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About Tevin from USA: A laid back guy that loves Mariah!

Sorry guys. Bad fan. Impostor syndrome (105,523) by Tevin from USA
So true. Lol.
(Saturday 17 February 2024; 23:37)
this is a reply to message 105,520
Sorry guys. Bad fan. Impostor syndrome (105,514) by Tevin from USA
So the remix is a lot better than the original song. I hope Mariah and Ariana have a lot of success with this song. I don't mean to be negative but there's this part of me that hopes it cracks the top 10 or even top 5 on Billboard, but not reach number one. I just don't like the song or the message at all. Like I said Mariah added depth to the song that it was missing, and other than the bad mixing on the pre and first chorus everything songs great, uh, I don't know, I just feel like this song shouldn't be attached to the brilliant songs that make up the other 19. Call it single/song impostor syndrome, idk. Anyway on a positive note, I have been trying to stream it in the background to help. I do hope they both work on an original song together in the future and not just remakes.

Also, as a YouTuber said in his reaction of yes and, Mariah has started off belting in a song since 1996 lol, so I was happy and presently surprised that she was belting in full chest voice throughout the song and sounding great too.
(Saturday 17 February 2024; 20:38)
Yes? And remix (105,480) by Tevin from USA
They have a clean version on Spotify.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 13:22)
this is a reply to message 105,465
You all have to try this (105,455) by Tevin from USA
Why we wait for Mariah's new single to drop, try this playlist out. This to me would have been the perfect ending to Caution. She should have moved Portrait to the number one or two spots on the album. Anyway, for the last songs put them in this order: Giving Me Life, Caution, (jump over to YouTube and play Selfish), Runway. Try it out and let me know what you all think.
(Friday 16 February 2024; 00:26)
Yes and, my thoughts (105,450) by Tevin from USA
Ok, so like many of you have said on here, when I heard that there will be a new Mariah song released, I was ecstatic, but I also felt a bit conflicted, because I don't like the song Yes, And. I thought about it for a while and now I'm actually happy Mariah is doing this and here's why.

1. She is stepping outside of her comfort zone, like we have been begging for her to do for years (yes this may be a dance or club track like she's done in the past, but let's be honest, she hasn't done it in a long time).

2. She's collaborating with a female singer (one who can do crazy runs, high belts and even whistle, though not up to Mariah's level). Once again we have been asking her to do this.

3. Homewrecker or not, Ariana is still very popular and her music still sells. Once again we have been asking Mariah to work with a popular artist and no has been or up and coming artist.

4. We are finally able to see Mariah (after a very long time), work her magic with redoing a remix. Now if it's just added vocals, then I'll be happy but also disappointed, but by the sound of it, is that this will be a completely reworked song.

5. This introduces Mariah to a younger crowd outside of December. Once again we have been asking her to do this.

I can go on, but the point is this, we haven't heard this remix yet, so how can we judge it before we hear it? Though I don't agree with Ariana's actions, we shouldn't criticize a remix we haven't heard yet (the "d" I ride part may not even be in the remix), also let's not be hypocrites, a very young Mariah was also in a similar situation in the past depending on how you look at things (with Tommy being married when he met Mariah). I'm not judging nor pointing fingers and honestly I don't care about what other people do, I'm just trying to make a point.

I think Mariah's team is doing a good job. Get the public on your side, blow up on social media, show up to the Grammy's to appease the music academy (or whatever you call it). Start collaborating with young and established artist. Then drop your own fresh new song and possible album (I hope this last one comes true). I think with the success of Big E last year, it showed that Mariah may not be reigning in the charts nowadays, but her name does pull weight and people will tune in to listen if they can connect to the music.

