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About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Full song first impression (72,029) by Marissa from USA
I like the beat and Mariah's parts but, contrary to what I initially thought, YG ruined this track for me. Same way I felt about JD in Get Your Number. It really makes me question how much respect YG has for Mariah if he put that weak of a rap on her track. I could have rapped something better than that and I'm just an everyday professional. I doubt that he would have done the same half-assed rap for Beyonce, but then again I have to question what the deal is with Mariah for her to think that actually sounded hot and even be willing to release a song with him in it if he's only willing to bring his "F game" for his rap. If there's a rap-free version released then I stand by my thoughts of liking this song. Is it a masterpiece? No, but it's a start.
(Friday 3 February 2017; 6:50)
I'm excited to be honest (71,882) by Marissa from USA
I'm seriously excited for her to drop this song you all. I haven't been excited about any music she's put out in years now. Every time I hear the extended song preview I like it more and more. I'm not going to start screaming 19th #1, but the fact that the beat is hot (listen to the preview again with headphones) and YG, one of the most popular rappers on the West Coast, will be on it really does give it a fighting chance to at least be a top 10 hit if it's promoted well. This may not be her best work in her entire career but you have to admit that it's definitely a big upgrade from Infinity. Even a non-lamb could bob their heads to it. Hopefully MW and Instagram isn't the only promotion that she'll do for it. The song's not perfect but to me it's a step in the right direction.
(Wednesday 1 February 2017; 1:39)
They belong together (71,816) by Marissa from USA
I want Mariah and Nick to get back together. There, I said it. Yes, I have ragged on him in the past, but overall they seemed so in love when they were with each other and the fact that they are apart and lost in the world is sad to me. To me, the only cause of Mariah and Nick's divorce were clashing egos. Nick didn't want to stop working so hard because he was hustling to look like he was worthy of Mariah's love and Mariah didn't want anyone to have an opinion that didn't echo hers. From the outside looking in, despite what they said, they didn't do everything to make their marriage work. They were each locking onto a set of secret values (Mariah's was "I love you unless you actually want to be an equal in this relationship" and Nick's was "I love you but I'm not going to look like a jobless punk leeching off of his wife, even if it makes you miserable that I'm working too hard") that got in the way of unconditional love. Ultimately, they both latched onto shit that didn't matter in the grand scheme of things, now they're both alone and lonely. To me, the fact that they broke up over childish, egotistical reasons is a demonic force. Even Nick said it himself. They shouldn't have given the petty values that they were secretly holding onto the power to break their marriage up, yet they did. My question is looking at both of their lives now, was it worth it? If they put all of the Hollywood bullshit aside then they could have still been together. I still have hope that if they ever truly wanted to, they could make it work because the reason they broke up was actually preventable had they not had valued such petty things above their marriage. This isn't coming from a place of trying to rag on them, but from a sadness to see a marriage fail when there was/is still potential for it to work, especially when there are kids involved. Again, this is my theory. I can't say for sure that these are facts, but from the information that they've both given about the failure of their marriage, this is what I've pieced together.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 20:29)
Nevermind, it's a bop (71,776) by Marissa from USA
What a difference a full video makes. Sounds like a semi-bop and probably the most solid song she's made in years. I thought it was going to be trash from the first video I saw. Lyrically I'm not feeling it only because she's trying to frame James as this horrible person when she was practically (if not fully) cheating on him for a large chunk of the relationship. Her disrespecting her relationship almost the whole time and trying to make it seem like he was a shitty person is evil and I'm disappointed in the way she's acting. Sorry positive lambs, but based on her behavior, James deserved way (caps) better than her. Being pretty was about all she brought to the table in that particular relationship. I'd gladly take Mariah sloppy seconds: a nice, lowkey, romantic and generous billionaire? Sign me the f*** up while Mariah takes L's with a backup dancer. It's gonna take a lot for me to overlook the context in which the song was written, but I think it's pretty nice from what I heard.
