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About Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End: What the hell is this, MyFace? You mess with MiMi, you mess with ME! #NuffSaid

My MC 2015 fantasy wish list (48,007) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
(Saturday 22 November 2014; 3:07)

"We've been hearing about things that either never come to fruition, get sabotaged or don't get promoted for decades now. So just for fun I'm putting together a lil list of all the things I wish are gonna be Mariah's big announcement for 2015 and or beyond.

1. A European residency in London to celebrate her 25th anniversary.
2. Carbonated Butterfly drink released internationally using Thirsty as promo.
3. An annual Christmas Broadway show written and produced by MC.
4. The Bond theme, performed, written and produced by MC and a cameo role on screen. I think Bianca needs to dust off her wig for this one.
5.The debut album re-released with the original demos, live performances and unleseased tracks or remixes.
6. An autobiography, maybe as a three-part book series? Childhood - The Sony years - Post Glitter.
7. A cable miniseries about her life using the books as a template.
8. Crave Records 2.0 and an HBO tv documentary chronicling the journey of MC mentoring new artists and maybe giving forgotten one's a new chance.
9. A Christmas movie produced and written by MC with old and new music where she plays at least one of the characters.
10. A DVD to commemorate her 18 US #1's with video commentary on every song and how it came to be from inception to charting. Also, funny anecdotes in the bonus features and guest appearances with her collaborators through the years.

What do you guys wish Mariah's big 2015 announcement will be about?"

I'm doing another wish list for 2016 so I went back to see what I posted last year. So far, I'm a pretty happy Lamb since several of the things on my wish list came true at least partially already. YAY!

Vocalist renaissance? (57,652) (57,656) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Lest we forget davidf, MIAMTEC was sabotaged (shout out to Glitter). Granted the accidental fall of epic injury did its worst first but the leaking of the title and constant push backs was not a normal Mariah thing. Her usual rollout is complete and utter silence until she has an actual album rearing to go. It has become obvious in hindsight that there were people in her camp messing with her album marketing. For instance all those articles mentioning a surprise album, like who is dumb enough to talk about a surprise album release, thereby ruining the surprise? That's not stupidity (well, not only). That's called sabotage. It's howcome a hardcore Lamb, a.k.a. me, didn't even register that her album dropped for real until late last summer. I was on a ranch though not entirely off grid, I just had an insanely busy spring-summer. I just assumed there would be bigger fanfare in mainstream media, ads etc, once her album actually dropped. I mean, I caught elevator-gate on the same day it happened but I completely missed MIAMTEC. All of this was to say that I agree largely with your prediction on Adele's success being a blessing because she is a true vocalist and not just a lipsynching machine, just like Mariah. The Art Of Letting Go sounds like Hello the same way Loving You sounds like Bliss. The inspiration obviously is the former artist. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the rise of the vocalists. Mediocrity has made mainstream music unbearable for no reason at all and I am so ready for the tide to turn In Mariah's favour.
(Thursday 5 November 2015; 16:24)
Someone like Mariah (57,517) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I can't believe that many people who stan for Adele are wasting their juice on a Mariah Carey board (in fact I doubt they really care about Adele). I personally think Adele's great, ever since Chasing Pavements way back when I've been a fan. But she's also no Mariah. Who do people think inspired Adele in the first place? And why does Mariah's voice get berated and her body shamed constantly by the same posters who "adore" Adele? The same Adele who is a beautiful plus size woman. The Adele whose voice is wonderful, though limited in range compared to MC, and who also has had serious careerending troubles with her whole voicebox starting from her last album era many years ago. We still don't know the extent of her recovery. But if anyone is calling for advise about music and vocal health/conditioning it's obviously Adele calling Mariah, if she's lucky. M is a PhD vocalist, it's only a matter of which university worthy of it's reputation will be the first to acknowledge that fact. It's a real pity people are just here heaping hyperbolic praise on Adele just to stick it to Mariah. Adele deserves better than to be treated as a blunt object against her own idol by posters like TJ. It's obvious the influence Mariah had had on Adele. From VOL/Vanishing to Cry/Camouflage, one of MC's album staples has always been vocally driven piano ballads with minimal production. Not to mention Mariah's songwriting and production skills that she fought very hard to gain that now Adele and other female singers take for granted, even if in name only.
