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About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

OHOMO (95,625) by Brad from USA
Interesting acronym hmmm? I'm on my way to the US District Court for the Second Circuit to file an indictment against whoever kept this absolute jewel of a song from us for over twenty years. Criminal. SMH.
(Friday 18 September 2020; 22:11)
Out Here on My Own (95,591) by Brad from USA
I am looking forward to my love affair with this song. Our romance begins late tonight. I will hear you then, my love.
(Thursday 17 September 2020; 22:02)
Re: Save The Day video (95,496) (95,515) by Brad from USA
I agree that the car/vanity angle of the video is quite disappointing. That said, I think it does have to be looked at as a commercial for the USTA more than as a creative production. She is sitting between the two tennis stadiums so I guess it makes sense for her to be in a car, like in a parking lot? But yeah my dead cat could've come up with a better concept for sure. On the flip side, it exposes the song to a broader audience than just us lambs and hopefully Mariah was well paid for it. Sooo. Enjoy it for what it is.
(Saturday 12 September 2020; 08:29)
Back in Bedford (95,301) by Brad from USA
This answers my previous question of where in the world is Mariah Carey. I had a feeling she was upstate. Again. Be well.
(Monday 31 August 2020; 17:27)
Butterfly Bossa Nova Remix (95,266) by Brad from USA
Just expressing that I really enjoy this remix. I wasn't previously aware of this remix. Thanks. Enjoy.
(Saturday 29 August 2020; 00:48)
Re: AIWFCIY CD autographed single still not received (95,222) (95,239) by Brad from USA
I received my 5 signed inserts a couple of months ago. It’s only her initials she signed and she just signs the paper insert that then has to be inserted in the jewel case.
(Thursday 27 August 2020; 18:56)
Don't block the blessings (95,200) by Brad from USA
As Ms. Patti would say, "Honey, don't block the blessings." Nothing is owed to us. We often feel entitled because so much has been provided by Mariah. Thirty years in and we want and expect the highs of yesterday. That's not fair. Are any of us as good and sharp and well as we were thirty years ago in all aspects of our professions? Likely not. And truly we don't know what time, age, habits, disease and medicines have really yielded for this lady we love. But in truth we crave some of that shine again because we sense the way MC's story unfolded over time deprived her some of the peaks and glory we feel she was deserving of. That's understandable and loving and Mariah loves us for recognizing that too. She wants that shine, some of it at least, but recognizes it won't ever be as it was. Bits and pieces here and there. She seeks longevity so her creativity and artistry can be expressed and her legacy burnished. Projects like we have now are bridges to that longevity. Hopefully too there is a continued hunger for broader, more varied and evolving creativity and music. After all, many of us would say Caution is finally the R&B album she always wanted to make. There is reason for hope. But let us also have the maturity to enjoy and cherish what we've had and what we have now for what it is, without the need for everyone else's envious eyes. Just enjoy it, she has earned that and so have we.
(Tuesday 25 August 2020; 09:06)
A grower I guess (95,090) by Brad from USA
I'm fairness to Save the Day, I like it a bit more after playing it repeatedly. I personally don't think it benefits from the sample. I always prefer more developed lyrics. The strings intro isn't necessary. I guess I would have edited it differently. I don't mind it but don't sense it will go anywhere. Enjoy it for what it is.
(Friday 21 August 2020; 21:27)
Save the Day (95,039) by Brad from USA
This song was so much better as "There's Got to be a Way". I don't know. I wanted to love/like it but to me it's very much like a flavor of Ben & Jerry's ice cream that I would call "Kitchen Sink". Just too many disparate ideas and genres in one song for it to really work. I wonder if that is why it was shelved. Who knows. Anyhow. Now we know.
(Friday 21 August 2020; 06:25)
Where in the world is Mariah Carey (94,985) by Brad from USA
Do we know where Mariah is living lately? Recent pics/videos don't seem to be her Manhattan home. I was thinking maybe she bought or is renting a home upstate? (The one on Instagram a few weeks ago where she had the sunflower in her hair.) Was just curious. Thanks.
