
Only registrated members can post messages. Registration is free.

About Marissa from USA: I love MC but I don't pretend that everything she does is perfect.

Re: Why not wearing them? They're cute (70,397) (70,403) by Marissa from USA
"Ignorant ass?" You're reaching. If I was truly ignorant I would have jumped on the bandwagon about this Mariah-fur situation all the while planning what red or white meat I'm going to eat for dinner like I'm sure many of the people who are angry at her are going to do. It actually takes critical thinking to point out the many ways that most people on this earth are complicit in either the suffering or exploitation of animals instead of just acting like not wearing fur qualifies someone to be canonized into sainthood. Hell, most people can't even afford a real fur coat so it's not much of a protest if you having one isn't even an option to begin with. I would kindly ask the real vegans to stand up, because a lot of them would drag many lambs for only being part-time dedicated to the cause of animal rights, but justifying other things. In fact, why doesn't everyone who doesn't like fur being on MC's website (which she probably has no awareness of) share what they have had for breakfast, lunch and dinner over the past 5 days? I'm sure there's a carcass digesting in most of the people who are mad. This whole scenario reminds me of religious people who will be ready to burn down a city upon finding out that someone is gay, but will overlook their own "white lies", lust and fornication. I'm not trying to turn this into a PETA forum and am done with this topic, but as critical as I've been of MC in the past, I didn't feel like the level of these criticisms were even fair considering that most people don't even live up to the cause of animal rights that they're preaching about.
(Thursday 29 December 2016; 2:11)
Re: Why not wearing them? They're cute (70,371) (70,390) by Marissa from USA
Unless you are a full blown vegan (that includes food, clothing, cleaning products and makeup choices), no one has any room to judge Mariah or anyone else for that matter. Over half of the celebrities who have posed for the "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign still eat meat, have leather private jet seats and probably don't give a damn whether their makeup has been tested on animals or not. There is just so much hypocrisy when it comes to this issue that I don't think it's fair to start hate campaigns against people unless you are 100% committed to the cause yourself. Animal rights advocates, continue to spread awareness, but understand that it's going to be difficult to convince most of society that with all of the human rights issues we have today, that they should focus their energy on cows, chinchillas, rabbits, etc. Like it or not, there will always be that divide to a certain extent. Andrew, you have the nerve to go off on someone about animal rights when you talk about Mariah, a human being, like she's a cockroach almost daily? This is the hypocrisy that I'm talking about. People will go into a depression over the struggles of a cow but will treat their fellow human beings like complete trash. Boy bye.
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 19:25)
Re: Fur coat? (70,355) (70,370) by Marissa from USA
Over the past 26 years, we've seen Mariah wear leather, fur, wool, snakeskin, we know that she's neither a vegan nor vegetarian, etc. Mariah has proven over the years to not be a serious non-domestic animal rights advocate. To me, it shouldn't be any more of a dealbreaker now than it was years ago. I feel like there is selective outrage when it comes to wearing fur, but people typically don't care about other animal materials (like leather seats, shoes, bags, jackets or wool) that we have seen her wear very frequently throughout the years.
(Wednesday 28 December 2016; 1:57)
Re: A galaxy far, far away (70,253) (70,257) by Marissa from USA
Wow, I didn't know that studs with enviable lives make hobbies out of airing their family's dirty laundry out to the press for fun. Seems like he should be too busy shopping, flexing a 6-pack and making out with his hot wife to have time to run to the press trash-talking a sibling that constantly ignores him despite his failed attempts to get her attention.
(Saturday 24 December 2016; 3:41)
Mariah checks Demi (70,099) by Marissa from USA
I was one of the people who really didn't give that much of a damn when Demi spoke out of turn towards Mariah, but I am glad that for once Mariah addressed the situation directly and straight up checked her instead of playing coy and playing dumb. I honestly wish that instead of shading people that she would just put more people on blast the way she did last night. Say that you think Ariana is a copycat. Expose the fact that you think J-Lo stole your music. If she gave the backstory more often on why she "doesn't know" certain celebrities then less and less people would view her as a villain and they would understand her point of view.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 19:01)
Re: Nick opens up / CaseyShow podcast (70,053) (70,059) by Marissa from USA
Thank you for posting the interview. It is a long interview (an hour and a half) so for those of you who don't feel like listening, I'll give you the run down.
1. Nick feels that their marriage lost a lot of spiritual power when Mariah's bishop died because he was someone who frequently prayed for their marriage. They never found another church home or spiritual center after his death. He believes that there was a lot of spiritual warfare in their marriage.
