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About Brad from USA: Tha Source. Biggest, Oldest Dang Lamb out there. Wrote the book on being pip and festive. He's a pro and treats others the same way. Waits for MC to reach her creative zenith and wants her to keep pushing toward that. Writes the words about it that others wish they could even know what to say.

Mohegan Mariah (91,560) by Brad from USA
Hi all. I am going on Thursday to see our lady at Mohegan. I will be in section 2, row K, center seat. About 10 rows from the stage. Is anyone else going? She has often given some of her strongest vocals at her Connecticut shows. I greatly look forward to it and hope to see fellow lambs there. I will be the tallest person in the section so say hi if you are there. Be well to yourself and others.
(Monday 9 December 2019; 18:40)
Grammy snub? (91,416) by Brad from USA
Hi all. I hope everyone is well and being good to others. As for the Grammy issue, I think we have to keep in mind that Mariah has stated in recent interviews that she doesn't care about them. Yes, in 1996 after the Daydream snub, given her nominations, I am sure she cared and felt hurt and I always felt that night at the Grammy's was a turning point in her career and life. And it pretty much was. She left Tommy shortly after and things changed from there. Caution is a wondrous album. We should hold onto it. I am not sure how many more like it she will or can make. It seems the Grammy's do not reward people who stay in their lane and do it well for decades. Rather, they seem to want people that push boundaries and expand music's composite. I get and respect that. It seems if Mariah wants Grammy prowess she will need to throw all norms to the wind and come from a place with her music that she never has in order to show an artist that is far reaching in scope, ability, vision, experiment, risk and persuasion. I am not sure Mariah is hungry in that way any longer or can afford to be given the people who are reliant upon her. I hope she goes for it but we will see and must enjoy what she produces nonetheless. God bless her and us all.
(Wednesday 20 November 2019; 21:10)
Variety luncheon speech (91,047) by Brad from USA
Not sure I could be much more proud of her than now. Carey on Mariah and stay strong. God bless.
(Saturday 12 October 2019; 05:01)
Re: In the Mix (90,896) (90,898) by Brad from USA
It’s a theme song. Use it. It’s the best part of the show. Unfortunately.
(Wednesday 25 September 2019; 23:02)
Dissed-ish (90,890) by Brad from USA
They didn't use or play Mariah's theme song, In the Mix, at all in the series debut of mixed-ish. Though she may be better off, the show was predictable and not all that, at all. I would still consider it a diss though. The song can certainly be snipped and used in show segues and they just totally ignored it. So wrong.
(Wednesday 25 September 2019; 03:40)
Re: Mariah's greatest lyric (90,169) (90,174) by Brad from USA
Hi all. Hope everyone is well. I would nominate the following excerpt from Languishing as one of her greatest lyrics. Although it's just an interlude, I think it's some of her better work plus I love the layerings and whisperings in the song. Thanks and be well.

"Those ancient buried recollections
We transform them and select them
You have yours, I have mine
That's fine"
(Tuesday 2 July 2019; 16:16)
Thirtyversary (90,069) by Brad from USA
Sooo, although we don't like to acknowledge the passage of time, next year marks the 30th anniversary of MC sharing her music and gift with all of us. I can't help but think that she has something up her sleeve to share with us to mark this festive occasion. Hopefully, we will precede this occasion with the crowning of AIWFCIY at the #1 slot on the Billboard charts. Just something to give us a lil perspective and perhaps excitement. Be well to yourself and others.
(Monday 24 June 2019; 18:29)
It Only Hurts When It's Love (89,956) by Brad from USA
So interesting to have her reference this song in response to perhaps a fan having Big Nasty's album in the audience? Reading the liner notes to his album, one sees that he refers to her as Snapdragon. They have a pretty remarkable friendship it would appear. I tend to think that speaks of her true character which the general public doesn't really get a sense of.
(Thursday 13 June 2019; 06:21)
The Distance (89,915) by Brad from USA
Hi All, hope everyone is well. I was just thinking that The Distance is really such a good summery bop and I am a bit nostalgic for those days of summer Mariah bops on the radio that defined the time and season. I wish we would go after those ageists in the music industry who retire an artist when they determine rather than when the artist so determines. We could all use a little Mariah anthem on the radio this summer. Enjoy and be well to others.