(Monday 26 October 2015; 17:40)
Re: License to kill (57,466) (57,487) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Well, Walter was involved with the production of both Can't Let Go and Licence To Kill. So you're not crazy if you can hear a connection or similarities in sound L.H. That Bond soundtrack album was a staple at my house growing up, that's how come I knew that. Honestly, I would kill for Mariah to compose and sing a Bond theme song. I feel like it's going to happen eventually. If she doesn't already have one ready to go on Barbara Broccoli's say so. It should been done. The most recent ones are so morose and grey, we need a Mariah infused Bondtheme to lighten up the darkness, as only she knows how. Do it Barbara.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 19:45)
Re: "Studiogenic" (57,467) (57,485) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
L.H. I am in love with your portmanteau, studiogenic, so perfect to describe Mariah's magicical voice and aural presence. Your whole post is gold. Ariana Grande creeps me out. Nobody goes that far in imitation, emulation and obsessive parroting just because their team wants it. If she had been even just half as obvious with her xeroxing of Mariah's every move and inflections it still would have been too much. But when I started noticing how she answers certain questions (almost verbatim) as I've seen Mariah answer, I lost what little tolerance I had for her. People who don't have a strong and inate sense of themselves enough to rebel against that kind of marketing are not artists to me. It shows a complete lack of integrity. The very opposite of how Mariah carries herself. Even during the original Sony years, when she was put upon and suppressed, Mariah still had so much personality and a natural tendency for authenticity that her true spirit was always expressed and felt in her music, lyrics, singing live and even video performances. Ariana Grande is to Mariah what Blackface was to old Hollywood: a mockery of true artistry and I can't wait for the next "new Mariah". You all know there are eternally 12 singers waiting in the wings, ready to step into the ring and fight over that butterfly title belt. It's the kiss of death and yet these girls can't wait to make out. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Grande sang "Då That's Loverboy" rap? So meta, the earth's core would destabilise from the self reference impact. But one can dream.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 19:25)
Article: Here go those diva rumours again (57,483) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Typical bullshititis drabble. The anti-Mariah schemers are really pathetically desperate now. They are so scared A Christmas Melody will be good enough to be inducted into the classics that they're hedging their bets against her. Let me break it down for those of you who never get the point of these 'live-diva-sighted' "rumours". Mariah is supposedly "sleeping on the job". Hense, if the film is a hit (whether it is instant or over time), she will not be given any credit. Funny how everybody and their ego gets called the Elusive Chanteuse (a Mariah moniker as iconic as MiMi now). Yet here go those diva rumours again, not even a day since the usual suspects were all hot and bothered over Mariah's fierce and wellmannered contribution, at Diva's Live '98. Talkin about: Who the [censored] knows anymore? It's just nonsense. Just ugh. Why do Mariah haters have to be so dull and unimaginativel on top of having 0 sense of humour? The morons have the gall to complain, claiming victimhood, when I and my fellow lambs call them on one of their (many many many) hypocritical and contradictory posts from mere months, weeks and days ago. But for some idiotic reason, a charity concert from 17 years ago,is the hot topic for several days. Not because it was a historic event with amazing performance all around (which it was), Mariah and Aretha in particular, but because there is a lunatic fringe trying to rewrite history and reframe past events, two decades, a centurie and a millennia ago. All this tapdancing just so Mariah and anyone who loves and respects her can be cast in bad light? MiMi must literally know where some bodies are burried for this relentless persecution to still be going on. I don't know, but I could be right. Whatever it is, Mariah is clearly the one in control now. Good for you, tbh.
(Friday 23 October 2015; 18:34)
This gonna be me the whole month of December (57,425) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
This clip made my day. The whip and nae nae meme was getting pretty old but this is a really creative oddball use incorporating AIWFCIY. These things make me laugh.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 15:36)
Re: VH1 Divas Live 1998 (57,404) (57,420) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
May, the point is, it was Natural Woman. That's one of Aretha's signature songs aside from Respect (sip that tea). Full stop. Period. She could have refused to share the billing for that song entirely and no one could blame her. So, having all of the divas and Carole King join in was frankly rather generous of Aretha. You miss the point entirely if you don't get that. Like I doubt very much Celine Dion would have split her My Heart Will Go On Baby in the same way that night. Mariah gets it. She always gets it. Hopefully Celine learned along the way because even though I know it wasn't malicious, it made her look like an attention hog for no apparent reason going up against Aretha so aggressively. My 2¢.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 13:25)
Re: Mariah is bad influence (57,381) (57,419) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
May, your story cracks me up because it reminds me of similar situations with my little brother, who I practically raised from infancy. See, I have been a Lamb all his life and when the Glitter soundtrack came out I remember taking him on picnics to the park and playing the album. It got to the point where he'd be singing Loverboy at the top of his lungs trying to imitate me imitating Mariah. I even recorded him but I don't know where that tape went. He was so earnest about it too, so I just let him because I didn't wanna make it a big to-do by forbidding him from repeating innuendo he wasn't able to decipher being a mere 5-year old, when clearly he was enjoying himself. I'm pretty sure we aren't unique in this fandom or any other where reacy lyrics or suggestive dance moves are concerned. This is especially true where R&B artists are concerned. It's part of the genre history. All of this was to say, my little brother is doing well today, studying engineering at university, so it's all good.