2. Nick believes that Mariah's team made him the enemy to protect their positions and started planting seeds into Mariah's head that he was just a boytoy, a gold-digger and he eventually started feeling like Mariah and her team didn't really respect him. He claims that he tried to play it off but the constant belittling of him from outside forces bruised his ego. (Maybe this is why Mariah cleaned house with her team after her separation from Nick? Maybe she blames them for causing discord in her marriage?)
3. Nick didn't believe that the Packeriah relationship was real. He thought that Mariah only wanted James for ego-stroking purposes and he says that James played himself trying so hard to chase her.
4. He believes that if they would have stayed together, they would have eventually been too resentful of each other for it not to affect their children.
5. Their different views on child-rearing really was an issue, way beyond the Barbara Walters interview where we first started suspecting it.
6. Mariah's desire to wait until she was married for sex made Nick want to get married much faster. (Big surprise lol.)
Mind you, I'm wording these points in the most blunt way possible just to get straight to the point, but Nick did express these issues in a much more sugarcoated, politically correct way than I am right now. Anyone else who listened, please fill in any noteworthy gaps that I might have missed from the interview.
(Monday 19 December 2016; 6:33)
Re: Carpool Karaoke (69,986) (70,007) by Marissa from USA
Overall I loved the video and thought it was a nice, festive tribute to the most legendary Christmas song of all time, but I did notice that her energy was a bit "stank" just like the first time she did the segment last year. Actually no, her energy was better in the first segment and people even dragged her for that. I don't know if she just doesn't like James Corden or what, but every time she does this segment, it just seems like there are "a million trillion things that she'd rather f***** do". Slightly disappointing from someone who always brags about being a fun, festive 12-year-old. On a positive note, she sounded very good singing.
(Friday 16 December 2016; 19:59)
Re: Mariah going on tour with Lionel Ritchie (69,819) (69,835) by Marissa from USA
As much as I was surprised that Lionel Richie, of all people, is who she will be tour with, I am optimistic about it. Lionel Richie is a true legend, a class act, and someone that Mariah respects greatly. I truly hope and pray that Mariah being around one of her elders with such a solid career will be a positive influence on her and channel some of the Mariah of yesteryear. Lionel has been in this business for too long to put up with Mariah's constant lateness and other antics, so I can only hope that she will class it up and that he will take her under his wing and remind her of the importance of true artistry over chasing celebrity at all cost. I really hope that this works out.
(Monday 12 December 2016; 18:35)
Re: Variety interview (69,726) (69,736) by Marissa from USA
It doesn't surprise me at all Edward. Every now and then a few lambs come out of the woodwork telling us, "Relax. Mariah's fully in control of her life. She knows exactly what's going on," but if Mariah's statement is true, she really doesn't even know the basics. How can she protect her reputation if she doesn't know what it is? That one quote from that interview explains why her actions have been so tone deaf compared to what the lambs have been begging her to do at every turn. She has no idea what's going on. Mariah being totally oblivious to her reputation is like a singer singing live when they can't hear themselves or a blind person being a hairstylist. You can't expect a person to nail it if there are no feedback loops. It honestly seems like she's less in control of her life and career now than she was during the Mottola years. The only difference is Mottola team's total control and smothering presence, she resented, and the Bulochnikovs' total control and smothering presence, she embraces.
(Saturday 10 December 2016; 2:57)
Re: Variety interview (69,717) (69,725) by Marissa from USA
"I don't know what people think of me. I had this conversation with Ellen DeGeneres and I was like, 'I don't know what the biggest misconception about me is because I don't know what people think.' I don't know." This is the most horrifying and alarming quote that she gave in this interview.
(Friday 9 December 2016; 23:11)
Re: Mariah should read her own press (69,685) by Marissa from USA
I don't think that Mariah needs to be the one to physically read press and comments about her because that could be very emotionally draining, especially considering how long she has been ignorant to how negatively people feel about her, but I think she needs someone on her staff to give her a weekly or monthly general consensus about how the lambs and society at large have been perceiving her recent actions. She doesn't need to read every vicious comment about her but she does at least need an idea of how people perceive her. You can't improve in life without feedback.