(Monday 30 January 2017; 10:21)
Re: MCA close down (71,735) (71,740) by Marissa from USA
I'm sorry but I think it's rude to ask someone to close down a website that they have built and cultivated for almost 20 years just because you are fed up with negativity. There is always the option to leave if it's no longer enjoyable for you or anyone else, but to ask someone else to abandon a decades long passion project is entitled. If people don't like the vibe here then the onus is on them to leave and find somewhere else that suits their needs, not to ask the webmaster to give up one of his hobbies/passions so we can pretend that the world is a Mariah-centered utopia where people never have negative opinions. Instead being so scared of people's honest opinions that we shut the website down, how about Mariah steps her game up and puts out quality music and cuts the reality TV gimmicks so people have nothing to complain about? If your vision is for people to sing her praises all day then she's going to have to start doing something praiseworthy. More and more negativity crept in when the quality of Mariah's career decisions plummeted. There's a direct link. It's not a coincidence or people waking up and deciding to be mad for no reason. You definitely have the right to not like the people and opinions on here but to ask the webmaster to rip up a piece of his livelihood for you when you are perfectly free to leave is a bit much. That's like being at a house party that you think sucks and deciding to burn the house down and make everyone else suffer when you could have just walked out of the door and left.
(Sunday 29 January 2017; 1:18)
Song snippet thoughts (71,729) by Marissa from USA
From this snippet, it sounds a mess to me but ultimately I won't know for sure until the full song is released. Judging by the fact that she's making a "breakup song" about a relationship and breakup that she never showed any signs of giving two shits about, I already know in my spirit that this is a song that I'll hear once and probably never voluntarily listen to again. It's already not believable. I just wish she would go to Capri, leave the traveling circus behind (including Tanaka) and get inspired to make meaningful music again.
(Saturday 28 January 2017; 22:09)
Re: MW ratings 1/15/17 (71,499) (71,504) by Marissa from USA
"Contourella?" Okay, this is the best one hands down. My day has been made.
(Saturday 21 January 2017; 12:02)
Re: Mimi L (71,429) (71,433) by Marissa from USA
She looks stunning in these photos. I miss these times.
(Wednesday 18 January 2017; 22:00)
Re: (71,387) (71,395) by Marissa from USA
I understand what you're saying, but the thing is, we're fans and don't know Mariah personally so there's no way to be discrete about expressing these concerns. If I knew Mariah personally I would gladly tell her to her face, but that isn't an option. And now (allegedly) Stella has Mariah's phone, so even if I had her number I could forget it. This is a place where fans can come to celebrate successes and share concerns. It's not our job to censor ourselves out of fear that some Demi Lovato or JLo fan might be reading these messages. Plus, the behavior of our fanbase is typically ignored by the media compared to the Beyhive, Beliebers, One Direction fans (whatever they're called), etc. I've never heard of one story blowing up and leading Mariah to worldwide humiliation that can be traced back to a few lambs giving constructive criticism online. The general public usually judges Mariah by her performances, not by what her fans are saying. Have you noticed that our fanbase is never able to even get a hashtag trending on Twitter no matter how hard we try? No one checks for us unless Mariah has a vocal/performance disaster like NYE. If people don't even care enough about our opinions to let a hashtag trend, then no matter how negative something is on here, it probably won't get far beyond this board.
