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About Lee from UK: Favourite Songs: All I've Ever Wanted, Underneath the Stars, The Roof, Outside & Butterfly.
Favourite Albums: Music Box, Daydream & Butterfly
Instagram: @leemdylan

Journalists fat shaming Mariah (77,528) by Lee from UK
How on earth is this ok? Whenever an article is written about Mariah there are a few stock phrases that journalists like to use over and over again and they all focus on her weight. The amount of body shaming that happens in these articles is ridiculous. Mariah is an easy target. Can you imagine journalists fat shaming Adele, it wouldn't happen. Adele may dress more conservatively than Mariah (and the gods know Mariah's fashion sense is awful) but that doesn't mean she should be body shamed. Some have gone so far as to taking fan photos of Mariah at her concert, where she wears plenty of leotards, photoshopped them to make her look bigger and then basically said "everyone look and laugh at fat Mariah". Love her or hate her, it doesn't matter. It's bullying. Simple, basic bullying and it's ok because she's difficult diva Mariah who brings it all on herself and obviously shouldn't be so proud of herself.
(Friday 28 July 2017; 00:10)
Re: New unheard Fantasy vocals (acapella) (76,974) (76,990) by Lee from UK
I think these were the pre-recorded vocals that Mariah used for the TAOM tour.
(Sunday 9 July 2017; 17:44)
Martyn's funeral (76,786) by Lee from UK
Hundreds turned up for Martyn's funeral today. A video montage was shown with Mariah's Beautiful being played. Here is a tweet with the video for those who enjoyed Martyn. Mariah also recorded a video message for the funeral according to this tweet.
(Friday 30 June 2017; 15:24)
Mariah - gay icon (76,205) by Lee from UK
Mariah is only a gay icon when she chooses to be or when she needs to be. As far as I am aware, she has never attended a pride event or performed at such an event. The only time of which I am aware that she has shown mainstream support for the LGBT community was when she accepted a GLAAD award (for what only the gods knows). Did Mariah ever publicly support same-sex marriage, the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell"? I ask because I don't know. Furthermore, Mariah is very non-political which has always been a clever move because if you're too political you can run this risk of alienating some of your fan base. Mariah wrote the song Outside about being multi-racial but she has also spoken in the past about some of her gay fans also relating to that song for obvious reasons. Does this make her a gay icon? Probably not. However, the gays love a diva.
(Saturday 10 June 2017; 14:55)
Re: Lee from the UK (76,058) (76,081) by Lee from UK
Gee, I have no problem with you either. My point was telling someone to go away just because you do not agree with their opinion (whether it's mine or someone else's) is a very Donald Trump like thing to do. What I got from your post was: if you don't think like I do, you're wrong and shouldn't even be here.
(Tuesday 6 June 2017; 16:55)
Re: Manchester events (76,047) (76,050) by Lee from UK
When someone posts an opinion you don't agree with, your first response is to tell them not to come here anymore. That's very mature, Gee. .
(Monday 5 June 2017; 09:47)
One Love - Manchester (76,042) by Lee from UK
Wow. I am honestly so moved by the One Love Manchester concert organised by Ariana and her team. However, watching it made me realise, just how irrelevant Mariah is at the moment. I could not see Mariah at that event at all. Each artist took to that stage with absolute humility. No one there was more humble than Ariana herself, dressed very casually and giving her all. Singing 100% live, raw and showing lots of warmth and humanity. Mariah could never pull this off in a million years. Nobody's vocals were perfect but that's not what this event was about. The last thing this event needed was a lack luster rendition of Hero, a song which, in my opinion, Mariah clearly hates to sing. I was blown away by Ariana, her performance of One Last Time with the audience participation really got me and then by the time she sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow, I was practically a puddle of tears. The context of this concert is obviously a contributing factor to all of the emotions I am feeling but I think it was mostly Ariana's reaction to it all. I honestly do not know how Mariah would have handled this if she was in Ariana's situation but for some reason, I get the feeling she would have come off as insincere and I honestly don't think Mariah does humility or humble very well at all. Whenever she tries it feels forced and rehearsed.
