (93,318)
by Bill from the UK
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Indeed. And they would also help create a cohesive body of work.
(Wednesday 18 March 2020; 14:01)
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Re: Everything Fades Away (93,311) (93,313)
by Bill from the UK
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What don't you get about it? It's one of the more poignant, sad and desperate lyric she has written.
(Tuesday 17 March 2020; 17:08)
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Re: Everything Fades Away (93,310) (93,312)
by Bill from the UK
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I agree. Same for Migrate. Have it re-released with a hot feature from Bruno Mars and the Smeezingtons.
(Tuesday 17 March 2020; 16:40)
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