(Tuesday 17 January 2017; 19:10)
Re: (71,375) (71,378) by Marissa from USA
My main issue is a lack of effort and the trying to have your cake and eat it too mentality. If Mariah's voice is irreparably damaged then I can accept that, but what I can't accept is taking on gigs constantly and not preparing or even trying. From all of the reviews people leave here of MW she's seen with a glass in hand every episode, which we all know impairs the voice. I don't expect perfection, I just want to see effort and if she's over the days of painstakingly preparing for performances then she has that right, but just admit that you're over it and stop coming out and doing bad/half-assed performances just for money. It's better to retire than to keep doing things that are ruining your reputation. If she wants to keep performing forever then she should at least make sure she sounds good or just stop. Also, there's no such thing as Mariah giving a private performance for only wedding guests. People have cameras and moments like these easily go viral. I may come across as harsh because when I watch Mariah's performances, I don't give her "I'm a fan so I'm gonna let it slide" bonus points by default. I listen to the performance as if I have no allegiance to her because to me that is the only way you can determine whether a performance is actually good or not. It's like people who would go on American Idol convinced that they can sing because their mom always told them they sounded great, and then they get ripped to shreds by the panel. She's your mom, of course she's going to make you think that you're the best thing since sliced bread, but if you want to know the truth, you have to ask the real world because everyone isn't going to give you the benefit of the doubt as much as someone close to you is. It's the same thing with fans. These comments aren't about getting pleasure out of kicking Mariah while she's down, they are cries for help for her to give a shit about her career again. Trust me, I'd much rather be here bragging about how she slayed an Oscar or Grammy performance, but I don't feel like we're being given anything to brag about. I'm not going to force myself to adapt to f***ery when I know a person is capable of infinitely better. If I went from being in the gym daily to gaining 200 pounds, I would hope that someone who claimed to love me would pull me to the side and put me in check if they know I'm capable of much better, not just shut up and let me die of a heart attack for the sake of being "nice" and "positive". The most positive results I've ever gotten in life have been a result of negative (caps) feedback. The key is not internalizing it and seeing that people are criticizing a specific, fixable behavior and not you as a person. Reminds me of what I call the "spinach debate". Are you the type who'd rather walk around all day having a huge piece of spinach in your teeth and embarrassing yourself than to have one friend discretely tell you that you have something in your teeth? Would you be so mad that someone had the "audacity" to confront you about something that you miss the point that they are trying to save you humiliation from others who will be ruthless with you? That is the vibe that a lot of "positive" fans give me. "I'd rather look a fool to the world than have a few people call me out even if they're trying to save me from a future disaster."
(Tuesday 17 January 2017; 11:37)
Re: Article: Russian billionaire spends £2.5million hiring Mariah Carey (71,326) (71,335) by Marissa from USA
Why be anything but nice? Because people have ears and it sounded terrible. There is a huge difference between being mean and being real. If you believed that it sounded good then I'm sure you would have said that rather than telling us to be nice. We all know what the deal is, it's just a matter of who is willing to speak out. The fact that this was at a wedding is what makes this situation so much worse and indefensible. This was this couple's one special night that millions of dollars were spent on. Hopefully this will be their first and last wedding. There are just some situations where it is totally inappropriate and inconsiderate to screw up on that level. I just hate that when people defend Mariah they never acknowledge or empathize with the people who are impacted by her mistakes. Millions of dollars were spent on a singer for a wedding who sounded like she had a frog in her throat. That is embarrassing and an artist should be ashamed to go out there unprepared like that in a moment that is so important in someone else's life. Everything isn't just about Mariah and her journey like so many fans think it is. People seem to think that as long as Mariah can walk away unbothered and rich that it doesn't matter when she does inconsiderate things. We should all accept it because she's Mariah and she's breathing, something us peasants should be grateful for. The real world is not Mariah's World. It's also about the people who have been personally affected by cancelled shows, ridiculously late appearances, chronic lip syncing and press-the-mute-button-worthy vocals. They matter too.
(Monday 16 January 2017; 11:30)
Article: Russian billionaire spends £2.5million hiring Mariah Carey (71,309) by Marissa from USA
This was not money well spent. In the videos I've seen, she sounds absolutely terrible. Seriously, if no one knew her back catalogue and that she was once "Mariah Carey" people would think she was that tone-deaf aunt who got up on stage, always thought she could sing and never could. I can understand having an off moment but she didn't even sound like a professional singer on that stage. That looked like a slightly upscale talent show. I just don't get it. Are her vocals irreparably ruined or has she just been putting no effort into cutting out drinking and getting vocal rest? Listening to that wedding performance was tragic and humiliating. I truly don't believe that Mariah loves herself. She might be full of herself, but that doesn't mean that she actually loves herself. When you love yourself, you hold yourself to the standards of excellence and you take care of your God-given gifts. A person who loves themselves would never constantly subject themselves to so many cringeworthy and humiliating vocal disasters and then frolic off into the sunset bullshitting themselves into believing that it's okay. They always say that one of the signs of depression is giving up on self-care. Just because Mariah always steps out in full hair and makeup doesn't mean that she's taking care of herself. Self-care is about a lot more than making sure you look cute. The fact that she even does performances as bad as this wedding performance and can still look herself in the mirror (and probably won't do anything to improve for her next performance) is proof that she's given up. I never thought I'd see the day where Mariah, the "perfectionist" would be so comfortable having a track record of vocal f*** ups.