(Thursday 8 December 2016; 22:01)
Re: Stelle is here to stay (69,205) (69,220) by Marissa from USA
I agree. Mariah and Tommy may have been a terrible match in terms of an intimate relationship, but on a professional level, Tommy was excellent for Mariah's career. I don't give a damn how many lambs hate him. Mariah's career (except TEOM era) has been sporadic, half-assed and volatile ever since. If they would have never gotten into a romantic relationship, who knows, she might still be working with him and we probably wouldn't have 90% of the complaints that we have today about her. Mariah did supply the stellar artistry so her success is not 100% to his credit, but due to Mariah's chaotic childhood, she has a penchant for chaos and instability and really needs a person who will give her structure regardless of whether she hates it or not if she wants her career to be at its peak. What's ironic is the fact that most of the success that she brags about was when she was working with a strict, take-no-shit team, yet she wants to keep running to people who challenge her to do nothing musically. She may be more active under Stella's leadership, but it's painfully obvious that her management heavily accommodates her lazy, idgaf, let's just have a splash disposition. Obviously I'm not expecting her to work as rigorously as she did in the past, but there is a huge difference between prioritizing rest and relaxation in your life and just acting lazy, sloppy, and indifferent, and she is typically doing the latter.
(Wednesday 7 December 2016; 19:50)
Re: Mishka (69,128) (69,136) by Marissa from USA
The same reason why people name their daughters Taylor or Jamie, or their sons Aubrey or Blair. A lot of people don't care much about having traditionally male or female names for their kids. Also, Stella is of Russian descent but she's from the USA, and in America any name that ends in the letter a is generally perceived as feminine, so it basically works out. Coming from that same American school of thought, it never occurred to me that that name could be masculine until you pointed it out.
(Tuesday 6 December 2016; 3:50)
I've seen enough (69,104) by Marissa from USA
The only part of MW that I saw was a clip of Mariah giving Stella's backstory/defending her that I found on Stella's Instagram. That clip alone was a confirmation that I have no need to watch this show. What I don't understand is how Mariah, a 46 year old, doesn't realize that if everyone hates a person, 9 times out of 10 there is probably a good reason for it rather than them just being misunderstood. Even the most evil person will be nice to you if you give them everything they want, which is exactly why Stella always remains in Mariah's good graces. Stella hasn't unleashed on Mariah yet because she has no reason to as long as she is getting a hefty paycheck and is traveling the world. Let Mariah fire her and let's see how much of a sweet single mom she will be then. Mariah's relationship with Stella reminds me of a girl who gets into a relationship with a guy who has beaten every single one of his girlfriends who came before her, yet she thinks that somehow she will be the exception.
(Monday 5 December 2016; 18:59)
Re: Piers Morgan tells Mariah to grow up (69,015) (69,030) by Marissa from USA
I agree with a lot of what he said but I'm irritated that it was him who spoke out. Mainly because he isn't a lamb and I think the only person who should go in on Mariah to this level is someone who really loves her and has followed her career. Piers Morgan seems like he's always bitter, mad and complaining and Mariah was just a new and convenient target to unleash on, so even though I agree with his points, I'm having a hard time receiving it because I know it isn't coming from a place of love or genuine concern, but just wanting another person to talk [censored] about.
(Saturday 3 December 2016; 20:38)
Re: Sort yourself out Mariah please (68,965) (68,970) by Marissa from USA
I wish she would have said that too but then again that would be a lie.
(Friday 2 December 2016; 1:38)
Re: Lettuce pray (68,921) (68,942) by Marissa from USA
No she doesn't, at least not at this point. She deserves to be held accountable for alienating her thousands of her fans through total abandonment of communication as well as adopting the behavior/making music that we all loved her for not (caps) doing in the first place, and the cherry on top is that she pretends that she is the same person/has the same relationship with us that she's always had. So you mean to tell me that out of all of the friends and family that you love, you have never once confronted them or held them accountable for anything before? If so, why should Mariah be held to a different standard? I'm sorry but it doesn't make sense for 90% of the fanbase to be on the verge of leaving the lambily due to Mariah's behavior and you can't/refuse to find one flaw that has happened this entire era to understand where we are coming from. I think the only way someone can feel 100% positive about the stuff that Mariah has done during this era is if they just do not want to believe that Mariah has changed for the worse as much as she has. You even said in one of your last posts that you didn't want to dislike Stella because you didn't want to believe that Mariah would make a bad management choice. No disrespect, but that's denial.
(Thursday 1 December 2016; 19:29)
Re: Mariah kissing Tang (68,818) (68,825) by Marissa from USA
Whether he had a career or not, he still was living off of her dime mostly. That private jet that he was flying on with and without Mariah was not his, that house in the Bahamas that he got married at was not his, Mariah's penthouse that he proposed in and lived in was not his, and I know damn well that that expensive ass engagement ring and the Ring Pop ring he "bought" Mariah was not completely with his own money. His money may have been alright from upper middle class standards but he still made the ultimate come up by marrying someone worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He was a thousandaire and even spending 2 weeks trying to keep up with Mariah's lifestyle would have cost so much money that he would've spent his entire life savings if she didn't pay. Let's also not forget that Mariah upgraded Nick's reputation in a major way. He went from being that goofy Nickelodeon dude to someone people began to take seriously as a businessman. They figured if Mariah Carey thinks highly enough of this guy to marry and procreate with him after 11 years of being single, he must have some appeal. Bryan Tanaka has a career and that's being a backup dancer/choreographer. He has a job the same way Nick had a job initially but he still has nothing to lose and everything to gain if Mariah seriously decides to get with him. I'm sure Bryan works hard at his craft the same way Nick works hard at his. To me, there is really no difference between the two of them and history is just repeating itself if she's actually serious about this guy.