(Tuesday 20 October 2015; 12:43)
Article: Exclusive first look inside Mariah Carey's Christmas movie (57,392) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Oh Santa is getting new lyrics? Only Mariah would think to write new verses for a song that's already deliciously lyrics-heavy. I'm so excited for this project because I love when she grows and graduates like she's done with taking on directing a whole film. Who knew when she directed Fantasy in '95 that she'd be so good at it? She's a natural storyteller, some of her songs read as novel synopses and scripts. I might even do a list of them just because. I almost can't believe Mariah and Lacey Chabert had never met before this movie. Like, what kind of Elusive Chanteuse are you MC? Even Oscar winning actresses can't act cool around you, never mind introduce themselves. And Drew Lachey from 98° is involved too? So much great synergy this whole year surrounding her and counting. Team Mariah is 120% on point. Keep it up you all.
(Monday 19 October 2015; 19:59)
No MAS: Re: VH1 Divas Live 1998 (57,384) (57,387) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"What's the point of attacking Mariah and a 17 year old performance? Can you not make a criticism without sarcasm, bitterness, and bitchy remarks?" Bino, I guess you're not on the We Can't Let MiMi Shine mailing list so you weren't CCed today's memo: Hate on Mariah using the VH1 Divas Live 1998 show as a segue. The subject matter changes but the rhetoric is paint by numbers. Oldest trick in the book. Notice how everybody but Mariah gets praised. And because M loves Aretha she is also attacked passive-aggressively via Patti (who has nothing at all to do with the 1998 Divas line up) a.k.a. Mariah's fairy godmother. It's desperation at its most rank. To jump through all those hoops all in the name of: Mariah ain't shit? SMDH. And for the record, Mariah has fabulous diva etiquette. Not everybody on that particular Beacon Theatre stage can say that. But it was also 17 years ago so I'm sure valuable lessons in diva decorum have between doled out to the ones who needed it since. And for the record? Mariah more than held her own that night. She was a spitfire and her spirit was on fire when it was supposed to be. She's not a showy singer, never has been or will ever be because she has innate soul. When you're as vocally skilled, melodically talented, lyrically driven, emotively soulful and instinctually respectful of the ones on whose shoulders you stand, as Mariah has always been, it's no wonder you are the chosen one who gets to duet with the queen of soul and covered by her in concert decades later. Basically, Patricia raised her right.
(Monday 19 October 2015; 16:15)
Mariah, MiMi and Bianca (57,333) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Now that Jermaine Dupri has gone onto graze greener grass, who do we think MC should team up with next? Me, I want:
3. Justin Bieber. He's actually a pretty well rounded musician and knows his way around the studio. Also, his last album, Journals, is a really really good R&B showcase. I play it from start to finish all the time. I'm extremely curious what he and Mariah could come up with given the chance since discovering his live Jazz streak.
2. Siedah Garett. MJ's Man In The Mirror? Yeah, she wrote that. Another unsung but brilliant female singer-songwriter. I've always wondered why it seems their paths never crossed. Because that's lightning just waiting to strike right there. Make it happen already.
1. Mariah vs MiMi. Err, that came out wrong, I want M to re-produce her scrapped/shelved work that either never made it past the rudimentary stages or an entire album, like the debut. We all know how unhappy she still is with the overproduction many of the tracks suffer from. So, what if Mariah Carey produced herself, 25 years later? What does that sound like? It's also never been done before. And in case any of you lurkers try to pass that on to anyone else but Team Mariah I curse you in the name of Bianca The Storm Bearer, that she may strike you blind and mute upon her imminent return. Tis all.