(Monday 16 January 2017; 0:44)
Re: Bryan and Mariah (71,271) (71,275) by Marissa from USA
Believe it, girl. The whole 40+ year old female singer "dating" their backup dancer who no one even knows for sure what their sexual orientation is has been done to death. Despite how hard Mariah and Stella try, it's just not interesting. It looks desperate, fake and destined to fail. The truth is that Mariah was winning with the publicity that she got from dating a billionaire and getting that massive engagement ring before the breakup and inconvenience fee debacle. This Tanaka thing is a major publicity downgrade. The "cougar" narrative is boring unless it's with another younger celebrity, not some random unknown. Initially I thought that it was real considering the fact that it was blatantly obvious that she was practically cheating on James with him way before Mariah's World even started airing, but now I just feel like she's going through the motions with him because she just can't be alone. I'm at the "who knows and who cares?" point with it now. I don't really care about her personal life anymore as long as she's not strung out on drugs or depressed. I only care about her career and want to see it protected from disgrace and destruction. The only man that I'm truly passionate about seeing get removed from Mariah's life is Stella.
(Sunday 15 January 2017; 1:14)
Re: Why [...] mad? (71,143) (71,165) by Marissa from USA
What I don't understand is why people who have heard and witnessed how "negative" this board is keep coming back for more? What is the payoff if you hate almost every post here? I can understand having an issue with 1 or 2 people's harshness on here, but almost everyone? You're torturing yourself. "Positive" lambs always make it seem like Mariah just won a Grammy last night, an Oscar the day before that, and has a #1 album on the charts and we're still here complaining despite how great things are going. They never provide context to anyone's "negativity" and make it seem like everyone just woke up mad at Mariah instead of seeing it as a reaction to something specific happening in her life or career. As of now, Mariah's ability to sing is being questioned or completely rejected worldwide, many people are excited that she failed because they think she has a bad attitude anyway and needed to be humbled, they think that the DCP foiled/sabotage comments are her lying and making up excuses, people are calling her old and irrelevant, etc. This isn't exactly a sunshine and rainbows type of time, so why you're shocked by negative comments is beyond me. At some point people are going to understand that the influx of "negative" lambs is not random, but because Mariah's career has been very hit and miss for at least the past 7 years. What I find hilarious is that when the NYE debacle happened, almost all of the people who fled the board because it was too "negative" reappeared. Why? Because, negative or positive, this board represents stability for people. It's been around for decades for a reason no matter how often people shit on it, because Eric allows us to be human and express both negative and positive emotions on here.
(Wednesday 11 January 2017; 19:39)
If the break succeeds (71,135) by Marissa from USA
Despite the fact that you can see Stella in some of Mariah's most recent paparazzi photos, for some reason I'm still getting a good feeling about this break if Mariah actually follows through with it for a while. I think her taking a break from chasing attention and followers will shine a light on the incompetence of her team. The only credit Stella has to her name is getting MC more attention, so what value will she really have when getting attention is no longer her job requirement like during this break? How useful will she be then? Don't get discouraged that you still see Stella. This break is the true test of whether she'll stick around. Also we have to consider that Stella being on Mariah's team isn't bad in and of itself. The issue is that Stella has too much power and plays too many roles even if the roles revolve around her weaknesses. Stella getting fired soon is possible but still a stretch considering how co-dependent of a relationship she and Mariah have, so we can at least hope that she will get demoted to no longer handling PR, no longer being in charge of music related projects (demoted to an extracurricular projects manager, if that's possible?) and gets her child off of Mariah's social media. That way even if she is still on the scene, she will at least be tolerable to us and not be in too big of a position to destroy Mariah's career.