(Tuesday 11 June 2019; 18:59)
Chinese fortune cookie message (89,687) by Brad from USA
I hope everyone is being well to one another. So of course I have been advising everyone to "proceed with caution" since La C dropped her latest album and sooo what happens to me today? My fortune cookie message at dinner was as follows: "Action with a brain. Today you should proceed with caution." I couldn't believe it and I know, of course, that its God saying "I hear what you are saying, but take your own (and Mariah's) advice buddy boy." Just thought I would share. God bless and be well.
(Wednesday 22 May 2019; 02:51)
Another reason to kick Packer to the curb (89,577) by Brad from USA
So Packer and Robert DeNiro have been trying to gobble up land on the island of Barbuda which was hard hit by hurricane Irma. You will recall that Mariah and James were rumored to be set to marry on the island "a few minutes ago". Packer and DeNiro want to redo a very elite resort once only visited by the likes of Princess Diana. I have been to the island and it is a natural gem but the people should be able to own the land communally and not have land gobbled up by rich outsiders like Packer and DeNiro. Viva Barbuda and hopefully they will be able to say A No No to the likes of Packer.
(Wednesday 15 May 2019; 03:32)
Gershwin prize for popular song (89,576) by Brad from USA
Let's get Mariah this award from the Library of Congress. Emilio and Gloria Estefan are receiving it this year. Let's go.
(Wednesday 15 May 2019; 02:48)
Dabbing my eyes (89,521) by Brad from USA
With spring pollen and allergies, I have frequent occasion to have to use eye drops and dab my eyes with a tissue afterwards. Now, thanks to our MC, I chuckle as I think what to do with the used tissue. Thanks for those little moments, MC.
(Wednesday 8 May 2019; 18:51)
BBMA vocal analysis (89,486) by Brad from USA
Hi. Hope everyone is being well to one another. I too watched this video online. I can't disagree with it. What I would offer is perhaps what some on here have witnessed too. Just four weeks prior to the BBMAs in Connecticut on the Caution tour, her vocals were live and far more consistent, perhaps relaxed and energized. I don't know fully what to make of this. I do sense that in the weeks since wrapping up the North American leg she was not resting her voice and judging by her tweets, seemed to be up late the night before the BBMAs tweeting about the birthday festivities for dem kids. I dunno. As we all know, she felt nervous that night too. Clearly, she should care for her voice and practice good vocal hygiene. It's her gift from God. Be well to yourself and others.
(Tuesday 7 May 2019; 03:31)
That's how an icon do (89,427) by Brad from USA
At the BBMAs Mariah showed her heart, her humor, her humility and her love. Her nerves and conditioning played a role in the execution of the medley but to anyone who accuses me of comforting myself with blind ignorance to that, I say to you "I don't know you". With actually living life and its often horrid turns, one learns perseverance and the miracle that is a continued ability to rise again and enable others to do the same, by the grace of God. And if you haven't experienced that yet, then buckle up because God shows it to us all, in different ways, and life is just about to begin for you. I am so grateful that today some of the world gets to relish in the essential Mariah that I have known since the first vision in 1990. And I thank her for showing us the grace and love last night that the world always should have shown her. Be well to yourself and to others in your life and thank you God for your miracles, mercies, graces and blessings.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 16:00)
Power and nuance (89,407) by Brad from USA
Hi all, looking forward to the BBMA Icon moment. I do not generally comment on the postings of others but having seen MC sing just 4 weeks ago, I can say that MC can still sing the heck out of a song, she's a great deal of power and nuance to her voice. Some of the textures of yore may not be there as strongly as in the past or at all but MC can still sing and I question those posting comments otherwise as to whether they have actually seen her sing in person of late. Thank you and enjoy the moment, be well and God bless.
(Thursday 2 May 2019; 01:08)
Icon Award, Oakdale show, ABMB remix (89,113) by Brad from USA
Hey fellow lambs. I am so happy MC seems to be in a good place to receive this award. Few things gave me greater joy than picking up Billboard magazine every Friday afternoon at my university's library, back in the day, and seeing MC atop all the various charts and to see those bullets next to her singles and albums gave me chills. I probably have pages I ripped out of those magazines in my MC vault somewhere.

