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About Bill from the UK:
I love Mariah more than you do.
London Daydream Tour Attendee.
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Re: Merry Christmas deluxe (90,873) (90,876)
by Bill from the UK
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Oh my stars. I think I am actually going to die. Like, properly die. What glorious news. Finally, after 25 years. Lord what a wonderful day this is. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. I am beyond excited for this. What a Christmas this will be. Thank you Mariah you wonderful, beautiful soul.
(Monday 23 September 2019; 18:37)
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Re: In the mix (90,844) (90,853)
by Bill from the UK
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Well, it's no Can't Let Go, but it's no Crapfinity either. Song is fresh, vibrant and fun, though her voice sounded very odd in the first verse to me. And no offence to Roc and Roe, but their "yeehhhh" was way out of tune. Time will tell if they inherited their mother's musical genes I guess. But I'm thankful this didn't end up on the trash heap with the aforementioned Crapfinity, and its ugly siblings Why You Mad, Infamous, The Star, Can't Say No, Did I Do That, and Boy.
(Wednesday 18 September 2019; 23:39)
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Re: 4 Minutes (90,832) (90,837)
by Bill from the UK
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Probably the same reason she didn't tour Europe for the Music Box tour. She said at the time touring put a huge strain on her voice so she very rarely did it back then.
(Tuesday 17 September 2019; 19:07)
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Re: Loverboy stolen sample (90,833) (90,836)
by Bill from the UK
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I remember though that Mariah said she had to re-sing the chorus for Loverboy. On the remix, Da Brat has a little dig at J.Lo with her "hate on me" verse, which is rapped to the tune of Firecracker. I think that Melody was the original one for the chorus.
(Tuesday 17 September 2019; 19:06)
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Re: Sorry guys (90,826) (90,827)
by Bill from the UK
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Agree, it would be such a great achievement if AIWFCIY topped the charts a quarter of a century after its release. It is so deserving. It is by far and away the best thing she has ever done. I love it so much.
(Monday 16 September 2019; 10:19)
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4 Minutes (90,822)
by Bill from the UK
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Let's take four minutes out of our days to just bask in this truly magical performance of Mariah's. Even to this day, I remain stunned by her amazing talent and glorious gift she was given. How lucky we all are to have her in our lives.
(Sunday 15 September 2019; 19:16)
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Re: Sorry guys (90,816) (90,820)
by Bill from the UK
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Hey Jade (waves). Glad to see To the Floor getting some love. Such a great tune. 19th number 1 had it been released lol.
(Sunday 15 September 2019; 11:52)
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Re: Let’s all watch it again to piss a goatee off (90,769) (90,770)
by Bill from the UK
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We are all fans of Mariah and we don't like it when she missteps but, come on. Glitter wasn't a good film by any stretch of the imagination. Mariah's talent is in singing and songwriting, hence why the only salvageable relic from that project is the brilliant soundtrack that accompanied it. Let's be realistic, accept it for what it was, and move on.
(Monday 9 September 2019; 22:24)
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Re: Underneath The Stars video found (90,765) (90,767)
by Bill from the UK
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Where have you seen this and please send the link.
(Monday 9 September 2019; 14:17)
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Re: Mariah and Ellen (90,757) (90,758)
by Bill from the UK
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She's popular because she ticks every box imaginable.
(Thursday 5 September 2019; 15:36)
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Article: Mariah Carey shuts down Instagram in glitter bikini (90,750)
by Bill from the UK
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Wow, Mariah looks incredible.
(Wednesday 4 September 2019; 14:04)
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Re: Genius interview (90,746) (90,747)
by Bill from the UK
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Yes, the Genius interview and the "lost" Rainbow interview are the types of interviews we as fans long for. That insight into her artistry and nuggets of information we never knew previously. We know she's a beauty school drop out and was forced into wearing turtle necks and long dresses 30 years ago. We don't need to hear it for the 4000th time. I really hope the memoirs are insightful and isn't just a vanity project with back door endorsements and name drops thrown all over the place.