(Wednesday 11 January 2017; 1:53)
Little miss emancipated (71,097) by Marissa from USA
If Stella really has Mariah's phone then all I can say is lmao. It's really laughable how much she's acting like a 5 year old who doesn't want to take any responsibility for her own life. If Mariah's letting someone take this much control over her life then whatever happens, good or bad, is what she deserves. I understand not wanting to micromanage every detail of your life/career, but giving someone (especially an employee) total control is insane. Reminds me of how Oprah says that she personally signs every check over a certain amount of money to make sure she never loses control of her life. As much as Mariah has constantly shaded and criticized Tommy, Stella does the exact same shit that he did during their marriage. They are two sides of the same coin. Following her everywhere, having her child follow her everywhere, having her child run her social media, firing everyone in sight, being her unofficial PR person, living with her, etc. If I had to pick between the two of them, I'd take Tommy any day over her because at least he knew how to make a person successful. At least there was a payoff to the control. Stella is so everpresent that she might as well be breastfeeding Mariah and what do we have to show for that except MC being the laughing stock of the industry right now? Either Mariah is practically in love with Stella because she is the one on-call kiss-ass that she's been searching for her whole life, or she is scared of her. I think it's a combination of both. MC is good at throwing shade and holding grudges against people who came for her first, but I don't think she's as good at standing up to people who aren't being mean to her, but are nevertheless destroying her life in one way or another. She doesn't like being the bad guy and the dynamics of her relationship with Stella wouldn't make that any easier. Breaking free from Stella would be just like a divorce. They have a production company, business dealings, live together, kids love each other, Stella's whole extended family is involved. It won't be easy or pretty. The truth is little miss emancipated is now owned by her manager.
(Tuesday 10 January 2017; 3:22)
Media and social media break (71,018) by Marissa from USA
The more I think about this media/social media break the more I wonder what the motivation to do that is. Is she getting ready to sue/get sued by DCP and no longer wants to discuss it? Is she stepping away so she can ween Mishka off her social media and find a new social media manager? Is she getting ready to completely clean house and thus wants to reduce the level of responsibilities and involvement that her team has? I honestly hope it's the latter, but I'm curious what this is about, because it's weird for someone to take a break from social media when they were never actually posting themselves in the first place. It's not like she's doing it to regain her sanity from negative comments when she never sees them anyway. Something's up and I want to know what it is.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 23:20)
Thoughts on voice message (71,006) by Marissa from USA
First of all, throughout the years I've seen several lambs on this board saying that they miss/wish Mariah would do a vintage voicemail again, so here it is. Before I thought these sabotage accusations were just Stella being paranoid and going over Mariah's head creating an irreparable mess, but given the fact that Mariah herself is saying this, I can no longer be mad. She's been in the business going on 27 years and she knows full-well the consequences of these accusations. Clearly she is well aware of the risk and isn't scared, so why should we be? This is no longer Stella popping off at the mouth without Mariah's consent. I'm glad she's taking a break and I truly hope it's for the better. Maybe if she stops trying to seek attention for all the wrong reasons she will recognize her wrongs and see how useless her team is. She needs to refresh her spirit and take care of her voice. Hopefully this isn't one of those "breaks" that lasts for only a week or so. She truly needs the time and space to think, reevaluate and recharge. Also, I think she's recognizing that Mariah's World is a flop because otherwise it wouldn't make sense to pull back from social media and the media if you have a project to promote.
(Sunday 8 January 2017; 20:53)
Stella: A 360 view (70,893) by Marissa from USA
One of the biggest issues lambs have with Stella is that she has become Mariah's PR person, whether officially or unofficially. What happened to having a PR person that gave politically correct, professional statements to the public? Since when does a manager double as PR, especially one as crass and belligerent as Stella? This whole all-purpose job role irrespective of her weaknesses has got to go. If she just managed and that's it (no interviews, no TV roles, no obnoxious Instagram posts), I think most people would find her at least slightly tolerable. The only reason lambs immediately dragged Stella after NYE was because she's constantly shoved herself down our throats by chasing fame, so we knew exactly where to look when shit popped off. In an interview she said that she came on the scene only because she wanted to help Mariah extend her brand into different areas beyond music. Dealing with Mariah's music career was just a necessary evil, so it's not surprising that music has been neglected during this entire era. Her intention was never to boost MC's music career and she's admitted that herself, but that's the issue. She's more passionate about dragging MC into TV than she is about helping her dominate music, the reason why we became fans in the first place. Without these TV and movie projects, Stella's irrelevant and out of her league, so she has to keep MC booked with side-projects so she looks like she's indispensable. The bottom line is that MC can't do anything as well as she can sing and songwrite. No one is checking for her directing, producing or acting besides a few lambs, and if you suggest any of these things to the general public they usually just laugh. The running theme in MC's camp is people biting off more than they can chew in their roles. A TV producer managing music, a 13 year old managing social media, a dancer doubling as a boyfriend. The lines are too blurred. I do think that Stella has leadership qualities and could do someone good as their manager, just no musicians, especially not of Mariah's caliber because she doesn't know shit about music or tact. I think she'd be a good manager for a person who's only a reality star, because all of the antics she starts could easily be spun for ratings. She does know how to boost a person's relevance at all costs, but she doesn't get that that formula only truly benefits people who have nothing to lose, not legends. If someone like Kim K goes from being in a sex tape to having her own show, game, stores, etc. that's a come up because she didn't have shit to begin with. If Mariah goes from having 18 #1 hits, a flawless voice and 200+ million records sold to forcing her backup dancer to pick her up and kiss her on the beach for staged photos, that's an L.