(Wednesday 30 November 2016; 4:50)
Re: Mariah spotted kissing Tanaka (68,804) (68,814) by Marissa from USA
This is way too detailed for just some average Joe passing by to report on. Soon we will be getting awkward TMZ "leaked" pics again, just like what happened last year when she started "dating" James. The crazy thing is, I think Mariah genuinely likes this guy. She was damn near cheating on James with him way before these breakup publicity stunts started happening. I just think she's starting to lay it on thick and really put it out there since MW is airing in a matter of days and to really stick it to James. This guy is literally Nick Cannon 2.0, he just happens to be of a different race. Living off of Mariah's dime? Check. Way younger? Check. Has nothing to lose and everything to gain from being with MC? Check. Will she ever learn? What bothers me most is the fact that she's pulling these dating/engagement antics when she has kids. It's disgusting and I'm really disappointed in how far she's willing to go without thinking/caring about the effects on her children. It's crazy to me how so many fans do not see that Mariah is recreating the same chaotic, unstable and vagabondish lifestyle for herself and her kids that she grew up with. The only difference is that she has more money, and that isn't enough to fully mitigate the damage that sort of lifestyle causes.
(Wednesday 30 November 2016; 1:13)
What's so special about her? (68,758) by Marissa from USA
I'd like to flip the original question on its head. For people who really like Stella, what are the specific reasons why you like her so much? I truly do not understand what the hype for her is about. I feel like MIAM was such a terrible era that fans became easily impressed and started treating every little improvement that happened under Stella's leadership like it was a miracle, when it was really just the basics of what an artist should do (like touring). Other than Mariah touring more often, getting more Instagram followers and having more publicity (which has been trashy, thus many people see her as ridiculous and insufferable now), I really do not see any vast improvements since Stella came on the scene. Call me if she gets Mariah a #1 or an album at the top of the charts. To me, anything else is ultimately fluff if it's not about the music.
(Monday 28 November 2016; 22:01)
Re: Mariah's popularity will never recover (68,609) (68,633) by Marissa from USA
To us as fans of course she's been a legend from practically the first album, but to society at large no one is going to consider a 31 year old (2001 was the year they "counted her out" and characterized her as a has been) a legend. Beyonce has been in the business for 18 years and there are still plenty of lambs that would never fix their mouths to call her a legend because they still see her as so young, so I'm not going to give a double standard. Being relatively young and legendary is something a lot of people will not even entertain regardless of how many Billboard stats and album sales someone has, which is why to this day people are quicker to paint MC as a has-been than a legend. So yes, I stand by the fact that the general public (not the lambs) did not view her as a legend until after TEOM or they wouldn't have dragged her like she was totally irrelevant the minute she slipped up with the Glitter era. People who are seen as legends are given the benefit of the doubt when their sales inevitably start waning. Instead, she was treated like she had accomplished nothing in the industry all because she achieved a "mere" 2.5 million in sales for Glitter rather than her usual 10+ million.
(Thursday 24 November 2016; 7:28)
Put the negativity in context (68,610) by Marissa from USA
This has been on my mind for a while. Every few weeks you have a few lambs that come here to chastise us about our behavior on this board. To them I would say: Consider the context. Don't make it seem like Mariah just won a Grammy last night, has an album in the top 10 on the charts and just won a Nobel prize last week and we're all sitting here complaining. I'm tired of people taking lambs' attitudes out of context as if we were just born mad instead of seeing the negative attitudes as a reflection of what's going on in MC's career. Do you all remember these levels of complaints 10 years ago? Of course not, because her career, effort, attitude, and integrity were on point then. People weren't complaining because there was nothing to complain about. Was there just a random influx of negative lambs or has MC's career and attitude changed drastically over the years? Let's be real here. Also, some lambs should stop acting like longsuffering is a common skill. It isn't. If you're a person who can deal with disappointment for years and never lose heart even slightly or complain, congratulations, but don't make it seem like that's the norm. Complaining may be unpleasant for some to listen to but it's still the most normal response to dissatisfaction. If you have the discipline to be unhappy and never utter a word about it, great, but please have some empathy and realize that "not everybody has that" instead of trying to make people feel bad for having human responses. I can count on less than one hand how many people truly come on here with 100% baseless complaints anyway. So ultimately, instead of getting caught up in the feeling of "how dare these peasants ever complain about Mariah", look at whether what people want is actually legitimate. Is it really immoral to want her to have a successful album again? Do we deserve a spot in hell for wanting her to have a manager who's more lowkey? Don't get caught up in trigger words or phrases and end up losing sight of what people are actually want for her, which is usually pretty innocent and good.
