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About Todd from Sydney, Australia: My Jack Russell is fond of Infinity

Re: Does anyone here even stream music? (88,681) (88,689) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Yes. I haven't had an actual CD since MOAIA. Then everything was iTunes or "finding online", but for the last 2 years it's been nothing but Spotify. I don't even think my car has a cd player come to think of it.
(Tuesday 19 March 2019; 12:06)
Re: Caution (88,441) (88,444) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's not a bad album, but there's lots of songs that I skip. I've taken the songs I enjoy and added them to my MC Spotify playlist. GTFO, With You, The Distance, Giving Me Life and Portrait are the only songs I've listened to more than once.
(Sunday 10 March 2019; 00:57)
Michael Jackson (88,426) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I have no idea what to think. Victims or famewhores? I doubt "Leaving Nerverland" had infiltrated Mariah's world, but I wonder what she makes of it all. R Kelly, MJ and Jussie. Hasn't been a great month for friends of Mariah.
(Saturday 9 March 2019; 06:37)
Re: Till the end of time (88,267) (88,300) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Lookie what we have here. Welcome back Mr Feisty. I've missed your musings.
(Monday 4 March 2019; 11:21)
Re: Okay hooold up now (87,788) (87,798) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Don't worry, she does your job for you. She never sticks to a concert date in Australia.
(Wednesday 30 January 2019; 12:30)
Re: Okay hooold up now (87,772) (87,786) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I would have agreed with you a couple of years ago. But now, as much as I love Mariah's music, I think Mariah does things for money, not fans. So whilst the notion of "Mariah Carey performs for Saudi fans" is nice, the reality is more likely "Mariah performs in Saudi Arabia for money". I have seen too many cancellations, too many "I'm 90 minutes late for my show" incidents that would seriously disappoint the 1990s "forget the the ensemble, this is about the fans" Mariah that we once knew. And that's fine - it's always been about the music for me.
(Tuesday 29 January 2019; 22:24)
Saudi Arabia (87,703) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Really Mariah? That's despicable.
(Friday 25 January 2019; 22:52)
Merry Christmas MCA family (87,190) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Hi all. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to everybody. I hope everyone is enjoying the "Liking-Mariah-Is-Cool" season. Apparently it's going to be 36C/98F here on Christmas Day. None of the Christmas songs make sense.
(Saturday 22 December 2018; 04:19)
Re: Body of work (86,371) (86,385) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I'm really surprised you don't enjoy "Giving Me Life". Naff title aside, it's the only song from the entire body of work I've listened to more than once.
(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 19:59)
Why torture yourself? (86,326) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
If somebody really likes Sprite, it baffles me completely why that person would keep buying can after can of Coke, and then being disappointed that it's not Sprite.