(Friday 6 January 2017; 9:41)
Tommy defends Mariah and gives his 2 cents (70,814) by Marissa from USA
So here's what MC's former oppressor had to say about the travesty: "MC is arguably the greatest pop voice to come along in the last three decades," Mottola wrote. "She has had more number one hits than any pop artist in history. She is a global icon and a treasure with incredible talent not only as a singer but as a great songwriter. What happened on NYE could've happened to anyone. Yes, her technical people should've helped pay more attention to all of it so that there was no chance of that happening." His opinion on her shitty team: "My only advice is that she should hire more seasoned and respected professionals to surround her and help her with her career. I would never have encouraged her or guided her to do something like a reality television show. I don't get it." Mottola wrote, adding, "That does absolutely nothing for her integrity, her credibility, or her massive talent. She should take a step back, think carefully and figure out what to do next. That is what she does best. Most certainly none of these issues or problems ever existed with her in her early days at Sony for the first 10 years when she skyrocketed to global superstardom. Where absolutely meticulous and methodical attention was paid to every single detail and nuance that went on into her career." I've said it once and I'll say it again. Tommy and Mariah were horrible for a relationship but perfect for business. His motives of releasing a comment are questionable and I do think this was his opportunity to demonstrate to Mariah that she finally needs him (or someone with a managing style like his), but overall I agree with everything he said. Here was Stella's response to his statement: "Really? Tommy is a relic. Did he give you that statement from a rotary phone?" Stella, if you're such a great manager, cite your accomplishments and experience (oops, you don't have any). Her high school clapbacks only prove his point.
(Thursday 5 January 2017; 4:47)
Debacles and mishaps and exposés, oh my (70,780) by Marissa from USA
I hope debacles, mishaps and exposés continue to happen until Mariah realizes that having an on-call ass-kisser (Stella) is not worth destroying her career and legacy for. She's putting it all on the line for the approval and love of this harsh-blush having b****. Honestly, it's starting to look like Stella is the husband Mariah's always wanted. She's acting like an idiot right now letting her manager burn bridges all because she wants someone who will sit around, lie to her about the severity of her career issues and tell her how great she is all day. It's harsh to say, but I am at the point where I want Mariah to lose because that is the only way that she will ever have a "come to Jesus" moment, get grounded, clean house and rediscover the work ethic, artistry and professionalism that she has abandoned. I don't want her to lose for losing's sake. In the words of Fantasia, "Sometimes you've got to lose to win again." If Mariah wants to continue to keep someone paranoid, unprofessional and crass on deck, whatever debacles that continue to happen under Stella's leadership will be well-deserved. Instead of wasting my energy being mortified and embarrassed on her behalf, I'll be sitting back with my popcorn. The only person that should be embarrassed is Mariah for letting this shit happen and letting her team make it worse, not us.