(Wednesday 23 November 2016; 19:44)
Re: Mariah's popularity will never recover (68,577) (68,582) by Marissa from USA
I think TMB was her last #1 too. My "she's still got it in her" instinct doesn't really exist anymore. I'm not necessarily "counting her out" as much as I am trying to come to terms with reality. She doesn't seem to care much anymore. I definitely hope I am proven wrong but I probably won't be. Also, thank you for pointing out that the TEOM comeback is not a scenario that can be easily recreated. She was in a different stage in life then. She was single, had no children, hadn't hit 40 yet and hadn't truly solidified herself as a legend yet either. There was literally nothing else for her to do other than eat, drink and shop had she not decided to give her all to her music. Now she has children, is almost 50 and believes her own hype. The only thing that motivates Mariah to kick it into high gear in any area of her life is when her ego gets bruised. After the press started writing her off as a has-been, she suddenly developed her motivation to make TEOM. After the media dragged her for her AIWFCIY performance in 2014, she started caring about her voice again. After she was characterized as the eternally lonely and miserable ex-wife in the media, she started showing off her relationship with James Packer. The only thing that will get Mariah to actively try for another #1 hit is if someone dethrones her or if someone gets 17 #1s. Overall I'm fine if she doesn't get another #1 again, but I at least want her to give her best effort when she does put something out and that won't happen until she gets dragged by the media again or someone is running neck-and-neck with her. Give your all or don't do it.
(Wednesday 23 November 2016; 2:54)
Re: So what would you recommend? (68,332) (68,336) by Marissa from USA
When it's time for promotion, Mariah goes on 3 or 4 talk shows that no one gives a damn about, spends 97% of the time talking about her personal life, never does a live performance and then we say that staying relevant nowadays just isn't the same. No, Mariah just hasn't fully committed to doing promo since TEOM, and she was no spring chicken back then and still had major success. We can't say that the methods that other artists use to promote won't be effective for Mariah if she's been giving a half-assed effort to promotion for 11 years. First of all, she needs to stop giving fuel to news about her throwing shade and making ridiculous diva demands (like the "inconvenience fee"). Yes, it gets her attention, but I know more people who despise MC more than ever before because her reputation is that she is mean and out of touch with reality. When people think of you that way, they may follow you on Instagram to see the next degrading thing you do, but they won't invest in your music. Secondly, she needs to promote consistently and not start too early. She has a habit of coming out and saying that something is coming soon and either disappearing for months without acknowledging it or just straight up abandons the project. Thirdly, she needs to start performing on talkshows again. That way she gives people who wouldn't have otherwise known or cared about her music a chance to listen and buy. If she goes on a talk show and only talks about jewelry, puppies and kids, it's no wonder that people don't make the connection and buy her music. If she made it appear that music was her #1 priority, other people would fall in line. Last but not least, she needs to make amazing music again. That includes working with more relevant producers. Obviously from my analysis, I'm talking about an improved approach to music promo. I'm not even going to address how to better promote MW because that shouldn't even be happening in the first place.
(Tuesday 15 November 2016; 19:12)
Re: New promo for France (68,307) (68,326) by Marissa from USA
I second that. I'm done. The nightly Mariah and Bryan sightings are having the opposite effect that they are intending on me, I'm bored af with them. My passion for Mariah has drastically declined. I've even been forgetting to check the messageboard lately. It's too hard to watch your favorite singer who always seemed like she had integrity, pimp herself out for cheap and fleeting attention and money. I would rather downgrade to checking up on her every once in a while rather than watching a daily play-by-play of her life, only to walk away feeling frustrated, pissed off, disgusted, embarrassed and ignored as a fan. Call me when either: a. Stella get's fired b. Mariah wins/gets nominated for a major award. c. Mariah puts out new music. d. Mariah takes on a new and challenging acting role. Those are literally the only 4 things that I give a f*** about at this point. I don't want to touch her personal life with a 10-foot pole. It's a mess. Career only, like it used to be.
(Tuesday 15 November 2016; 1:57)


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