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About Dove from United States:

Re: New #1s album art (92,051) (92,056) by Dove from United States
I love Infinity so much. I think I'm the only one.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 13:10)
New #1s album art (92,048) by Dove from United States
I hope the updated album art is the black and white photo of her face with her hair flying around from E=MC2. (The one Travis has as his avatar.)
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 04:45)
Re: Another level of legend (92,040) (92,047) by Dove from United States
Yas. I'm so excited for this new era.
(Tuesday 31 December 2019; 04:39)
Auld Lang Syne video (92,003) by Dove from United States
When it first came out I cringed so hard and hated it but now I love it so much. It makes me smile and proves Mariah has a sense of humor and doesn't take herself as seriously as people think. Otherwise she wouldn't have kept it up. It makes me love her even more. I wouldn't want all of her videos to be this low budget but I'm glad it exists.
(Saturday 28 December 2019; 22:30)
Re: Signature song (92,002) by Dove from United States
It's definitely AIWFCIY. But I also associate Fantasy, Hero, and Vision of Love with her too.
(Saturday 28 December 2019; 21:17)
Re: Mariah needs hot uptempo song in 2020 (91,951) (91,954) by Dove from United States
I agree. She needs an album of songs we can dance, run, and clean to.
(Tuesday 24 December 2019; 18:15)
Re: Week 3, you in danger, girl (91,938) (91,941) by Dove from United States
Hopefully people stay in the Christmas spirit and continue steaming Christmas tunes.
(Tuesday 24 December 2019; 10:57)
Another #1 (91,906) by Dove from United States
I believe she can have more number 1 hits with the right marketing. Her new songs are just as good as her older songs the difference is that they're not mainstream and not everyone listens to R&B just like not everybody listens to country. I played AIWFCIY videos at the holiday parties I went to and people were saying negative things about her which makes me think that's the common perception about her among the general public. I played the Tokyo Dome one and people were asking who it was and saying that she was so good. I told them "Mariah Carey" and some comments were, "Have you seen her now? She's so lazy she doesn't even walk. She has people carrying her around on stage and you can tell that they're struggling." And, "She can't even sing anymore, she always lipsyncs." Like she's a laughing stock. I think it has to do with how she's presented in the media. TMZ are usually making fun of her like she's a joke. Wendy Williams too. Anyone else who has achieved what she has achieved would be treated with more respect.

Then at work I was playing her songs and my coworker rolled her eyes and said, "She's so extra." I was playing Heavenly (No Ways Tired/Can't Give Up Now) because I love how her voice sounds on that song. She rolled her eyes during the super high whistles, which to me sound heavenly, but people are so programmed to hate her that they prefer to listen to people who can't even sing well.

Anyway, I would be super satisfied if she tied The Beatles at 20. They're the greatest of all time, and so is she, so it would be super appropriate if they were both at the top IMO.
(Monday 23 December 2019; 01:21)
New AIWFCIY video and behind the scenes (91,902) by Dove from United States
I love the glittery red dress scenes the most too. In the part with the angel wings I kind of wish she was wearing a white angelic dress. I wish there were more scenes of the kids dancing. I don't love the red jumpsuit but I like it more in the behind the scenes footage. Even though the video is beautiful and the backgrounds are amazing in the official new video; I like how Mariah looks in the behind the scenes footage more. I think it's because it's more candid and her facial expressions look more natural. I don't love when she lipsyncs because it doesn't look natural. In any video. And I don't love the technique where they slow down the film. Other than those little things I love it.

I forgot to mention that the glittery nutcracker outfit look 100 times better with the black leggings IMO. Those scenes are my second favorite.

I just watched it again a few times and I really do love it even though it may have looked like didn't from my last few posts since I was nitpicking. The part at the beginning where she's standing in the storefront (with the magic all around her) and the little girl is looking at her, I'd like that as a cardboard cutout for my holiday display.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 21:03)
Re: Thoughts (91,883) (91,901) by Dove from United States
Thanks for clearing that up Dennis.
(Sunday 22 December 2019; 20:54)
Thoughts (91,865) by Dove from United States
Something just occurred to me. A long time ago on this site someone posted a YouTube video of Walter in a recording studio with a girl and the girl was super flirty and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He said, "Don't show my wife." What if he's one of those producers who is not professional with young up and comers? The kind #MeToo tries to expose? If I knew something like that about someone I wouldn't want to work with them either. I know it's a huge leap to assume that from a one minute video. And no one has ever come out against him as far as I know. I don't think he was inappropriate with Mariah since he was friends with her husband. I've just been trying to think of why she refuses to work with him after all of the beautiful songs they wrote together. If it's really just that he couldn't follow her when she left Sony that seems like a reasonable reason. He was under contract. Maybe he knew what Tommy was doing at the time to try to crash her career and didn't stand up for her? Or maybe Tommy told him if he followed Mariah he'd sink his career too? And he was loyal to Tommy, Mariah be damned? This is all speculation.