(Sunday 4 June 2017; 23:56)
Re: Artists you love that may surprise others (75,970) (75,983) by Lee from UK
In no particular order:
Sara Bareilles
Jason Mraz
Michael Bublé
Nathan Sykes
Lucie Silvas
Katie B
James Morrison
Daniel Merriweather
The Fratellis
Sam Tsui
Straight no Chaser
(Friday 2 June 2017; 23:21)
When Martyn met Mariah (75,842) by Lee from UK
This says it all really.
(Sunday 28 May 2017; 22:17)
Martyn's vigil (75,840) by Lee from UK
Sorry Eric, this is probably a better link. And here is a link to a speech by his mother. There are more videos available linked to these tweets so for those who wanted to be there but couldn't, I thought these would be helpful.
(Sunday 28 May 2017; 21:44)
Martyn's vigil (75,839) by Lee from UK
A vigil was held for Martyn tonight in his home town. Here is a touching rendition of Till the End of Time being performed there. He was obviously well loved.
(Sunday 28 May 2017; 21:36)
Tribute concert (75,780) by Lee from UK
Ariana is coming back to Manchester to spend some time with her fans and play a tribute concert to raise funds for the families of the victims. This girl has gone right up in my estimation.
(Friday 26 May 2017; 20:54)
Lambily (75,696) by Lee from UK
My heart goes out to all of those other Lambs who were also fatally/critically injured at the Ariana concert but whose social media presence was not strong enough to get a mention from Mariah.
(Thursday 25 May 2017; 09:40)
Martyn Hett (75,637) by Lee from UK
I have no words but wanted to contribute to the well wishes to Martyn's family and friends. This is so close to home for many of us. Martyn was one of us. Rest in peace.
(Wednesday 24 May 2017; 13:11)
Re: Last Daydream era performance (74,030) (74,037) by Lee from UK
I'm not sure which was her first performance in 1997 but Wikipedia says the first live performance of Honey was in the UK on ToTPs. So I am assuming it is this video. I could be entirely wrong though and someone else here may know better?
(Thursday 30 March 2017; 01:04)
Last Daydream era performance (74,025) by Lee from UK
I love discovering older live performances that I have not heard before. This video was Mariah's last performance during the Daydream era I believe and it is amazing to hear the Daydream era vocals mixed in with what would become the Butterfly era vocals. As one of the comments below the video states, it is quite sad to watch as you realise now that this was the last time we would ever hear the Daydream era vocals live. Everything about this video gives me chills as we had no idea what was happening behind the scenes, we had no idea her divorce was imminent and we had no idea that Mariah was going to become a butterfly.
(Wednesday 29 March 2017; 17:01)
Re: The uselessness of trying to change someone (74,001) (74,006) by Lee from UK
The reason why Mariah was treated so harshly after Glitter was (and still is) very much to do with her attitude. If it had been Celine or any other singer in Mariah's league, it would have been a relatively small issue. I believe the general public had been waiting a long time to have a go at Mariah especially the UK media. Mariah's "diva" behaviour is more legendary than her music. Ask any non-lamb what first comes to mind when they hear the name Mariah Carey, they will not say "Vision of Love" or "Hero" or "high notes"; what you will find is they say "ugh" with a rather exasperated tone. When people have it all and then act like it is such a burden or they act like they are special or better than anyone else, or that they should be treated differently, we love to see them fall from grace. That was Mariah's Glitter moment. Mariah recently asked why does she have to keep having come-backs as though she is constantly proving herself. The answer is probably because she hasn't really changed. She plays up to the diva image a lot more now and makes it seem as though it is a joke but for those who are watching waiting for the next Glitter moment, it is likely to just be fodder to pelt her with.
(Tuesday 28 March 2017; 12:52)
Re: Mariah's mystery collaborator (73,150) (73,158) by Lee from UK
Brian McKnight?