Ok rant over.
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 21:24)
Selfish (105,448) by Tevin from USA
Wow. I just listened to the Mariah AI version. I didn't like the JT version (sounded boring), but man oh man, Im loving this "Mariah" version. From what I see TikTok is eating this up too. Hopefully Mariah takes note add straight forward simplistic songs to sing, like this on her new album. Some people mentioned it sounds refreshing since there isn't a ton of back ground adlibs or crazy runs going on. My wish is for Mariah's next collaboration to be with JT, redo or do a duet on this song, and release the Yours duet with it as well (that may help people to visit Charmbracelet).
(Thursday 15 February 2024; 21:08)
100% (105,352) by Tevin from USA
I agree. Save the Day should have never seen the light of day.
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 22:34)
this is a reply to message 105,350
100% (105,351) by Tevin from USA
Wow. Lol.
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 22:33)
this is a reply to message 105,348
100% (105,344) by Tevin from USA
Do you all remember Mariah's song 100%? I randomly started singing this in my head today. I was curious, what were your thoughts on this song, has it changed since you first heard it 14 years ago?
(Saturday 10 February 2024; 17:23)
The Celebration Of Mimi (105,297) by Tevin from USA
It would be perfect for her to drop a single the first night at her show.
(Tuesday 6 February 2024; 19:31)
this is a reply to message 105,289
Single drop (105,276) by Tevin from USA
If Mariah is dropping a new album this year, when do you think she should drop her first single off the album (given that Taylor is dropping her album in April, with a new single probably at the beginning of next month)?
(Monday 5 February 2024; 21:11)
Grammys 2024 (105,263) by Tevin from USA
Mariah looks stunning.
(Monday 5 February 2024; 02:57)
Quantity vs quality (105,098) by Tevin from USA
I'm excited for new music too, and thank you for the avatar complement. I found it on that music prediction Twitter account that everyone was talking about a few days back.
(Thursday 25 January 2024; 22:28)
this is a reply to message 105,094
Quantity vs quality (105,093) by Tevin from USA
Agreed, even Mariah's worst albums (Rainbow and MIAMTEC) imo, still is better quality than a lot of stuff we hear in the industry today.
(Thursday 25 January 2024; 18:23)
this is a reply to message 105,086
Quantity vs quality (105,089) by Tevin from USA
I agree.
(Thursday 25 January 2024; 15:13)
this is a reply to message 105,083
Quantity vs quality (105,088) by Tevin from USA
Multiple top 5 hits would be awesome.
(Thursday 25 January 2024; 15:13)
this is a reply to message 105,082
Quantity vs quality (105,080) by Tevin from USA
Would you rather have a rated 6/10 Mariah album with one or two big hits (top 10 or better on Billboard) or a solid 9/10 album (because nothing will beat the perfection of Daydream) with no popular hit singles (doesn't hit the top 40 on Billboard)? Of course I'm hoping we get a solid quality album with hits, but I'm curious to hear what you all pick.
(Thursday 25 January 2024; 04:49)
Article: Mariah shows off physique in sparkling "swimwear" (105,068) by Tevin from USA
I agree TJ.
(Wednesday 24 January 2024; 15:31)
this is a reply to message 105,060
Insider account (105,050) by Tevin from USA
I agree, a Drake collaboration would be awesome. Also I wish she would collaborate with 21 Savage too. I can see them making a Fantasy or Honey remix ish type song.
(Tuesday 23 January 2024; 04:04)
this is a reply to message 105,049
Insider account (105,048) by Tevin from USA
I thought the reason Gucci was on the remix was because he was having beef at the time with Eminem.
(Monday 22 January 2024; 21:05)
this is a reply to message 105,044
Insider account (105,047) by Tevin from USA
Don't get me wrong, I love me some ballads, but I do hope we get some good mid and uptempo songs. It seems like everyone popular who can "sing" in the current industry is making moody slow or mid tempo songs. I need some fresh upbeat music with substance. Did we even have a song of the summer last year? I feel like last year we didn't. Maybe a Sza song being the closest but her stuff was mid tempo.
(Monday 22 January 2024; 21:00)
this is a reply to message 105,042
New projects (105,046) by Tevin from USA
What's the name of this Twitter account? Oh I hope it's true. We need redemption for E=MC2.
(Monday 22 January 2024; 20:46)
this is a reply to message 105,022
The reintroduction of Mariah Carey (104,944) by Tevin from USA
Sounds like an awesome plan. I hope it all comes to fruition. But, not to sound like a Debbie downer, Mariah has definitely got to work on her vocals before promoting anything. Everyone knows how tough promotion can be on vocals. Think of how amazing she sounded at the start of the TEOM promo tour, compared to how she sounded during the actual tour for the album, and that was when he vocals were a lot stronger and more reliable. My thought is for her promo appearances she should do a mix of pre recorded videos (think late night v time mix video), plus semi pre-recorded uptempo song, and a fully live strip back ballad, where she can take her time and sing her heart out.
(Monday 15 January 2024; 15:39)
this is a reply to message 104,943
Love for Memoirs (104,918) by Tevin from USA
Thank you so much.
(Saturday 13 January 2024; 05:17)
this is a reply to message 104,911
Love for Memoirs (104,910) by Tevin from USA
Oh ok. I'll see if I can find it online.
(Friday 12 January 2024; 18:27)
this is a reply to message 104,893


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