(Friday 16 October 2015; 20:10)
My place or yours? (57,332) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm well aware of the dirty feathers I ruffle on this board with my posts. It's sorta the whole point. Some people here seem to think it's all a giant surprise to me: that a substantial amount of the non-posters on MCA support people who make it a point to dismiss and disown Mariah every chance they get. Amateurs. Every "like" they get just further proves what I've been saying for a whole year now: that there is an active anti-Mariah agenda lurking in the shadows of every relevant comment section where she is concerned. They are always there habitually waiting for any negative story, news or opinion to latch their teethless gums onto. They suckle on Mariah Carey hate and then deflect (very badly) by calling unequivocal defenders of Mariah "bullies"? Amateurs. It's par for the course now that the MC season is upon us a.k.a. Christmas. Is it too early to wish you guys happy hating?
(Friday 16 October 2015; 19:25)
Let them eat fritos, dahling (57,320) (57,331) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
B, I love you for defending me. Because in extention you are ultimately sticking up for Mariah. One hand washes the other, so to speak. God knows I don't always make it easy (by design, but still), so I appreciate it all the more. Also, I've apparently been "put in my place" but no one will tell me where that place is nor who put me there. I searched high and low (shout out to Thirsty), Googled "Baby with Pacifier" and even asked Siri (who, to be fair, is quite new at the job). All I got was the Fantasy Remix with O.D.B. So I guess Rye Playland is "my place"? I mean, I guess it could have been worse, like being stuck in a 1990-1997 timewarp living in Sing-Sing like some voluntary prisoner. Like you said B: let them eat fritos, dahling.
(Friday 16 October 2015; 19:13)
Recess is over, get your [censored] in class (57,304) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
TJ reminds me a lot of Mariah (in one aspect only, but still). See, he hasn't changed much since the 90's MCA either. I remember. I often wonder if he knew he'd be posting the same woeful statements of disappointment, back in 1999, 15 years plus into the future? 1990-1997 is barely 7 years of actually liking Mariah Carey, the person, and her music. He admittedly has disliked her close to 20 consecutive years now. Basically, you just outed yourself a verified non-Lamb since that term first crossed over to the die-hard fandom during the Rainbow era. So why are you still here? Going so far as claiming she is just a "singer" and not an entertainer. As if those two nouns are always mutually exclusive like they are for certain dime-a-dozen bleach blondes in pop. Uhm, be sure to see Bianca on your way out before you close the door and lose the key. Implying she hasn't paid her dues and can't back her claim to fame as the most successful female artist in history? Such utter bullshit and I won't stand for it. TJ is the Mariah Carey in her response to Madonna's callous and flippant remarks. Ironic, no? Only, I doubt very much that Mariah ever goes on "Madonna Ciccone Archives" talkin' bout: I haven't really paid attention to Mariah since like 1990 to 1997, when she used to be popular? But what the hell do I know, I'll always be in 7th or 8th grade where MiMi's concerned.
(Thursday 15 October 2015; 18:43)
Elise de Koning - Hero | The Voice Holland 2015 (57,192) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm not easily impressed when people cover Mariah songs. If I don't hate it, it's already a major compliment. I don't hate this performance at all. Her tone is very pleasant and even though it's obvious she's a lamb (with some of her choices) she tried to make it her own. Thankfully her talent is such that she did a really good job. More please
(Saturday 10 October 2015; 11:54)
Happy Mean Girls (57,092) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Yay. I thought I should at least acknowledge this holiday since I'm the resident Regina George. On October 3rd we play Daydream. What a time to be online, ey? Really, I try to celebrate and honour the Mean Girl spirit everyday. Thank you to all those who make it less of a daunting task, I appreciate it. See you at the next "Book Burning", yeah?
(Saturday 3 October 2015; 22:40)
Daydream (57,084) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Was the first album I ever bought with my own money. I had a paper route in 7th grade. I was a newly baptised Lamb from watching the Fantasy - Madison Square Garden show(shout out to Always Be My Baby) on Swedish television and I might have cut gym or math class to go to the mall and buy the CD. I carried that gold textured disc around with me everywhere I went and played it every single day without fail. Everybody in school knew me as the #1 Mariah fangirl. It felt like Mariah had written that whole album just for me. Especially I Am Free. At one point I played and sang that song sometimes to the detriment of all the other gems on the album. It was like I Am Free feat. Daydream. But really I love all the songs. There isn't a weak link or throwaway lyric. As much as I appreciate Music Box for its thorough introduction of Mariah in my life Daydream was when Mariah became more than just another great singer or songwriter to me personally. She became an icon and a steady friend I could turn to whenever I needed an escape. No other artist was as consistently filling me up with positive energy and reimbursing my faith in God as much as Mariah apart from MJ. Today, Long Ago and Melt Away are probably the two songs I might randomly crave the most but that always changes. Even One Sweet Day, Forever, When I Saw You, the Open Arms cover and the genius Daydream Interlude still evoke in me memories of trying to do homework in my room but failing miserably because I had the album playing on full blast. I've always perused album liner notes since I was little and I remember being very impressed that Mariah wrote Underneath The Stars entirely by herself. And also produced Melt Away on her own. It seems that that vein of her artistry has not been encouraged or capitalised on very much since. But, I digress. The last track, Looking In, was probably the song that made me start to wonder about Mariah as a person because it was such a contrast to her image. That dichotomy fascinated me, knowing that someone as beautiful, talented and famous could still relate to teenage me. That revelation saved my life. For that I will always be an L4L.