(Sunday 26 February 2017; 15:44)
I Don't on Kimmel (72,761) by Lee from UK
I think the performance was boring because "I Don't" is just a boring song. For what it was though, Mariah sang well. Perhaps I am suspicious person but I have a feeling that a backing track of pre-recorded vocals were being played over the "'cause when you love someone, you just don't treat them bad" sections. Even if it is not true and the whole performance was 100% Mariah singing, you can't blame me for the doubt.
(Thursday 16 February 2017; 23:10)
Kimmel (72,643) by Lee from UK
"I Don't" is not a song that should be performed live. I sure hope Mariah does something completely unexpected with it. Make it acoustic or completely change it in some way. I can't believe I'm at that point with Mariah where I am cringing at a performance before it has even happened. This should not be the case. And for the love of the gods, please please please leave the leotards and bodysuits at home.
(Tuesday 14 February 2017; 11:17)
Re: Lionel Richie Facebook fans attack Mariah, help her (72,458) (72,463) by Lee from UK
I don't blame them. If I was a fan of Lionel, I wouldn't be a fan of Mariah's antics either. The thing about this tour is, I just don't know which audience they are appealing to. I wouldn't want to have to sit through Lionel Richie's performances waiting for Mariah to come on and I doubt Lionel fans will want to sit through Mariah's perfrmances waiting for Lionel. The kind of people who are likely to go and see Lionel Richie are not the kind of people who will be happy to wait around for 2 hours for Mariah to arrive late and then suffer through lots of tedious costume changes and lip synced performances. Yes Mariah is a legend, but it is arguable that Lionel is even more of a legend in his fans' eyes. If Mariah is as disrespectful to his fans they way she often is to her own (turning up late, lip syncing and spending 20% of the concert changing outfits), they will not take it from her.
(Friday 10 February 2017; 12:41)
I don't? More like "I can't" (71,998) by Lee from UK
I'm not a fan of this song and will not be purchasing/streaming it. What happened to Mariah's songwriting skills? This sounds like it was over-produced by an amateur and the lyrics are shit. I've seen the video clips and I'm over it already. I'm over Mariah "being sexy". I'm over Mariah in leotards. This era needs to end abruptly and quickly. I never thought I'd say this but I do not want to hear another new Mariah song for at least 3 or 4 more years. She needs to go back to basics.
(Thursday 2 February 2017; 19:41)
Re: Cat-fight and Mel B (71,258) (71,265) by Lee from UK
I do not think people should be moderating what they want to write based on someone else's gender. That's absurd. This isn't the Victorian era. Also when you say this isn't the UK, are you referring to the bloody Internet? The Internet isn't the USA either, just so you know.
(Saturday 14 January 2017; 22:31)
Re: The One, Shining Through the Rain (71,224) (71,249) by Lee from UK
I very much know what you mean about Mariah being in her head and paying attention to what she sounds like. This is probably the most concentrated that I have seen Mariah during a performance. It is a shame to me that more recently, she cares more about how her hair is falling over her shoulders as opposed to how she sounds. I hope Mariah comes back with a string of smaller, more intimate performances like this where she is clearly in control and refuses any offers to do Times Square, Superbowl etc etc.
(Saturday 14 January 2017; 12:54)
The One, Shining Through the Rain (71,222) by Lee from UK
In this version of "The One" from "Shining Through the Rain" the audio quality is quite low as someone has tried to capture the mic feed. For me it raises a couple of questions: does Mariah seem to be lip syncing parts and also singing some parts? It is clear that her microphone is on but she is being cautious about which parts she is actually singing. Are the lipped parts filled in later, or is there a vocal backing track constantly being played? Does the audience notice that she is not actually singing some parts? Do they get to hear the backing track? It seems as though the high notes at the end are 100% live and they are beautiful. Perhaps she was saving her vocals for that. If so, it was definitely worth it.
(Friday 13 January 2017; 13:44)


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