(Wednesday 19 August 2020; 18:04)
Save the Day (94,983) by Brad from USA
Looking forward to finally hearing this song on Friday. It seems like The Rarities album is almost a double album with the undisclosed tracks and live performance tracks of known/hit songs? She seemed good today on GMA, though the songs were previously recorded (clearly) it was nice to have her perform a song like Close My Eyes for a broader audience. Be safe and well.
(Wednesday 19 August 2020; 17:55)
Make It Happen EP (94,763) by Brad from USA
These are truly great remixes and performances. Among her very best. The brass band sounds are epic and have been joyous for me for nearly thirty years now, as I have imagined those trumpets playing as I walk into a crowded room. Why not? This is the stuff her legendary fans are made of too, those that have been there since day one for every bit of it, good and bad alike. I can't wait for the AYNAF remix EP where she scats to no end and those truly are the height of her crown as the remix queen, IMO. Thank you, Mariah for the gifts.
(Friday 31 July 2020; 23:42)
There’s got to be a way EP (94,697) by Brad from USA
There is also an EP for There's Got To Be A Way. I did not realize this until I read the Billboard article on this site. Mariah didn't seem to tweet or Instagram about this EP. Just wanted to let other folks know too. What a bonanza. Enjoy.
(Friday 24 July 2020; 18:25)
Someday EP (94,691) by Brad from USA
This one brings back memories. The first remixes I ever owned by MC. Always loved the picture of her in that gold dress owning the city street. And to think I still own that cassette tape. That's right, on cassette. Well enjoy everybody, it's lovely to have them in digital form.
(Friday 24 July 2020; 07:14)
Live Debut EP (94,629) by Brad from USA
MC thank you for giving us life with this. My first time seeing you live was at the Centrum in November 1993. You even spoke of that performance in People. This "new" EP will be blasting from my car for sometime, windows down and mask on. Be well and enjoy everyone.
(Friday 17 July 2020; 08:30)
See ya, Nick (94,609) by Brad from USA
Mariah said it best, of course, when she sang "can't even raise yourself from playing the clown each night". Once again, he is trying to tread waters the depths of which he does not know. Nick, ya need to leave the history lessons to "Skippy", k? Wasn't it your big mouth that got you fired from working for MC Enterprises a number of years ago? Yeaaah I remember that radio interview with Big Boy. I do. See this is one smart Jew, k? Looks like I didn't cause that trouble neither, but you sure did with your careless mouth. Be humble and get a real education not some Farrakhan hate rhetoric. Then go take care of your children and be an informed father figure for them instead of an ignorant clown.
(Wednesday 15 July 2020; 17:54)
Memoir (94,527) by Brad from USA
I’ve already pre-ordered but am disappointed the book’s cover photo is from her Billboard magazine shoot of last December. I understand given Covid but frankly I prefer some of her photos during the quarantine. I would have preferred a more mature, natural, timeless photo. However, I plan not to judge a book by its cover. Be well.
(Thursday 9 July 2020; 23:54)
Andrew (94,126) by Brad from USA
The variability of individuals to engage in discourse in a constructive and supportive manner on this board reveals that all lambs most certainly have not evolved equally. Sometimes in life, one encounters words, concepts and writing styles that one does not fully comprehend. In response, some people learn and expand their minds; others contract and rebuke what is not familiar. As an attorney with over twenty-three years of experience who has a very successful career based upon the words he employs in his work, I take great umbrage to the accusation made concerning my immediately preceding post on this board. Not only is it completely erroneous and offensive but it also reveals an abject ignorance of the subject at hand. For those of us who are actual contemporaries of the artist this site is dedicated to, the name and concept of "First vision" has a very specific and precise meaning and persons who did not pay meticulous attention to her debut, at the time, would not be familiar with it at all. Similarly, those persons likely do not possess the knowledge of the critics' reviews of said "First vision" and the references contained thereto in my preceding post. Nonetheless, I have less than zero interest in engaging with anyone who makes such accusations or who "likes" such accusations. I wish everyone here best wishes in their continued enjoyment of Mariah, her music and career. While I plan to continue to enjoy this site, as I have for over twenty years, I plan to never post or read posts here again. My opinions, insights and expressions are clearly more worthy of other forums. Farewell.