(Wednesday 4 January 2017; 20:53)
Re: Fest suggestions to Mariah (70,676) (70,685) by Marissa from USA
Yes. Even if Stella had nothing to do with this debacle, she still is the queen of burning bridges and destroying relationships, and even if Mariah fires her today she will still have to deal with the aftermath long after she's gone. I understand wanting someone who you feel stands up for you and is in your corner, but Stella takes it too far because she has absolutely no class or diplomacy. Even if it was DCP's fault, she could have put that out there without being dramatic and labeling it as "sabotage". Now imagine if something like this would have happened at the Grammy's or VMA's and Stella would have released a statement like that. I know she may think she's tough with her iPhone, unblended makeup and 12 inch acrylic nails but her petty clapbacks don't stand a chance against a big network or company that wants a war against Mariah. It's kind of like having a gang member as your bodyguard. They might defend you but their own beefs with other people might f*** around and get you killed. It's not just about Mariah and her individual actions. She will pay for the sins of the company she keeps too. Mariah is in too vulnerable of a position to allow fights to be picked with corporations. As long as she keeps lipsyncing and doesn't take care of her voice it will always be easy to "sabotage" her by releasing mic feeds and exposing backing tracks to create a viral, humiliating moment. Stella better shut up (or better yet step down ).
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 2:41)
Something in the buttermilk ain't clean (70,673) by Marissa from USA
The more I watch the clip, the more confused I get about this performance. If she couldn't hear herself/the monitors weren't on, how was she able to occasionally sing snippets of her songs and how were the dancers able to be on point with all of their dance moves? Don't get me wrong, clearly something went wrong, but I do think a large part of it was her just being too afraid to sing. The few parts that she did sing she didn't even sound bad, so she might has well have just kept going. If she's at the point where she doesn't feel secure enough to sing 3 measly songs without backing tracks, her voice overall is in horrible shape and she needs to come to terms with it, do something or stop performing. I can understand having some backing tracks for the Vegas show because she's performing 18 songs and does need to preserve her voice, but damn. If you're at the point where you can't even play it off anymore and wing it, you have no business performing. Take on the gigs that you're prepared to handle, not just what will get you attention and a check. Stop performing songs that require you to be the vocal acrobat that you once were and take it easy. It's okay to switch out your popular, but complex songs for songs that are easier to sing. Chasing who you once were is only going to get you embarrassed. You want to be who you once were but don't want to put in the effort that you once did. If you want to compete with the Mariah of '95, you're gonna have to put the drinks down, record songs that you can actually sing live, take multiple days vocal rest, get a vocal coach and attend sound checks. Again, put in the effort or retire. Mariah, I'd rather you just admit that the thrill is gone when it comes to your passion for music and excellence and just have a seat. You still have your "music is my life" script but your actions are speaking louder than words at this point.
(Tuesday 3 January 2017; 0:21)
Starting the new year with a new L (70,582) by Marissa from USA
This shit was absolutely unacceptable. You mean to tell me that after all of those mishaps no one could have ran on stage and given her another earpiece or done something? They couldn't have cut the music? How did they just let the woman embarrass herself for 6 minutes on stage with no interference? That's like her having a nipslip and just having to continue performing with her nipple out without a stylist coming to the rescue. Somebody needs to be fired. That shit didn't make any sense. I don't know the inner-workings of the situation so I'm not going to blame it completely on Stella but I would be very happy if this was just used as a segue to get rid of her ass. I'm personally not too crushed by this event. You know how it is with Mariah once the media has dragged her: it will either make her step her team and voice up or she will fully accept that she should hang it up and retire. I'm tired one of the most legendary artists around having a career checkered with failure, chaos and lack of professionalism. There is no excuse anymore. Go hard or go home.
(Monday 2 January 2017; 1:00)
Re: Yeah positive fans (70,473) (70,493) by Marissa from USA
Yes M, preach. I agree with you. I'm exhausted with running to this board and reporting everything she does that annoys me. It's tiring. I know that her boobs are going to hang out in practically any outfit she wears. I know that Mariah's World is still on the air. I know that she is still semi-trying to promote this boring joint venture, oops, I mean relationship with Tanaka. But is there really a need to come here with a list of everything that pisses me off as if it's something new? The stuff she does is not shocking enough anymore for me to come on here acting brand new. Any issue that I have/had with Mariah have been stated in previous messages here. I think Mariah has been doing this stuff for long enough for it to truly be at the "take it or leave it" stage for fans, at least for now. That's not to say that she'll never change for the better, but as of now other than this Lionel Richie tour, there are no signs that anything is really going to improve anytime soon. I'm not saying that I'll never give Mariah constructive criticism again, but as of now, I've run out of steam.
(Saturday 31 December 2016; 21:55)


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