(Monday 2 September 2019; 14:08)
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Re: Videos (90,729) (90,732)
by Bill from the UK
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Haha. I would say to watch I Don't so you can judge for yourself but considering everyone else has put it on their worst list, I'd feel bad sapping 3 and a half minutes from your life when you'd be better off watching Breakdown again and enjoying yourself.
I only watched half of Infamous before giving up. I suddenly realised Mariah was standing there in her lingerie so then switched out for the timeless classiness of Hero.
(Sunday 1 September 2019; 13:56)
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Re: Videos (90,702) (90,706)
by Bill from the UK
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Best: 1. The Roof 2. Emotions 3. Make It Happen 4. Can't Let Go 5. Loverboy
Worst: 1. I Don't 2. Infinity 3. Infamous 4. 100% 5. Obsessed
(Friday 30 August 2019; 14:34)
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Re: Heartbreaker question (90,700) (90,703)
by Bill from the UK
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I think it was a product of its time, but yes, it didn't age as well as some of the others.
(Friday 30 August 2019; 09:47)
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Re: Heartbreaker question (90,698) (90,699)
by Bill from the UK
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The fight scene with Bianca alone is what makes that video so great. One of her best single launches ever. Having said that, my favourite videos are the three from Emotions. Her look was just perfection and they were all beautifully shot.
(Thursday 29 August 2019; 15:13)
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Re: Bizarre campaigns (90,685) (90,686)
by Bill from the UK
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And in Dreamlover and AIWFCIY and kind of in Honey.
(Sunday 25 August 2019; 06:43)
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Re: Played on the radio (90,638) (90,647)
by Bill from the UK
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In London, I've only ever heard the urban stations play Fantasy remix. She is mainly played on easy listening stations. Hero and I'll Be There I hear the most, occasionally Without You and We Belong Together. Obviously AIWFCIY is inescapable at Christmas time haha.
(Saturday 17 August 2019; 07:02)
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Re: Chart manipulation (90,616) (90,617)
by Bill from the UK
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It doesn't make sense as Sony pulled Can't Let Go from sale when it was heading for #1 to increase sales of the Emotions album, so why manipulate everything else?
(Thursday 15 August 2019; 10:28)
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Re: Tommy cried to Beautiful Ones (90,607) (90,610)
by Bill from the UK
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Same happened to me. In fact I used to skip it frequently, then one day I just "got it" and it all clicked into place. I have days when I play nothing but this song over and over again.
(Wednesday 14 August 2019; 11:58)
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Re: Tommy cried to Beautiful Ones (90,596) (90,597)
by Bill from the UK
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It's interesting because it seems like the Butterfly record really impacted Tommy, though he never said as much in his biography. Mariah said he left her a note saying "butterflies are free to fly - fly away", a line from Somebody Saved My Life Tonight by Elton John, which was then sampled in the Butterfly remix. I guess hearing Butterfly and knowing it was directed at you and how much you're stifling somebody would make you feel dreadful. They had a very complex relationship, I hope the memoirs really delve into their time together properly. But as with everything, there are so many NDAs flying around she probably can't.
In other news, please Lord bring the St John the Divine concert with MC25. Amen.
(Tuesday 13 August 2019; 12:46)
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Re: Merry Christmas repacking (90,576) (90,577)
by Bill from the UK
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I am praying that the repackaging includes the St John the Divine concert as I mentioned a few posts ago. If you get down on your knees at night and pray to the Lord he's gonna make it happen. Make it happen.
(Sunday 11 August 2019; 14:42)
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Re: What's cooking? (90,529) (90,532)
by Bill from the UK
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(Saturday 3 August 2019; 18:36)
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Re: Old Town Road (90,495) (90,498)
by Bill from the UK
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It wasn't aimed at you, it was a general observation about how MC fans usually react in these situations.
(Wednesday 31 July 2019; 20:18)
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Re: Old Town Road (90,479) (90,482)
by Bill from the UK
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But streaming is how music is consumed these days. If Old Town Road was released in the 90s, it would have sold a lot of physical copies, as that was how music was consumed.
(Tuesday 30 July 2019; 22:15)
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