In my imagination I hear Tommy saying, "You're where you're at because of me." Then Mariah responds, "I'm where I'm at because of my talent." Then Tommy says, "I'll prove to you that the right publicity machine can make anyone famous." Then he hires JLo (who can't sing) and helps take her to the top proving that money and the right promo can catapult anyone.

Anyway, I'm so glad time has passed and Tommy is not trying to sabotage Mariah's career anymore. Despite his faults, the man's a genius.
(Saturday 21 December 2019; 18:29)
Re: Walter A. gets really candid (91,853) (91,863) by Dove from United States
I think he comes out of his cave when AIWFCIY does well because the publications reach out to him, since he is also a writer on the song. I would be upset too if I wasn't given credit for my work. When she says "I wrote this song" I think she's talking about the parts she wrote, though. Under the description of the new video (which I loved) Walter A. Is credited. It reads: "Carey worked with Walter Afanasief, with whom she wrote all of the tracks, as well as producing Carey's interpretations of the covered material."
(Saturday 21 December 2019; 18:17)
Re: Walter A. gets really candid (91,808) (91,825) by Dove from United States
I agree with everything you wrote Bill. Her songs with Walter A. are some of my favorites of hers and one can hear with the instrumentals that he's super talented.

Also, I find it really sweet that Tommy and Thalia congratulated her. I mean, so much time has passed. They didn't have the best dynamic but he did do a lot to help her in her career and I'm thankful to him for that. Thalia has been a long time fan of Mariah too. I remember when I was young Thalia mentioned in an interview she was a fan of Mariah during the Daydream era. It's probably not appropriate for her to go around saying that all the time but I don't think she's an evil woman just because she married Mariah's ex-husband.
(Friday 20 December 2019; 22:02)
Billboard Magazine shoot (91,800) by Dove from United States
Wow, I really love these new pictures. She looks flawless. I love how she looks in that shade of pink and the black dress is amazing. The emerald headpiece too. She's such a queen.
(Friday 20 December 2019; 08:31)
I wash this was a real remix (91,778) by Dove from United States
This sounds so good to me. I wish it was a real remix.
(Thursday 19 December 2019; 05:35)
19th #1 (91,700) by Dove from United States
Congratulations to Mariah and the Lambily.
(Tuesday 17 December 2019; 01:22)
Mariah Carey onesie (91,568) by Dove from United States
I'm so disappointed. I went to order an MC holiday onesie and they're sold out. Did anyone get one?
(Monday 9 December 2019; 23:33)
Re: St John the Divine (91,228) (91,236) by Dove from United States
I found it glorious, I love how raw it sounds. If I close my eyes it makes me feel like I'm there. I also like how the new tracks flow and feel like part of the concert. Worth my money.
(Sunday 3 November 2019; 23:25)
Book (91,041) by Dove from United States
She should write an extended version with more juicy details that her grandkids can publish in the future after the non-disclosure agreements expire.

I've read a lot of books about Marilyn Monroe but my favorite one was "My Story" because it's in her own words. The other books about her are all told by other people as far as I know.
(Friday 11 October 2019; 16:27)
About siblings (91,023) by Dove from United States
Honestly, there are people in my family who I don't speak to anymore and I'm totally at peace with it. My mom tells me I should talk to them again because what if they die, I'll have regrets. I honestly don't think I will. I don't hate them but these are people who don't want the best for me, they've been toxic as long as I've known them, I've given them a lot of chances and they've stabbed me in the back more than once. It would be crazy if I did continue those relationships. I talked to my therapist about it and she validated my choice to cut them out. Because I did feel guilty about it for a long time, since they are family.

So Mariah, I totally support your choice. When I was younger (even a few years ago) I didn't understand this and felt we should forgive our family and always keep them in our lives but I've changed my mind. We need to protect ourselves too. We matter too.
(Wednesday 9 October 2019; 15:28)
Article: Mariah on her fans, her feminism (91,021) by Dove from United States
Some people will have something negative to say about her no matter how she acts or what she writes. I think she should write whatever she wants the world to know about her after she dies. Otherwise others will tell her story for her. So far I'm feeling hopeful.
(Wednesday 9 October 2019; 13:55)
Re: Rumor has it... (90,290) (90,299) by Dove from United States
Same. Maybe these interviews are for newer fans?
(Thursday 11 July 2019; 19:56)
Re: Cosmopolitan (90,279) (90,284) by Dove from United States
Oh yeah, him. I forgot about Packer too. Maybe she dated them but didn't "do the deed" with them? Honestly, the more I think about it, I believe Packer was a publicity stunt to get people to stop talking about her and Nick.
(Thursday 11 July 2019; 01:28)
Re: Cosmopolitan (90,267) (90,275) by Dove from United States
She said she could count the number of people she's been with on one hand. That could be less than 5. So I'm thinking Tommy, Nick, the guy she's with now, Jeter, and Luis Miguel. Have we known of other boyfriends she's had?
(Wednesday 10 July 2019; 15:57)
Re: Cosmopolitan (90,264) (90,266) by Dove from United States
Why is that so hard for so many to believe? I'm 36 and have honestly only been with three people.
(Wednesday 10 July 2019; 10:02)


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