(Wednesday 21 November 2018; 00:05)
Giving Me Life (85,967) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Is amazing.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 19:44)
Media (85,951) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
At the risk of sounding like the Tangerine Buffoon, the media are dickheads. Every news outlet in Australia gladly plastered its front pages with news of Glitter's failure, and for that matter MOIA and MIAMTEC. But when a 17 year old "flop" rises to #1? Crickets. Tumbleweed. Such a fantastic opportunity for great press coverage. But here in Australia we ridicule success. It makes the average bogan (trailertrash for you Americans) that make up 96% of the country feel bad about themselves. Anyway. Justice for Glitter and bring on Caution.
(Thursday 15 November 2018; 12:26)
Re: GTFO, next (85,850) (85,875) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Just listened to it, and dagnammit Andrew you're right. Ariana's is a tad bouncier than GTFO. And Mariah sings in English - I'm not sure what language Ariana is sliding and mumbling through.
(Tuesday 13 November 2018; 05:29)
World tour (85,198) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Artist: I'm going on a world tour.
Me: Ooh, I live in the world, let me get tickets.
Artist: Psych. I mean the USA. That's what I mean by world.
(Monday 22 October 2018; 20:20)
I broke the seal (85,006) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Yesterday I had the MC playlist on Spotify on shuffle. AIWFCIY came on. Normally I'd hit next. But given Christmas stuff is already everywhere here in Melbourne (and it's nudging 30C/85F - which despite the lyrics in all the songs is very much Christmas weather), I figured why the hell not. I enjoyed it. I smiled. I felt Christmassy. However - it's October. I am a bit of a Christmas freak, but usually hold out until mid-end November before busting out the Buble-Clarkson-Carey combo otherwise I'm sick to death of it by December 25. So now I fear that I've opened a can of festive worms and now it's the beginning of the end. Christmas music wise, at least.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 01:16)
Re: Album title (84,991) (85,005) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I enjoy getting stuck in 2010 too for the Christmas season.
(Thursday 18 October 2018; 01:10)
Album cover (84,913) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
What do we reckon guys and girls? Do you think it'll be the first MC album without her on it, eg just the caution tape? (Which by the way I would be all for). Or do you think it'll be Mariah, wearing some caution tape?
(Monday 15 October 2018; 22:26)
Re: A little confused (84,756) (84,770) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Or, in the spirit of Halloween, she should embrace the "Michael Myers looks like Mariah Carey" meme that is going around.
(Friday 12 October 2018; 01:20)
With You video (84,743) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
I enjoy it. The last 5 seconds, however, when she starts being what I believe to be herself (eg singing into the hairbrush and singing herself), gives me the warm fuzzies in which I am reminded how much I really love Mariah Carey.
(Thursday 11 October 2018; 12:34)
The scheduling conflicts (84,644) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
So I got a reminder on my phone tonight - "Mariah Carey @ Rod Laver Arena". Tonight, I would have seen the #1s Tour with 40,000 others. I can't be too mad about it though, because at least there's new music, but ditched for the AMA's? Well, I've been dropped for less I guess. I would have been pissed had she been swanning around the Caribbean somewhere on a boat with the dancerman. Her AMA performance, well - she looked good. The choreography gave her a reason to stand still. I didn't mind it. Yes, she lipsynch'd the entire 4 note variation of a song. That was disappointing. But, 99.9% of people have never heard the song, and likely never will again, so who cares?
(Wednesday 10 October 2018; 11:25)
Widjoo (84,296) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
The only terrible thing about the song is a 48 year old woman saying "WidJoo". Cringe cringe and cringe some more.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 10:12)
With You (84,295) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
It's okay. Would I like it if it wasn't Mariah? Probably not. It's just kind of beige. Not bad. Not great. Nick was talking about the bubble she lives in - this is the bubble in which she assumes when she references the "Bone Thugs" song that every human on the planet knows she means Breakdown. It's the bubble in which she believes the "whole damn nation" knows that she was engaged to James Packer and is now with Bryan. She always says she doesn't listen to "pop music" so it's within this bubble that she believes this is a radio friendly jam. I'll save it on my Spotify and give it some love, but... sigh.
(Thursday 4 October 2018; 10:10)
Re: Andrew (84,170) (84,181) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
An angry queen? No need to be all homophobic and Trump-ish. You can get your point across without being a complete utter next Tuesday.
(Monday 1 October 2018; 14:11)
Whatever happened to Shelley? (83,980) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Do you guys remember Shelley from this message board? I think she was from the USA. She always used to talk about her dream that Mariah would close out a concert with "We Are The Champions" by Queen. She also never had a bad word to say about anybody, let alone Mariah. I have no idea why I was thinking about her, but I wonder what her, and people that were so devoted to the Mariah of the 1990s, make of Infinity/I Don't/GTFO.
(Monday 24 September 2018; 13:08)
Re: GTFO rollout (83,842) (83,848) by Todd from Sydney, Australia
Similarly in this part of the world. I was living in New Zealand when WBT came out, and Mariah hadn't been on the radio since the Rainbow era, with Heartbreaker and then the Westlife version of "Against All Odds". #1's, Glitter and Charmbracelet went unnoticed down here. As did "It's Like That". It wasn't until WBT came out that the public started enjoying her music again. It continued with "Shake it Off", "Don't Forget About Us", "Touch My Body", and then died a quick death with "Bye Bye". Even "Obsessed" didn't get much of a look in.
(Tuesday 18 September 2018; 01:25)


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