(Monday 18 May 2020; 06:01)
First vision (94,108) by Brad from USA
Mysterious and yet instantly reflective of the truest part of you. Validating of meritocracies that heretofore had largely begun to crumble. Inimitable. Boding of the legacy to be built. Siren for the gathering of the world's lambs. That was the first vision. That has always informed the anticipation of more. For having been there and experienced it, we stand as grateful. Forever. Thank you, VOL and Mariah. We love you, always. We appreciate ya, we enjoy ya and we love ya. Stay safe and well and here's to another 30.
(Saturday 16 May 2020; 00:48)
AIWFCIY signed CDs (93,632) by Brad from USA
Hope folks are staying safe as possible. Just writing to say I got my 4 signed copies of AIWFCIY today in the mail. Had forgotten about them with the pandemic. A nice surprise. Be well and safe.
(Tuesday 14 April 2020; 19:40)
Free Guy movie trailer (92,923) by Brad from USA
Hi I hope everyone is well and being nice to others. I saw the Free Guy movie trailer last evening, starring Ryan Reynolds, and they use Mariah's smash hit, "Fantasy" to good effect in the trailer. It seems this song will be tied to the movie. This may explain their meetup and photos from a few months ago. Anyhow, just figured I would mention it. Be well.
(Tuesday 18 February 2020; 17:38)
Congrats, MC (92,403) by Brad from USA
When you live long enough, you know what it is to not be appreciated for your hard work, talent and skill in some area of your life. For the public person that is MC, this has been her songwriting. And finally, now, people may realize what we have been blessed to have for nearly 30 years in the public domain. Thank you, MC for sharing your gift with us, I will try to attend the SHOF ceremony in June, and God bless you and us all.
(Thursday 16 January 2020; 23:03)
19th No. 1 (91,697) by Brad from USA
Congrats to MC and the lambs. This is quite something. Long before her marketing touted all her No. 1 hits, I would write them on the dry erase boards at my college as I studied late at night at Wesleyan University, as a way to distract myself from my studying. At the time, I thought I was the only person in the world noting all her No. 1's. I would leave the list for the early morning classes to see. I'm sure they enjoyed that. Then I would go to the reading room at Olin library on campus and rip the charts out of Billboard magazine on those occasions when she hit No. 1. Today is a moment of both nostalgia and the present day.

It is remarkable and I can't wait to buy my Billboard magazine next week to tuck it away. Blessings to us all and enjoy every moment of it.
(Monday 16 December 2019; 23:54)
Mohegan, Mariah and me (91,620) by Brad from USA
Hi all. Last night was quite festive at Mohegan Sun. She seemed in good spirits. The Christmas show was festive in its scenery and costumes. Her voice was generally good. Definitely some strained moments and some back-up tracks being used in spots. I would say about 80 percent was live though. She even gave me a little shout out as I was several rows back from the stage and holding up the red vinyl album cover of Merry Christmas. She said "I see you holding up my Merry Christmas album." It made my night for sure. Just lots of love to everyone at this time of year and hopes for a number 1 spot. My pics from the concert can be seen on my Instagram account at mvhawkboy.
(Friday 13 December 2019; 18:12)
Re: AIWFCIY tour (91,583) (91,592) by Brad from USA
I will see her tomorrow in CT at Mohegan. Ordered my 4 signed copies of AIWFCIY last night at 2am. Trying to do my part.
(Wednesday 11 December 2019; 19:29)


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