(Saturday 3 October 2015; 9:18)
Re: New pic (57,035) (57,048) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
TBH, Mariah's one of the last of her breed. She's always giving us glamour, moments of opulence and visual fairytales. I definitely see your Storybrooke reference Luke. Honestly? She should write a whimsical story and bring it to life one of these days. I'm convinced she already has the beginning: "We met on a Mississippi road." Classic. Just remember to give Aretha her props-ah.
(Friday 2 October 2015; 2:21)
Re: Wow, just wow (49,567) (57,031) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
"Wow, just wow" (49, 567) by Marissa from USA (Sunday 1 February 2015; 21:26): "I haven't seen so many lambs pissed all at once in a very long time. She needs to take her career seriously or sit down. Period. I don't have sympathy anymore. Someone needs to get her a therapist and life coach and let's get this show on the road. If she's that emotionally wounded then she needs to stop performing. This performance was an even bigger confirmation of why I am not wasting my money on tickets to anything unless she shows consistent excellence in image and performances. I'm staying right at Caesar's this summer and I'm still not considering seeing the show. I refuse to throw money away. I totally agree with Ardis. At least have the respect for your fans money (caps) to try. That's my message to the people who always make excuses for her. It isn't funny or cute for people not to get their money's worth when they are spending hundreds/thousands to see someone who doesn't care." Wow Indeed Marissa. Tell us how you really feel, because that is quite the contrast to your most recent post from today: "Re: Mariahisms" (57, 026) by Marissa from USA (Thursday 1 October 2015; 18:23): "I was thinking the same thing when I heard him say that. That felt like a mini victory for the lambily in that moment." I find the 180° turnaround very uhm, interesting?
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 20:23)
Hey, time to be heroes guys (57,030) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Here's the Japanese shortened version of the Game Of War ad with a slightly modified Mariah line. They should have had her shouting some war cry, in Japanese, like Banzai. Maybe next time?
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 20:15)
Glitter 2.O (57,024) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Max Beesley a.k.a. DJ Julian Dice is part of Luscious Lyon's prison crew on Empire. I love seeing them together in the same frame. Such a callback. I wonder if when Mariah comes on they would ever do that, put all of them (Billie, Julian and Walker) together in a scene. Shout out to Da Brat. Also Thirsty (and his discount aubergine suits) is my new favourite character for obvious reasons.
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 15:41)
Anayas Mariah dancing to Infinity (57,021) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
I'm in love with this little girl and her lyrical dance interpretation of Infinity. Wow. Such passion and joy. Mariah inspires so many children to ferociously go after their dreams, whatever they may be, and I think that's her greatest legacy when all is said and done. No award will ever match how positive her true impact on the World has been and will continue to be. This is just another testament to that.
(Thursday 1 October 2015; 13:35)
Deedre, re (56,978) (56,996) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
No worries, I was mainly addressing the ones desperately trying to paint me as a bully, because I'm one of the few who will always hold them accountable to what they write, and whomever liked their posts. The Madonna discussion was just a very convenient juxtaposition I used to get my point across.
(Wednesday 30 September 2015; 13:25)
Re: MACQueen, coming to accentuate our lips (56,976) (56,977) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Eeeeee I'm so excited. Finally she is revealing at least a few of her beauty secrets. These things make me really happy. Thanks MiMi.
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 18:14)
MACQueen, coming to accentuate our lips (56,976) by Baby from Dreamville...Where There's No Beginning & There is No End
Mariah just tweeted: "Introducing All I Want, my very own MAC cosmetics lipstick is coming December 2015." And this: "Plus, a full Mariah x MAC Beauty Icon collection coming later in 2016."
(Tuesday 29 September 2015; 17:48)


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