The Oakdale show last week was fantastic, I could write a lot. I will spare you except to say two things: (1) I do wish the pace of the show could have been slowed to sip, for a bit longer, the fine wine that was MC's powerful performance of songs like Never Too Far, Love Takes Time and AYNAF (I'm always saddened to see the show end), and (2) MC sang the Mr.Dupri Remix ft. Xscape of ABMB and said "y'all don't know this". Oh but Mariah, how we know every last word of that remix that gave us life in the spring of 1996 as we studied for our law school exams in our dorm room outside Philly. We may not know a lot of wannabees but we know that song honey, oh yes we do. Be well to yourselves and others and may God bless.
(Thursday 11 April 2019; 17:39)
Mariah at the Oakdale (89,020) by Brad from USA
Well, I'm off to go see our MC in a few hours. I hope the audience makes it a festive time for her. (Though it may be snowing outside during the show - bleakosity.) I will do my best with my own mini ensemble changes during the show. I like the new remix of A No No and accompanying video. It sort of seems like this was the one originally intended. There's something there that we will have to read Mariah's autobiography to find out. Anyhow, love seeing Mariah's "godmother" hanging with her in Philly, just like back in the daaaay. Be well to yourself and those around you.
(Friday 5 April 2019; 20:04)
Patricia Carey at NYC concert (88,804) by Brad from USA
Hi all. I'm getting excited for the CT concert next Friday. Yup, 'lil excited, gotta say. I saw pics from the Radio City concert and was just so surprised and happy to see a pic of Mariah's mom, Patricia, seemingly in attendance at the show. One never really knows what is going on with people (especially health-wise as they age) but it has been a while since she has been seen I think. Once a momma's kid, always a momma's kid and that's heart warming to see from our MC. I can relate. I'm glad she was able to attend. God's miracles, mercies, graces and blessings to all.
(Tuesday 26 March 2019; 18:10)
Caution track as Country Western (88,232) by Brad from USA
Hi fellow lambs. So exciting to see this tour get started and the amazing set list and MC's strengthening vocals. I hope everyone is being good to themselves and others. So, confession. I enjoy singing MC's songs (to myself of course) and giving the words different emphasis and approach. I was doing this with the track "Caution" on my drive to work today and realized that a "slow-paced, country western take" on the song would work really, really well. Can anyone else imagine this? It does require different emphasis on some words or parts of words. Would be so cool to have someone cover it this way. Does anyone else ever do this with her songs or am I a lone lamb in that regard? Anyhow, have a wonderful time at the shows and I cant wait until April 5th. God bless.
(Friday 1 March 2019; 03:54)
Re: Caution tracks (88,007) (88,023) by Brad from USA
I will be there as well and I look forward to it.
(Wednesday 13 February 2019; 09:34)
Caution tracks (88,006) by Brad from USA
Hi. I hope everyone is being good to themselves and others. I have to generally agree that I think there are some strong tracks on Caution, though I am not certain that "A No No" is strongest among them. I do like "A No No", but don't care for the "bridge" to the song frankly and most enjoy it toward the end when the chorus of no's comes in along with the "translations". I do tend to think "The Distance" is the strongest potential single, followed by "Caution" and "Stay Long Love You" The latter due to its catchy "You make make me wanna" refrain. If we are going down the road of releasing singles that we know won't do much commercially but will show the artistry and strong, clear singing of the album then let's please release my favorite track "8th Grade" since I am already telling people around me "I'm not your world, I'm not your life". Anyhow, just my two cents. Is anyone here going to the Caution stop in Wallingford, CT? Thanks and be well.
(Monday 11 February 2019; 21:58)
Side Effects (87,600) by Brad from USA
Hi. Hoping everyone is well and being kind, I happened to listen to Side Effects last night and I just have to say that for as much as I loved this song when it came out, I love it even more today. It is straight forward and personal but just so effective and, in a way, triumphant. So so many good tracks that the general public just never really heard. Be well and kind to yourself and others.
(Thursday 17 January 2019; 16:34)
Re: Caution trivia (87,320) (87,324) by Brad from USA
Yes, Jeff is right. in "Its Like That" MC warns "caution, it's so exclusive". Well done. Happy New Year everyone.
(Monday 31 December 2018; 06:18)
Caution trivia (87,262) by Brad from USA
In what other Mariah Carey song does Mariah warn the potential suitor to use "caution" in his advances?
(Thursday 27 December 2018; 23:26)


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